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Walking the Line

Page 30

by Mandy Magro

  Candlelight flickered over the ceiling as Charlize nuzzled further into Dallas’s chest, both of them spent after making love all afternoon and into the early evening. ‘You hungry?’


  ‘Good, me too.’ She propped herself up on her elbow. ‘You want Thai, or Indian?’

  ‘Either, I’m easy.’

  ‘You can say that again,’ she said playfully, stealthily avoiding a playful slap on her butt from Dallas as she leapt from the bed.

  Tugging on her robe, she went to head out the bedroom door, thankful that Jane was away for the weekend so they had the place to themselves.

  ‘Oh, hang five, I keep forgetting to give something to you.’ Dallas rose from the bed, his nakedness enticing a wicked grin from Charlize as he grabbed his jeans from the bedroom floor. He pulled the ruby necklace out and held it up.

  Charlize took a step back as though she’d been struck. She gasped and covered her mouth, shaking her head. ‘Where did you find that?’

  ‘It was tangled up in the motor of the Commodore in the shed. I thought you must have dropped it there when you were looking under the bonnet.’ He looked down to where the latch was broken, obviously figuring that’s what was upsetting her. ‘Don’t stress, we can take it to a jeweller and have it fixed in no time.’

  She shook her head. ‘It’s not mine, Dallas.’ She strode towards him and took it from his hand, examining it closer. ‘This belongs to Vivien Hiller.’ She looked up at him as she tugged her robe tightly around her.

  Dallas frowned. ‘How could it be Vivien’s?’

  ‘I’ve seen this necklace on her, in a photo when I was at her place. I commented on it because I love rubies so much. And she mentioned that she’d lost it.’ She reached out and placed her hand on Dallas’s arm. ‘She was at your place the day of your dad’s accident, wasn’t she?’

  Her words sent Dallas stumbling backwards. He sat down on the end of the bed, shaking. ‘Oh my fucking god.’ He smacked his fisted hands down on the mattress, his eyes blazing. ‘It was her that put the steering fluid in the brake line. It’s all because of her my father’s dead.’

  Charlize rushed to his side. ‘We don’t know for sure, so let’s take what we know to the police and let them deal with it.’

  His jaw clenched tight, Dallas nodded. ‘You suspected her, didn’t you? That’s why you were looking under the bonnet?’

  ‘Yes.’ Her voice was trembling. ‘But I didn’t want to say anything in case I was off track. I was hoping to come across some evidence.’ She held the necklace up. ‘And this is it.’

  Dallas took her hands in his. ‘I can’t believe I never thought Vivien could be behind the accident. But it all makes sense now. She hated my father for having an affair with Warren, and she’d have a fair idea of engines after working alongside Warren all those years.’ He threw his head back, groaning as he roughly ran his hands over his face. ‘God I’m an idiot! When I was questioned I told the police nobody had stepped foot on the farm that day because I didn’t want them going and questioning Vivien and finding out what I’d overheard about dad being gay.’

  Charlize threw her arm around him. ‘Don’t beat yourself up anymore. You were only trying to keep your father’s secret safe. Instead of going over what could have been done differently, let’s take action. Let’s get dressed and head down to the police station. And on the way, I’ll fill you in on a few more things I’ve found out.’


  The trial lasted almost five long heart-wrenching months, but it only took the jury one hour to decide their verdict.

  Charlize watched with bated breath as the jurors filed back in, each of their faces serious, and then Vivien Hiller was led back in and placed on the stand. The only person that had come to support her was Warren. Through most of the proceedings he’d hung his head in shame as he’d listened to what his stepmother was accused of. The bailiff called everyone to their feet as the judge re-entered the room from his chambers, his cloak floating out behind him dramatically as he walked.

  Reaching his chair, the judge cleared his throat and rapped lightly with his gavel for attention. ‘Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, have you reached a verdict?’

  ‘We have, Your Honour,’ said the foreman, his voice low.

  ‘Then kindly inform the court of your verdict, and please speak up so we can all hear you clearly.’ The judge settled into his high-backed chair, his hands folded over his belly.

  Up on the stand, Vivien Hiller took prayer position—her eyes closed and her hands pressed firmly together.

  There wasn’t a sound to be heard in the packed courtroom—not a rustle, not a breath. Clutching Dallas’s hand, Charlize waited. Katherine stood beside her, her hand interlaced with Reg’s and her face as white as a ghost. Charlize wished she could pull her into a hug, but refrained. Now wasn’t the time. A chill crept over her. She gazed at the sunlight streaming through the windows beside them, wishing she could step outside and bask in it.

  The foreman of the jury cleared his throat. ‘We find Vivien Hiller guilty, Your Honour, on every count.’

  A deep sigh swept the room; as if everyone had just released the breath they’d been holding. Dallas turned to Charlize and wrapped his arms around her as he lifted her from the floor and squeezed her tight. Over his shoulder, Charlize smiled through her tears as she watched Reg and Katherine hugging each other like their lives depended on it. And then she spotted Warren, his head hung in his hands. It looked as if he was weeping. Her heart broke for him.

  An outburst from the stand distracted them. ‘I was only doing God’s work. How dare you people judge me.’ Vivien was yelling at the top of her lungs.

  With steely eyes, the judge turned towards Vivien as he hammered his gavel. ‘Missus Hiller, you will be held in contempt of court if I hear any more outbursts from you. Do you understand?’

  With slumped shoulders, Vivien nodded meekly.

  The judge turned in his seat. ‘Vivien Hiller, this jury has found you guilty of the pre-meditated murders of both Michael James Armstrong and George Graham Hiller. After hearing and assessing all evidence, I am in complete accord with their decision. The duty of this court is to pass sentence for your crimes.’ He tugged his cloak around him. ‘I hereby sentence you to two consecutive life sentences, to be served in full.’

  Vivien clutched her chest as she was led away by armed guards. The courtroom remained respectfully silent, although Charlize was dying to scream for joy.

  The judge then gathered his papers and peered out over his reading glasses. ‘Court is adjourned.’

  It was now, with freedom of speech and movement returned, that heads turned, and pleased voices were heard, and people hugged and cheered. Many began to huddle around Charlize and Dallas and Katherine and Reg.

  Searching out a gap in the crowd, Dallas dragged Charlize from the courtroom, his steps becoming more of a run as they neared the entrance. Stepping out into the glorious sunshine, he took her into his arms and captured her gaze, the intensity of his love for her in them, as always, taking her breath away.

  ‘Thank you for being by my side the entire way throughout this horrible ordeal, Char. I hope you know I love you more than life itself.’

  ‘I do, and I love you too, with all my heart and soul.’ Charlize reached up on her tippy-toes and placed a lingering kiss on his lips. Then, resting back down on her heeled feet, she smiled tenderly. ‘You’ve stuck by me through thick and thin, too, so it’s only fair I do the same for you.’

  Smiling down at her Dallas cupped her cheeks. ‘You and me, baby, together we’ll get through anything.’

  ‘Even the stress of building our own house at Rollingstone Ridge?’ she said with a playful grin.

  ‘Even that.’ Dallas smiled lightheartedly. ‘Although with your new job at the Grenfell Record, the winnings from my ride and with the money coming in from my endorsement deals, I imagine it’s going to be way more fun than taxing.’

  ‘I reckon
you’re right.’ Charlize smiled tenderly. ‘Now that the court case is behind us, I can’t wait to start the rest of our lives together.’ She clasped her hands behind his neck. ‘Now kiss me, you beautiful man.’

  And kiss her he did, making Charlize feel as though she was falling from dizzying heights.


  First and foremost a heartfelt thank you goes to my fantastic team at Harlequin headquarters—my wonderful publisher Rachael Donovan, editors Annabel Blay and Lachlan Jobbins, the design fairies who have created magic once more with an amazing cover, this time with a hunky bloke—yay!—and the rest of the always encouraging and supportive team who have helped make Walking the Line the very best it can be. I feel extremely blessed to be part of the Harlequin family.

  To my darling daughter, Chloe Rose. I wish you could see yourself through my eyes. You continually amaze me with your kind, loving heart and magical imagination. You are wise beyond your years, sweetheart. The unconditional love you give me each and every day and the way in which you view the world through wondrous eyes inspires me more than words can say. You make me smile, make me proud and make my life feel fulfilled. I love you a trillion bazillion, and then some.

  To my mum, Gaye, here’s to the future and sharing many treasured moments. Life is too short not to. And thank you for being a loving Nanna to Chloe—she adores you just as much as I do. We both love you to the moon and back.

  To my dad, John. You never judge and always support my decisions—even if you don’t agree with them. You wipe my tears, praise my achievements, and love me unconditionally. Love you.

  To my awesome stepdad, Trevor. I have so many wonderful childhood memories with you by my side, and as an adult you have continued to always be there for me, no matter what. I admire the man you are, and love the way you always try to see the positive side of life. I count my blessings for the day you came into my life. Love you.

  To my sometimes wild and wacky, yet always kind and caring sisters, Mia, Karla, Rochelle, Hayley and Talia—I love that I have so many sisters! You are all unique and I love you all dearly.

  To my awesome Aunty Kulsoom. With your wicked sense of humour and kind and caring heart I feel extremely blessed to have you in my life. Thank you for always casting an eye over my manuscripts, and editing along the way. Love you heaps.

  To Pam, thank you for being my critique partner, your suggestions are always brilliant!

  To my beautiful forever friend, Tia. Yay to finally living just around the corner from you! Thank you for being the bestest friend any gal could wish for. In you, I know I have someone who will always love me for who I am, never judge me for the stupid mistakes I make and will be there to do the fun crazy stuff that makes us laugh for years afterwards. You’re one in a million, and I love you heaps.

  To my soul friend, Kirsty. You and I just get each other, and I always feel I can be myself around you. Thank you for standing by me with all that happens in my life, good and bad. I love your quick wit, your kind and thoughtful heart, and the way you can make me laugh until my face hurts. In you, I know I have found a friend for life. Love ya guts!

  To my SS, Fiona Stanford, thank you for everything you do, so very selflessly too. You have enriched my life, and been there throughout my writing years. I cannot thank you enough. Love you.

  To my newfound mate Michelle Kerr, it’s been so lovely crossing paths with you! Thank you so very much for casting your eyes over the final draft.

  Rachael Johns, thank you for being the superstar you are! You inspire me, support me and make me laugh. A big squishy hug your way!

  To Len Klumpp, it was wonderful to finally meet you in person! Thank you for the amazing support you give me, and Australian authors in general. You’re a brilliant advocate for rural romance, and being such a manly man that makes me proud as punch!

  And finally, but most importantly, a huge jump-up-and-down-on-the-spot thank you to YOU, the reader. If I could, I would hug every one of you. I wouldn’t be able to live my dream without each and every one of you supporting me by plucking my books from the shelves, or downloading them onto your e-readers. I hope Walking the Line makes you forget about the dreaded housework, keeps you up until the wee hours of the morning, makes you laugh out loud, makes you reach for the tissues and leaves you with a warm fuzzy feeling at the end.

  Until my next book, keep smiling and dreaming.

  Mandy xoxo

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  First Published 2016

  First Australian Paperback Edition 2016

  ISBN 978 148921060 9


  © 2016 by Mandy Magro

  Australian Copyright 2016

  New Zealand Copyright 2016

  With kind thanks to Kip Sawdy for permission to reproduce A Bull Rider’s Prayer by Kip Sawdy from A Cowboy’s Whispered Psalms, Tate Publishing 2009.

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