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Hot & Enchanting (De La Cruz Saga)

Page 2

by Macias, P. T

  I have some work I need to finish at work and I want to work out at the gym. It’s great that nobody will be there, thinks Ricky driving to the office. He goes to his office and starts to work on some paperwork.

  * * *

  Jacki arrives at work quickly entering the elevator. OMG, I still can’t believe that Ricky talked to me. I need to lock up my emotions. It will not do me any good to think and dream about him, thinks Jacki pushing the elevator button.

  Jacki exits the elevator walking down the hall to the accounting office. I wonder if anyone else came into work today.

  “Hi Jacki, so you decided to come in today? Susan and Debbie are not coming in,” says Sally Ann looking up from the computer. “I’m going to the break room to get some coffee. Do you want some?”

  “Yes I do want some coffee. You know that it’s the end of month on Tuesday. I don’t want to stay late for the end of the month. I want to get as much as possible done today,” replies Jacking smiling. “I’ll get the coffee for us.” Jacki stores her purse away inside her desk.

  “Okay, that’s great. I’m in the middle of this huge account and I don’t want to mess up. Thanks,” says Sally Ann grinning.

  “No worries, I’ll be right back,” replies Jacki walking out of the office. She walks down the hall and into the break room.

  Huh, I should go and check out the gym. I want to start working out. I haven’t worked out in a while. I allowed my gym membership to expire. I have never looked into the gym that is part of our benefits. It’s available to us here. I need to see it or get any information on it that I can. There shouldn’t be anyone there right now. I’ll go and check it out before I get our coffees, thinks Jacki nodding.

  She walks down to the gym opening the door and walks in. She looks around. Wow, the gym is nice. They even have some nice music to work out with. I love it. I wonder if there is any information posted or something.

  Okay there is a wall over here and a small desk. Oh yeah, right here. Great, there is some weight training classes and some dancing classes. Wow, I’m impressed. I didn’t realize that the company offered so many classes for us, thinks Jacki leaning down the table to reach for a paper.

  * * *

  Okay now I’m done with my paperwork. I’m going to work out and then get back to the casa to have some lunch with mi mama. Si, I know that she will make me my favorite torta. She always does when she asks me to have lunch, thinks Ricky smiling. He reaches for his bag and walks out of his office down the hall towards the gym.

  Ricky enters the gym and looks around. I knew it would be empty. That’s why I wanted to work out this morning. I don’t want any interruptions. I need to relax and think. I feel like I need to make a game plan. I’m tired of dating these putas. I want to meet a nice chica that will fill my senses. He strides to the men’s lockers and changes into his shorts and top.

  Okay, I’m ready. I’m going to do some weights and then I’m going on the treadmill. Maybe I will go to the movies later after lunch. I wonder what Tony is doing, ponders Ricky working out. Oh yeah, this feels awesome. I’m letting my frustration out with this workout. I’ll run a few miles and then I’m done.

  Ricky finishes his workout and goes to the locker room to take a shower. He can’t hear anything, but the pounding of the water on his back. He rubs the soap in his hands. He then runs his hands down his hard body.

  I wonder who she was and why she didn’t stop to talk to me. Oh yeah, she has a sweet ass. I loved her hair swaying down her back. It looks soft and natural. The chicas that I have dated have their hair all bleached or dyed. This chica looks all natural and warm. Her legs are also awesome. But her cara is so damn sweet and hermosa.

  She must live somewhere around my casa, because she was taking a walk, ponders Ricky smiling.

  His hand wanders to his hot aching shaft thinking of the chica, closing his hermoso green eyes. He moans with pleasure as he starts to stroke his hot shaft.

  * * *

  Oh wow, I’m going to check out the locker rooms, thinks Jacki with the paperwork in her hands.

  She reads the pamphlets walking into the locker room not thinking of checking if it’s the women’s or men’s locker room. She walks in and turns to the right to explore.

  Oh dios mio! There’s Ricky in all of his beautiful glory. I walked into the men’s locker room! Jacki is stun and watches him. He strokes his amazing shaft, blushing she watches wide eyed.

  Oh si, he’s beautiful. I love how his shaft looks. I want to touch him. I knew he was awesome. I should run out. I shouldn’t be watching him. He’s so hot, thinks Jacki flushed with pasión.

  Ricky doesn’t know that Jacki has walked into the locker room and is watching him. He can’t hear a thing, because of the music and shower.

  Oh si, that’s it, she’s so hot, thinks Ricky stroking his throbbing shaft remembering Jacki’s sweet ass. He moans with pasión, holding his shaft.

  I should not be watching, but he’s so scrumptious, thinks Jacki biting her lower lip.

  She observes as Ricky strokes his hot throbbing shaft. He strokes from the base to the top of his crown, moaning with pleasure. He starts to increase his pace and with his other mano holds onto the base.

  Oh si, he makes me so hot and needy. I want to touch him, muses Jacki flushed.

  Ricky reaches his powerful passionate release, jetting out a stream, and causing a delicious ache throbbing in her heart.

  She moans as she watches him, feeling her panties get wet. Oh si, he makes me hot, moans Jacki feverish. She quickly gazes up, noticing his awesome abs as her gaze travels up to observe his face.

  Ricky opens his eyes and stares right at Jacki, dazed from his powerful passionate release.

  Am I truly seeing the hot chica? Is that hot bella chica here? Did she watch me reach my awesome powerful release thinking of her? Who is she, contemplates Ricky gazing into her hermoso eyes.

  For a few moments in time they gaze into each other eyes, touching their almas, and bonding. They recognize the connection.

  I can feel her alma. Damn yes, look at her sweet tight nipples, she wants me, thinks Ricky squinting his eyes, watching her blush.

  Oh si, he’s beautiful and he caught me, thinks Jacki biting her lip moaning. Blushing returning his gaze feeling his alma.

  He makes me so hot. I’m aching for him. Oh yeah, my nipples are so tight and needy. I know that he can see them through my silky top. I should be embarrassed, but I’m not. I can see and feel his alma. Oh dios mio, he knows that I watched him. I’m so wanton. What was I thinking? I would never do this, thinks Jacki.

  She blinks and quickly turns, running out of the gym blushing. Jacki is flushed from the intense pasión that he provokes.

  Oh dios mio, I want to touch him so badly. What is he going to do? I should have turned around immediately. I simply couldn’t. I wanted to watch him. I loved seeing him stroke his beautiful shaft. I loved watching him reach his release. It was so hot, muses Jacki blushing like crazy.

  Ricky blinks as he sees Jacki run away. Damn it all to hell! She’s always running away. I don’t know her. I saw her today near my casa and now here at the company. What’s up? I know that her alma connected with mine. I felt her. Why is she running? She obviously loved watching me. I know that she was also turned on, her sweet nipples were begging for me. I know it. She’s so hermosa. Her eyes were feverish with pasión. Her face was flushed. I saw her bite her lower lip. I know that she was moaning. I couldn’t hear her, but I can see it in her ojos. I know that she wants me. I know what I saw.

  Damn, I can’t look for her here. She must work here. Damn it! I can’t do anything, thinks Ricky turning off the water grabbing the towel.

  * * *

  Oh dios mio, what did I do? I should have run out immediately. Now Ricky saw me and recognized me from this morning, thinks Jacki feverishly rushing into the ladies room. How am I ever going to forget how beautiful he looks when he’s in full-blown arousal and pasión?

  I don’t
know what to do. Will he seek me out and fire me for watching him in his most private moment. I don’t know. He did not appear to be mad when he gazed into my eyes. I felt his alma link with mine. He looked enthralled. Of course, like always, I was completely enchanted by him. Everything about Ricky mesmerizes me.

  Jacki quickly splashes some water on her face trying to control her pasión. Si that feels better. I don’t feel so hot anymore. What should I do? I will go get Sally Ann’s coffee. I need to finish my work. That’s why I came into work today, not to spy on Ricky. Geeze, I’m so wanton. How can he turn me on so quickly and without even touching me? I’m so confused. I feel as if he did touch me.

  Okay enough daydreaming. I need to get to work and forget about him. I can’t forget that he is unattainable. He is not for me, period, ponders Jacki nodding with determination.

  Jacki walks to the lunch room to get the cups of coffee. She then returns to her office. “Sally Ann here is your cup of coffee. Sorry I took so long. I had to use the ladies room,” says Jacki smiling. I’m not going to tell anyone about my little sexual erotic moment, yeah right.

  Chapter Three

  Ricky walks down the hall to the kitchen holding the pink rosas that he bought for his mama. “Mama, I bought you some rosas. I love you. What did you make me,” asks Ricky smiling.

  “Mi hijo, you’re so sweet. The rosas are beautiful, muchas gracias. Ricardo you know that I always make you your favorite torta. How did it go at work today? I’m surprised that you went in today,” says Mama Lupe smiling.

  “Si Mama, I don’t usually go in on Saturdays. We have several new clients and I don’t want to cause any delays. I needed to make sure that all the contracts are accurate. I don’t want to cause any issues and risk losing the clients,” replies Ricky sitting at the table. “Mama this torta looks delicious.”

  “Aye mi hijo, it’s only a torta,” says Mama Lupe laughing at her eldest hijo. “I know that any chica can make it for you. Mi hijo don’t you have a novia. It’s time for you to start looking for a nice chica. I’m waiting for my nietos.”

  “Si Mama, I’m going to search for a nice chica. Mama you know that it’s hard to find a nice chica. The chicas that chase me are not what I’m looking for. I don’t like being chased. I don’t like them. I want to choose the chica, my alma gemela. I want to chase her myself. I want a nice chica that is only mia,” replies Ricky taking a bite of his torta.

  I wonder if I have met a nice chica. Well maybe not, if she was standing and watching me in the shower. Damn yes, that was so incredibly hot. Oh yeah, she can be nice, passionate and only mia. I will never complain about that. I better stop thinking about her, I’m going to start to ache again, ponders Ricky shifting in his chair.

  “Si mi hijo, but you have to stop playing with all of those locas. Keep your eyes open and I know that dios has the perfect chica for you. Do you want another torta?” asks Mama Lupe.

  “Si mama,” replies Ricky taking a drink of his milk. “Is Tony home? I want to go to the movies.”

  “No mi hijo. I think that he went to get some items at the mall,” replies Mama Lupe nodding.

  “Okay, I will go on my own. Do you want to come along?” asks Ricky looking at his mama.

  “Si mi hijo, but I can’t. I promised your Tia Maria that I will help her with the plans for the 25th anniversary,” replies Mama Lupe smiling. “Your tios are anxious to meet Jose Enrique’s novia. We’re all thrilled that he will be marrying soon. We hope that the rest of you will also start marrying. Have you met her?”

  “No mama, none of us has met her. He told me that he will bring her to the Sunday dinner when he’s ready. Okay, I’ll go to the movies on my own,” says Ricky taking the last bite of his torta. He talks a little while with his mama. The cell phone rings and Ricky sees that it’s Davina. “Mama I’m going to my room to talk.”

  “Si mi hijo, I will see you later,” says Mama Lupe nodding. “I have to go.”

  Ricky walks to his room to talk to Davina. “Hola,” says Ricky falling onto his cama looking at the ceiling. “I told you I can’t see you today.”

  “Baby I want to see you. I want to spend today with you. I need you,” replies Davina taking a drink of wine. “I promise that you will have fun.”

  Yeah I know what she wants and I’m not interested. I don’t want to be with her, thinks Ricky. “I have to let you go. I have to talk to my familia. They’re all visiting.”

  “Why don’t you invite me over?” asks Davina smiling.

  “No, I can’t. We don’t have a formal relationship. I have to go,” says Ricky ending the call.

  He turns off the cell. He then raises his arms and crosses them under his head. I don’t want to talk to her anymore. I will not answer her call ever again.

  Okay, now I need to leave and to enjoy a movie. I know that Veronica is with Christopher and Claudia is in training. Should I call mis primos? No, I feel like being on my own. I want to think, ponders Ricky. He walks out of the casa and strolls to his carro to drive to the movies.

  * * *

  Jacki is on her way back home after a long day at work. Si I’m tired, but I’m also feliz that I saw Ricky. I will never forget today. I also accomplish to finish a lot of work. Maybe I won’t have to stay late this week. I really need to do some fun activities. I need to meet someone that I can enjoy talking to, thinks Jacki pulling into her driveway. He doesn’t have to be as gorgeous as Ricky.

  I wonder if Jessy is home. I want to go out tonight and this is a first. I usually don’t want to go out. I love to stay home and read my romance novels, but I also know that I need to get out. I don’t want to wake up old and lonely.

  Jacki walks into her casa looking for Jessy. “Jessy,” calls out Jacki walking down the hall to her room.

  “Do you want to go out tonight?” asks Jacki. She drops her purse on her bed to go in search of Jessy. I know that she must be in her room.

  Jacki walks into Jessy’s room noticing the clothes all over her cama. “Hola Jacki, I’m busy. I’m doing all of these adjustments to my designs. I also bought some cute dresses for you. You know that I will never allow you to look like a nerd. It’s bad enough that you act like one,” says Jessy laughing.

  “Si hermana, you know it. I’m eternally grateful that you also think of me when you’re shopping. I want to go out tonight. Do you?” asks Jacki taking a seat on the cama. She starts to fold the clothes and to organize the jewelry. “These are real cute.”

  “Si, I thought they’re muy cute, cute,” replies Jessy nodding. “Okay, we can go out. I will call Paty and Bella. I know that they will enjoy going with us.”

  “Why don’t you also invite las bebes?” asks Jacki looking over at Jessy. I wonder if they will come along. Maybe they will tell me something about Ricky, ponders Jacki.

  “Jacki, las bebes are hardly ever in casa. Veronica is on her modeling jobs or with Christopher. Claudia is training or on a mission,” says Jessy looking over at Jacki. “You still want to learn anything about Ricky? Are you still all in love with him?”

  “Hmmm, I think you can say that. I have a hard time keeping him locked up when I always see him at work. Of course he doesn’t know me or even talks to me,” says Jacki looking away. I’m not going to tell mi hermana what happened. She will scold me for not walking out. Oh well, I will never regret it, muses Jacki.

  “Si hermana, I know exactly what you mean. I still think of Jose Enrique. It’s hard to like another hombre when I’m always comparing him to Jose Enrique. Do you do the same?” asks Jessy looking at her hermana nod.

  “Si Jessy, I do. I went out with this jerk. The only thing that I did was compare him to Ricky. He was jerk,” says Jacki shaking her head. “That’s why I want to go out tonight. I want to see if I can meet someone. There has to be someone out there that I can fall in love with.”

  “Aye hermana, that’s the hard part in trying to meet the right Chico. You first have to be attracted to him and then you have to like him. It’s har
d to find one that you’re attracted to and also like his ways. So that’s why we can’t fall in love with someone else. I know that I love Jose Enrique looks and his personality. I also know that he’s a good hearted Chico. He has the same customs, values and traditions,” says Jessy gathering up the new clothes.

  “Si Jessy, that’s exactly what I think. It doesn’t help that I also feel real attracted to Ricky physically. I never feel that way with another chico,” says Jacki looking at Jessy. “Is it normal to get all hot from looking at them?”

  “Well hermana, that is normal, I think. I feel the same way. I think that it’s because they’re our alma gemelas. I can’t think of any other reason. I don’t react to other chicos like I feel when I see Jose Enrique.”

  “I know, but I think that it’s odd that we both fell in love with los primos. I don’t understand why I feel this way about Ricky. It’s not like he ever talked to me,” says Jacki biting her lower lip with anxiety. Well he has tried to talk to me today, but it could be only for today, ponders Jacki.

  “Okay, I will call Paty and Bella. Go and get ready. Please wear the cute red dress with the silver sandals. You look muy cute, cute in that,” says Jessy going to get her dress out.

  “Si I will, gracias hermana,” says Jacki smiling. Yeah, now I’m going to meet someone that will erase Ricardo completely out of my mind and corazon. I know that my alma will always be linked with his, ponders Jacki.

  Chapter Four

  Jacki and Jessy are ready to go out to the club. “Okay, Paty and Bella will meet us at the club,” says Jessy walking out of the casa. “I told papa and mama that we will be back late.”

  “I’m feliz that we’re going out Jessy. I’m looking forward to having a nice time and maybe meet my príncipe,” says Jacki laughing.


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