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Dangerous Paradise

Page 22

by Debra Andrews

  Alex’s jaw tightened. He attempted to rise, but Ralph and Mick jammed him into the chair, clamping their hands down on his shoulders.

  “How did you manage to survive?” David asked, circling his arms around Kelly.

  She shoved her palms again his chest. “Alex saved my life. We made it to an island.”

  David gripped her chin, forcing her head up. “You must have been a charming companion these last three months.”

  She slapped at his hands. “How did you know I’d be on that dive boat?”

  His smile showed he enjoyed her outrage as David grabbed her wrists. “I was tipped off. I intended to take you alive, but the explosion happened. I thought you were dead. Now, as I originally planned, you’re going to take me to my money, plus everyone else’s.”

  Kelly shoved against him. “My father wouldn’t steal.”

  He laughed bitterly. “Oh, no? Richard Cochran deluded many people before he skipped town with millions. He ruined my life.”

  “You ran from the police. You caused the plane to crash.”

  “What if I did?” David asked. “He deserved to die.”

  She pounded her fists into his chest. “My mother was on that plane, too. You killed my mother, you bastard.”

  He slapped Kelly. She sagged into his arms. “If anything happened to Cochran and his wife, he was entirely to blame for it. He screwed everyone, so don’t push me, bitch.”

  Alex’s hands tightened into fists behind his back. “Only a coward would make a daughter pay for her father’s sins.”

  David snorted and dragged Kelly toward Alex. “Coward? When I’m finished with her, I’ll give you a damned lesson in cowardice.”

  “Let her go,” Alex demanded. David raised his fist in Alex’s face and he flinched, preparing to be struck.

  “I’m sorry to have gotten you into this trouble, Alex,” Kelly cried.

  David burst out in laughter and didn’t strike him. “She’s mine now, Hollywood. All of her.” He wrapped his arm around Kelly and pinched her cheek. “Your lover’s not too happy he’ll be leaving you behind as soon as we get the ransom, but I’m glad you didn’t die.”

  Kelly struggled against David’s chest. “I’m not staying with you, you bastard.”

  “You little hellcat.” David twisted her arm behind her. She yelped as he hauled her to a chair and brought her down upon his lap. His hands on her back tangled into her long hair and forced her against his chest. “I’ll convince you to take me to the money, but damn I didn’t think I would enjoy it so much. Lucky for me you are a beauty. Fancy me having Richard Cochran’s daughter to do with as I please. Kill her if I want. Have her if I want. What sweet revenge.”

  Unbridled anger rose in Alex. “She told you she doesn’t know about any stashed money.”

  “I believe them.” Ming wrung her hands together. “Haven’t you been bitter over this long enough? She can’t undo what her father did to you.”

  David grabbed Kelly’s chin. “Then you’ll pay with your skin for every dollar your father stole from me, if I have to sell you into prostitution on the white-slave market. I think the Orient would be a good place to start. They’ll love the novelty of your blue eyes and red hair.”

  When he laid his palm over her breast, she slapped his hand away.

  Although his hands were cuffed behind his back, Alex couldn’t stop his rage. He broke free of Mick and Ralph’s hold. When he shouldered Mick in the ribs, the magnum flew from Mick’s hand.

  Alex headed toward David, but he was shoved him from behind. Unable to catch his fall, Alex slammed into the wall. Pain shot through his head and shoulder, and he crumpled to the floor. Darkness threatened to engulf him.

  “Alex,” Kelly cried.

  With his cheek pressed against the rough wooden boards, he opened his eyes and met her worried gaze. He had failed her. “I’m sorry, Kelly.”

  Mick jammed a booted foot into Alex’s back. “Damn it. If you do anything like that again, you’ll make it back to L.A. in a body bag.” Mick bound Alex’s ankles with painful jerks of a rope.

  “I know how you feel, Hollywood. Impotent,” David said, standing over him, with his arms around Kelly. “Just like her father made me feel. Now, she’s landed in my hands, literally. We’re going to her room, where she’ll talk and do much, much more.”

  She twisted against David’s hold. “No.”

  “Why not? You’re just a whore for that actor, and you’re mine until you come up with my money.” David wagged his fist in Kelly’s face. “I don’t want to mess up the merchandise, baby, so don’t make me bruise you too much, but damn it, how can I convince you?”

  He shot a glance toward Alex. Abruptly, he thrust Kelly toward Ralph. “Don’t let her run.” With a sneer on his face, David kicked Alex in the side. In excruciating pain, Alex doubled over on his stomach. “Enough, Miss Cochran?” David asked. “Or do you want me to hurt him—badly?”

  “Please, don’t,” Kelly pleaded. “I’ll go with you.”

  “Don’t, Kelly,” Alex said with a groan.

  David picked up a gun and crouched beside Alex, pressing the barrel to his temple. “I don’t have to return you at all to collect the ransom. What was that you called me, Alex? A coward? Not wise when I’m holding a gun.” Alex glared back at him.

  “David, stop,” Ming cried.

  “I’ll do anything you say,” Kelly begged. “Just please don’t kill him.”

  “Ah, the lady pulls through for her lover.” David’s eyes glittered as he withdrew the gun from Alex’s temple. “You’re a lucky man. I wasn’t prepared to make a mess in the house. However, I can’t let you off the hook for that ‘coward’ comment.” He raised the magnum in the air and crashed the butt down on Alex’s head.

  Pain exploded through him.

  * * *

  Kelly tried to run to Alex, but David grasped her and pulled her away.

  Turning on him, she slammed her fists into his chest. “Why did you have to hit him? I told you I would do what you wanted.”

  He clasped his arm around her waist, hurting her. “I didn’t kill him, just like you asked.” He jerked his thumb at Alex. “Mick, take our movie star downstairs to the bunks. Make sure he’s doubly secured at all times.”

  Tears flowed down her cheeks as Kelly watched Mick and Ralph drag Alex from the room.

  “Ming, come.” David propelled Kelly down the hall and into her bedroom.

  Inside, he released her wrist. “You lover’s not dead yet, and won’t be, as long as you do as I say. Ming, find something pretty for her to wear. You know what I like.”

  “Yes, David.” With a dark, angry expression hardening her face, Ming turned and left.

  David’s gaze glittered with heat and swept over Kelly. “Change into whatever she brings. I’ll be right back. Remember, I expect your full cooperation. Later, after you’ve satisfied me, we’ll talk about my money.”

  After David left the bedroom, Ming returned with a black negligee, thong panties, and a pair of high-heeled shoes. She held out the articles to Kelly. “These are mine. David likes them.”

  Kelly stood frozen by the door. “I’m not wearing those things.”

  “I wouldn’t cross him.”

  “Oh, how can I do this?” Kelly cried, her shoulders sagging. “But if I don’t, he’ll hurt Alex.”

  She swiped at her tears with the back of her hand and went into the bathroom to change. Through the partially opened door, she pleaded, “Ming, please, help us escape. You can come with us.”

  “Me? Where would I go? What would I do?”

  One glance in the mirror told Kelly she might as well have worn nothing in the single layer of sheer silk. She crossed her arms over her chest and stepped out of the bathroom. “We’ll get the money for you to start over.”

  “I love David. Life with him is all I want.”

  Kelly expelled a breath. “Then how can you let him do this to me?”

  At the loud rap on the door, and in spite
of the balmy breeze through the window a shiver ran up her Kelly’s spine. “Please, Ming . . . you . . . you have to stop him.”

  “I can’t—”

  David thrust open the door and stepped into the room. Ming sulked past him and closed the bedroom door behind her, leaving Kelly with him . . . alone.

  David stared at her. “Hey, sexy. Come here. You might like it. Ming tells me I’m a great lover.”

  “Please don’t do this?” Trembling, she twisted the fabric of the negligee in her hands.

  He traced the white line slashing his cheek. “Am I not handsome enough? I got this scar escaping from the police when they tried to arrest me for murdering your father. Do you want me to tell you all he’s done to me? I’m warning you. I might really get pissed off and not go easy on you. Now, why not relax and enjoy it?”

  She crossed her arms. “Drop dead. I’m only doing this for Alex.”

  “Have it your way.” He shoved her onto the bed. Her stomach heaved as he threw himself on top of her. He tried to kiss her, but she turned her head. Every impulse in her wanted to fight him––and she would have, except for Alex. She tasted her salty tears and let the sobs overtake her. She didn’t fight him, but she’d never enjoy anything with this man.

  His wet lips nuzzled her earlobe. “That’s better.”

  She shuddered with disgust. “I hate you.”

  He squeezed her shoulders. “Good. Maybe night after night of my loving will convince you to take me to the money. Did your old man stash it in some foreign bank account?”

  “I don’t know what happened to the money,” she said through her quivering lips.

  When he fondled her breasts through the sheer negligee, revulsion rose in her throat. “I’m going to be sick.”

  “No, you’re not.”

  She lay stiffly, trying to think of other things to take her mind away from what David did to her.

  “Good, that’s better.” He ran his hands over her back and hips, and she endured it for Alex. However, when he slipped his hand between her thighs, bile rose in her throat. On reflex, she kneed him in the groin.

  Doubling over, he shot out a fist, striking her cheek. “You bitch.”

  She slumped across the bed, hoping she’d lose consciousness. Unfortunately, the darkness receded.

  “Damn you, you bitch.” The mattress moved as he rolled from the bed. “Pull another stunt like that and the next beating for your boyfriend will make the last look like child’s play.”

  Squeezing her eyes shut, she pressed her hands together and bowed her head. “I’m sorry. I’m sorry. Don’t hurt him. I’ll do whatever you say.”

  “You bet you will.” He yanked open the door. “Maybe a little starvation will make you more cooperative. Ming,” he yelled into the hallway. “No food for her, and no food or water for Hollywood until I say so.”

  He glanced back at Kelly. “You’ll come to me willingly and you’ll give me the answers I want about the money.” He slammed the door behind him and the lock clicked into place.

  * * *

  Ming sighed in relief when David emerged so quickly from the bedroom. Had he realized how much she’d be hurt by his actions? She stood in the kitchen, while he sat hunched over his cards in the living area, but he didn’t even glance her way.

  Grinning, Ralph slapped a card down on the table. “You weren’t gone long.”

  “You want the truth? The damn bitch kneed me in the balls.”

  Ming steadied her hand on the counter. His feelings for her had nothing to do with why he left Kelly so soon.

  “Maybe I’m more her type,” Ralph said with a chuckle.

  Mick hooted with laughter. “Neither of you could pass for a movie star, so I’m definitely the next best looking man here. I’ll have her squealing––”

  “Kelly is mine.” David smacked a card down on the table. “After some convincing, I’ll have the Cochran bitch begging for me before the week is out, and I’ll get my money. That amount of cash is not just misplaced.”

  Ralph said, “And how do you propose to manage this feat?”

  He steepled his hands on the table. “Her boyfriend’s the ace-in-the-hole to make her do whatever I want. Tomorrow, Mick, I want you to chain Hollywood in one of the smaller closets in the warehouse. He needs to be secured. He’s not to be ransomed until I get my money from the Cochran bitch.” He rubbed his chin. “Before we put him away, I’ll rough him up again real good in front of the girl. Then he can go rot away in darkness until she does exactly what I want. She’ll come around.”

  Too absorbed in their game, the men didn’t see Ming’s back grow rigid.

  * * *

  Alex’s throbbing head tugged him from oblivion . . . and to awareness that his ribs hurt like hell, and he had the metallic taste of blood in his mouth. Memories of what had happened flooded his mind. Kelly. When he raised his head, pain shot through his entire body. Groaning, he closed his eyes. Slowly testing his arms, he discovered not only was he secured to the bed frame with the handcuffs, but his feet were bound and tied to the footboard.

  How long had he been unconscious? No light filtered through the shutters and only dim light filtered under the door.

  With great effort, and enough slack of the rope at his ankles, he twisted onto his stomach. The throbbing pain in his lower back a reminder of how vital it was for them to leave immediately. Stretching sent agony screaming through his back, but that was the only way he could reach the switchblade. He grasped the knife and worked, shaving away more of the wood slat. Finally, he yanked the chain, hoping to break through, but the wood didn’t snap. His heart raced. If he couldn’t break free, there would be no way to hide the damage to the bed for another night. Using all of his strength, he yanked again. The weakened wood splintered.

  Fairly certain he’d not made too much noise, he expelled a deep breath. He loosened the knots of the rope binding his ankles to the end of the bed.

  As soon as he rose from the bed, the door opened and quickly closed again. He had the advantage for his eyes were accustomed to the absence of light. He jumped the figure from behind and put the handcuffs against the small person’s throat. Not any man on this island. Not Kelly either—he’d know her body anywhere.

  Alex loosened his hold. “Ming?”

  “Yes. I want to help you and Kelly escape.”

  After he released her, she flicked on the light switch. She rubbed her throat with her hand.

  “Why would you help us?” he said in a hoarse voice. “Bloody hell, is this another sadistic game you people are playing? I leave this room and someone jumps me?”

  “No, but you two are nothing but trouble. David told me the dive boat explosion was an accident.” She held up a small key. “I don’t think he killed her father either.”

  Alex thrust out his hands, and she unlocked the handcuffs. Now, he had a fighting chance. He rubbed his sore wrists.

  “I love David, and this revenge is eating him alive. Kelly is right too. I won’t share him.”

  They slipped outside into the night where a sliver of moon cast a dim light as they strode around to the side of the house.

  Ming handed Alex a basket. “David’s hatred for what Richard Cochran did to him has been brewing for too many years. You both need to get away from here. They’re playing cards upstairs in the living room. You wait here. I’ll get a rope and Kelly can climb out the window.” She held out another key. “This is to the smaller speedboat. A guard won’t be posted on the dock tonight since the captain has taken the yacht.”

  “Ming, you’re taking a chance to help us. Thank you.”

  “Good luck and go quickly. Don’t make me sorry I helped you. I don’t want to see what he’ll do to you if he catches you.” She entered the house while Alex waited in the shadows.

  * * *

  When the door squeaked open, Kelly scrambled from the bed with a strangled gasp.

  The light flipped on. “Ming,” she cried in relief. “Thank goodness it’s you.”
Then fear assailed her. “Alex is he . . . Is he all right?”

  “Yes, and he’s waiting below. You have to go out the window.” Ming handed Kelly the rope. “Quickly.”

  Hope bubbled inside her at the sight of Alex standing below. She paused and turned to Ming. “Are you coming with us? David will be so angry with you.”

  Ming shook her head. “I’ll hide the evidence I helped.”

  Kelly contemplated the three-story drop, realizing she wasn’t afraid of going down as much as staying. Seconds later her hands burned as she slipped down the rope, inch by inch.

  When she reached the ground, Alex wrapped her in his arms. “Are you all right, love?”

  Nodding, she sighed into his chest. “And you?”

  He released her. “My head’s killing me, but we’ve got to get out of here.”

  They crept around the side of the house. Ahead of them a cigarette glowed. Mick. Alex clenched Kelly’s arm and pulled her back into the shadows. “For once I don’t think the bastard has a gun in his hand. Stay here.”

  Alex rushed the man from behind and slammed Mick’s head several times against the wall, then took the rope and bound Mick’s legs and arms and tied him to a tree. “Works as well for him as it did for me. Let’s go.”

  Through darkness, Alex and Kelly raced hand-in-hand down the hill toward the glistening water. Her heart pounded madly. They were almost to the bottom, when shouts rang out. Footsteps echoed as people chased them down the hill.

  David shouted, “Stop, or I’ll shoot.”

  Alex clasped Kelly’s elbow. “We don’t have time to untie the boat and start the engine before they’ll be on us. Come.”

  He dragged her away from the direction of the dock and toward the beach. Every inch of her body trembled with fear. She ran with him, knowing they fled for their lives.

  * * *

  “Damn it to hell. We’ve lost them.” David stamped his foot on the wooden dock. He turned to Ralph and paused. “But where are they going to go? I’ll have Moto track them tonight. If he doesn’t find them, in the morning, you, Mick and I’ll take the rifles.”

  “Where the hell is Mick?”

  David handed Ralph the flashlight. “I don’t know. You take the first watch. I have Ming to deal with. If I hadn’t seen her coming out of Kelly’s room, I wouldn’t have thought to check on her. I know Ming will deny it, but if she’s helped them, I’ll wring the jealous bitch’s neck.”


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