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Dangerous Paradise

Page 27

by Debra Andrews

  He returned to his desk, sank into the chair, and dropped his face into his hands.

  * * *

  A few hours later, and with his suitcase packed, Alex headed down to the front hall just as Vanessa breezed through the door, as if she already owned the place. At the brilliant smile on her face, he cringed.

  She rushed up to him. “Good morning, darling. I’m late because––”

  He held up a stopping hand to keep her from getting too close. He wanted to shove her, but kept his restraint in check as he just might send her crashing through the window. No matter how much he felt like it, he’d never strike a woman. “I don’t give a damn where you’ve been. Was I having a nightmare last night or were you really here?”

  “Yes and you were so eager, Alex. You called me ‘your love.’”

  He lifted his hand to his pounding head. “You’re a damned liar and always have been.”

  She smiled. “You’ve denied your love for me, but proved yourself last night. I know you were disappointed after we lost the baby.”

  “There never was a baby,” he roared.

  With a glance at the suitcase by the door, she grasped his sore shoulder, sending pain rippling through him. “Where are you going? I’ll pack and go with you."

  “No, damn it.” He wanted to throttle her. He pried her fingers from his sore arm.

  “You fucking bastard? Nobody leaves me until I’m ready. If you do, I’ll make sure I get this house. Your mother and family will think you’re a failure.” She raked sharp fingernails across his cheek. “Oh, that’s right. You are.”

  His face stinging, he slapped her hand away. “My biggest failure, and regret, was marrying you.”

  Her winged eyebrows drew together. “Or is it Kelly Cochran you’re moping about? You can’t deny you found your way into her pants. That slut broke up our marriage. I’ll have you both slaughtered in the press for this.”

  “Leave Kelly out of this,” he said in an icy tone. He stalked toward the exit, and then took one last glaring look at her. “You forced yourself on me with your tricks from the first day I met you.” He shook his head in disgust. “You’re sick. Get help. When I return, I want you out of my house.”

  He slammed the door, just as something crashed against the wood on the inside.

  * * *

  Less than twenty-four hours later, Alex drove his rented Jaguar through the sunny, palm-lined streets of Los Angeles with one destination in mind—to see Kelly.

  His cell phone rang. When he answered, his agent said, “Your housekeeper told me you’re in L.A.”

  He wasn’t confiding in Paul the real reason he’d flown to California. “There’s a detective that might need my input on the South Pacific case.”

  “I’ve got bad news for you. I have to pull two of the scripts you were interested in. They’ve found another actor. I don’t know what happened.”

  “Which ones?” As he listened, he clenched his hands on the steering wheel. “Vanessa’s what’s happened, that’s what.”

  “What would you like me to do now?”

  Anger struck Alex to his core. “She’s pushed me too far this time. Everything’s in motion. I have to get out, no matter the cost to my career.”

  And the cost to Kelly? More reason to see her. He had to warn her things might get ugly in the media.

  Paul sighed on the other end of the line. “At least you have the Hillyard Pictures’ film lined up.”

  Alex took the next corner too fast, his tires squealing on the pavement. “Probably not for long,”

  “What did you say?”


  “You have another request for an interview.”

  “Yeah, and as usual, it will only be twisted into a story of what I’ve done to their precious Vanessa, just to make a headline.”

  “But this is with the American interviewer, Sandra Weaver. She wants to discuss the attack in Fiji.”

  Alex frowned. She was one of the biggest names in celebrity interviews and known for her integrity. “I’ll think about it, but I have something important to do first.”

  He had important things to do all right, like visit an auburn-haired woman, who had firmly entrenched herself in his soul. He had to see her, make sure she was safe and happy, and then get over her, once and for all.

  Chapter Seventeen

  Friday morning, Kelly sat alone in Detective Spagnola’s office, awaiting his update on the case in Fiji. Robert and Tammy had just dropped her off and were parking the car, while the detective had stepped out to clarify an issue with his staff.

  Sipping strong coffee, Kelly frowned, her stomach queasy as she glanced over the latest financial report for Cochran Investments.

  “Hello, Kelly,” Alex said in his English accent. Her head jerked up to find him standing in the doorway.

  Her breath rushed out. His charismatic good looks were as startling as ever. He lit up the office. Dressed in a navy-blue suit, which contrasted with his dark, golden hair, he looked the epitome of the handsome movie star. They were a matching set, because she wore the same color in her jacket and skirt. Without the sling and bruises, he appeared recovered.

  The report slipped from her hands and scattered on the floor. She curled her hand into a fist, digging her nails into her palm as it took all of her self-control not to fling herself into his arms and tell him how much she’d missed him.

  She had rehearsed her cool reaction if she were to see him again, but was failing. She cringed and bent to retrieve the papers. “Uh. . . hi there.”

  “Let me help you.” He crouched beside her. After neatly stacking the papers, he handed them to her. When his hand brushed hers, her skin tingled in response. Biting her lip in dismay, she slipped the report into her briefcase and inhaled a deep breath to compose her.

  After they stood, she held out her trembling hand for him to shake. Finally, she allowed herself to meet his eyes. Her love for him burst out.

  Wincing at the racing of her pulse, she dropped her gaze to his cheek. “How did you get those scratches on your face?”

  Ignoring her question, he flashed her that devastating smile she’d never been able to erase from her heart. “What? No hug for your old friend?”

  He pulled her close. She inhaled his sandalwood cologne and fisted her hands on his back to keep from clutching his jacket and never letting him go. Why did it feel so right in his arms? She tilted her head to see if he experienced any similar feelings.

  His intense gaze held sizzling warmth and surprise, too. He abruptly released her.

  Frowning, she stepped back. “Why are you here?”

  “A few days ago, I rang up Detective Spagnola. He told me you were meeting today.”

  “He’ll be right back. Would you like coffee?”

  “No, thank you.” He sat in a chair, his long legs stretched out in front of him.

  She took a seat in one of the other chairs. Her nerves were rattled that he still could totally undo her.

  He gave her a pointed look. “Are you married yet to Hillyard? Should I wish you congratulations?” He asked it as casually as if he were asking her about the weather.

  Pain twisted in her heart. Had he so little feelings for her he would be happy if she were already married to Robert?

  Smarter than she’d been on the island, she was determined to never let him know how deeply he’d hurt her. “No. We’re not married.” Her were eyes burning and she had to get away from him. She leapt to her feet. Darkness threatened her as the dizziness she’d felt off and on all week returned.

  Alex caught her arm. “What’s wrong with you? Are you ill?”

  “Maybe. And I’m so glad you’re concerned about what happens to me,” she snapped, unable to keep the bitterness out of her voice.

  “Of course I care. Have you seen a doctor since you’ve been home?”

  “No. Please, just help me to the sofa.”

  When she swayed toward him, he swept her up in his arms and strode to the leather
couch, and gently placed her down. “Kelly, speak to me.”

  At his concern, she croaked, “What do you want me to say?”

  Sitting beside her on the edge of the couch, he loosened her jacket and unbuttoned the top of her white blouse. “I want you to tell me you’re all right.”

  “What the hell is going on here?” Robert demanded. Kelly’s stomach clenched. She twisted to see Robert standing in the doorway. He looked as if he could tear Alex apart as he stared at Alex’s fingers hovering over her neckline.

  “She’s ill,” Alex said, taking her hand in his. “What’s wrong with you, sweetheart?”

  She shook her head. “I don’t know. With so many people hating me, I wouldn’t be surprised if I’ve been poisoned.”

  Alex brushed back the hair from her temple. “Is that possible?”

  She gazed into his blue eyes. “No, really, I think it’s just a virus . . . or stress.”

  “It’s so charming the way you help her, Drake,” Robert drawled.

  Continuing to hold her gaze, Alex didn't move from his position beside her. “I’m sure you’ll read whatever you want into it.”

  With a strained expression, Tammy stepped beside Robert, but Kelly was too ill to care what either of them thought. Alex was here, and she never wanted him to leave.

  “Kelly, is he helping you like he did on the island?” Robert grumbled.

  “Old habits die hard,” Alex said. A soft gasp escaped from Kelly’s lips. Alex released her hand. “I’ll take you to your doctor, Kelly.”

  “I’ll see that she gets medical care,” Robert ground out.

  Kelly lifted her hand to her forehead. Why was Robert acting as if they were still engaged? “Really, I feel better already.”

  When she tried to sit, the room spun. Dropping her head, she raised a pensive gaze. Both men watched over her protectively.

  “All right,” she said with a sigh. “I’ll go to the doctor as soon as I can get an appointment.”

  Tammy dropped into one of the chairs. “What do you think is wrong with her, Alex?”

  Alex raised an eyebrow, but didn’t answer.

  “She’s picked up some tropical bug,” Robert snapped. Then he glared at Alex. “So here you are, Drake, at the LAPD, acting all concerned about Kelly, and I hear from Vanessa you’re practically on a second honeymoon. What are you up to?”

  Alex expression tightened, and he rose from the couch. Kelly frowned. Why didn’t he deny the allegation? Or, was it as Robert had said previously—that all along, Alex had never really planned to divorce Vanessa? Had it only been a ploy to bed other women?

  Although it tore at her insides, she’d let Alex know he meant nothing to her.

  She struggled and sat up. “Robert, how long do we have to stay here? Why don’t we take the detective’s advice and go to the ranch together?”

  When she glanced at Alex, his gaze was shuttered, and his mouth was drawn into a taut line, satisfying her.

  With a warm glint in his eyes that promised much more, Robert said, “As soon as Detective Spagnola gets here, and we finish our business, we’ll leave.”

  As quickly as anger had hit her over Alex’s lies, guilt now assailed her. She’d not meant to use Robert, but Alex’s rejection hurt so much she had wanted to strike back.

  Papers in hand, Detective Spagnola strode into the room and sat at his desk. “Excuse me for being late, but I’ve been waiting for this fax from the Fiji Police. They’re closing in on the suspects. Miss Cochran, can we count on your testimony at trial?”

  Although apprehension tensed her shoulders, Kelly nodded. “Of course.”

  Robert put his hands on the desk and shoved his face toward the detective. “It’s too dangerous. I won’t have it.”

  Kelly frowned. “But, Robert, I can’t forget all those people who died on the diving boat.”

  The detective peered over his steepled hands. “Mr. Hillyard is correct. I can’t discount the danger to you, Miss Cochran. Because of his brother Ralph’s death, David Lewis has more reason to want revenge against you. In addition, he’ll do his best to avoid being prosecuted for the boat explosion.”

  Alex crossed his arms over his chest. “I’ll identify Lewis, which will leave Kelly out of this.”

  With a sigh, Robert walked to the couch and sat beside Kelly, putting his arm around her shoulders. “Good. Then she won’t be involved. I’ll watch over her and keep her safe.”

  Through her half-lowered lashes, she glanced at Alex. He seemed genuinely concerned for her. No. She dug her nails into her palms. For a month, he’d forgotten all about her and perhaps had lied all along about divorcing Vanessa. Tears burned the back of her eyes. I just want to get out of here.

  The detective shook his head. “Mr. Drake, there is a problem with only your testimony. In your statement you said you were underwater when the explosion occurred.”

  Alex nodded. “That’s true.”

  The detective jotted something on a pad of paper. “Then Miss Cochran’s eyewitness testimony will be needed to support any murder charges.”

  “What about kidnapping charges?” Alex interjected. “I can testify to attempted murder and keep her out of this.”

  “Yes, your testimony is vital in the matter.” Detective Spagnola flipped through the file. “Now, according to your statement, you and Miss Cochran were handcuffed and locked together in a bedroom at the house?” Alex hesitated and glanced at Kelly.

  Robert frowned. “What are you saying, Detective Spagnola?”

  Not wanting Robert hurt, Kelly rushed to explain, “For my safety, Alex told them we were married, so naturally they put us together in the same bedroom.”

  “Naturally,” Robert grumbled in a sarcastic tone. “I’ll bet he said you were married.”

  Alex countered. “Seven men—all criminals—were on the island. She was at risk. What would you have had us do?”

  Robert’s brow furrowed. “Did any of these men hurt you, Kelly?”

  She shook her head. “Not in the way you mean.” Besides being fondled and struck by David, Alex was the only man who’d hurt her, but she had slept with him willingly.

  Robert dipped his head toward Alex. “I suppose you did the right thing, Drake. Although I can’t help but think you had an ulterior motive.”

  Detective Spagnola interrupted, “Miss Cochran is the only one who can identify the men who caused the explosion.”

  “No way,” Robert ground out. “She’s not going to risk her life for an international crime problem.”

  The detective shook his head. “She’s already in danger. Safest solution for her would be to put these men in prison for life. Someone tipped them off that she’d be in the South Pacific and on that particular diving boat. It was all too convenient.”

  “Anyone could have gotten that information easily,” Robert muttered. He squeezed Kelly’s shoulders. “Lewis obviously kept close tabs on her.”

  The detective leaned back in his chair. “The perpetrator probably figured if Ms. Cochran disappeared outside the country, there wouldn’t be much of an investigation.”

  Kelly held up her hand. “When David Lewis is arrested, I’ll testify for all of the people who died. Even though his girlfriend, Ming, denied he killed my parents, I’m sure of it. He’s so ruthless.”

  The detective jotted more notes on a pad. “Now this latest attack on Miss Cochran is worrisome—”

  “What attack?” Alex asked, frowning.

  Robert launched into what had happened in the parking garage. He described how he’d charged in and saved her, but he neglected to mention she’d stopped the hitman with pepper spray first.

  “Miss Cochran, can you go somewhere safe and keep a low profile?” Detective Spagnola asked.

  Robert patted her thigh. “She’s just agreed to go to my ranch. I’ll hire a bodyguard to protect her, several if it’s required.” She stiffened at his touch and knew she had been an idiot to lead him on. Later, she’d beg his forgiveness and explain wh

  “That would be wise.” Detective Spagnola escorted them to the hallway. “Mr. Drake, before you leave town, I’d like to ask you a few more questions about the case.”

  “Give me a few minutes.” Alex turned to Kelly. “I’d like to speak to you . . . alone.”

  Her hands clenched. She refused to be weakened by his false concern. “No point to it, Alex, as I am going to testify. And I’m sure you’re anxious to get back to your wife. I don’t want to hold you up.”

  With simmering anger in his eyes, he dipped his head.

  She whirled. As she strode toward the door, Robert caught her arm.

  “One moment, Kelly.” He swung around to Alex. “Drake, in three weeks, I’m hosting a party to celebrate the upcoming production of the movie. Be there. Your job depends on it.”

  With an acute sense of loss, and the certainty that truly hearts did break, Kelly stepped into the warm Los Angeles sunshine and down the police department steps with Robert and Tammy. Foolishly, she’d let Alex upset her once again, despite knowing, that to him, she’d only been a convenient woman to satisfy his needs while on the island.

  Once they were in Robert’s car, they pulled out into traffic. Tammy, in the back seat, leaned forward and waved a tabloid at Kelly and Robert as they sat in the front. “I’m sorry about this, Kelly, but Robert needs to know the truth. There was more between you and Alex than you’re telling him.”

  Kelly grasped the magazine and stared at pictures from the night she’d slept in Alex’s arms at the police station in Hawaii. No words could explain away this evidence of an intimate embrace with his arm draped around her shoulders and her face pressed against his chest as she half-lay on top of him as they slept on the bench in the hallway.

  “Yes. There was more,” Kelly whispered.

  When Robert stopped at a light, he took the tabloid from Kelly’s trembling hands. “Stay out of this, Tammy.” Then he looked at Kelly. “It’s all right, honey. You were vulnerable on that island. I suspected that gigolo used you, but I never once blamed you.” He tossed the magazine into the back seat.

  “Tammy, I don’t want to hear another word about this. It’s a closed matter.”


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