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Dangerous Paradise

Page 32

by Debra Andrews

  * * *

  After leaving the ladies room, Kelly entered the ballroom, feeling wrapped in a cocoon of bliss. Even the loss of Cochran Investments couldn’t dampen her happiness tonight. She didn’t see Alex, which was just as well, since she could hardly spend the entire evening with him.

  When she passed a table where the Reverend Schulte sat with his wife, he raised his drink in salute, sloshing liquid onto his jacket. “There’s the beautiful bride-to-be.”

  Kelly rolled her eyes. Did Robert think she’d allow this drunken minister to perform their wedding ceremony?

  Nearby, Robert conversed with Mr. and Mrs. Martin, even though earlier in the evening he’d called the woman blabbering. Must be a cordial conversation, Kelly thought sarcastically. She’d always known he never cared for the outspoken lady. Kelly tried to slip by, but Robert waved her over. Not wanting to appear rude, she sighed and crossed the floor to him.

  When Robert linked his arm with hers, she stiffened. “Kelly’s fine and the picture of health, aren’t you, honey?” His words belied his unhappiness over her pregnancy.

  “Nice to hear you survived your terrible ordeal in the South Pacific, dear,” Mrs. Martin said. “I just wanted you to know, I for one have always believed in your father’s innocence.”

  “Thank you,” Kelly replied, but the Martins only believed in him because they were fortunate enough not to have lost money in the embezzlement scheme. However, if her father had been a cheat, she wasn’t responsible for anything he’d done. Still, his guilt tormented her.

  A movement above on the second floor balcony caught Kelly’s attention. Max had his hand on Alex’s jacket lapel and took a swing at him. Alex ducked. After a light scuffle, Alex grasped one of the draperies and climbed the railing. Kelly’s heart squeezed in her chest. The crowd gasped, and then the room fell silent. Then Alex slid down the curtains to the first floor safely. Kelly exhaled in relief as he straightened his jacket and bow tie.

  Throwing a disgruntled look toward Alex, Robert folded his arms over his chest. “He was supposed to leave. He wasn’t invited, and he’ll pay for the damages to those draperies.”

  Robert gripped Kelly’s arm. She knew she would have to cause a scuffle to get away. However, he couldn’t hold her arm forever.

  Mrs. Martin squinted over her bifocals at Alex. “Hmm. So that’s Alex Drake with whom you were stranded? Extremely handsome. I would’ve found myself delighted to be lost on a deserted island with him.”

  Kelly smiled at the vision of Alex alone with the older woman, old enough to be his grandmother.

  Mrs. Martin wagged her eyebrows. “Robert, you must have been insanely jealous to know she spent so much time with him—alone.” The gleam in her eyes indicated she deliberately tweaked Robert’s ego.

  He flicked a piece of lint from his sleeve. “No. Since Kelly is the soul of integrity and loyalty, I had nothing to worry about.”

  Her face growing warm, Kelly barely restrained herself from wrenching her arm away from his grasp.

  “Well, then the question of the hour is, when can we expect you two love birds to be joined in happy wedlock?” Mrs. Martin asked.

  Kelly nearly gasped. Obviously, Robert was not getting the word out that they were no longer an engaged couple.

  Mr. Martin grabbed his wife’s hand. “Dear, why don’t we get some fresh air?”

  After the Martins departed, Robert grumbled, “Damned busybody.”

  Through clenched teeth, Kelly said, “Let go of my arm, Robert. Did you try to throw Alex out of the party?”

  Robert’s hold on her arm tightened. “He crashed it.”

  “He’s my guest now.”

  Vanessa swished up to them. “Robert, aren’t you curious as to why Alex is here?”

  Robert sneered down at Kelly. “I was about to ask Kelly the same question?”

  Kelly didn’t get the chance to answer because Alex made his way through the crowd and joined them. His gaze dropped to Robert’s hold on her arm. Animosity passed between the two men. Kelly winced, hoping they wouldn’t fight again.

  “You weren’t invited, Drake,” Robert snapped.

  “I distinctly remember you telling me about this party at the police department,” Alex countered. “You said, ‘be there.’”

  Robert’s mouth twitched. “You damn well know that was before I fired your ass.”

  “Hillyard,” said a bald man with glasses who approached them. “I’m late, but not too late to witness that little gimmick you had in store for your guests. Is he one of the actors in your new film? The staged fight, then coming down the curtains—a brilliant publicity stunt. For a movie coming out?”

  Finally, Robert released Kelly’s arm and said smoothly, “Sam Goldsmith.” Kelly recognized the name of one of the biggest producers in Hollywood. Robert shook the man’s hand vigorously. “Glad you could make it. And no, he doesn’t work for me.”

  Mr. Goldsmith’s nod toward Vanessa was cool. “Vanessa, it’s been a long time.”

  “Sam, my agent will call,” the actress said, slurring her words. “I’ve decided to accept the part—”

  “You’re no longer right for any of my projects,” Mr. Goldsmith said, cutting her short. Vanessa’s mouth snapped shut. “And your other guests?” he asked, his attention directed at Kelly and Alex.

  “Kelly Cochran,” Robert answered. Begrudgingly, he choked out, “Alex Drake.”

  Mr. Goldsmith extended his hand to Alex. “I liked your entrance, son. So you’re the young man Sandra Weaver recently interviewed?”

  Alex shook Goldsmith’s hand. “Yes.”

  “You were a hero. I planned for my assistant to contact your agent on Monday, but since you’re here, could I have a minute of your time? I see a lot of star quality in you, and since you’re not working for Hillyard here, I have a few projects which might be of interest to you.” He shrugged toward the rest in the group. “Excuse us for a moment?”

  Kelly met the twinkle in Alex’s eyes and they shared the moment. She smiled to herself as he walked away with Mr. Goldsmith.

  “Damn it to hell,” Robert said with a groan. “Hero, my ass. Star quality?”

  Vanessa clenched her hands at her sides. “I can’t believe this. I thought for sure Sam would give me the part.”

  Apparently, Vanessa’s little star was slipping. Kelly lifted her hand to cover her grin.

  Robert frowned. “Hell, Kelly, why is Drake here?”

  “For me,” she quipped. Wrapped in euphoria now, she smiled brightly.

  His face contorted with anger. “It’s time to make my announcements.” He stepped onto the stage. With a curt wave of his hand, he stopped the band mid-song and practically wrenched the microphone from the singer. “As you all know, it was a blessing Kelly Cochran survived after an attack in the South Pacific. Now, let’s congratulate Kelly on her 25th birthday and taking over partial control of Cochran Investments. She’s worked hard for this.”

  He spoke about the future of the company, but it was all a lie–-unless he gave her an extension next week. And he’d made it clear he wouldn’t unless she married him.

  Alex rejoined Kelly. “I have good news. I’ll tell you later.”

  After a round of applause, Robert again spoke into the microphone, his gaze finding Kelly’s in the crowd. Her heart skipped a beat. “As the celebration ends, I’d like to take this opportunity to make a more personal statement tonight. Many of you know how special Kelly Cochran is to me.”

  She gaped in disbelief

  Someone yelled from the crowd. “And when will we hear of a date?”

  Many people turned her way and clapped.

  Robert said into the microphone, “Perhaps tonight I’ll press for a date, but then Kelly has a mind of her own, so you never know.” He turned it into a joke. The blood rushed to Kelly’s face. “But I know that as a husband-and-wife team leading the way, we would have Cochran Investments thriving. Thank you for coming.”

  The band began to play
their last song, and the crowd thinned.

  She shot a frown at Alex who looked as perplexed as she was.

  Tammy made her way over to Kelly. “You’re still thinking about marrying him?” she accused in a shaky voice.

  “No, Tammy,” Kelly whispered, shaking here head. “No. That wasn’t a marriage announc—”

  Tammy whirled and didn’t wait to hear her explanation that this announcement was all Robert’s idea.

  Kelly’s shoulders slumped as she watched Tammy flee from the ballroom. She shook her head in disgust. “Alex, I just don't know what he’s up to.”

  “He’s trying to save face, but he’s lost, and he knows it.” Alex trailed his finger down her bare arm. “I want to see you tonight,” he said, lowering his voice. “You and I are free to do as we choose.” The desire blazing in his eyes made her forget all about Robert and his ridiculous games to manipulate her.

  “Your place or mine?” she asked.

  “Unfortunately, the hotel’s full. I don’t have a room.”

  “I do. You can stay with me.” At the thought of spending the night with Alex in the soft canopy bed upstairs, desire swept through her.

  He lifted his hand to her cheek and brushed away a tendril at her temple. “I’ll be there.”

  With tingles sweeping her, she withdrew her keycard from her handbag and said with a shaky voice, “Room 411. As a rep for the company, I need to say good-bye to a few of the guests. And I want to check on Aunt Kaye. I’ll be up in a few minutes. Okay?” Besides, she didn’t want to tell Alex, but she wanted to have a little private talk with Robert.

  Alex took the card. “I’ll be waiting. I love you,” he whispered. She tore her gaze from his. All she wanted was to have the party over and be in his arms again.

  After the last guest had left, Kelly confronted Robert in the empty ballroom. “You have to accept that we’re never going to get married.”

  “Do I?”

  “Yes! What’s wrong with you? Why did you make it sound like we still might marry?”

  “Because you’ll come to your senses soon. You need this marriage. You’ll lose the company. For what? To get laid by Drake?” he roared.

  “He’s asked me to marry him. We love each other.”

  Anger twisted Robert’s features. “I won’t help you then, and Cochran Investments will be dissolved. You’d better choose wisely which one of us you want. I won’t be responsible for your enemies when the money isn’t repaid.”

  “I’m pregnant with his baby. How can you even think you want to marry me?”

  He clasped her forearm. “Because I love you.”

  She shook off his hand. “I’m sorry I hurt you, Robert.”

  His lips twisted in a cynical smile. “So am I.”

  “In the morning, I’ll pick up my things from the ranch.”

  “I’m not going to be there until the afternoon—I’ve have guests to see off in the morning. You get your things and get out. It would be better that way.” He blew out a breath and shook his head. “But it still bothers me, Kelly. Someone might be out there wanting to kill you.”

  As usual he was impressively rugged in his black tuxedo. It hit her hard just how much Robert had dominated and ruled her life since her parents had died. Well, she was through with that. “Robert, stop trying to manipulate me. It won’t work. Tammy was hurt tonight by what you said. She loves you . . . as you deserve.”

  “I know she does. I should find her.” His shoulders sagged as he glanced away, like a man finally beaten. “I’ve always wanted what was best for you, Kelly. And I’ve tried to give that to you. Now, you’re on your own.”

  When he walked away, her heart wrenched. He’d been an important part of her life. Had she lost his friendship forever? She winced, only hoping that with time, wounds would heal and he’d forgive her.

  Kelly headed toward the elevators when she heard Vanessa call from behind her, “Wait.” The furious actress strode up to Kelly, the glare in her eyes threatening physical violence. “You stole my husband.”

  “I had nothing to do with your failed marriage, Vanessa. You did that on your own. You tricked him into a marriage, and then you wouldn’t let him get out.”

  The actress’s face reddening, she clamped her hands on her hips. “Why, I can’t fathom what he sees in you.”

  “Possibly what he never found in you,” Kelly retorted. She sidestepped the furious actress and stepped onto an elevator, leaving the woman fuming in the lobby.

  Chapter Twenty-one

  On the way to her suite, she stopped by her aunt’s room. “No matter what Robert tried to imply, Aunt Kaye, Alex and I are going to be married.”

  Aunt Kaye squeezed Kelly in a tight embrace. “That’s wonderful. You two were positively beaming at each other.”

  Kelly smiled. “Yeah, we’re in love. He doesn’t even know about the baby, so he’s not marrying me for that reason. I’ll tell him tonight.”

  After departing her aunt’s suite, Kelly tapped on her own hotel room door. Alex greeted her with a wide grin. Shoeless, he’d removed his jacket and tie, and his white shirt hung unbuttoned. Her gaze dropped to his smooth skin and the muscles of his chest. A hunger to touch him made her suck in her breath.

  He smiled, his dimples creasing in his cheeks. “I thought you’d never get here.”

  She walked straight into his arms. A peacefulness she’d never known washed over her.

  With a chuckle, he lifted her off the ground and swung her around.

  “I’m so happy tonight, Alex.”

  He set her on her feet. “What I didn’t get the chance to tell you downstairs is that Mr. Goldsmith’s offered me a leading role in a major film. He’s also considering buying the rights to a sequel of The Spy. Tomorrow morning, I have a meeting with him here at the hotel.”

  “I’m so happy for us,” she said, smiling. “I’m so glad he recognized your considerable talent.” She wanted him to do the work he loved. “Now, this night is perfect.”

  “I’m expecting even more perfection.” He pulled her against the length of his hard body, and captured her lips with his. Warmth sizzled through her and she ran her hands over his back.

  He tugged on the zipper of her dress. “I don’t think we need this.” Her gown whooshed to the floor. She stepped out and kicked off her heels, her feet and toes sinking into the carpet.

  She gazed up at him shyly, and ran her hands up his smooth chest, and pushed his shirt off his shoulders. “I’d like you bare, too.”

  “No problem, love,” he shrugged off the shirt, and lay it over the back of the chair.

  He reached around her and unhooked her bra. Holding her away a little, his blue eyes lit with hunger as his gaze roved over her.

  She bit her lip. Perhaps she should have prepared him, but he didn’t seem to notice the changes in her body, her fuller breasts or expanding tummy. She’d tell him later . . . and then forgot all about telling him when his mouth covered hers in a thorough, heart-pounding kiss. Fire ignited between them.

  Almost frantically, they began to remove the rest of their clothing. He slid her underwear down her legs. She tugged at his belt and unzipped his pants. His slacks fell to the floor. He kicked out of his pants, scooped her up in his arms, and crossed to the canopied bed.

  Yanking back the comforter with one hand, he settled her on the satin sheets.

  He turned down the light and sat beside her, his hands caressing her rounded abdomen.

  “Kelly? Eating well since you’ve returned from the island?” he asked with a grin.

  She stiffened and said flatly, “I gained a little weight.”

  He tapped her nose with his finger. “You look as beautiful as ever and it’s been so long, and now I have you in my arms.” He lay down beside her and leaned over her. His tongue met the peaks of her breasts while his hands touching her lower, stoked a blazing fire within her. “I’ve been half-crazy wanting you, Kelly. I missed you, missed having you with me.” His smooth erection was
warm against her hip. She took him in the palm of her hand. He groaned and pressed kisses along her collarbone and neck, then to her ear. “I don’t want to rush this, but I’m shaking just being near you.”

  Moaning with delight, she curved her fingers around his neck and pulled him to her. “I need you, too, Alex. It’s been way too long.”

  His hardness sank into her softness, hot flesh met hot flesh. Her body tightened around him like a sheath. Their coming together occurred with a wild, explosive, physical need. He took. She gave, her body milking him until she quickened around him and he climaxed inside her. He buried his face into the curve of her neck.

  Spent, they relaxed in each other’s arms.

  He raised his head, his eyes drowsy with spent passion. “I hope I didn’t hurt you. That’s not exactly the way I planned to make love to you.”

  “There will be many other times to take it slower.”

  “Yeah.” He smiled and rolled over, bringing her on top of him. “Like very soon.” “Alex,” she whispered, pulling away just a bit. “I have some news which might change your mind about wanting to marry me.”

  Gazing into her eyes, he clasped her shoulders. “What news could do that, love?” he asked softly.

  “I’m having your baby,” she said in a rush of words. “I found out at my doctor’s appointment, just before David kidnapped me.”

  He chuckled. “Doesn’t that sort of news usually speed up the process?”

  Alarm spread through her. “You knew. Is that why you asked me to marry you?” She scrambled off him.

  He caught her arm before she could leave the bed and pulled her back to his side. “No, Kelly. But bloody hell, when were you going to tell me? Never? I’ve been waiting all evening for you to confess.”

  She sighed. “I suppose I would have eventually told you, but I know your sense of honor. I didn’t want you to be forced to marry me, too. I don’t want you for a husband on those terms.”

  While his blue gaze pierced her, he stroked her chin with his fingers. “I’ve caused you considerable distress, haven’t I?”

  “You don’t have to marry me. Really I’ll be okay. I can take care of myself—and my baby.”


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