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Blackrift Gate

Page 9

by Parijat Mukherjee

  “I know you are all from village! Those filmsy masks do not do anything!” Sir Houston tried to threaten them in vain, only making their escape hastier. Other than a band of well masked and hooded pagans who were helping the old shaman and carried various equipments, most villagers quickly left the room.

  ”Fine! Go away!” Sir Houston yelled as the last of the villagers splashed across the ale covered floor to the exit of cellar. Then he came to Dominik, judging from who’s other clothes it appeared he was in a similar rank to that of the core group of pagans, minus the mask.

  Sir Houston stood before him and sighed.“Dominik, I do not want to make a news about this, so I am willing to put everything behind and forget this nightmare. But, you better tell me everything you know about this mansion.”

  “Yes, sire. I would be telling you everything, since there is no point in keeping secrets anymore. Just let them pass.” Dominik said, as the core group of the pagans started to leave. The old shaman was carried out of the cellar by the helpers, who had now dragged the hoods of their robes over their head, only leaving out the lower part of the face, which too were covered in masks.

  “Is he dead?”Kendall curiously looked at him.”Who is this old man?”

  Dominik passed a quick glance on them. “Our…elder is tired. He must rest now due to his age.”

  Another two men were carrying Allyssi out, with similar outfit that made it impossible to know who they really are.

  “What happened to Allyssi? Where are you taking her?”Marie stopped them in their path, anxiously looking at the skinny child.

  “She is in shamanic torpor, for her special soul has left to occupy her old vessel, and has not yet returned from it.”One of them said.

  “The old vessel is severely damaged. It will not last many more cycles, so maybe she would become the future vessel once she reaches death.”The other commented thoughtfully.

  “Old vessel is still pretty good for some centuries. Bath in the elixir of undeath for a few decades will keep him fresh and well pickled.” The first one said.

  “What?”Marie cried out in disgusted and horrified confusion.

  “They are saying that she must rest now.”Dominik came to her and took her to the side.

  “She will be fine, right?”Marie asked anxiously.

  “Yes, Miss Marie, she will be fine.”Dominik said. “After some time after the elder leaves…she will wake up.”

  “What does that have to do with her waking up?”Marie asked.

  “Nothing, miss Marie.”Dominik said, as the pagans went towards the cellar door.

  “If it is nothing, I would like to go with her and tend to her when she awakes.”Marie said, tagging along the men carrying Allyssi.

  The other pagans left as well. Some carried the pillar away, others fished out whatever stuff Loudy had set up near the gate, and others carried the pitchers and spears they had brought.

  “I thank you for your services.”Sir Houston said.”Wait, I would like to know your names and reward you.”

  “Not needed, sire.”One of the hooded pagans.”Though we appreciate and accept your patronization, we must keep our identities a secret. Dominik shall be our link to you if you need to contact us again.”

  “As for your secret, do not worry.”Another hooded man said. “We always knew this place had problems, and we know that you had nothing to do with it, though it has really been a tragedy. We will spread a rumor of a robbery, an inside job blaming the voidmonger.”

  “Thank you.”Sir Houston said.

  “In return..”

  “I will reward the people who lost someone. I understand.”Sir Houston sighed.”But I would not be able to spend a lot, you see…I already spent too much on this.”

  “Some compensation would definitely help sire. You are not as bad as many others. But what we want is something else, sire.”One of the hooded man said. “You need to put those pillars back in their place, all around the mansion. Unless you want someone else to come and open up this gate again.”

  “Tomorrow! I will get them back by tomorrow!”Sir Houston cried.”And you tell me anything you would need me to do to stop this from happening.”

  “We shall let you know, sire. Good day.”They bowed their head a little, and left.

  “Who are these people?”Sir Houston said.

  “Disciples of the shamans of the natural world, sire. Priests and Priestesses of ancient powers, protecting our world.”Dominik said.”They live within the masses. You would not know who they are in real life. They try to stop the voidmongers, people like Loudy from opening the gates to the Old Water.”

  “What is Old Water? Some sort of old well?”

  “It is another world, sire. Older than the creation itself.”Dominik said.”And there are things in the Old Water sire, horrible, unthinkable things that we do not know.”


  “I would think so too, sire, but it is true.”Kendall sighed.”I have been there. I have seen the unbelievable things.”

  “I trust you, as I have seen how you came to this room. I think I do not envy your experience from wherever you have returned.” Sir Houston said. “If I had not seen everything, I would think it was witchcraft. But you have saved us all back there, so I am grateful for that.”

  “Thank you sire. It was my pleasure to kill that scoundrel Loudy.”Kendall said.”He is responsible for all these death.”

  “I think we need to sit down at my study and talk. I need to know all about this mansion.” Sir Houston said. ”Let us get out from here first, my shoes all soaked.”

  “Is this all ale?” Kendall sighed.”What a waste.”

  “We will put it back in barrels, and sell it back at Hazefall.”Houston said.”They do not need to know. Now get a bottle of something strong from the cellar. I think we all need it.”

  They left the cellar, Kendall passing his glance over the crack on the wall for the last time, still clearly visible on the pale bricks somehow. He felt like he still could hear a faint sound of whooshing and sooshing, as if some vast ocean was just waiting behind the wall, eternally. The Old Water. Kendall somehow felt a strange longing to be there again, but brushed the feeling aside. He closed the door, shaking his head once.

  As they walked down the dark hallways, Dominik carrying a lamp, flame flickering and casting long shadows on the walls, Sir Houston spoke.

  “So what is the matter with this Mansion anyway, Dominik?”

  “This mansion had been built over an old site, sire.”Dominik said. “It has always been a gate to the Old Water, since some master voidmonger had opened it in some forgotten age, through some otherworldly help.”

  “Voidmongers are people like Loudy?”

  “Yes, sire. They always try to open the gateways to the Old Water, as they believe this natural world we live in is a lie, a prison of virtues and sins. They want to merge this world with the Old Water.”

  “Strange. So, you mean to say there are more people like him? Should I be wary of any other madman trying to do what he did?”Houston entered the study, dimly lit with one withering lamp, the very few that were lit.

  “Yes sire, very much so. That is why they requested you to put the pillars back on. You see, sire, these gates between the worlds can not be closed completely once they are opened. Some traces remain, and it is always easier to reopen one than to create a new gate. That is why the voidmongers try to find old gateways, or sites where the barrier between the world is weak. The voidmongers and shamans are people with strong links to the Old Water, and they look for signs to find them. ”Dominik said, as Kendall started to work up the fireplace.

  “I see. So you mean to say that my mansion is sitting on something so dangerous, which can not even be closed for good!”Houston sighed, and flopped down on a couch.”And Loudy betrayed me like this. So many of my people dead…People are going to ask questions, rumors will spread for sure..”

  “We will help you sire.”Dominik said.

  “But your
prime loyalty is not me, is it, Dominik?”Sir Houston said, looking at Dominik.” I have seen your people work. You have no problem with human sacrifices.”

  “We do what we must, Sire.”Dominik said.

  Sir Houston waited in silence, watching Kendall working on the fireplace. Soon there was a fire, lighting up the room to some extent, casting red hue on everything.

  “First I need someone to take Loudy’s place as my aide. Whom I can trust.” Said Sir Houston after a while. “Mister Kendall?”

  “Yes, sire?”Kendall had just finished with the fireplace.

  “I believe I did not thank you enough for your service, and saving our lives.”Sir Houston said. “You have proved your loyalty today to be above and beyond measure. I will reward you handsomely no matter whether if you wish to still work here or not, but if you accept to still be working for me knowing what happened here, I would be happy to give you the position of my aide. I need someone whom I can trust, and those in my service would accept. Do you wish to stay and become my aide?”

  “I do, sire.”Kendall sighed.” I do not think I am ready to search job with any other lord, and I feel an obligation to keep this gate closed. At least now I know what is up here, and I will be able to keep it safe. I can not let anyone else get some idea about opening this again.”

  “That is very sensible of you. I would be happy to give you the place Loudy once held with me. You would have your own key, and would be the master of the house in my absence. “Sir Houston said.”I will close down that cellar immediately, and that will remain shut.”

  “As you wish, sire.”Kendall said.

  “I believe we would need to keep checking on it time to time, sire.“Dominik said.


  “You see, sire; this gate had been tampered with a lot.”Dominik said.”The voidmongers and shamans had fought over this gate across many generations. This entire Blackrift valley is ancient and full of secrets. There have always been signs around here. Strange sightings, mysterious fog…things moving in the sky in the canyons near the highlands..people disappearing, turning insane..”

  “I have heard many rumors of this valley, but legends of such things are common near the woodlands everywhere. Never heard about the mansion. If anything, a lot about Lord Waering.”Sir Houston said.”Heard he killed many of his servants and maids, who were never found.”

  “That and his wife, sire.”Dominik sighed.”Lord Waering had been a cunning and resourceful man. Knowledgeable, and clever, but also cruel and ruthless in having his ways. He always knew this place had its problems. He built this mansion here on purpose, to have access to the gate.”

  “I see. I heard things about him, but did not know it was also this house itself!”Sir Houston rubbed his hand over his face in frustration.”I regret everything about this mansion now. I wish someone would have warned me about this before I bought it. Why would someone even want to do that? Was he insane to build his own mansion over something like this?”

  “We do not know exactly why he did it, sire. Old Lord Waering, peace be upon his soul wherever it may be now, dabbled in many occult matters often..all according to rumors. We fancy he might also have some natural strong link to the Old Water, much like the voidmongers or the shamans. But he was neither a voidmonger, and nor one of us. He seldom contacted the shamans through me, but never let us know what he was upto. He used old forbidden books from eastern lands, exotic things, and always made himself impossible to approach. Many rumors of him are not true. Some he himself had spread. We fancied that many of the disappearances and deaths had nothing to do with Lord Waering himself, but the gate. He would rather want to project himself as a murderous and cold lord loving solitude than letting others know what sinister things he was upto.”

  “I do not understand these people..”Sir Houston said.”What could he even try to achieve? He had amassed such wealth and property!”

  “Nobody does, sire. We all tried to warn him, but he thought too highly of himself and his knowledge. He only talked with me if he needed something from us, and we usually complied, as we are sworn to protect the gate. We knew this would end badly someday, but after he lost his mind, all we could do was to keep watch on this mansion and the gate within. He must have tried to gain some powers through the gate, maybe rejuvenating the youth, and that might have messed up his mind.”

  “You can do that?”Sir Houston said, as his eyes sparkled.”Rejuvenating the youth?”

  “Do not think about it sire, please!”Dominik pleaded.”You are young and it is not worth it.”

  “I can see that. Fully!.”Sir Houston said, waving his hands.”I would never need that. I have no need for it!”

  “Of course sire. But never try even if you do need it.”Dominik said.”Seeking things from the Old Water is a dangerous feat, and it ultimately consumes you. Legends say that we all have a link to the Old Water somewhere deep within us. It tempts you, sire…but if you give in to the temptations, it starts to draw you back. The voidmongers call it the call of the void. Do not ever give in.”

  Dominik stood up to leave.

  Kendall also got up to get back to his room, but stopped for a moment.

  “What is it, Kendall? You feeling fine?”

  “Yes, sire.”Kendall said.”I guess I am a bit tired. Has been a hard day.”

  “It is fine, my man! Take the rest of the bottle with you.”Sir Houston got up, and patted him on his back, handing him the bottle.”Rest up. I will get up late tomorrow, so no need to wake early.”

  “Thank you, sire.”Kendall smiled and bowed a bit, and left, taking the bottle with him, picking his ears a bit. It was ringing ever since he came back. Surely a good nights sleep and this bottle would fix it.


  The Prehistoric Legends I: The Cave Horror

  “Do not stray too far away from the tribe. Do not go beyond the known hunting grounds.” - Ancient saying of The Tribe.

  The Cave Horror

  Let’s take shelter in there.”I said, pointing towards the cave. The torrential rainfall and the winds were showing no sign to weaken, though it had been like that since the whole day. We were drenched, water dripping from our fur clothes and hair, and tips of our spears. It was already getting dark, and the way things were going, the woods did not look like a good place to stay the night.“I do not know, Huj.”Lud said.” These mountains are cursed. We should better make a shelter in the woods down here.”

  I did not want that. It was fortunate for us to find a shelter like that cave in this weather and we needed to take it. We were separated from our hunting party, strayed too far away now to attempt getting back before the rain stops. We two were hungry, but food was already out of question today, there was no hunt in this rain; at least for us. Not sure about what others managed in the tribe.

  “A shelter down in these woods will not last.”I said.”Too much wind, everything is wet, and branches may fall on us too.”

  If it rains like this the whole night, the forest would be flooded. We need to get to higher ground.”

  “But shaman had forbidden everyone!”Lud said.”Let us climb a tree and stay the night.”

  “Shaman need not know when we get back. Shaman is not here in this rain to soak with us.”I said.”If it rains like this the whole night, the forest would be flooded. We must get to higher ground.”

  With that statement, I started for the cave. Lud hesitated a bit, but then trusted my decision, and followed me. I was not having it for old stories, to get drenched the whole night for no reason when there is a perfectly good cave in sight.

  That is how it all happened. If I only knew what fateful events waited for us! Looking back, it was all me and my foolhardy ignorance, the sheer bravado and stupidity of my young blood that made me think little of the words of the shaman and elders, grave warnings passed through legends that these hills are cursed and should be avoided. It would have been better to just bear with the storm under that big tree. But then again, we did not know better, an
d just wanted a shelter for the night.

  As we reached the cave, it was just like any other. Nothing seemed off from the outside. It did not seem to be occupied from the signs we found from scouting it. There were spiderwebs growing everywhere, and if some animal would be living here, it should not be too big. At least, no cave bear.

  I tried to make fire, but it did not work with the soggy branches we collected near the entrance. I was not an expert fire starter, but I doubt even Fihy or the elder shaman could make fire with these wet soggy bunch of twigs.

  Lud, of course did not mind. He never minded anything, with his big burly body and immense strength he rarely needed to mind minor inconveniences such as this. He was also rather boneheaded, thinking and planning not being his strengths. He knew it too and did not question people who would do the planning, though never ceased to laugh and mock them. As usual, he laughed at my expense, at my futile attempts of trying to make a fire, knowing it would irritate me. I threw twigs and branches at him, and he still laughed. Typical of Lud.

  “Let me show you how to make fire.”He said.

  I raised my brow at his bragging.

  He did not know much about making fire. He could only work with the dryest and best of branches, with half the tribe cheering at him, and then he would succeed half the time. He was only good at two things, which were getting the kills for the big hunts and fighting, which admittedly were two best qualities one could have. Still he lacked in the survival skills of the jungle, and while I was not the best of fighters, I was far better than him in tracking the prey and avoiding becoming one ourselves. This is why he usually stuck with me when we went out hunting. We both saved each others asses many times.

  As he was claiming to make fire, he picked up two twigs, and rubbed them on his butts.

  “These are bad branches.”He smiled.”Not burning.”

  I laughed. “Let us check the cave before it gets fully dark.”


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