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Dangerous Paradise

Page 10

by Debra Andrews

  He chuckled and gently lifted her chin and turned her face. “Look, Kelly. It’s only an iguana. I’m sure he’s more frightened of us.”

  In the moonlight, she barely made out the three-foot long lizard––certainly not the gigantic boa constrictor she’d imagined.

  She exhaled in relief and sagged against his chest.

  Alex put his arm around her. “Are you all right now?”

  She gave him a shaky nod, not ready to leave the safety and comfort of his arms. “Well, I’m relieved it’s not a snake, but a giant lizard is not that much better.”

  Her secure feeling changed after a few moments as she became aware that her buttocks brushed against a hard ridge of male flesh.

  He didn’t think of her like a sister for one minute.

  “Let me go.” She shoved against him, but he tightened his hold. Her nipples budded at the brushing of his arms against the underside of her breasts. She gaped in amazement. Why did his touch do this to her? It was as if her body were telling here she should she just lie down and say, “Take me. I’m yours.”

  Despite the heat of the night, she shivered, frightened by her lack of control and her strong physical responses to him.

  When Alex spoke, his breath feathered against her ear. “I’m not the one who jumped on you, Kelly. You’d be wise not to push me too far.”

  “Nothing you could do would ever make me say yes, Alex.”

  His stubble-roughened face brushed her smooth cheek. He lifted his hand to her face and stroked her jaw with his thumb. “I do believe this time you are challenging me. Shall I kiss you again, Kelly?”

  “No. Please, don’t. You know I’m engaged.” As if that explained anything, but partly she didn’t want him to because she hadn’t brushed her teeth.

  “Then have a care for my restraint, love. It’s too much to have you all over me and not expect anything to happen.”

  He had to restrain himself from touching her. Oh, no, this wasn’t good at all.

  He loosened his hold, and she scooted off his lap. “Sorry, Alex. You’re right. My fault.” She lay down and faced away from him.

  After a restless hour or two, exhaustion took over again and she slept.

  She didn’t argue when his hands clasped her shoulders and his lips brushed hers. She groaned and wondered why he kissed her now, when they were both dead tired.

  She sighed. She’d known sleeping by him had been a bad idea, for both of them.

  His mouth coaxed hers open, and he swept her up in his passion. She welcomed it and didn’t have the strength or desire to resist him anymore. No. Instead she burned for him to touch her.

  Tomorrow, she’d worry about the consequences, but now, she couldn’t get close enough to him. She wanted him with an aching desire she hadn’t known she possessed.

  Somewhere in the recesses of her mind, she tried to recall promises to someone else, but she couldn’t even remember his name.

  Alex slid his hands under her shirt and untied her bathing suit top. She sucked in her breath and waited. When his warm hands cupped and caressed her breasts, she shivered in delight. All the while, he continued to kiss her and drive her wild. She should make him stop, but she wanted some relief from this scorching fire only he seemed to ignite. If he stopped touching her now, she would die.

  Grinning, he moved away and stripped off his shirt and shorts. She allowed him to slide her clothing down her legs. As he did, his hands stroked the inside of her thighs and she squirmed against his hand. When he came down over her, his lips melded to hers. She wanted this overwhelming, deep ache to be filled by him and no other. When he slipped his finger inside her, she moaned and raked her broken nails along his back.

  Hurry, please, hurry. “Yes,” she begged in surrender.

  “Kelly?” Something tickled her chin.

  She flung her eyes open.

  “It’s time we were moving.” Alex’s eyes held a puzzled expression as he crouched beside her. “I’ve been trying to wake you.”

  She sucked in her breath. His lips were too near hers, his body too close. It had all been too real.

  “Dreaming?” he asked, brushing away a stray curl that lay on her cheek.

  Warmth crept over her face as Kelly scrambled to her feet. “Yes,” she said in a shaky voice.

  “Did you sleep well enough?”

  “No,” she mumbled over her shoulder. “And when I finally did, I dreamed about bugs and snakes and those noisy parrots—and other animals,” she admitted guiltily.

  Unable to meet his gaze, she busied herself with collecting their supplies and packing her bag.

  * * *

  The sun flickered through the canopy of trees as Kelly hiked in silence behind Alex down the opposite side of the hill. She was still shaken by her dream.

  Alex interrupted her thoughts. “If we don’t find help, we’ll have to decide what we’re going to do.”

  She blurted, “But there has to be someone on this island who can help us.”

  “So far there doesn’t appear to be. Didn’t see any lights from camp last night either. And there’s nothing I can do about that,” he snapped.

  He strode down the path. She hurried after him down the hill.

  Did he think she blamed him for being stranded here? She couldn’t tell him she feared being alone with him, so she kept her mouth shut.

  At the sound of water splashing in the distance, she cried, “Alex. Do you hear that?”

  He cocked his head and grinned. “Bloody hell. Water.”

  They cut through the thick growth and reached a stream that flowed down the hill in short waterfalls. Laughing like children, they removed their shoes and waded into a shallow part.

  Kelly cupped her hands and sipped the delicious water. “I am so parched. Water has never tasted so good.”

  Alex filled the thermos. “We should probably filter it, but I’m willing to take the risk for now.” After satisfying their thirst, they followed the stream down to the bottom of the hill. Eventually it cascaded over rocks and boulders into a large pool that looked like a jewel in a tropical setting of flowers of varying hues. Sweet scents mixed with the earthy smells of mud.

  Kelly stripped down to her bikini and waded into the water, wishing she could have a real bath. She rinsed out her clothing and towel, and Alex did the same with his. She took everything and laid them out on bushes to dry. She joined him in the cool, refreshing water.

  “This is heavenly,” she said, savoring the soak. Then she glimpsed another surprise through the trees. “Alex, a hut. People are here.” She splashed out of the water, with him right behind her.

  They ran the short distance to where a small thatched building stood shaded beneath coconut palms. Clusters of banana trees and other fruit trees grew nearby.

  “Is anyone home?” Kelly called out, but no one answered.

  Alex reached for the door, which fell off in his hands. He set the door aside, and they entered the hut.

  He put his hands on his hips and looked around. “This place hasn’t been lived in for a long time.”

  Kelly’s spirits plummeted. Dirt and leaves littered the crude hut’s floor. One side wall had collapsed outward. All hope of finding anyone on the island vanished. Her shoulders slumped in defeat as she followed Alex out of the hut.

  His brows also drew together in disappointment. “Must be some sort of outpost fishing camp?” He pulled off a couple of bananas from a tree and handed one to her. “I know these are safe.”

  After devouring the banana, she plucked a fruit from another tree. “This is a papaya, Alex.” She broke the peel with her fingers and bit into the fruit. Between delicious bites, she said, “My thanks to whoever planted these, but where are they now?”

  He shrugged. “If they’ve left the island, let’s hope they’re coming back.”

  They headed back to the lagoon. Kelly crept over the slippery, moss-covered rocks and sat on a flat rock next to a little waterfall. She dangled her feet into the transparent p
ool, and with a sigh, leaned against the rock to allow the water to splash over her shoulders. Despite their disappointment at not finding help, the cool water was heavenly and the fruit a godsend.

  Something nibbled at her toes. She giggled and turned to Alex. “Fish. Plenty of them.”

  He had already waded into the lagoon. “Yes, more food. I’m considering how to catch them.”

  Kelly pulled out the elastic band that held her braid and raked her fingers through her snarled hair. She leaned back and the water rushed through her long hair. She closed her eyes and luxuriated in feeling cleaner.

  When she looked back toward the water, Alex rose from the surface, looking like a sexy Apollo, muscular and fit. The sight of him wet and scantily dressed made her mouth go dry. An aching desire passed over her and shook her to her soul.

  She brushed back a wet strand of hair from her face. Goodness, if she didn’t detest him, and they weren’t lost and worried for their lives, what a heavenly fantasy—the island was a tropical paradise and the man gorgeous.

  Alex flicked his gaze to her. “So you’re marrying Hillyard because you have some idiotic notion you’re in love with him?”

  Fantasy, busted.

  She stiffened at what she considered a personal attack. “There’s nothing idiotic about being in love,” she said, evading the question.

  Before the dive incident, she had thought the kind of love she had for Robert was enough. Now, with her attraction to Alex, she questioned some of that belief.

  Alex’s sensual gaze swept over her. “I don’t believe in romantic love. Just lust and sex.”

  She crossed her arms over her chest. “Alex, I’m not up for a temporary fling with you.”

  However, the thought of being in his arms sent an unwelcomed heat spiraling through her. She jumped from the rocks and into the water to cool off. When she surfaced, she felt ready for some accusations of her own.

  “On the day I overheard you talking to Vanessa, you told her you didn’t love her when you married her. I feel sorry for you.”

  A bleak expression crossed Alex’s features. “I’m not commenting on my relationship with her.” He pointed toward the darkening horizon. “Another bloody storm. We need to find shelter.”

  Chapter Seven

  As the storm swiftly approached, Alex’s stomach tightened with apprehension. He helped Kelly gather their wet clothing and the bags containing their supplies.

  “Let’s head for the hills. We might find a cave there to weather the storm.”

  The rain came down in bands, sometimes pelting, sometimes drizzling, as they climbed the hill. He half-dragged her with him as they trudged upward. Were they in for a tropical storm? Or worse?

  Rain ran in rivulets down her face. “We’re going to die on this island,” she said, her bottom lip quivering.

  He squeezed her hand in reassurance. “No. We’re in the tropics. Think of this as an adventure. One day, you’ll be able to look back on this and laugh about it with your grandchildren.”

  “I sure hope you’re right.” She looked so frightened and vulnerable, he wanted to reach out and pull her to him. They had endured so much.

  He let out a deep sigh and continued onward. They were soaked by the time they found a niche jutting about twenty feet into the surface of the rock.

  “We’ll stop here,” he said.

  She swiped the water from her face. “How I wish we were back on the ship.”

  “Consider yourself lucky. Now, you won’t have to worry about getting divorced later.”

  “You’re so cynical. Don’t you want someone to love you?”

  “You mean own? But you’ll learn for yourself. Marriage is a trap. I don’t have anything good to say about it, except it’s one mistake I won’t repeat.”

  She shivered and wrapped her arms around herself. “You don’t have to worry about getting married again, because we’re never going to get off this island.”

  He decided not to war with her. She looked like a wet kitten ready to collapse at his feet.

  “Let’s clean out this space.”

  With palm branches, they brushed out the dirt and leaves. The breeze changed direction and ripped through, blasting them with another band of hard rain.

  After Alex spread the tarp and towels in the niche, he yelled over the howling wind, “Get in.” Stepping into survival mode, he was past any proprieties now. He boosted her by her firm bottom into the recesses of the rock wall and climbed in after her. He urged her as far back into the chamber as possible.

  They had some protection, but barely enough room to sit.

  Her slender shoulders shook. He could tell she was trying not to break down, but she was beginning to crack. She must have recognized his concern because she dropped her face in her hands and turned away from him.

  Although despair threatened to overwhelm him as well, oddly, the need to comfort her gave him courage. “I swear we’re going to be all right, love.” He took a towel from one of the canvas bags and briskly wiped the water from his face and dried his arms and chest. “Now you.”

  She didn’t respond so he lifted her heavy hair and rubbed the strands with the towel.

  “What?” She pulled back and stared at him.

  “You need to get dry.”

  She didn’t protest, but her eyes widened.

  He gave her a faint smile. “Stunned that I’m helping you?”

  She nodded.

  He finished by dabbing at her face and patting her shoulders and arms dry. “Now, lie down.” He guided her to face the wall.

  “What does it matter if we survive a few more days?” she said, through choppy breaths. She looked back at him. “Don’t you get it? They’ve given up looking for us, and there’s no one on this island.”

  When he saw her tear-streaked face, something tightened in his chest. “We’re not sure of that. I’ll do everything in my power to get you home to Hillyard.”

  At the mention of her fiancé’s name, she burst out in a sob. He’d only wanted to comfort her by saying the words he thought she wanted to hear.

  Baffled, he lay down beside her and pulled the tarp over them. He hated to hear her cry. Ignoring his intuition not to touch her, he draped his arm over her waist and pulled her closer to his warmth.

  “Please, don’t cry,” he said in a soothing voice. He pressed his lips against her damp hair. “I’ve admired your courage through this ordeal.”

  “You have?” she asked.


  She shivered again. “I’m sorry. I can’t help being afraid.”

  “It’s all right. Even if we are alone on this island, we’ve found enough food to survive until we’re rescued. I’m not ready to die, and I’ll do whatever it takes for us to last until we’re rescued.” He pulled her closer and stroked his fingers through the loose curls at her temple. “Someone has been here. They’ll return, or someone else will eventually come upon the island. Or if we can figure out how to bring enough supplies, maybe we can take the raft and go back out on the ocean.”

  He shuddered at that thought––but if they became desperate, he would do it.

  “Alex, so you still think we’ll be rescued?”

  “Yes. Eventually,” he said as reassuringly as he could. He wouldn’t believe anything else.

  Appeased, Kelly relaxed in his arms. They lay quietly and listened to the storm rage about them.

  His eyes adjusted to the dim light diffusing through the niche. Her long hair fell over her bare shoulder, exposing the curve of her neck and the string of her bikini top. Her fresh scent lingered like an aphrodisiac.

  Despite their predicament––or maybe fueled by it––desire, hot and strong, assailed him. It caught him off guard. He wanted to lower his lips to her neck, but fought for control. She was distraught and missed Hillyard, and that definitely didn’t complement his overpowering urge to make love to her.

  Clenching his jaw, he reminded himself that circumstances had forced them together. She’
d made it abundantly clear she didn’t even like him, and he’d seen her leave Hillyard’s cabin.

  Still, he’d vowed to protect her until they were rescued. He would return her safely to her home, untouched by him, because he now knew she was the type of woman who wanted a commitment and marriage.

  He averted his gaze from sweet temptation. How long would they have to remain on this island and cling to each other to survive? And how long could he ignore the clamoring of his raging desire?

  * * *

  Morning air warmed the niche in the rocky hillside. Kelly sat and stretched, surprised to find she’d slept soundly on the rocky bed.

  Next to her lay Alex. Funny how the rules changed when two people needed each other. She might as well get used to being alone with him. No longer could she consider him a stranger. Last night when she’d been upset, he’d held her tenderly in his arms.

  She wanted to touch the curve of his provocative mouth, and run her fingers along the smooth skin of his tanned chest and taut abs. Smiling faintly, she knew she’d take that chance if she didn’t think he’d wake. He would accuse her of finding him appealing. Well, Alex, that might be true, but I’ll never say it out loud.

  There seemed to be much more to Alex than his looks, and he wasn’t as rough or uncaring as he would have people believe.

  Realizing she should be fighting the warm glow spreading through her, she slipped on her now dry shirt and skirt. All the while, she looked over his muscular body. When she glanced back at his face, his eyes were open. He watched her with a glint in his eyes.

  Blushing, she waited for him to make his usual cynical remark.

  The amused look faded from his eyes. “Better after yesterday’s deluge?”

  She offered him a smile. “Yeah, a deluge in more ways than one. Sorry for the outburst. I’m not going to fall apart anymore. Now, I’m just hungry.” She cringed at her faux pas and added quickly, “I’m hungry . . . for food.” That sounded even worse.

  He let her remark slide. After they bundled up the towels and the tarp, he tossed them to the ground and jumped from the niche. He held out his hand and helped her down, and then turned his back on her and strode away.


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