Book Read Free

Walking the Line

Page 17

by Mandy Magro

  ‘I know, right?’ Reg slowly stood up, and then wiped his hands on his trousers before shoving them in his pockets. He was beaming proudly now. ‘The very first proper date Nancy and I went on, I was walking her home and she spotted some roses growing in a garden. She commented on them being her favourite flower. So the next date we went on I used almost all my week’s wages to buy her some. I didn’t earn much as a builder’s labourer.’ He shook his head and sighed. ‘You should have seen her beautiful face light up when I gave them to her, Charlize. It was priceless.’

  ‘Oh Reg, that’s so romantic.’ Charlize found herself blinking back tears.

  ‘That’s exactly what Nancy said.’ He took a step closer and leant against the fence. ‘So after that, every anniversary of that night I would buy her a rose, and did so right up until she passed away.’ He motioned to the garden. ‘Nancy planted all these roses in celebration of our love. So I make it my duty to keep them looking as beautiful as she did.’

  A tear slid down Charlize’s cheek. She smiled as she wiped it away. ‘That is the most beautiful story I think I’ve ever heard.’

  Reg nodded, his eyes now glistening with unshed tears. ‘Our love was one in a million.’ He sniffed loudly and squared his shoulders. ‘I look forward to the day I meet her on the other side.’

  Charlize reached out and placed her hand over Reg’s on the fence. ‘I bet you do.’



  ‘You ready to head on down to the boys, Charlize?’ Katherine’s voice travelled up the stairs, dragging Charlize from her thoughts. ‘I’ve just grabbed the scones out of the oven and I’d like to get them to them while they’re still hot.’

  ‘Sorry, coming now, Kath.’ Charlize jumped up and tucked the notes she’d been making back into her handbag.

  Ramming her feet into her jeans, she tugged them up, and then scowled at her reflection as she quickly brushed her teeth. She’d been trying to tame her hair all morning but by the look of her wild mane, it was just going to have to be one of those days where she appeared to have stuck her finger in an electrical socket. Curly hair was great when it obeyed, but on unruly days such as these it was a pain in the arse. One time in high school she’d tried to iron it flat, only succeeding in scorching half of it off. Lesson learnt—the hard way.

  Why she cared so much about how she looked, seeing as she wasn’t stepping foot off the farm today, she didn’t know. Maybe it had something to do with the fact that she was about to view five naked men—three of whom she’d never laid eyes on before—or was it that she was about to see just one in particular without his usual cowboy garb? The very thought made her tingle in places a married woman never should, unless it was her husband causing the tingling. Not that Alistair had ignited her sparks down there for a good while now, but this was no time to ponder that fact. She quickly grabbed her backpack and raced down the stairs while she applied some lip gloss.

  Meeting Katherine in the kitchen, she peeked underneath the tea towel of the wicker basket on the bench and breathed in deeply. ‘Oh my god, look at them! They smell divine.’

  ‘Pumpkin scones are my specialty.’ Katherine tugged off her flour-splattered apron and then busied herself with pulling on her boots and hat.

  ‘Look at you, from cook to cowgirl in seconds. What a woman.’ Charlize smiled broadly as she grabbed a small bunch of grapes from the fruit bowl she’d filled to the brim again yesterday.

  Katherine grinned. ‘Yes, and many roles in between.’ She tugged open the fridge door and grabbed the container of whipped cream Charlize had made earlier and the jars of homemade strawberry and mulberry jam they’d picked up at a roadside stall. ‘I hope the boys are hungry because I’ve made stacks of them.’

  ‘I’ll be sure to eat my fair share, and I know Roberto, the photographer you met this morning, is going to go crazy for them—he loves anything with cream.’ Charlize chuckled lightly as she imagined five bona-fide country blokes getting their kit off for a camera-wielding gay man who called everyone darling and sweetie pie. She glanced at the clock above the oven. ‘The guys will have been in wardrobe for about an hour, and that can be pretty hectic so I reckon they’ll be ravenous by now.’

  Katherine’s eyebrows shot up. ‘What the heck would they be doing in wardrobe if they’re going to be naked?’

  ‘Oh, you know. They’d be getting bronzer put all over them, and a bit of body oil to make them appear even more buffed. Maybe even a little bit of subtle make-up here and there.’

  Katherine’s brows rose even higher. ‘Make-up?’

  ‘Yes, but not like what we women think of when it comes to make-up. Have any of the blokes ever done anything like this before?’

  ‘Are you kidding me?’ Katherine snorted with laughter. ‘Dallas has had photos done for small newspaper articles, but that’s as far as it goes. As for the other four, I’m guessing the only times they would have posed in front of a camera was when they’d had a few too many down the pub.’

  Charlize pursed her lips. ‘Sounds like it’s going to be a very interesting morning then.’

  ‘It always is when Dallas’s mates are involved.’ Katherine popped the cream and jars of jam in the basket and then hooked her arm in Charlize’s. ‘And I have to say I’m so glad I’ve got you here to share today with. I’d feel like a bit of an old perv sitting down there on my own.’

  Charlize tossed another grape in her mouth, savouring the sweet crunch. ‘Aren’t any of the blokes’ better halves coming to watch?’

  ‘I don’t think so. Kristen has to man the pub while Johnno’s gone. Phil, the farmer you met the other night when you crashed through his fence, is a widower—he lost his wife to cancer eight years ago. His son Will is too commitment phobic to have a girlfriend, and I’d say Hollie will be too flat out at the cafe to come and watch Tim. Friday is pension payment day and a few of the old loves usually get together for their weekly lunch there.’

  ‘No rest for the wicked, by the sounds of it.’

  ‘That’s right, love, so it’s just gonna be me and you in a roundyard full of naked men—’ she grimaced ‘—including my son, which is going to be slightly weird for me and probably very uncomfortable for him. I think I might make myself scarce while he does his shoot.’

  ‘Don’t worry, I’ll be there to cover your eyes when and if the need arises.’ Charlize flashed a cheeky grin. ‘I might even do a little bit of perving myself while I’m at it.’

  Katherine laughed. She motioned towards the laundry with a tip of her head. ‘Bruce has made himself comfortable in his bed so are you happy to leave him here with Levi?’

  Charlize smiled. ‘I wouldn’t want to pull him away from his new mate.’

  Katherine rolled her eyes playfully. ‘Tell me about it. Those two are bloody inseparable. I’ve left the back door open so they can get in and out for toilet duties and I’ve made sure the back gate is firmly shut so he can’t get out of the garden.’

  ‘Oh thanks, Kath. I appreciate you taking care of Bruce like you do.’

  ‘No worries, love. It’s the least I can do, considering you’re giving me an extended break from dinner and breakfast duties. I’d better not get too used to it—you’ll be gone before we know it.’

  ‘That’s it; enjoy it while you can, Kath.’

  Charlize was smiling on the outside as she followed Katherine down the hallway, but on the inside the thought of driving away from here made her feel a little sad. Although she missed the city and all that came with it, she’d found something very appealing about the country and the people that lived in it—everyone except for Vivien Hiller, that was. It hadn’t even been five days in Grenfell, but she felt so relaxed and at peace here, and her mind was clearer than it had been in a long time—all the problems she had left back home no longer seemed so overwhelming. But was that because she’d run away from them, or because she’d had time to think?

  She wasn’t too sure and she wasn’t going to waste time dwelling on it right
now. She had herself some bare-chested men to see.

  Wearing her new leather boots and jeans, Charlize stepped outside and smiled broadly as the smell of the earth coming alive for another day ignited all of her senses. All around her the land seemed to stretch on forever, and so did the blue above her. It was a nice change to walk out into a vast nothingness filled with so much natural beauty, instead of stepping out into the hectic streets of Sydney from an apartment block—although she did love that too, the hustle and bustle always making her feel a part of something exhilarating and promising.

  Katherine pointed to the four-wheeler motorbike parked in the shade of a blue gum. ‘Do you want to do the honours while I hold on to the scones?’

  Charlize folded her hands under her chin and glanced from the bike to Katherine and then back at the bike again. ‘Ooh, I’d love to, but I have no idea how to ride the thing.’

  Katherine waved her hand through the air. ‘Oh, they’re easy, sweetheart. Just like riding a bike but you don’t have to peddle.’

  Charlize clapped her hands. ‘Okay then, I’m keen if you’re game.’

  ‘And I’m game if you’re keen,’ Katherine said, grinning wickedly.

  ‘Do we need helmets?’

  ‘No love, farmers never wear helmets riding around their properties.’ Piling on, Katherine reached around Charlize and pointed to the key. ‘Just switch it on, and as long as the bike’s in neutral it’ll kick to life.’

  Charlize did as she was told and the motorbike started. ‘Okay, that was easy. What next?’

  Katherine pointed down to a lever. ‘You have to use your left foot to flick this into first gear. And then we’ll be off like a frog in a sock.’

  ‘A frog in a sock?’ Charlize burst out laughing. ‘Love it.’ She followed Katherine’s orders then applied the accelerator switch, sending the bike suddenly lurching forwards.

  ‘I didn’t mean literally,’ Katherine cried as she grabbed Charlize’s waist and held on for dear life.

  Charlize let go of the throttle and the bike slowed to a stop as both women squealed and then burst into laughter.

  ‘You might want to do that a little less eagerly this time round. Otherwise me and the scones are going to end up in the dirt.’

  Charlize gave Katherine’s leg a pat as she grimaced. ‘My god, I’m so sorry. I’m terrible at this’

  ‘Not to worry—all part of learning.’

  Charlize straightened her shoulders and eyed the bike like it was an opponent. ‘Right, I’ll try again, a little slower this time.’

  And then they were off, in first gear, with the bike soon screaming in protest at not being changed into second gear.

  Katherine yelled over the shrieking engine. ‘You better change gears before we blow the thing up.’

  Flicking the toe of her boot up, Charlize miraculously achieved a smooth gear change, and then another, and another, until they were cruising along at forty kilometres an hour. Feeling the wind whipping past her and the freedom that came with riding along the dirt track without a helmet, she couldn’t help but squeal in delight, laughing at the fact she’d earlier tried to tame her hair. It was all in vain now and she didn’t care—this was too much fun to give two hoots about how her hair looked. Good lord, what was happening to her?

  Five minutes later, after cruising down past the top dam, they were approaching the roundyard where the first of today’s shoots was already underway. An old Fiat tractor was parked in the middle and a stark naked bloke was sitting on top, his manhood covered with a wide-brimmed hat as he changed seating positions like a pro, working the camera like he owned it. He could easily have passed as an underwear model with his shaggy blonde hair, bronzed skin and rippled abs—and he certainly didn’t have a shy bone in his body. Charlize had never laid her eyes on him before. He was a little too young for her, but nice eye candy all the same.

  Much to her horror, she veered slightly off the track while staring, but quickly regained her composure and saved them from ploughing into the thick scrubland off to the side.

  ‘You right there, love?’ Katherine said, laughing.

  ‘Sorry ’bout that—he’s a little hottie pattotti,’ Charlize called over her shoulder.

  ‘And he bloody well knows it too,’ Katherine replied good-naturedly. ‘That’s Phil’s son, Will. He’s broken a lot of the hearts around Grenfell.’

  ‘I can only imagine,’ Charlize said, her thoughts fleetingly drifting to Alistair, but she ripped them back to the present. ‘How do I slow this thing down?’

  ‘Ease off the accelerator and start going down the gears by pushing that level down instead of up.’

  ‘Gotcha.’ And like a duck to water, Charlize eased the gears back down and pulled up in the shade of a tree. ‘Oh my god, that was so much fun. Thanks for trusting your life with me.’ She grinned naughtily. ‘We almost didn’t make it, but I got us here in one piece in the end.’

  ‘That you did, love.’ Katherine smiled before easing herself off the bike, her hand going to the base of her back as she straightened and winced. ‘I’m getting too old to be hooning about.’

  Charlize frowned playfully. ‘You’re only as old as you look, and in my eyes you’re not a day older than twenty-one.’

  Katherine smirked. ‘Yeah, right, and if wishes were horses, beggars would ride.’

  ‘Hey there, you two—I thought you both must have disappeared down the plug hole.’ Dallas’s voice carried across from the roundyard.

  Charlize slid off the bike and turned to give him what for, but the words got stuck in her throat when she caught sight of him.

  Dallas was leaning against the railings of the roundyard with his hands folded and tucked behind his head, wearing nothing but a towel. His strong chest was adorned with a tattoo that snaked down his stomach and beneath the towel and she was dying to know just how far down it went. That, right there, was a million dollar view. Hell, in all his masculine glory, the man didn’t even need to pose. Roberto could turn right around and get the killer shot he wanted without even having to ask.

  She couldn’t for the life of her tear her eyes away from him, despite the little voice in her head screaming that his mother was standing right beside her. She had to get a grip.

  ‘We come bearing scones,’ Katherine called out as she ambled towards the roundyard with Charlize day-dreamily in tow.

  ‘About time, we’re starving to death here,’ Dallas said, a playful smile on his lips. ‘Nothing a few of your famous pumpkin scones won’t fix though.’

  ‘Oh, the cheek,’ Katherine called back, feigning irritation but smiling broadly. ‘I’ll have you know that after we finished helping you lot set up down here, we went home and cleaned, fed the chooks, prettied ourselves up and then made smoko.’

  ‘Sorry, there’s not enough scones left for you, Dallas, I’ve nearly eaten them all.’ Charlize stopped short of the railings and puffed her belly out as far as she could. She and Dallas had slipped into a habit of silly repartee. She’d never been able to banter like this with Alistair—he was always too serious for what he called ‘childish behaviour’.

  Dallas’s face conveyed mock horror as he dropped to the ground in pretend ruin while skilfully keeping his towel wrapped firmly around his waist, eliciting a giggle from both Charlize and Katherine. They manoeuvred under the railings and got to unpacking smoko onto the table they’d set up in the shade earlier that morning. As well as the scones, there were cups, sugar, flasks of tea and coffee, and a drink esky filled with icy water, cans of soft drink and milk for their cuppas.

  Dallas went in for the kill before they’d even had time to set up the jam and cream, scoffing a scone in mere seconds and leaving traces of the golden crumbs all over his mouth. He looked hilarious with his cheeks puffed out, sending Charlize into another fit of giggles. He licked the crumbs from his fingers and rolled his eyes in pleasure. ‘Oh my god that was good.’

  Charlize shook her head. ‘Slow down there, tiger. Otherwise you might cho
ke to death, and we’ll be missing Mister April and October.’

  ‘Don’t you worry your pretty little head, Missus Dawson.’ Dallas hooked his thumbs in the roll of his towel and grinned charmingly while Charlize internally grimaced at the sound of her married name rolling off Dallas’s tongue so easily.

  Dallas took a step towards her, his expression playful. ‘I’m the master of inhaling food and I won’t be letting the team down by kicking the bucket while on the job.’

  He replied with so much heartiness Charlize found herself bucking over in laughter again. Clearly chuffed, he flashed her his megawatt smile, making her weak at the knees—just like he had the very first time she’d laid eyes on him on her laptop. She’d thought his smile was potent then, but get him in the flesh and he was a power unto his own when it came to sexiness. What was even more attractive was that he didn’t even seem to know it.

  Raucous applause behind them pulled Charlize and Dallas’s attention to the centre of the roundyard. They watched as Roberto flounced towards a very proud looking Will who was now perched on the tractor tyre and looking as chuffed as ever with the praise. ‘Oh, darling, that was incredible—you should seriously think about doing this for a living.’ Roberto waved his arms flamboyantly. ‘If all the others are just like you my day will be an absolute dream.’

  ‘I think Roberto might have a little crush,’ Charlize said beneath her breath, only loud enough for Dallas and Katherine to hear her.

  Katherine chortled as she made a cup of coffee. ‘Really? That’ll be a first, for Will to break a man’s heart instead of a woman’s.’

  Dallas screwed his face up. ‘Cor, Mum, fair go. I don’t really want to think about Will and Roberto making out—not that there’s anything wrong with that, but it would never happen—Will loves women too much.’ He lifted his hat and rubbed his hand through his short hair as though deep in thought.


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