Book Read Free

The Heart

Page 14

by Iris Bolling

  Ryan turned to Magna about ready to spit fire. “I’m going to walk the grounds.” She stormed out of the building. Magna turned to the monitor with mixed feelings. Ryan was just letting Al in. Seeing him kiss another woman was not good. “Looks like my grand is still safe.”

  This was her own fault. She let this happen. How many times had she watched as her brothers tossed one woman after another aside? She knew how the game was played, but she let him get inside. Ryan mumbled to herself as she began walking the acres of land surrounding the Harrison’s home, kicking herself all the way for letting Al Day get under her skin.

  For the third time Tracy watched as Ryan walked by the window. “Something has upset her,” she said to her mother who was visiting.

  Lena looked out the kitchen window and watched as Ryan stormed by. “She’s not walking, honey. She’s taking that I’m pissed stroll.” She smirked.

  “I wonder what has her so upset.”

  “It’s not a what, it’s who. That stroll has Al written all over it.”

  “Turk?” Tracy looked at Lena surprised. “Did something happen between them while I was gone?’

  Lena put her magazine down and stared off into space for a minute. “In my opinion it did. I think Al is falling for Ryan.”

  “You do?” Tracy turned eagerly to her. “I think so too. What should we do about it?”

  “Stay out of it,” Lena opened the magazine and continued reading.

  That wasn’t what Tracy wanted to hear. “I want to see Turk happy.” She sighed.

  “I do, too,” Lena replied, “but I want to stay alive.”

  “Turk wouldn’t hurt you or me.” Tracy walked out the door to catch up with Ryan.

  “That child really doesn’t know her brother.”

  “Hey Ryan, wait up.” Tracy spoke as she ran to catch up with her. “Are you ready for the party this weekend? I’m pretty excited about it.” No response as she continued to walk. “It’s not public knowledge yet, but the polls have Jeffrey double digits ahead of the opponents.”

  Surprised by the news Ryan stopped walking. “Really? That’s a good solid lead with four months to go.” She looked at Tracy with melancholy eyes. “This is really going to happen, isn’t it?”

  “We’re pretty sure of it.”

  “My God, Tracy, you may actually become The First Lady. I mean, I know we’ve been talking about it and thought it would happen. But, Tracy, now it’s becoming a reality.”

  “Well, we still have to win the election.”

  Ryan smiled, “I’ve been with you for seven years. Your family is my family and I love you guys. I’m going to miss you.” She hugged Tracy.

  Tracy pulled away. “Where are you going?” She looked shocked.

  “Not me, you and JD—The White House. Once you win, Secret Service will really take over.”

  “Oh, that. You’ll still be here,” Tracy waved her off and continued their walk. “Now about the party, what are you going to wear?”

  Ryan smiled at the woman that was like a sister to her. It never failed. Whenever she was feeling down, Tracy always made her smile. She began walking with her again. “What I normally wear to one of your parties, black pants, white collar blouse and black blazer.”

  Tracy laughed, “I should have known. I think we need an intervention. How would you like to go shopping?”

  Ryan paused, “I don’t do girly things like shopping.”

  Tracy continued walking. “I can tell.”

  ♥ ♥ ♥

  Al walked Melissa Sue out to her car. On the way back in he stopped by the command room. “Where’s Ryan?”

  Magna looked over her shoulder then turned back to the monitor. “She stormed out when you went behind closed doors with Melissa Sue.”

  “Stormed out—why?”

  Magna knew she was about to step over her boundaries, but Ryan was like a sister to her and she really did want her to be happy. “Al, I don’t know you well. But any fool can see that Ryan has a thing for you.”

  The statement caused Al to take a moment. “And?” he said with a raised eyebrow.

  Magna stood and faced him, “Do me a favor—hell do all of us a favor. Take Ryan somewhere and screw her brains out.” She walked out of the room, then came back. “Um,” she held a finger up pointing at him. “I would personally appreciate it if you wait until next week.” She winked and then she walked out.

  Al went to the monitors to try to locate Ryan. He saw the look in her eyes when Melissa Sue had kissed him. It was a running joke between the two of them. Back when Al was on the street, he managed to get Melissa Sue out of a sting operation, by pulling her in a corner and kissing her until the cop following her ran by. Ever since then, whenever they met she would kiss him. There was nothing to the kiss. Al sat at the desk as he watched Tracy and Ryan walking. The two of them together made him smile. They were not just employer, employee. They were friends. The knowledge warmed him. Ryan clearly loved the children as much as he did. Hell, she even got along with Lena.

  Thoughts of Ryan were clouding his judgment. How could he open his heart to a woman when he knew how destructive it could be? Billie loved Lena. That love drove him to alcohol. Alcohol led to the death of his sister and the obliteration of his family. That was what forced him to turn to the street life. Lives changed all because a man loved a woman.

  “Man, you still staring at that woman?” Tucker joked as he sat next to Al. “You and I both know you are in love with that woman.”

  Al thoughtfully looked at his friend. After hesitating a moment, he revealed his thoughts. “Billie loved Lena too. Look what it got us.”

  “Al, Ryan is not Lena and you damn sure are not Billie.”

  “The result is the same.”


  “Not up for discussion. What brings you by?”

  Tucker knew when Al shut down there was no getting through to him. He’d wait and try again later. “Monique.”

  “Did she get moved in okay?”

  “Let’s just say she is having fun decorating,” Tucker laughed.

  “With my money,” Al laughed.

  “You really need to put some type of limit on her.”

  “Have you ever been able to control Monique?” Al smirked at the look on Tucker’s face. “That’s what I thought.” He hit Tucker on the leg. “Okay what are you trying hard not to tell me? What has she done?”

  Tucker hesitated before he spoke. “She’s seeing someone.”

  “Just one?” Al knew Tucker loved Monique and would protect her even from him. He was pretty sure that’s what Tucker was doing now. “It can’t be that bad.”

  Tucker smirked, “Yes it can.”

  “Did she go to the other side?”

  “You mean women?” Al nodded. “Hell no,” Tucker laughed. “There isn’t a woman alive that can do anything for Monique. That girl loves…men.” He stopped himself from saying what he was thinking.

  Al laughed, “Nice catch. You remembered you were talking to her father.”

  “Well, you have a tendency to go a little crazy when it comes to Monique.”

  “And so do you. So, tell me what you know.”

  “Monique told you she has an internship. What she didn’t tell you was that it’s with Senator Jeremiah McClintock.”

  “A Republican?”

  Tucker nodded, “Not just any Republican, he’s the father of the man running against JD.”

  “Don’t tell me she’s sleeping with him.”

  “Okay I won’t tell you that. I’ll just tell you she’s sleeping with the Governor himself.”

  Al jumped out of the chair. “She’s sleeping with Jerry McClintock!” He looked at Tucker as if he had lost his mind. “The man running against JD?”

  Tucker took a seat and stretched his legs out crossing them at the ankle. This was not going to be a pleasant conversation. “I do believe they are one and the same.”

  “Has she lost her damn mind! Does she have any idea what kind
of damage this could cause the campaign?”

  Tucker spoke in a voice meant to bring his friend down a level or two. It was rare to see Al lose it. The last time was when he had to tell him about the attack on Tracy. That night he was sure Al was going to break out of prison and kill every member of the Eagles gang. “Al.”

  “Al my ass! You can’t save her this time, Tucker.” Al stormed out of the office heading for his truck.

  “Al, wait!” Tucker called out.

  Tracy and Ryan were walking up to the building when she saw Al and then Tucker running after him. The anger on Turk’s face was as clear as Tucker’s need to stop him from getting into his vehicle. “Turk?” Tracy increased her speed. “What’s wrong?”

  “Nothing, Sugie,” he replied as he opened the door to his vehicle. “I’ll be back.”

  Tracy saw the concerned look on Tucker’s face and knew instantly Monique was involved. “You’re leaving me?”

  Al stopped and turned to her. “Sugie, I have something I need to handle.”

  “I’ll go with you,” Concern filled Ryan’s offer as she walked to the other side of the vehicle.

  “No!” he snapped, narrowing those now angry grey eyes at her. “This is about family.”

  Angrily, Ryan threw her hands up in the air. “Excuse the hell out of me. Oh, I forgot you don’t need anyone to have your back.” She stormed off.

  Al who was standing with the door open, slammed it then leaned against it. He didn’t mean to snap at her like that.

  “Al.” Tucker interceded. “We don’t know all the facts. I suggest we talk to her and see what’s up.”

  “Talk to her.” Al swung on him. “I’m going to beat the living crap out of her.”

  “Al you’ve never put your hands on her and you are not going to start now.”

  “Look,” Tracy walked over to Al, “I don’t know what’s going on, but why don’t you come up to the house. Have a glass of wine with me and we can talk.” She leaned into him, “Please, Turk.”

  Al wanted to hit something, but kicked the tire instead. “Wow, now that was a manly thing to do. Did you break your toe?” Ryan smirked sarcastically from a few feet away. The look Al sent Ryan would have told a rational person to step back. But, Ryan was known to be a little less than rational at times.

  Tracy reached over, put her arm into Ryan’s and pulled her along. With Turk on one arm and Ryan on another, Tracy began walking. “I think we all can use a little cooling off.”

  Tucker and Magna looked at each other but didn’t say anything. Both were thinking before the day was over Tracy may need protection from Al and Ryan. They turned and followed the trio to the house.

  Once inside, Tracy prepared a glass of wine for everyone as they sat around the family room. “Okay, Turk, what’s going on?”

  Al sat down in the chair near the window. He took a long sip from his glass, trying to calm down. The walk to the house helped enough for him to at least be a little more rational. “Monique.”

  “What about Monique?”

  “Monique has accepted an internship with a Senator in DC,” Tucker began.

  “Well, that’s wonderful—isn’t it?” Tracy looked around curiously.

  “It would be if it wasn’t in Senator Jeremiah McClintock’s office,” Al snarled.

  Tracy sat up, “Governor McClintock’s father?”

  Al sat forward, sat the glass on the table and nodded, “The one and only.”

  “Whew.” Tracy thought for a moment. “Maybe it’s the only position she could get. Jobs are hard to come by in this economy, even for college graduates.”

  “Do you really believe that, Sugie?” He angrily replied. “You know Monique’s history as well as anyone. This is another of her defiant moves. But for the life of me, I didn’t see this one coming.”

  “Is it really that bad that she works in his office?”

  Al stood and began pacing, “If it was any other Senator, I would say no, but this is the opposition.”

  “Turk, you know Monique is not really into politics.” Tracy explained. “She probably thought this was a good opportunity, that’s all.”

  “By sleeping with the man’s son? She needs to find a better way!” Everyone was silent as they absorbed that bit of information.

  “What did you expect?” Ryan asked a tad bit annoyed. “Monique has been doing things like this for years to try and get your attention.”

  All eyes turned to her. “What?” Al replied tensely.

  “You heard what I said,” Ryan shot back.

  Tucker, Tracy and Magna all looked at each other, surprised at the tone of the conversation.

  Al’s eyes narrowed, as the eyes that were normally light brown turned a darker grey than before. “I heard you. I just don’t recall anyone asking your opinion.”

  “Oh.” Ryan put her hand to her chest. “I stepped out of bounds—again. I forgot I was supposed to speak only when the great Al “Turk” Day gave his permission.” She said sweetly, then her tone changed. “Forgive me, all mighty one.”

  “What is your problem?” Al’s voice rose a little more than he intended.

  “I don’t have a problem. You, on the other hand do. Walking around here wondering why Monique acts the way that she does, when all she wants is a little attention from her father.”

  “What in the hell are you talking about?” Al turned on her. “My daughter doesn’t want for anything. I make sure of that.”

  “Really?” Ryan sat her glass down on the table and stood. “Who went to check out the condo you purchased for her? You? No, it was Tucker. Who arranged to meet with her and the realtor? You? No. That was Tucker, too.” Tucker saw Al’s jaw clench tight. That was a dangerous sign. He stood. “What about last year when Monique had a little trouble with the Dean, who went to check on her? You? Oh, no, that was Tucker, too. For a while I wondered whose daughter she was, yours or his. You know what they call fathers like you—deadbeat.”

  Al stormed towards her in three ominous steps. “What did you call me?”

  “Oh, now you have a hearing problem again. I didn’t stammer,” she stood up to him. “You give her all the material things a girl could want. But all she really wants is your love and acceptance. So she gets into things that she thinks will get your attention. When one doesn’t work, she tries another and another. And she thinks eventually you will give her just a little piece of your heart that you seem to give to others so freely.” Standing toe to toe with him she could see the anger in his eyes, the jaws tightening and his eyes turning dark. Did any of that stop her—no. She kept going. “You want to know why she jumps on every man that comes around, because it’s what she sees you do. She imitates what she see!”

  Al’s voice was soft and as his eyes were lethal as he looked down at her. “I’m a little confused.” He was standing so close to her; she could see the steam coming out of his nose. “Are you talking about Monique, or Morgan?” The tone of Al’s voice caused a reaction from Tucker. He’d heard that tone before and knew the end result would not be good. “Daddy casted you aside, wasn’t giving you enough attention at home. So you decided you had to prove you were just as much of a man as your brothers. Is that why you came to play with the street boys? There were no complaints about my lack of attention to my daughter while I provided a safe haven for you, was it!” He stepped closer, “Tell me, did you and your brothers compare notes on the women all of you pulled? Do you need a man to show you that you are indeed a woman?” She took a step back. “When you figure out who the hell you are, then you can tell me how to be a man.” He saw the hurt reflected back in her eyes, but it needed to be said. “Are those tears I see forming in your eyes? What, you can’t take the criticism—too damn bad!”

  “Turk,” Tracy jumped between the two to stop the discussion from escalating any further. Tucker reached in and pulled her back. She turned and frowned up at him and was a little taken back to see him grinning.

  Ryan stepped back to Al with hands on he
r hips and speaking slowly punctuating each word she said, “I can take anything that you throw.” She stepped closer and held her chin up higher, “When it comes to parents neither of us had a hell of a lot to brag about. I refused to be like my father. But you—you are more like your mother than you think.”

  The air in the room ceased to exist as everyone present held their breath. Tracy wasn’t sure what to do. What happened next surprised the hell out of her and everyone else in the room.

  Al looked down at the fire-eyed dragon woman standing in front of him. He wanted to knock the hell out of her, but he had never hit a woman. Not sure what his intent was, his hand wrapped around her throat and he jerked her to him. The next thing he knew, his lips were descending to hers. The first touch was rough, determined, meant to take command and control that sassy mouth of hers. Then suddenly a startling sense of oneness came over him. Her taste was as sweet as the strawberries fresh from the vine. Her tongue was strong, but easily surrendered to his will. It would be so easy to give in and let go, as the kiss turned sensuously scorching. That thought caused him to pull away. Staring down into her dark brown eyes he saw the same thing he was feeling—turmoil. What in the hell just happened? He dropped his hand and walked out of the room.

  Ryan stood there, with her hands still on her hips in a haze. What in the hell just happened? She thought as she reached up and touched her lips that were still shivering.


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