The Heart

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The Heart Page 6

by Iris Bolling

  “Ari, you are never an interruption, my love.” He held his hand out to her. As she crossed the room to him, Mateo turned to Miguel. “Ensure all is in place for the meeting,” he said to his friend in a tone clearly indicating he did not appreciate the comment made to his wife.

  Miguel stood, rising to his full six foot figure as he winced at the tone Mateo had taken with him in front of her. Adjusting his suit jacket, he bestowed a menacing glance at Ariella. “It’s always interesting to see you, Mrs. Mateo.”

  Forcing a smile for her husband’s friend, Ari replied, “It’s nice seeing you again Miguel and I do apologize for the interruption.”

  Miguel nodded, not sure how to take the woman that seemed to have caused his friend to lose focus. He looked at Mateo, “I’ll see to the arrangements.” He closed the doors behind him.

  Ariella stared at the door with her hands on her hips. “I have no idea why that man dislikes me so.”

  Taking her hand, Mateo pulled her into his embrace. Looking down into her now smiling eyes, he smiled back. “He fears you have taken my concentration away from the business.”

  Wrapping her arms around her husband’s neck, she was simply radiant with her contagious smile. “Well, he’s really going to be pissed when he hears my news.”

  Kissing her neck, right below her earlobe he asked, “What news is that?”

  Ariella placed her hands on his face cupping it and bringing his eyes to meet hers. She softly kissed his lips, then pulled back to see his reaction. “You, my handsome husband, are going to be a father.”

  The look of pure male satisfaction is all that Ariella saw. She laughed joyously as he ravished her with kisses.

  Miguel watched the exchange through the windows from the end of the veranda. His boss, the head of the largest, most influential crime cartel in the world was acting like a teenage boy getting his first piece of a woman. The sight disgusted him.

  An hour later, Mateo and Miguel sat at the table on the veranda, covered with a variety of Mexican dishes, fruits and drinks. Across from them sat the ex-governor of Texas, “Mac” McClintock and his son, Senator Jeremiah McClintock Jr. With the pleasantries out of the way, Mateo was more than ready to hear what the men wanted. They were powerful men in the United States, what could they want from his organization?

  “Have one of those gals bring me another tequila,” Mac demanded in his condescending southern voice. The pool off of the veranda was surrounded with women. This seemed to be the way to attract Americans when it came to business, but as for Mateo, he would prefer to do without them. Either way, there was no reason for the ex-governor to speak to the women in that tone. Mateo placed a hand on Miguel’s arms, stopping his advancement to honor the old man’s request. “Before we become inebriated let’s move the conversation to the business at hand.”

  Miguel retook his seat as Mac replied, “I do my best negotiations when I’m,” he paused then tried to mimic Mateo’s accent, “inebriated,” he drawled.

  Showing no reaction to the old man’s attempt to rattle him, Mateo spoke. “I prefer to handle business when everyone’s mind is clear and focused. It tends to limit future misunderstandings.”

  “I believe Mr. Mateo has a valid point father,” Senator McClintock spoke with the polished southern drawl similar to his fathers, but more respectful in its delivery. “To the business at hand,” the Senator began but was interrupted by Mac.

  “Are you telling me how to negotiate, boy?” Mac snapped.

  “Not at all father,” the Senator replied smoothly. “Mr. Mateo has been hospitable to a fault and he is after all a very busy man. And as you say—time is money.” The Senator looked pointedly at his father.

  Apparently satisfied with the response, Mac turned to Mateo. “We will pay you two million dollars to kill a colored boy. Five million if it’s done at the right time.”

  Mateo learned early in life to mask his reactions around people. Miguel had not completely acquired the skill. “What color is the boy?’ He asked with a clearly agitated voice.

  “It’s not one of you Mexicans if that’s what you’re asking.” Mac waved him off.

  “Allow me to clarify,” the Senator interjected, trying to keep the talks from turning into murder.

  “Please do,” Mateo replied with a raised brow.

  “The coolness of Mateo’s response shook the Senator to his core. He’d much rather deal with men like Miguel. You knew his thoughts and feelings, for he never spared a reaction to the conversation at hand. Alejandra Mateo was different. Other than the coolness in his eyes that had been there from the beginning of the meeting, you had no idea what he was thinking. And that could be dangerous.

  The Senator sat forward. “My son is the governor of Texas. It is our wish to see him become President of the United States. But there is an obstacle.”

  “The colored boy?” Miguel asked.

  “Yes!” Mac shouted. “That colored boy is trying to take what is my grandson’s birth right,” he slammed his fist on the table.

  “Father,” the Senator cautioned with a look. Giving his attention back to Mateo, he explained. “As you can see, we are very passionate about this obstacle.”

  Mateo remained calmly seated with his legs crossed and his eyes leveled on the Senator. Without as much as raising his voice he clearly reprimanded the ex-governor. “Passionate or not,” he coldly stated, “You will pay the one point two million to replace this table I had imported here for my wife from Italy if the foundation is damaged.” He could see the respect for the reprimand on the old man in the Senator’s eyes. “What is the man’s name?” Mateo continued.

  “Before we tell you that boy, we need to know you’re going to take the job.” Mac stated holding Mateo’s stare.

  Mateo looked out to the ocean as a cynical smile touched his lips. He slowly uncrossed his legs then placed his arms on the table and clasped his hands together to keep from strangling the old man. “Governor McClintock,” his mother always told him to show respect to his elders, “I’m a patient man.” He turned his cold dark glare to Mac. “I pride myself on being accepting of others. However, if you refer to anyone else in this meeting as a boy…..” he let the word hang. “I will chop your body up into pieces so small the sharks in the ocean would have to search for hours to find a complete meal.” He held the old man’s eyes to make sure he was completely understood. Then he turned to the Senator. “An obstacle deters progress. It does not stop it unless you allow it to. For example, your father’s southern nature is an obstacle that I will not allow to impede the progress of this meeting. The obstacle in this scenario can be walked around, over or through. Or, I could simply choose to ignore it. Your obstacle at the moment is the lack of the name of the man you want eliminated. Mateo sat back in his seat and crossed his legs. “So, what shall it be? Are you going to provide the name of the individual or will you allow this obstacle to bring this meeting to a close?”

  The Senator held Mateo’s glare, as minutes ticked away. He slightly turned his head towards his father who gave a slight nod of his head. Senator Jeremiah McClintock turned back to Mateo, and then sat back in his seat. “The obstacle we want removed is Jeffrey Daniel Harrison, the Governor of Virginia.”

  ♥ ♥ ♥

  On the same day, a meeting was called at JD’s home to discuss the security detail. The participants of the meeting were as different as they were committed to one goal. The goal simple—get JD elected as President of the United States. To ensure his cooperation in reaching that goal, each knew his number one requirement was the safety of his family. This meeting was set to determine just how far they were willing to go to guarantee their safety.

  As always, Al stopped in to see Tracy before the meeting was set to begin. The kitchen was the heart of the Harrisons’ home. Instinctively that’s where Al headed. Outside the entrance from the foyer Ryan stood next to the door. She straightened as he approached.

  “I need you to wait here, Mr. Day.” She stated as she pu
t her hand out.

  Al took in her black jeans, white tee shirt and of course her boots. The woman affected him just by standing there. “Good morning, Ms. Williams. I’m here to see Tracy. Since you’re here, I assume she’s in the kitchen.”

  “She is.” Ryan nodded, shaking off how good he looked. “But she’s busy.”

  “I’m pretty handy in the kitchen. Maybe I could give her a hand.” He took a step forward.

  She placed her hand on his chest to stop his progression. The touch sent sensations throughout her body. She jerked her hand back. “She’s not alone. Her husband is with her,” she stated while taking a step back.

  Al gave her a knowing smile, “I see.” He turned, “I’ll wait for them in the office.

  Not able to let the opportunity go Ryan stopped him. “You know,” she began, “Mr. H asked you to the table. That’s an honor not many would turn down, but you did. Why?”

  Al turned back to her with a curious look. “How do you know he asked me to the table?”

  “I hear things.”

  “That’s good to know the next time I’m here.” He turned to walk away.

  “You didn’t answer my question. Why did you turn him down?”

  “I don’t see how that should be your concern,” Al continued to walk.

  “I never took you for a coward.” That stopped him dead in his tracks. He turned back with a frown. “The man asked you to the table because he needs you there. I can only assume you are too afraid to venture into the world of politics.”

  He walked back towards her. “Ms. Williams, I believe you have over stepped your boundaries. Your job, as I understand it is to protect Tracy. Not to interfere in family business.”

  “Sometimes it’s one and the same.” Ryan held her stance. “You ever wonder why he asked you? Of all the connected people he has around him, why did he ask you?”

  Al stood there as he placed his hands in his pockets wondering where she was going with this. “I’m sure you have a theory.”

  “I do,” she walked up to him. “You remind him of why he started down this path in the first place. You’re his proof that this world can be better. The people at the table with him, they don’t understand the depth of his passion the way you should. Or could it be you have forgotten where you started. How you got to this point in your life.”

  Looking down into her eyes, Al’s first thought was how beautiful, yet vulnerable they were. Those deep dark brown eyes could easily make a man forget the outside world. But that was something he couldn’t allow to happen. Yes, he wanted her with a passion that was almost overwhelming. But that was just until he had his taste of her and then he could and would let her go. “Ms. Williams, I pride myself on my patience level, but you are testing it.” He stepped away from her. “I’m going to walk away now and pretend this conversation never took place.”

  “I never thought the great Al Day would be afraid of the Carolyn Roberts’ in this world.”

  Al stopped and walked back until he was standing over her only a breath away. “In five minutes you’ve called me a coward twice. Yet, I’m willing to forgive you. However, please don’t for a minute take that as a sign of weakness on my part. Any person can speak their mind, but it takes a wise man to know when to hold his tongue.” He was so close to her his lips touched her cheek as he spoke. “I’m walking away.”

  Ryan watched as he walked away. “Damn.” She mumbled to herself. Just listening to him while he stood that close to her made her wet. She definitely had to keep away from him. He could easily affect her mental stability.

  ♥ ♥ ♥

  JD, Brian Thompson, Calvin Johnson and Douglas Hylton went to high school together. JD never took a step without their input then and he refused to do so now. They was his core—his boys that had supported him in every endeavor from girls to jobs. Their advice had been invaluable. James Brooks had become just as valuable. As his campaign manager and brother-in-law, James’ wisdom and support had resulted in a prestigious political career. He was number five at JD’s round table. Now there was his other brother-in-law, Al. Over the years, he found Al to be a complete oxymoron. The so-called thug he put away nine years ago was the quietest, most mild mannered person, other than Tracy, that JD had ever met. Al loved children, especially his daughter, Monique and his nieces and nephew. He had and will do whatever it takes to protect those that he loved. That elite group of advisors now included Al. JD trusted his advice and had learned to never question or ask the reason why, when it came to Al. For one, he probably would not tell you and two, he always had an intelligent reason for whatever he did.

  All were in attendance for this meeting. And though JD admired and welcomed their advice, he did not always agree. This was one of those times.

  “I don’t understand the problem.” Samuel Lassiter grinned. JD looked at the person that was now his main body man. He had come to respect and accept the fact that Samuel was physically able to break him in half if he wanted to. It didn’t make him less of a man because Samuel could restrain him at any time. It just made him wise to recognize and respect the fact. At least that’s what Tracy told him. “You all know how my brother works.”

  “That’s the problem,” James stated. “Everywhere he goes, something blows up.”

  “That’s a problem?” Samuel asked as he laughed at his own joke. The others in the room turned to him as if he had lost his mind.

  “Only if you are a political candidate that unleashed him on the city,” James replied.

  “You make him sound like a monster,” Magna stated. “If I remember correctly didn’t he save your son?” She asked Brian.

  Brian, who had not added to the conversation, nodded his head. “He did.”

  “Look, all I know is he was there when Sammy and I needed him. I’m with Sammy.” Ryan added, “I don’t see the problem.”

  “Let’s cut to the chase.” Brian stood, “James, if Ashley’s life was in danger, what would you want, someone that shot whoever dared to put their hands on her or someone that’s going to ask questions?”

  James looked at Brian, “If I remember correctly, it was you that stopped me from killing David Holt.”

  “That was your brother’s doing. I would have let you kill him then helped you hide the body.”

  JD turned to Douglas. “What’s your take Douglas?”

  Douglas looked around at the people in the room. There is no reason he should be there advising the presumed next president of the United States, but that’s the man JD was. He had his core friends and no one will ever convince him to turn from them. “I trust Al’s judgment. If he said he needs Lassiter here to protect your family, there should be no discussion—get the man here.”

  “Ask and it shall be granted.” Everyone turned to the doorway leading to the patio, where, Joshua “Absolute” Lassiter stood in his signature designer suit, Italian loafers and sunshades. “At this point boys and girls, the conversation is mute. I’m here to serve at the will of the President of the United States.” He walked, correction, the man did not walk—he swaggered over to where JD stood near the fireplace. “SQ2, this is for you.” He gave JD two letters then turned to the people in the room. “Big brother, what’s up?”

  Samuel gave him a brotherly hug. “Your niece misses you. Drop in before Cynthia kills me.”

  “You sure it’s not your wife that misses me?” Joshua grinned. “Thompson, how’s little man?”

  “He’s good man,” Brian smiled as he shook the hand of the man who had saved his son.

  “Douglas,” he shook his hand. “James.” He spoke, “Not liking this-huh? I understand. But on the serious tip, you need me.” He walked over to where Magna stood. “Hello. I don’t believe I’ve had the pleasure.” He extended his hand. “Joshua Lassiter.”

  Magna returned the smile, “Magna Rivera. No, you haven’t.”

  Joshua displayed a seductive lopsided grin. “I like a confident woman. You wouldn’t happen to be free tonight?”

Magna laughed as he turned his attention to Ryan. “Hello, gorgeous.”

  Ryan smirked, “Hello, pain.”

  “He looked down her body, then back up. “You still want me—don’t you?”

  JD tuned out the conversations going on in the room as he read the letters with the Presidential seal affixed to it. The first letter gave Joshua a get out of jail free card for any actions taken to protect JD and his family during the campaign. The other letter somewhat explained the first and a bit of advice. JD read the letters then handed them to James.

  The first letter James read quickly and knew it needed to be placed in the safe. The second letter had him nodding his head in understanding.


  Congratulations on your accomplishments thus far. When we spoke a few years ago, I knew you would be my successor. As President it is my duty to protect the United States of America by any means necessary. There will be times when you will have to make life or death decisions to honor that pledge. This is one of those times for me. You are the future of this country. As President it is my duty to protect you. Our Christian belief states Thou Shall not kill, therefore the thought is an issue for you. I’m happy to know that, for the decision to take a life should never be easy. When that commandment must be broken, I want no doubts that the task is swift and complete. Absolute leaves no doubts. Learn to trust his instincts and his abilities, you will not go wrong. It may come in an unconventional package, but he is a true patriot of this country. Use him to protect your family so that you can protect this country.


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