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The Heart

Page 21

by Iris Bolling

  “You’re really sleeping with the Governor—your father knows—and the man is still alive?”

  “Yes, yes, and yes.” Monique almost laughed at the expression of disbelief on Ryan’s face.

  ♥ ♥ ♥

  An hour later everyone was called into the office. Which usually meant something had happened or was about to happen. Ryan walked into the command center to find the downstairs empty. Walking up the steps she could hear voices coming from the conference room. To her surprise Al, Joshua, Samuel, Tucker, Melissa Sue and Brian, were sitting around the table while Magna leaned against the doorjamb listening to the account of events.

  As soon as Al’s eyes reached hers, she saw him rise from his seat. It seemed as if everything around them ceased to exist. Not sure what to do or how to get her stomach to stop fluttering, she just stood there and held his glare. “Hello Morgan,” he said as his lips descended upon hers.

  “Oh, it’s like that now?” Joshua teased.

  The kiss was so tender and thorough the voices in the background did not register. The memory of just how mad she was at him for not contacting her since they made love vanished for a moment. She suspected he knew that, as she pulled away. “Two days.”

  He gave her that crooked smile, “It was business.”

  Magna glanced over to Tucker and nodded, “I owe you.” Tucker laughed.

  “If you two don’t mind,” Brian interjected, “We are in the middle of a meeting here.”

  Al looked into Ryan’s eyes, “Forgive me?”

  “No.” She walked by him and took a seat at the table.

  Al retook his seat directly across from her.

  “It seems the case may have international implications.” Brian stated. He clicked the remote in his hand. “According to intel received, this is the man of interest.” A picture of a man appeared on the monitor.

  The idea of Ryan being mad at him was eating at Al. He took a piece of paper folded it up to make a paper football. He sat it on one of its points, took his finger and plucked it over to Ryan.

  The paper flying across the table caught everyone’s attention with the exception of Brian, whose back was to them. Ryan was stunned and slapped the paper with her palm on the table. For a minute she looked up at him surprised. Her eyes narrowed as she unfolded the paper. Inside the note was simple. Circle one. Do you like me? Yes – No – Maybe. As hard as she tried not to, she had to smile. She picked up her pen, circled an answer folded the paper back, then plucked it back over to him.

  Al caught the paper football just as Brian turned to them. He didn’t move a muscle as Brian continued to talk. “The information indicates this may be our assassin. Those of us that will be on the road need to be vigilant.” He turned back to the monitor as the proposed itinerary was displayed.

  Slowly Al unfolded the paper and read the response. Maybe. He tilted his head and looked at her sideways. He wrote another note. Dinner—you—me—candlelight—and music. Yes—Maybe. Circle one. He repeated the action.

  This time Ryan was ready for the note when it landed in front of her. Unfolding the paper, she read the note, circled her answer and refolded the note. She waited until Brian’s back was turned again then plucked it to Al. Joshua reached out and snatched the paper football down just before it reached the intended receiver. He took the note and placed it in his suit pocket. Al and Ryan both turned to him with angry eyes. Neither of them caught what Brian said at the end of the meeting.

  Afterwards, Ryan made a beeline to Joshua. Al watched the two in the corner as the talk turned intense. Finally Joshua walked away. As he passed Al he just shook his head, pulling the note out of his pocket and gave it to Al. “She threatened my life. Can you believe that? Ya’ll are no fun.”

  Al’s eyebrow rose as he watched the man walk out the door. He turned to see Ryan now conversing with Brian.

  Brian looked over Ryan’s shoulder as Al walked towards them. “How long are you going to keep him waiting?”

  “Two days,” Ryan replied.

  Brian had to laugh as he saw Al approaching, “Good luck with that.”

  “Morgan, it’s time to go,” Al stated.

  “This is business,” Ryan replied

  Al looked at Brian, “This is her off day—right?”

  “Sure is.” Brian replied with a little laughter in his eyes. Ryan gave Brian a deadly look.

  Al took her hand, which she immediately tried to pull away. “You can’t just come in here and carry me out whenever you feel like it.”

  Al sighed, “Is it going to always be a battle with you?”

  Hands on hips, Ryan frowned at him, “It’s been two days.” She put her fingers up in the air. “Two days since I’ve heard from you.”

  He kissed her fingers than calmly replied. “You will be gone for eight. Do you want to be mad at me for the next twenty four hours or do you want to make up for lost time?”

  He got on her nerves with those sexy eyes, crooked smile and those damn locs. She huffed as she walked away, “Your place or mine?”

  Al smiled as he watched her walk towards the door. “Damn if that girl don’t turn me on.”

  Brian laughed as Al followed Ryan out the door.

  ♥ ♥ ♥

  Al waited at the door of his house as Ryan parked her car. It had been two days since he last touched her and the memory had played havoc with his mind. But his instincts told him something more was needed. Al closed the door behind her and locked it. He took her hand in his. “I apologize from the bottom of my heart for being so thoughtless. At no time do I ever want you to think I took what I wanted then disappeared. The situation called for my immediate, undivided attention. A man’s life was at stake. I humbly ask for your forgiveness.”

  She was tired of trying to figure out why this man’s words touched her so deeply. Emotions were something she did not like dealing with, but he always forced the issue. “I forgive you.” Her voice sounded so weak, feminine. “But don’t let it happen again.” She added with more force.

  Seeing the wariness in her eyes, he smiled. “Looks like you could use a little loving. Come with me.”

  Thinking he was going to the bedroom, she was relishing in thoughts of the last time she was there. But when he reached the hallway, he turned towards another room. He opened the door; there was a sunroom overlooking the gardens with a huge Jacuzzi in the center. “There’s swimwear in the closet. Make yourself comfortable and I’ll return in a moment.”

  Ryan dropped her bag from her shoulder and opened the closet. She smiled. There was a small store of swimwear inside. Everything from one piece suits, to bikinis, to robes and cover ups in every color. For a moment she wondered how many women had worn the sets. A closer examination showed the tags were still on them. Then she thought about how good the water would feel against her body and all thoughts of other women vanished.

  Upon his return, Al was pleased to find Ryan in the water relaxed with her head back and her eyes closed. He placed the tray with fruit and cheese, a bottle of champagne and two glasses on the base of the tub, lowered the shield to control the sunlight, then pushed another button that lit the candles surrounding the tub and turned on the music.

  “Will Downing. Nice.”

  He climbed into the tub behind her, gave her a glass of champagne. “I’m glad you like it.” He began to massage her temples. “Tell me about your day.”

  She sighed, “It was hell. How was yours?”

  He smiled as he fed her a strawberry. “I was in hell.”

  “Hmm, that is delicious. Where did you get strawberries that big from?”

  “I have them shipped in.” He fed her another. “Why was your day so hellish?”

  Ryan hesitated. “It just was.”

  “Who made you cry?”

  “I don’t cry,” she declared as she tried to turn around.

  Al placed his hand around her waist to hold her in place. He set his glass down, pushed her head back against his chest and began to massage her
temple. “Tell me what your father said to make you cry.” He felt the moment her body tensed.

  “I don’t like the idea of you spying on me.”

  He kissed the top of her head. “I didn’t spy on you. I could still see the traces of tears on your face.” Her body relaxed. “I know you well enough to determine who affects you and who doesn’t. The only person that could cause you to shed a tear is your father.”

  She exhaled, then downed her drink. “I really don’t want to talk right now. She rubbed his thighs. “I would think after two days there was something more intimate we could be doing. Don’t you?”

  Al placed his hand on top of hers to stop the motion. The sensation of her touch was causing him to lose his concentration. “There is nothing more intimate than two people that care about each other sharing their joys and pains.” He kissed her temple. “I’ll show you how it’s done. Someone is trying to kill my sister’s husband—a man whom I’ve come to care a great deal about. Nine times out of ten when that person takes that shot my sister will be in the vicinity and may get hurt if not worse. My purpose in life, for over twenty years has been her safety and well-being.” He pinched his fingers together. “I think they are this close to accomplishing all their dreams and truly being happy, but someone is trying to stop them. My fear is I will not be there to stop it from happening.”

  “I’ll be there.” She tried to reassure him.

  “Hmm. That should make me feel better.” He picked up his glass and downed the contents. “It only doubles my fear.” He placed the glass back on the table and wrapped his arms around her waist. “Now that I’ve dropped that shield and let you in, I’m just as afraid of losing you as I am of losing Tracy.”


  “Well, because, Morgan Ryan Williams, somewhere along the last five years, I fell in love with you. And I want to spend the rest of my life making up for the five years we wasted.”

  Ryan exhaled as a tear ran down her cheek. That was the sweetest thing anyone had ever said to her. “I don’t know if I can love anyone. No one has ever loved me before.”

  Al smiled against her temple. “I don’t believe that. They may not have shown it but your brothers’ love you and so does your father.”

  For a moment, the only sound that could be heard was the motion of the water from the jet motor in the tub. “He said my mother would be disappointed in me.” Al felt the tears falling onto his arms. He tightened his hold around her and listened as she talked. “My mother was the only person that showed me any kind of emotion. Until I met Tracy, no one had hugged me after my mother died.”

  “Tell me about your mother.”

  “I don’t remember much,” she shook her head. “But I know she used to make the best blackberry cobbler.”

  Al smiled. “Did you help her pick the berries?”

  She nodded her head like a little girl. “Yes, I did. And they were the biggest and the best.”

  “How many did you eat before they made it to the kitchen?”

  Ryan laughed and laughed at Al’s question. “My mom and I had to go back several times to make sure she had enough.” She wiped a tear from her face. “One time I ate so many I was sick for days. My mom started calling me her blackberry baby.”

  He listened as she continued to talk. The thought crossed his mind that this was the first time she’d had someone to talk to about her mother. He loved the sound of her voice like this, it was whimsical. She sounded like a carefree little girl as she talked. Her talking freely this way touched his heart. He had no idea how this woman got so deep under his skin. But he was certain of one thing. He would never allow her father to hurt her again.

  Chapter 14

  There was someone on the inside passing information to the McClintock camp and they needed to find out who. The problem for Brian was two-fold. He hated not trusting people he had known all his life. Getting the same information from two different sources indicated some element of truth to the claim. He refused to believe it was any of the core people. But finding the culprit was going to be more difficult once the Secret Service stepped in. There would be more people that would have access to the daily itinerary. This meant he had to work quickly. Brian picked up the telephone; it was time for an emergency meeting.

  An hour later, Douglas, Calvin, James and Brian sat at a table in the command center. None of them could believe what they’d just heard. “You believe someone within our organization is giving information to the republicans?” Calvin asked, not believing the accusation.

  “It’s worse than that.” Brian added. “The assassin captured by LaVere’s men was carrying the itinerary that was distributed to the touring staff that day. A week later another itinerary was found. Whoever is passing the information on, it’s not just reaching the McClintock’s. It’s getting into the hands of whoever put the contract out on JD.”

  Douglas sat forward. “Is it possible they are one in the same?”

  Everyone at the table looked from one to the other. Calvin sat forward, shocked by the suggestion. “You think McClintock would go as far as to hire someone to take JD out of the election? I can’t believe that.” Calvin turned to Brian. “You know Jerry McClintock better than any of us. Do you believe he is capable of murder? No not just murder, but the assassination of a political candidate?”

  “Jerry,” Brian shook his head, “No. His grandfather--definitely.”

  James sat forward. “I think you better get my father in on this discussion.”

  Everyone turned to James. “Why?” Calvin asked.

  James stood and walked over to the computer and turned it on. He continued talking as he waited for the system to populate the monitor on the wall. “Back during the sixties when Mac McClintock was governor of Texas, some civil rights activists went missing. My father and a group of other men went to Texas in search for them. Two of the members of the team were hung. The group swore Mac was involved in those hangings.” The monitor filled with an article on the incident. “Another incident took place when Jeremiah Jr, ran for Governor of Texas. That incident was investigated by the Feds.”

  “Do you remember who handled the investigation?” Brian asked.

  “I do. Samuel Lassiter.”

  “You mean to tell me the McClintock’s have been winning elections by eliminating the opposition?” Calvin asked.

  “I can’t say for certain. I can only give you the facts, as I know them. However, I think it’s imperative for us to talk with my father and Samuel.”

  “We have to find whoever is leaking this information before it’s too late.” Brian declared.

  “Where do we start?” Douglas asked.

  “As hard as it is to believe.” Brian stated, “We have to start with our own people.”

  “Not really,” James stated. “We start with those that were on the last tour. They are the only ones that would have access to the two days in question.”

  “We then need to know what computers have been assigned to whom. The document was emailed from one of our computers. We need to know which one.”

  ♥ ♥ ♥

  Looking forward to a little down time, Joshua walked right into the suite in Samuel and Cynthia’s house that was home for now. But first he needed to talk to Ned. “The damn suit doesn’t work.”

  “You’re still alive,” Ned smirked. “Therefore, technically it worked to some extent.

  “Granted. However, I can’t be rendered helpless for hours after impact.”

  “Okay, so it needs a little tweaking. We’ll look into strengthening the material.”

  “You do that. In the meantime, I need you to run a facial recognition on the man I’m sending over now.” Joshua sent the scanned picture over his computer to Ned. “I need to know where he’s been in the last forty-eight hours and his exact location now.”

  “Give me an hour.”

  The call was disconnected. Stripping out of his clothes, Joshua was ready for a nice long shower. The man in the picture was assassin number
two. They needed to know precisely where he was. But for now, a nice shower was all he needed to rejuvenate his body.

  Unfortunately, that shower was interrupted by a knock on the door.

  “Uncle Joshua,” he heard his niece Samantha call out to him. “Are you in there?”

  “Yes Pumpkin. I’ll be out in a minute.”


  When Joshua emerged from the bathroom he found Samantha sitting in the middle of his bed playing with his cell phone. He picked the child up and sat her on his lap. “What are you up to Pumpkin,” he asked as he took the phone from her. He noticed the light blinking indicating there was a secure message waiting for him.

  The child smiled up at him with her mother’s hazel eyes and her father’s smile. “Daddy said you are going to stay with us.”

  “I am,” he said as he tickled the child and she fell back in a fit of laughter, legs kicking and arms flinging. He finally let her up.

  She laughed. “Mommy said you’re going to blow up the swing set. Can I help?”

  Joshua laughed as he sat the child on her feet. “I’m not going to blow up the swing set.” He walked towards the dressing room to dress, but the child followed him. He took her by the hand and carried her back into the bedroom. “Stay,” he said pointing at the child.


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