The Heart

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The Heart Page 7

by Iris Bolling

  Decision made, JD turned to Joshua. “Do you play Bid Whist?”

  Joshua turned as if he had been insulted. “As well as I can love a woman.”

  “Good, this should be easy.” JD joked, “Shall we begin the initiation?”

  The people in the room smiled, then stood to follow JD into the game room. James had placed both letters on the table in front of him. Suddenly one of the letters burst into flames. Everyone turned to the small fire that quickly dissipated. “What the hell?” Douglas, who was just walking by the table, knocked the paper to the floor and stomped it out.

  “Oh, my bad,” Joshua said to the stunned group. He turned to JD. “I forget to tell you the letter will self-destruct fifteen minutes after your DNA touches it.”

  “The paper is standard equipment used during covert missions when a secure message is sent,” Samuel explained as he frowned at his younger brother.” As an ex-Navy Seal, Samuel knew and used highly classified equipment that this security team would not be privy to. That included Brian, who was ex-FBI.

  “My bad don’t work here Joshua,” James exclaimed a tad bit aggravated. “You have vital information to share you damn well better share it before the “my bad” occurs—understood.”

  The serious look on everyone’s face amused Joshua. “This is going to be fun.”

  JD patted Joshua on the shoulder, trying to smooth over the reprimand from James. “Joshua, SQ2?” he questioned.

  “The principal of the Square Root of 2 also known as root 2,” Al responded as he walked by.

  “That’s your code name, The Squeal.” He walked away, “Hey who’s the brain?”

  JD laughed. The name eased the tension.

  The group entered the game room. There were two in the house. The one upstairs, for the children, contained every electronic gaming device known to man. This one was JD’s man cave. It had the traditional pool table, card tables, and a fifty-two-inch flat screen for the games at one end then a door leading to a full size basketball court at the other end.

  Al, who had sat back and observed the legendary “Absolute” preform, nodded his head. “This is going to be interesting.” But Al knew the jokester on the outside, was the best covert operative in the world. If someone out there is planning to derail JD’s campaign, Joshua will find and eliminate the threat. If that meant they had to put up with his antics, so be it. Let him have his fun, as long as that fun did not include Ryan.

  The initiation, as it was called, consisted of round robin bid whist. Partnered off was, JD and Calvin, Brian and James at one table in the far corner of the room. On the other side, seated at the table were Al and Tucker against Samuel and Joshua. Magna and Ryan were seated at the bar ready to handle the losers for either game. Douglas, kept the glasses on the table filled with whatever poison was ordered. As the game progressed, decisions were made on security while on the road and at home. “A large security detail is not needed.” Brian stated as he played his hand. “A small contingent of experts can be just as effective as an army.”

  “I agree, but do we have the right combination of experts?” James questioned as he frowned at the card Brian played. “Are you watching the table?” he asked.

  “What?” Brian questioned, wondering why James was frowning.

  “You just cut his King of Hearts,” Calvin, stated as he tried hard not to laugh.

  “It’s on the table now,” JD stated as he collected the book. “Let’s evaluate who we have,” he suggested as he placed the ace of spades on the table.

  “Donnell is the best techie in the area. He can handle the control room.” Brian stated. “Magna is no slouch when it comes to surveillance equipment. She can be his back up.”

  “Magna may be needed in the field. I’ll begin a search for a few computer techs.” James stated as he realized JD was running the board with spades.

  “Get the names to me and I’ll run a background check on them before we let them into the room.” Brian said as he watched JD pull in another book.

  “You and Samuel will be the only security on the road?” JD asked Brian as he played the small joker.

  “Secret Service will increase the field staff,” Brian stated. “I have a call into a few friends at the Bureau to add to the personal security team. I like to recruit experienced agents, but it will cost.”

  “Cost is not an issue.” James said as JD raked in the last book. “Experience and skill it is. Speaking of which, are you ever going to get better at this game?”

  The conversation at the other table was—different. “We have access to unlimited armor,” Joshua stated.

  “Define unlimited and armor,” Tucker said as he pulled in another book.

  “Weapons you’ve never heard of and technology to detect your blood type in a matter of minutes if I needed it. Unlimited simply means whatever, whenever I need to get the job done.” Joshua said as he watched Tucker fold another book, “Sometimes before I even know I need it.”

  “Are you paying attention to the table?” Samuel asked not too subtly.

  “No,” Joshua replied and then turned to Al who had remained silent throughout the game. “Do you ever talk?” he asked Al.

  Al smiled, “There are talkers and there are thinkers. I listen, think things through then speak.” Al laid his cards on the table and sat back. “I believe you just reneged.”

  Joshua looked at the table then at the cards in his hand. “When?”

  “Book three, card number two. You cut the ace of cubs with a three of diamonds.”

  Samuel and Tucker sat back and watched.

  “Are you sure?” Joshua questioned. “Maybe you want to think about your answer before you take the next step.”

  Others in the room thought tension was building, but Al and Joshua knew this was a test of testosterones. “Don’t have to think about it. I’m calling you on it. Book three.”

  “I don’t cheat.”

  “No, you act without thinking about the consequences at the time.” He smoothly replied. “In this instance that’s something we cannot afford.” Al nodded, “I know you reneged and I know you did it purposely. Pull the book. If I’m right, you will take direction.”

  “I’m a natural leader, I don’t take directions.”

  “To be a great leader, you first have to be a good follower. You will take directions. Pull the book.”

  Joshua glared at the man. He had to chop his balls a little. If he didn’t it wouldn’t be fun. “If you’re wrong?”

  The end of Al’s lips curved, “Pull the book.”

  Joshua grinned, “It’s going to be fun working with you.” He nodded to Tucker never taking his glare from Al. “Pull the book.”

  Samuel smiled when the cards were flipped over. Sure enough Joshua had reneged. “This is going to be interesting.”

  The tension at the table quickly changed to laugher. “Your game,” Joshua conceded.

  Douglas brought over a drink and placed it in front of Joshua. “Your security deposit is half a million.”

  “Why so much,” Joshua protested.

  “Because this is my home,” JD said from across the room. “You destroy it and you will pay for it.”

  “Double that deposit,” James laughed, “My house is next door.”

  “Hey, can a brother get some love from somebody around here?” Joshua pouted as he looked over at Ryan.

  “Looking in the wrong direction, my brother,” Ryan laughed.

  Joshua turned back to the table, “She wants me.”

  Al turned to look at Ryan. It wasn’t often he saw her smile. The fact that she was smiling at another man rattled him. He didn’t like it.

  Chapter 5

  The security house on the twenty-seven acres of gated area where both James and Ashley Brooks and JD and Tracy Harrison lived was located in the center of the entrance. The Estates had two seven foot double gate wrought-iron fencing entrances about ten yards apart. The driveway on the left led to the home of James and Ashley Brooks, and the dri
veway on the right led to the home of JD and Tracy Harrison. The two-story structure looked more like a beautiful brick home than a security building. The building consisted of five executive offices and a conference room on the top floor. The first level held the weapons storage room, a computer room with state-of the art equipment, flat screen monitors that covered every inch of the compound, a huge kitchen and two bedrooms, each containing double beds, for the night crew. The basement was a panic room that was divided into two secure living areas. Each area had an entrance tunnel, one from the Brooks home and the other from the Harrison home. The area was built to secure the families for months if needed from any type of attack, foreign or domestic. It consisted of six bedrooms, two full baths and two half baths, a kitchen, great room and a security room.

  The initiation of Joshua into the crew ended and all, involved with the personal security of the family, were now in the conference room of the security house. Brian stood at the front of the room as film footage of the area where the attack took place was being viewed. Al, Tucker, Joshua, Samuel, Magna and Ryan listened as Brian discussed security issues associated with the area.

  “The land on both sides leading up to the Estates is owned by Davenport Industries, a development company that plans to build in the next year or two. The owner, Zackary Davenport built the estate and granted permission for the road to be placed. He has now granted permission to use the area for security purposes as needed until construction on the new planned development begins.” He hit the pause button to stop the video at the turn onto Brooks Road leading to the property. “We need to secure this five mile radius.” He used the area on the screen. “Man power is limited. How do we cover this area 24/7?”

  “Sensors,” Al stated. “Place sensors on both sides of the road about a quarter of a mile apart.”

  “Stagger them,” Joshua suggested. “Starting at the turn, put a sensor at the beginning on the right, then a fourth of the mile on the left then so on up the road. Place the eye where it can rotate around the area.”

  “Any movement will not only send a signal to your computer system it will also send you a visual of what’s happening in the area.” Al turned to Joshua, “Adding sound could be useful.”

  “Metal detector would pick up any weapons within a ten mile radius.”

  “Yea, but that includes any vehicles going down the main highway, he stated. “Depending on the sensitivity, some of them may pick up anything from the airport.”

  The group in the room watched as the conversation went back and forth between the two. Most had no idea what they were talking about. “That may be true however, if the invaders are well-financed,” Joshua shrugged, “they could have access to choppers.”

  “Excuse me, geek one and techie two,” Brian interrupted the private conversation, “Do either of you want to explain what in the hell you are talking about?”

  Al and Joshua looked at Brian then each other, then back to Brian. “You’re making up names for us?” Joshua laughed. “That’s cute.” He turned to Brian. “The sensors we are talking about are not available on the open market. They can detect any movements in a wide area, effectively eliminating the need for actual man power.”

  Samuel sat forward, “You and I know how to get pass those sensors.”

  “If you can detect them, you can by pass them.” Al stated, “These are undetectable by any devices we have in the U.S. Now, if the enemy is able to detect the sensors, then we have a larger issue.”

  “Foreign enemies,” Brian replied. The men nodded their head in agreement. Brian sighed. “Have we gotten any information from the men that were captured? Do we know who we are up against?”

  “Donnell is still on them and has not reported anything new,” Ryan stated. “So far, no one is talking.”

  “We need to determine if the threat is foreign or domestic.” Brian looked at Joshua. “That’s on you. We need to know like yesterday, what we are up against. Acquire the sensors and I don’t want to know how. Just do it and have them installed before the day is out. Al, Samuel and I will be leaving in the morning for a Midwest stomp with JD and Tracy. The children will remain here with their grandmother. Ryan and Magna will remain with you until Tracy and JD go in separate directions. At that time you two will be on the road with Tracy. Let’s play nice and get JD through this election without any loss of life, theirs or ours. Any questions, concerns—good. Let’s roll.”

  As the group dispersed, Samuel and Joshua stood outside the door talking. Magna and Ryan walked towards the staircase. “Look at those two,” Magna said as she touched Ryan on the shoulder.

  Ryan glanced over her shoulder as she continued walking. “Yeah, and?”

  “Hold up,” Magna stopped Ryan at the top of the steps. “Don’t they look like Tyson Bedford and Tyresse Gibson?”

  “The model?” Ryan question.

  “Well, one is an actor in the Transformer movies—but yeah.”

  Ryan shrugged her shoulder, “Okay,” then turned to walk down the stairs.

  Magna stared after her from the top of the steps. “You know how to determine if a woman is totally gone for a man?”

  Ryan stopped on the lower step and looked up at Magna as she came down. “Not really. But I’m sure you are going to tell me anyway.”

  They both continued walking down the steps together. “Yes. Any time you can see two fine brothers like that and it don’t faze you, you are gone.”

  When they reached the bottom of the steps Al, Tucker and Brian were talking just outside the door. Ryan’s attention strayed to them. “Open Webster’s dictionary. I bet a picture of those two brothers is next to the phrase tall dark and handsome.” Magna laughed, but there was no response from Ryan. Looking out the door, she saw Ryan’s attention was on Al. Magna rolled her eyes, “You are so gone. Give me until August. That’s all I ask—August.” She brushed by Ryan.

  “What?” Ryan asked as Magna opened the door.

  As they walked by Brian turned to Ryan. “Tracy is at the house. She wants to see you before you leave tonight.”

  “Will do Boss.” Al watched as she walked away.

  “Al. Al the duck just walked out of the pound.”

  “Yeah,” Al replied, then turned back to Brian. “What?”

  Tucker and Brian shook their heads and laughed. “You are so gone.”

  ♥ ♥ ♥

  To the outside world, Tracy Washington-Harrison had the life. She had four wonderful children, a beautiful home and a husband that loved her beyond reason. Now she was about to travel all over the world meeting dignitaries, country leaders, all while being treated like royalty. What the general public did not know was that she would give it all up in a heartbeat just to have a normal life with her family. Proof of just how abnormal her life was, was walking through the door. Not every wife had a bodyguard.

  “Hey Tracy, the boss said you needed to see me.” Ryan said as she began helping Tracy put the girls’ to bed.

  “Hi Ms. Ryan,” Gabby waved.

  “Hey Peanut butter and jelly,” Ryan smiled as the girls giggled. She pulled off Gabby’s slippers as Tracy pulled off Brianna’s.

  “Brian said you’ll be staying here with the children until we hit Iowa.”

  Ryan knew Tracy very well. She had been her body woman for years. Tracy taught her more about family and friendship than her father ever did. The ladies, as Ryan called Tracy’s group of friends, were like sisters to her. So when one of them was in trouble or worried, it was easy for Ryan to pick up on feelings. “I’ll be here with the little rug rats.” She covered Gabby and kissed her as Tracy did the same with Brianna. She watched as Tracy walked over and kissed Gabby then stood at the door watching them as she turned out the light and closed the door.

  “Walk with me to Jazzy’s room.” She put her hand through Ryan’s arm as they walked. “I need you to do me a favor.”

  Ryan raised an eyebrow, as she looked sideways at Tracy. “What do you need?”

  “Well, I unders
tand Turk will be working with you on security while I’m away.”

  “Yes,” Ryan hesitantly replied.

  “I think it would be a perfect opportunity for you to really get to know him.” They reached Jazzy’s room and found her standing in the mirror posing with a hairbrush. “Jazzy, bed right now!”

  Jazzy put her hands on her hip. “I told you I’m waiting for Daddy to tuck me in.”

  “Daddy is in a meeting and it will be late before he’s done. He’ll come afterwards. In the meantime young lady, as I said before, it’s lights out.”

  “But I want to wait for Daddy,” the child whined.

  Tracy took her daughter’s hand and walked her over to the bed. “Not tonight. Daddy will come in when he is finish. Bed.”

  Jazzy huffed as her mother tucked her in. “I’m going to tell Daddy you wouldn’t let me wait for him,” she huffed and turned away from her mother.

  Tracy tucked the child in and kissed the back of her head. “Good night, Jazzy.” Tracy turned the light out and closed the door.

  “What are you going to do with her?” Ryan asked.

  “Let her father handle her. He’s the one that spoiled her rotten. Now back to you.” They continued on to JC’s room. “I think it is time for you and Turk to stop teasing each other. Life is too short not to spend as much time as you can with the man you are in love with.”


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