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Dangerous Paradise

Page 30

by Debra Andrews

  He strode to her. His hands were clenched and he seemed barely in control of his anger. “Haven’t I done enough for you?” he snapped. “You don’t like the house? What is it now, Kelly? What doesn’t make you happy?”

  “I’m pregnant,” she said flatly.

  The skin around his mouth whitened. “Drake? I’ll kill him.”

  She stepped away from the hatred for Alex that blazed in his eyes. “It happened when we were lost. He doesn’t know.”

  Robert’s expression soured when his gaze dropped to her stomach. He snorted. “You’ll have an abortion. Tomorrow. I’ll be with you all the way, holding your hand.”

  Shocked, she blurted, “No. I’m keeping my child.”

  “But you. . .” His face reddened and he took a deep breath. “Hell, Kelly. I love you, and if this will make you happy, I’ll raise the baby as my own . . . That is, as long as no one knows the truth about it, especially Drake.”

  She frowned. “I can’t ask you to do that for me, Robert. What if the baby looks like him? You wouldn’t be able to handle that. Besides, we’re like family. I love you, but not in the way you deserve.” Her gaze met his truthfully. “And I know while I was away, you were living with Tammy. I think she’s a better choice for you.”

  “I thought you were dead,” he choked out. Then his expression quickly changed to disgust. He clenched his fist. “Damn it to hell. I know what this is about. You think you’re in love with Drake. He used you for booty calls, and then dropped you like a two-bit whore. And you’re still panting after him.”

  She cringed. “It doesn’t matter. I still can’t marry you.”

  “Two days after your birthday, the loan is due. Cochran Investments will file bankruptcy. If that happens, I won’t get a damned dime of my money and neither will anyone else.”

  “Give me an extension. We can still save the company. I have some ideas to generate money. I’ll pay you back, every penny.”

  He stepped closer and glared down at her. “Are you kidding? I was willing to risk and extend myself for a wife—not for some other man’s whore.”

  She flinched as if she’d been slapped. Her face burned with shame, yet anger sizzled inside her. “Is that so? I think I understand.”

  He gripped her wrist in a painful vice. “No, you don’t.”

  She tried to jerk away. “You’re hurting me.”

  “Am I? I’ve been too soft on you. Time you faced the truth. Your father was guilty as charged. He ripped us all off, and you are responsible to make sure the money is repaid.”

  The floor wavered beneath her feet. “But you told me all this time you believed in his innocence and that he must have been planning to replace the money.”

  “Damn it, Kelly. I didn’t want you hurt. I knew how much you loved your dad. I was protecting you.”

  Her face burned as shame consumed her again. “You’ve stood up for him all these years, although he cheated you and everyone else?”

  “He was my friend. But he had a dark, ugly side to him that even your mother knew nothing about.” He released her. “I didn’t mean to be so rough on you, but you’ve dragged me through pure hell with your deceit.”

  Her shoulders sagged and Kelly massaged her aching wrist. “I’ll be out of your house as soon as possible.”

  ”I’ll be in L.A. over the next two weeks. You can stay until then. I want you to think about what’s going to happen when you file bankruptcy. To do so will mean all of Cochran’s employees and the investors will never recover their money.” From his jacket, he retrieved a black box. He opened it to display a huge diamond ring and laid it on the bar. “A second offer and there won’t be a third. Wear it. You’ll come to your senses and marry me. Then I’ll help you.”

  * * *

  The constant ringing badgered Alex from a deep sleep. He opened one eye and tried to focus. He recognized the carpet of his study, rough against his cheek. He licked his dry lips. Last night, after he’d returned to England, he’d settled into his house to decide what to do and had poured himself a glass of brandy . . .

  The telephone rang again, excruciatingly loud. He struggled to his feet. “All right, all right. I’ll answer.” He scooped up the receiver. “Hello.”

  “I’ve been trying to get in touch with you for hours,” his agent said.

  Alex put a hand to his throbbing temple. “Paul, don’t talk so loudly. My head aches miserably.”

  “Do you ever think to answer the phone?”

  “I was asleep.”

  “It’s noon. Where’s your staff?”

  “Noon?” Alex raked his fingers through his hair. “I had to let them go as I can’t afford to pay them. Do you have any good news for me? I’m going to lose my house.”

  “No. All offers have been pulled.”

  “Bloody hell, that’s just great. Now, even though he’s won, Hillyard’s still had me blacklisted. He’s making sure I stay away from Kelly. And no one’s going to hire me here with Vanessa threatening them if they do.”

  “Have you considered doing the interview––” Click. “Hold on. Got another call.”

  “Sure, Paul,” Alex muttered to himself while he waited. “I’ve got all the time in the world. My career is in ruins. I had to let my woman go for her own good.”

  Every time he thought of Hillyard’s words, it stabbed like a knife. “Drake, I can protect her . . . What can you do for her?”

  Running a hand down his face, Alex stepped to his desk and sat down. How long had he blacked out? Last night, he had returned home and had one small glass of brandy. He picked up the bottle, opened the cap and breathed in a peculiar, bitter smell.

  “Bloody hell.” This was the same decanter he drank from the night Vanessa had been here. He couldn’t believe it. She must have put something in his bottle of brandy.

  He smiled for the first time in days. It was a murderous smile, but a smile nonetheless. He’d take the bottle to a lab. If Vanessa wanted to play dirty, now was the time to beat her at her own game. He had to free himself and put her in her place, once and for all. And for the rest? He’d bloody hell lost everything and had nothing else to lose.

  When Paul clicked back on the line, Alex said, “About that interview with Sandra Weaver . . . Make the arrangements. I’ll do it.”

  * * *

  For the past week, after Robert had left the ranch, Kelly took the opportunity to scrutinize the company records and over that time had found nothing to clear her father from blame. The year before his death, there had been every indication the business was doing well. Why steal from it then? She even searched the entire attic to see if she had overlooked anything that could clear her father.

  Kelly rose from the desk in the library and paced the floor. Ready to give up, and tired because of the growing baby, she flicked on the television, clicking through the channels. When she saw Alex being interviewed, she gaped. Her first response was to shut it off . . . Instead, she dropped to the loveseat and watched, mesmerized.

  Sandra Weaver leaned toward Alex. “It’s been a big year for you, with the attack on the dive boat, lost at sea, and then being marooned on a deserted island. “Kelly Cochran was with you. Many rumors have swirled about you two being involved in a romance.”

  “What these rumors don’t take into account is Miss Cochran and I had to struggle daily just to survive.” Kelly heaved a sigh of relief. Alex successfully avoided admitting on TV that they’d had an affair.

  “May I call you, Alex?” Ms. Weaver proceeded to detail the deaths from the explosion, and then Alex’s other heroic actions, including the latest attack by David Lewis. “You recently rescued Kelly Cochran at a warehouse, then you helped capture Mick Shepherd, wrapping up what must be a huge case for the police.”

  “Yes, two of the men involved are in custody, but I must also add that Ms. Cochran saved my life a couple of times as well.”

  “Your divorce from Vanessa Caine is final. Is there any truth to the rumors that you’re dating actress Megan D

  “None at all. At this moment, my interests lie with my work.”

  “Vanessa Caine has made your career difficult. Would you like to elaborate?”

  Alex didn’t comment, so Ms. Weaver recited past incriminating details about Vanessa and her role to blacklist Alex.

  A dismayed frown flitted across his face. “I hold no ill will toward Ms. Caine, and wish her the best . . . if we can move on and put these issues in the past.”

  “That is very gracious of you, Alex.”

  In the end, Kelly thought the interview was favorable to him. He didn’t reveal anything negative about Vanessa, but his ex-wife was hung by her own vengeful deeds and attempts to hurt his career.The next morning, Kelly held the newspaper in her lap, her hands shaking. In the Entertainment Section a paragraph announced Alex’s divorce from Vanessa. He smiled beside actress Megan Daniels, who beamed up at him—the same actress he denied dating in the television interview. Beautiful with long dark hair, Megan probably accommodated the playboy lifestyle Alex wanted to lead.

  He’d found someone else. Kelly’s tears splattered on the newspaper. Now, there was no way she could tell him about the baby.

  Chapter Twenty

  August 30th

  Built in the twenties, the Westwood Grande Hotel wasn’t far from the ranch and symbolized sumptuous elegance. Although tonight was Kelly’s twenty-fifth birthday, she didn’t feel like celebrating. However, she was determined to endure tonight’s festivities with pride and dignity. No one would guess that on Monday morning, her happiness to take over partial control of the company would end—if Robert wouldn’t give her an extension, the company would go into bankruptcy.

  The amount she owed Robert weighed heavily on her mind and shoulders. She sighed. He’d even paid for the dress she wore.

  With new disclosures by Robert that her father was guilty of the embezzlement charges, saving the company to restore her dad’s reputation didn’t matter anymore. However, her heart ached that she wouldn’t be able to repay Robert, or the clients and employees who had lost their investments. Now, there was nothing she could do to make right the wrong her father had done to them.

  However, this past week, while she stayed at the ranch, she’d come to a decision. She’d move to the east coast to make a new life for herself and the baby. She had proved she wasn’t helpless. She’d survived on a deserted island, battled ruthless criminals, and made an escape to freedom. For a new name? She thought wryly, how about the aliases Kelly Smith or Kelly Jones?

  However, tonight, she was still Kelly Cochran and that gave her a measure of comfort. She had her hair arranged in a partially upswept hairdo, letting the rest flow in curls down her back and over one shoulder.

  Resigned to the inevitable, she stepped down the hotel’s marble staircase, in a pale-yellow silk gown. The high waist, with a band of rhinestones below her breasts, and a sheer overlay of silk, effectively concealed her slightly rounded stomach—something she wouldn’t be able to hide much longer.

  She entered the ballroom with its high ceilings and glittering chandeliers. She might as well get this evening over with by pretending everything was wonderful at Cochran Investments.

  A band played upon a stage. Tables held elaborate towering arrangements of colorful and aromatic flowers, while a wall of French doors led to lush gardens with fountains.

  She pasted a smile on her lips––one she didn’t feel––and joined Robert and Vanessa at the entrance.

  Dressed in a black tuxedo, and looking debonair, Robert gave her a curt nod. “Hello, Kelly. I’m glad to be back from New York, especially to see you. You look like a goddess.”

  The way his gaze slid over her she could tell he hadn’t accepted her refusal to marry him. She frowned. Surely, he hadn’t expected her to change her mind?

  In exasperation, Kelly glanced away. Tammy hovered nearby, overseeing anything that might go wrong. They shared a mutual, unspoken desire that Robert would realize Tammy was the right woman for him.

  Appearing statuesque in a golden gown and dangling, diamond earrings, Vanessa dropped her gaze to Kelly’s waistline. The movie star’s mouth twisted in disgust, but she didn’t say anything.

  Heat stole across Kelly’s face. She couldn’t believe Robert would betray her secret to Vanessa—of all people.

  When Robert took Kelly’s elbow, she tensed at his touch. He murmured in her ear, “I’d like to introduce you to Timothy Michaels. He’s the new actor in my movie—Drake’s replacement—since I fired Drake.”

  Sporting a prominent chin with a deep cleft, Timothy grinned at her. She realized Alex had paid dearly for their romance on the island.

  The four of them formed a line to greet guests. Standing beside Timothy, Kelly watched him flirt with every woman who passed by. He reminded her of her original stereotype of good-looking actors. With his cocky smile, he seemed in love with himself. He didn’t let her down either. “Hey, my lovely sidekick, as soon as these intros are over, how about you and I getting it on,” he said, winking, “on the dance floor.”

  “Let’s don’t,” she returned in her iciest tone. She almost laughed when he appeared affronted by her rejection. Robert must have overheard because he sent Timothy a deadly look.

  The guests were friends, celebrities, or Robert’s clients, since most of her dad’s ex-clients hated her father. Aunt Kaye was also present and had checked into one of the hotel rooms.

  After the formal dinner was over, Mrs. Martin, one of her father’s oldest and richest clients who had not been hurt in the financial debacle, greeted Kelly with a hug.

  Mrs. Martin peered over her glasses and glared at Vanessa, ten feet away. “I can’t believe Robert would bring that dreadful Caine woman around you after what she did.”

  Kelly flinched. “What do you mean? What did she do?”

  Mr. Martin grabbed his wife’s elbow. “Come on, dear. There is someone I want you to meet.” He escorted her away.

  Robert joined Kelly, murmuring in her ear, “I can’t stand that blabbering woman. Now, what’s your answer?”

  “It’s still no, Robert,” she whispered in exasperation.

  “Hell, is it your plan to embarrass me? And why aren’t you wearing your ring? You know everyone expects me to announce our wedding plans tonight.”

  “Robert, please, stop,” she hissed. “It’s not going to happen. Now, don’t completely ruin my feelings for you.”

  She whirled to leave and bumped into a little man with a red, bulbous nose. “I beg your pardon.”

  Coming up behind her, Robert clasped her elbow. “Kelly, I’d like you to meet the Reverend Ned Schulte and his wife, Doris.”

  Both unkempt, the man wore an outdated plaid suit, while his wife’s bleached-blond hair looked like cotton candy. The couple didn’t seem like anyone Robert would associate with.

  The minister stuck out his hand. Reluctantly, Kelly extended hers.

  He gripped her palm with a sweaty squeeze. “My pleasure.”

  “She’ll make a beautiful bride,” the wife cackled. A knowing gleam lit her beady eyes, as if Kelly’s marriage to Robert was a sure thing. When she saw Aunt Kaye again, she’d have to tell her about Robert’s sheer nerve.

  Glaring at Robert, Kelly extracted her hand from Mr. Schulte’s grip and resisted the urge to wipe her palm on her dress. “I need to go. Enjoy the party.” She crossed the floor, muttering to herself, “I can’t believe Robert.”

  When she noticed a tall, handsome man across the room, she gasped and stopped in her steps. In a tux, Alex stood out like a beacon in the crowd. He was stunningly gorgeous in his black tux with bow tie, looking like a movie star from Hollywood’s golden days. His hair gleamed like antique gold in the chandelier light.

  Why was he here? Hope washed over her. She wanted to thank him for not only saving her from David, but going after and helping the police apprehend Mick.

  Alex’s gaze moved around the ballroom as if he searched for someone. He must have found
who he looked for because a pretty brunette in a blue sequined gown rushed over and attached herself to his arm—the actress from the newspaper photo.

  Kelly’s stomach clenched and tears burned her eyes. How could he be so cruel as to bring his new lover to the party?

  A male guest bumped into Kelly, sending the soda in her champagne glass spilling over the rim and onto her hand. The man apologized, but she was only thankful he had snapped her back to reality so she no longer stared at Alex like an idiot.

  Her heart breaking, she whirled and headed in the opposite direction.

  * * *

  Alex endured a brief conversation with Megan Daniels, a woman whose clinging grip on his arm reminded him of Vanessa. After he politely excused himself, he moved through the crowd.

  A male colleague clapped Alex on the back. “Way to go. Everyone’s talking about your interview with Sandra Weaver.”

  Alex shook his hand. “Thanks.”

  “Man, as if you hadn’t done enough in the Islands, I can’t imagine walking into a warehouse, knowing the man was a killer. And then to track down his accomplice.”

  “Miss Cochran’s life was in danger.”

  “Brave, if you ask me.”

  Alex continued past people until he spotted Kelly. Across the crowded ballroom, their gazes locked. His heart lurched at how much he’d missed her. How could he have ever compared a life with Kelly to his with Vanessa?

  The color drained from Kelly’s face. He’d not come to upset her, only to speak to her. He made a quick cut through the crowd but by the time he reached her, a man was leading her onto the dance floor.

  While they danced, a familiar jealousy roared to life in Alex’s soul. He had to face the truth. When it came to Kelly, he had no control over his emotions, and his life was in a tailspin without her.

  A woman bearing a resemblance to Kelly approached him, extending her hand. “You must be Alex Drake. I’m Kelly’s Aunt Kaye.”

  After a few pleasantries, Alex’s gaze strayed back to Kelly. “She looks beautiful.”


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