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Dangerous Paradise

Page 25

by Debra Andrews

  He stepped into the bedroom and paced the floor. Besides his arm, his head and body ached wickedly from David Lewis’s beating, and he was starting to feel worse. When would those damned pills kick in? He rubbed his palm against his forehead. With this searing pain, he was unable to think clearly about anything, especially something as important as his relationship with Kelly.

  Perhaps a quick breakup was better for both of them. He’d been with her far too long, and they had become attached—that was all. And his injury and this throbbing pain in his shoulder, made him feel as if he needed her and couldn’t let her go. He’d be damned if he would ask for help in getting dressed.

  He managed to get partially dressed, but he was exhausted from just that amount of exertion. His hand shook when he tried to fasten his trousers. After a few minutes, he gave up trying.

  He straightened his shoulders, knowing he had no choice but to seek her assistance. Besides, with his swelling shoulder and all of the bandages, he might need her to cut the shirt and jacket. With a shudder, he thought of scissors, zippers, and an angry woman. He shook his head in disgust. He really did live dangerously.

  * * *

  At a brief, seemingly impatient knock, Kelly unlocked the adjoining-room door to find Alex standing in unfastened black slacks. His underwear peeked out through the fly, and his arm was in the sling over his naked chest. It was somewhat irrational of her, but how unfair of him to display himself in front of her when he looked so good—and she couldn’t have him.

  “I need your assistance to dress,” he said it as if he regretted having to ask her––and he should, since he’d rejected her love.

  Knowing all he had gone through in the past two days, she didn’t have the heart to slam the door in his face. She waved him into the room. “Come on in.” She’d help him and get through this ordeal without breaking down. She could cry in L.A. where she’d never see him again. That thought caused her throat to constrict.

  He handed her a pair of scissors. “I had the desk clerk bring these in case you require them.”

  She flicked him an ironic gaze. After cutting the sleeve to fit his bandages, she buttoned his shirt. She helped him into the jacket, slipped on the sling again, then bent down and put her fingers on the zipper of his slacks. He sucked in his breath.

  She lifted her gaze to find him regarding her with heavy-lidded eyes.

  “Are you going to marry Hillyard?” he asked coolly.

  Frowning, she didn’t want to think of Robert now. With a quick jerk, she zipped up Alex’s pants, nearly catching him in the zipper.

  “Watch it,” he growled.

  Her face warming, she fumbled and finished fastening his pants and belt. “I’d rather not talk about that, okay?” She stepped away from him and to the window. Below was a sparkling pool, only steps from the beach—the kind of hotel she had wanted to find when they’d first landed on their beautiful, desolate island. Her heart ached at the sight of a couple strolling by the pool, obviously in love.

  “Kelly, I hope you don't regret anything that has happened between us. I’m sorry if I hurt you.”

  She didn’t look back at him. “I’ll be fine.”

  He came up behind her, and with his good arm, he turned her to face him. Her body throbbed for his touch. Her face heated with shame that even with his rejection, she still desired him. Not wanting him to see this weakness in her, she leveled her gaze on the buttons of his shirt and blinked back her tears.

  He tipped her chin and forced her to look into his eyes. “I don’t think you’re being honest about your feelings.”

  Speechless, she gaped at him. Why wouldn’t he let it go? Let her hold on to some dignity. Did he want to make her cry? “There is nothing to say.”

  “I have nothing but the utmost respect for you. Not only have we been lovers, I also consider you the best of my friends. I admire your courage and humor during these trying days. I enjoyed having you as my ‘wife.’”

  Kelly touched her finger to his lips. “Please, you don’t have to try to make me feel better. I’m okay. Really I am.”

  He wrapped his arm around her and pulled her close, his face against her hair. “Above all things, I don’t want you to feel badly.”

  That was hardly the case. Desire pooled in the pit of her stomach, and her legs threatened to give out. His heart also pounded rapidly beneath the palm of her hand.

  She couldn’t be in his bed again, not now that she knew for sure he didn’t return her love. She pushed at his chest. “I’d better go. I need to shower and dress.”

  Hurrying into the bathroom, she locked the door behind her as a sob tore loose from her throat. She sagged against the door. All the tears she had tried to arrest escaped down her cheeks.

  She slowly slid to the floor.

  * * *

  Kelly took a long, warm shower and finally calmed herself enough to apply makeup and to dress. She was determined to get through this, although a headache pounded her skull. She went to the lobby for aspirin.

  At a magazine rack, a reporter clasped her elbow. “Could you answer some questions about yourself and Alex Drake, Miss Cochran?”

  Surprised to be recognized, she gaped at the man and jerked her arm away. “No. How did you know who I am?”

  He thrust his florid face toward her. “Miss Cochran, we all know who you are so how about a picture, babe?”

  She held up her hand. “No to that, too.” But he snapped pictures anyway. The flashes burned her eyes, sensitive from crying.

  “Miss Cochran, did Alex Drake find you a good substitute for Vanessa Caine?” As she hurried for the elevators, he bellowed to her back what she dreaded the most, “Aren’t you the daughter of Richard Cochran, the embezzler? Living it up on his clients’ money, aren’t you? Taking South Pacific cruises and having secret rendezvous with actors? All I want to do is talk to you about it. Get your side of the story. Clear the air.”

  She rushed to her hotel room. After stepping inside, she slammed the door and paced the floor. Downstairs was a bitter reminder of her earlier distaste for public life. She couldn’t go through this again. With Alex’s skyrocketing fame, she’d been caught in another publicity scandal. Everything about her father would be dredged up again.

  Unable to even share her pain with Alex, she dropped wearily onto the loveseat. Only when Robert called and said he was on his way from the airport, did she knock on Alex’s door.

  His appreciative gaze swept over her from head to toe as he entered her bedroom. "You look beautiful,” he said huskily. Then he added in a mocking voice, “I’m sure Hillyard will be pleased."

  Her chin shot up. Now he was glad she would be attractive for Robert. “Thank you,” she said flatly.

  Alex sat down in the chair and stretched his legs out on the ottoman, closing his eyes. Just look at him, she thought bitterly. Even though he was battered and bruised, he still looked as handsome as ever. He’d have no trouble finding women and would soon forget what they had shared. Perhaps, he even wanted her looking good for Robert to ease his guilt over dumping her.

  Trying not to get upset again, she paced the floor. Their relationship really was over, with nothing left to discuss. They’d been like that old saying about two ships passing in the night, and in Alex’s case, now his ship was ready to sail on again.

  At a rap, she opened the door. “Robert,” she cried. He’d always been the one who stood with her in her time of need. She hugged him and then stepped back. Although he was still as attractive as ever, in a rugged way, a few more stands of silver streaked his dark hair and deeper lines etched his tanned face––or was she unfairly comparing him to Alex’s youth?

  “Kelly, I. . . .” He stopped mid-sentence when Alex came to stand beside her.

  Robert’s happy expression faded to anger. “You . . . Drake?”

  Alex returned Robert’s savage stare. “Yes, this is the right room. Come on in,” he said with a sweeping hand. Kelly gaped at Alex’s hostile tone. What was he up to? Ho
w would they keep their affair a secret if he acted like this?

  A frown furrowed Robert’s brow. “Kelly, I heard he was alive too, but why the hell is he in your room?”

  Chapter Fifteen

  As Robert stalked past Kelly and entered the hotel room, Alex’s arrogant stance and the challenging glint in his eyes made them appear as guilty as sin. The rumpled, king-sized bed in the room didn’t help matters either. Kelly closed the door. Why was Alex doing this? Obviously, he didn’t want her, but she didn’t want Robert hurt either. After closing the door, she caught Alex’s gaze and silently pleaded with him to stop.

  Under Robert’s unwavering gaze, she swallowed the lump in her throat. “We can explain everything. It’s not like we planned to be lost together."

  Someone knocked on the front door in the adjoining room, which sounded through the door connecting the two hotel suites. “See,” she said brightly. “Alex has the suite next door.”

  “Excuse me.” Alex strode into the other suite. “Vanessa,” he ground out in a disgusted voice. “Why are you here?” Kelly’s shoulders drooped.

  Vanessa’s voice carried through the opening between the two suites. “I was afraid your phone call was a cruel joke so I had to come and see for myself.” After a moment of silence, in a harsher voice, the actress exclaimed, “You look like hell.”

  “Thank you very much,” Alex snapped. “Now, why don’t you hop back on whatever broomstick you rode in on and get the hell out of here.”

  “How can you speak to me like that? I’ve come all this way out of my deepest concern for you.”

  “Damn,” he said. “Come with me.”

  Alex strode into Kelly’s suite with Vanessa in tow. Uneasiness gripped Kelly’s stomach.

  Vanessa’s winged eyebrows rose sharply over her green eyes. “Robert, what a surprise? What’s this all about?”

  Robert walked to Vanessa and kissed her cheek. “I’d say it’s the most unbelievable news.”

  “Is it?” The actress asked, crossing her arms over her chest. “I suppose, Robert, you’re also wondering as I am, was their disappearance all these months a publicity stunt, or an opportunity to get laid?”

  Kelly’s face heated. “Of all . . .” Appalled at the accusation, she shook her finger at the famous movie star. “I don’t care, Vanessa, if you are Robert’s friend, or a famous movie star. You are the rudest person I’ve ever met.”

  “Vanessa, retract the claws. Let them explain before you skewer them.” Robert nodded toward the sitting area of the room. “Can we sit?”

  Kelly sat on the love seat. Robert dropped beside her, while Vanessa remained standing, tapping her foot.

  Alex returned to the upholstered chair. “There has been no hoax.” He explained briefly the attempted kidnapping, the boat explosion, and being marooned.

  Kelly crossed her arms over her chest. “It took us this long to find our way back. We nearly died—many times.”

  Robert scowled. “Is there anything between you two I should know about?”

  From beneath her lashes, she stole a glance at Alex. He didn't seem to mind handing her over to Robert. She recalled how adamant he had always been about her expecting too much from their relationship. No, she thought bitterly, there was nothing Robert needed to know. What had happened was private and over.

  “Please, don't insult us by reading anything more into this. In the beginning,” she said truthfully, “we could barely keep ourselves from tearing each other apart. Now, we’ve managed to become friends.” Certainly, that was how Alex wanted her to feel. Although he’d warned her not to fall in love with him, it had been impossible to protect her heart.

  “Friends?” Robert asked, piercing her with his dark gaze.

  Kelly frowned. “We had more problems to worry about than what you’re thinking. It was a struggle to survive, and we went through hell to get here. We’re lucky to be alive.”

  Robert lightly touched his fingers to the bruise on her cheek. “How did you get this?”

  “Someone hit me.”

  “Hell,” Robert said, pulling her close. “I had no idea, you poor sweetheart. None of this has been your fault.” When he kissed the top of her head, guilt seared her. Did he still plan to marry her, as if these three months hadn’t gone by, and she hadn’t been changed at all from the ordeal?

  “Have the police even tried to find who attacked us?” Alex’s sarcastic tone matched his stony expression.

  Robert’s brow wrinkled. “We were told the explosion was an accident.”

  “Accident?” Alex echoed. He sagged back in the chair, his face pale and bruised, his discomfort from injury even more evident. Kelly stifled the urge to go to him. He didn’t love her.

  She turned to Robert. “Did you go to the police with the letter?”

  He squeezed her hand. “I didn’t know there was a connection, honey.”

  “There must have been,” Alex muttered, “and we nearly died because of it. And David Lewis might still come after Kelly.”

  She shuddered. “Robert, why did you choose the South Pacific for our cruise—the very place where David set up an illegal business?” The question was followed by a silence.

  Robert shook his head in shock. “David Lewis was involved? I’ll check with Tammy and find out if she knows who left those brochures at the office about the cruise, but anyone could have found out what trip we were taking.” He gripped her fingers. “Damn, Kelly, the police told us the explosion was an accident. I searched for you for days. Believe me?”

  Sighing, Kelly nodded. “I knew you would have. Have there been any other threats against the company?”

  Robert lifted her hand to his lips. “No.” She noticed the barely perceptible tightening of Alex’s jaw. “Honey, you need to know your apartment has been re-rented. All of your possessions have been sold or given away, although Kaye has some of your things.”

  Kelly sucked in her breath, having had about all she could bear for one day. “I never considered my ‘death’ might have erased my life. We were so preoccupied with . . . with surviving.”

  “Kelly?” Alex asked, concern in his voice.

  She tried to glance at him, but Robert crushed her against his chest. “Everything will be all right.”

  Bracing her hands against his chest, she eased away. She couldn’t let him try to take over her life again.

  Vanessa knelt beside Alex’s chair. “The same is true for you, except for your house. Since you’ve been hurt, why don’t you come back with me?”

  Anger twisted Alex’s features. "I’m not going anywhere with you. My mother told me you were planning to marry yesterday. Why did you cancel? I’m happy for you.”

  She plucked his sleeve. “Darling, after the accident, I went to court. The date we thought you died . . . was before the divorce was finalized. I legally became your widow, which now means I’m still your wife.”

  Kelly’s stomach clenched. If Alex had been pale before, he looked deathly ill now.

  “What the hell?” His good hand gripped the arm of the chair. “I don’t know what tricks you pulled, Vanessa, but I’ll see my solicitor about this.”

  Vanessa ran a long nail along his arm. “You might want to wait a while, darling. The Spy became a surprise hit. Take my advice, if you want to hang onto your success, the public won't think kindly of your dumping your wife as soon as you’re famous.”

  The same bitter look he’d had when Kelly first met him returned as Vanessa wormed her way back into his life.

  Robert stood and held out his hand. “I’m starving, Kelly. Why don’t we give these two a chance to talk and have a quick dinner before we leave? We have our own private matters to discuss.”

  * * *

  While he chewed a bite of his steak at the hotel’s restaurant, Robert surveyed Kelly over the table. What was she trying to conceal? She’d never been good at hiding her feelings.

  “Of course,” he said, “we’ll straighten out everything with Cochran Investments whe
n we get back to L.A. Hillyard Pictures has its own problems with the movie delayed because of this fiasco. Vanessa has agreed to do the picture with Timothy Michaels, but with Drake’s newfound fame—and that contract he signed—I’ll insist he play the lead.” Robert sipped his wine, waiting for her response.

  “That should be good for Alex.”

  His sweet Kelly pushed around more pasta with her fork than she ate as if she only half-listened to what he said. Hell, he didn’t like it. She’d been distracted all during the meal. Aside from her initial, friendly greeting, she didn’t seem overjoyed to see him.

  “Kelly?” Robert waited until she glanced at him, then his gaze locked on hers. “The filming of the movie will keep Drake near Vanessa, and married to her, which is what she wants.”

  When Kelly finally glanced up at him, sadness tinged her eyes. That angered him. He should just ask her point-blank if she’d slept with Drake, but he’d find out soon enough. He intended to take control of this situation before he lost her for good.

  Gripping his hand on the glass, he drained his Chivas Regal. What might have happened over the three months taunted him. She’d blossomed into an even more beautiful woman, and all this time she’s been alone with Drake. Robert was positive she’d been a virgin because her fiancé told him, and she’d been a frigid block of ice with him on the cruise. Damn it. If Drake used her, he would pay dearly. However, he couldn’t let his temper spiral out of control and scare her off. She meant everything to him. Nothing had changed for him. He still desired her for his wife.

  He set his glass on the table. “I’ll arrange for our marriage as soon as possible.”

  “We need to talk about our engagement.” Color seeped into her cheeks. “I can’t marry you.”

  “What? Why the hell not?”

  “I need to rest—I’m exhausted. And I need to work on the business. I don’t think marriage right now would be a good idea when I’ve gone through such an ordeal. I just can’t think of anything that important. So I’m breaking—”


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