Choosing Hearts - The Fighter's Passion (Gritty, Explicit Romance Novel) (A Lusty Stand Alone Story)

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Choosing Hearts - The Fighter's Passion (Gritty, Explicit Romance Novel) (A Lusty Stand Alone Story) Page 3

by Quippley, Diana

  “It is an honor to serve you, my Duke.” Rogan bowed once more.

  “I consider myself fortunate to have one such as you at my side.” Edenton summoned his attendant. “And as promised, here is the deed to mark your own land. The large meadow by the western river is yours forever more, Rogan.”

  “Much gratitude, my lord.” Rogan’s hand trembled as he accepted his long sought after reward. At last he would be a landowner in Kirk Falls; at last he would be wed to the woman of his dreams.

  “And I also have this for you.” The Duke handed the warrior a large leather pouch, tied tight with a thong. “A hundred gold pieces, though I admit you deserve ten times more.”

  “My Duke, your kindness overwhelms me.” Rogan hefted the large purse with a misty gleam in his eye. Now he had his land and enough gold to build his home on it.

  “As it should, for one most deserving.” Edenton smiled. “And I also bestow upon you the title of Sir Rogan, first knight of the realm.”

  “My lord…” Rogan fought hard to contain his excitement. Three years of loyal service, of keeping the dukedom safe and prosperous, were paying off very well for him indeed.

  “And your new title gives you the privilege to ask for any noblewoman’s hand in marriage. I hear there are quite a few Earls and Counts whose eligible daughters have their hearts set on you.”

  “It is a day of many honors for me, your highness.” Rogan laughed. “I may need a few days to get my head to stop spinning before I consider making any wedding proposals.”

  “Yes, indeed… and you have my leave, young knight.” Edenton raised his goblet of wine in salute. “Take a week’s time to see to your lands and build your estate, the dukedom will be safe enough for the time being.”

  Rogan bowed low once more and took his leave. His head was truly spinning with unbridled joy. He hadn’t expected to be receiving this many accolades. The land was ample reward enough and the hundred gold pieces would do well to make him a house and a farm along with his savings. The title he had not expected, but felt proud to be knighted, nevertheless. Alicia would be shedding tears of joy for days on end; that he was sure of. He couldn’t wait to ride to her father’s farm and show the older man the deed to his land and claim his love.

  It was getting dark outside as he lightly ran down the steps of the Duke’s palatial manor. His horse was stabled a few yards away. He ran on with a spring in his step. Life was good and it was only going to get better.

  “Sir Rogan… Captain Rogan…” A soft voice called out to him.

  Rogan froze midstride and looked behind him. A woman dressed in the garb of a chamber maid was looking at him intently. He looked at her and she nodded her head.

  “Yes, my lady?” He asked, stepping up to her and bowing. “How may I be of service?”

  “Her ladyship wishes to see you?” The older woman smiled, curtsying in response to his bow.

  “The Duchess?” He raised an eyebrow questioningly.

  “Nay, her niece.” The woman smiled. “The young Lady Gwendolyn.”

  “Lady Gwendolyn?” His eyebrows shot up in unison.

  “Aye, she asks to see you.” She stifled a giggle. “Right away…”

  “It is my honor.” Rogan bowed, unable to hide his discomfiture.

  The chamber maid led him across the Duke’s manor and up the stairway to a secluded section of the building. She went up a few flights of stairs and then held open a large oaken door for him. Rogan stepped inside to find a lovely young woman seated primly on a lavish chair in the middle of the exquisitely decorated room. He heard the door close behind him and looked back. The chamber maid had left, closing the door after her.

  “My lady.” He bowed swiftly, turning back to the Duke’s niece. “How may I be of service?”

  “Sir Rogan, I am indebted to you.” The young woman blushed. She couldn’t have been older than eighteen. “…for saving my life and my honor.”

  Rogan looked at her closely for the first time and took a sharp breath. She was dressed in a gown of glimmering crimson that made her snowy complexion glow even brighter and her rich blonde hair was tied in an exotic cascade that fell all around her face like a golden halo. He could see why Belen was so enthralled by this ethereal creature. Her radiant beauty would make any man fall to his knees and worship her as a goddess. But Rogan had his own goddess and would consider no other. He was quite uncomfortable to be in the room alone with the Duke’s niece, especially since the Duke had honored him so much that day. He closed his eyes and thought of Alicia. The vision of her lovely face calmed his nerves and gave him strength.

  “I only did my duty, milady.” Rogan smiled briefly at Gwendolyn. “For that, I have been well rewarded by his eminence, your uncle, the Duke.”

  “Yes, you have, brave sir.” Gwendolyn rose up and slowly walked up to him. “I have witnessed the pride in my uncle’s eyes when he honored you with… his rewards.”

  “As do I feel pride to be in his service.” Rogan stared ahead at the wall.

  “But it was not my uncle whose life you saved, risking your own, Rogan of Vindarland.” She said softly, touching his thick corded forearm. “It was mine… and I have rewards for you as well.”

  Rogan stiffened at her touch and the mention of his forsaken homeland. The harsh ice covered northlands of his birth were a distant memory, a life that was more dream than real now. He felt her slender fingers dancing over his muscular arm and stood very still. A bead of sweat popped over his brow as the warmth of her touch made his blood stir.

  “Yes, I know much about you, Northman… as much as every young noblewoman does.” The blonde heiress continued. “And for the first of my many rewards to you… you may take me, brave warrior.You have won the right to enjoy me as you wish, right here and now.”

  Rogan jerked as if struck by a viper and took a step back. He steeled his nerves and swallowed hard. His large, callused and scarred hands shook. He forced himself to look at her, meeting her sultry gaze and feeling his heart skip a beat.

  “What is wrong, brave sir?” she said softly, caressing her golden hair. “Do you not find me pleasing? Am I not the most beautiful woman you have ever seen?”

  “You are more than any man could desire, milady.” Rogan found his voice and strived hard to stop it from trembling. “And I would be a fool to not see that… and yet, I cannot...”

  “Have no fear; my uncle will know none of this.” She assured him with a little smile.

  “It is not the Duke’s ire I fear, milady.” Rogan felt his heart swell as the image of Alicia’s smiling face filled his mind.

  “Then why do you not seize the opportunity every man would kill for.” She looked at him in wonder.

  “For my heart belongs to another,” Rogan said firmly. “And I will not betray her… ever.”

  “Oh, I see.” The young woman looked away, her slender hands clasped close to her breast.

  “Do not despair, milady.” Rogan said softly. “There are others who would give everything for you.”

  “Yes, brave sir.” She nodded, her lips quivering, fighting to hide her embarrassment. “And yet I had my heart set…”

  “I cannot be unfaithful, milady.” Rogan turned towards the door. “My love for her is eternal.”

  He opened the door and quietly slipped away before the young noblewoman could reply. His heart beating the fastest it ever had, Rogan swiftly ran down the stairs. Never had he felt this ill at ease, in all the battles and fights, even when his life was at grave risk.

  The heat of battle was his element; he enjoyed the rush, the bloodlust and the adrenaline that flowed through him in combat. Yet when it came to women, somehow he always had cold feet. But never with Alicia. She would always make him feel like he belonged. When he was in her arms, nothing else mattered. He lost all sense of time and place in her company. He was a whole new person; he was a man in love.

  And now he was a man with a large patch of land, prime fertile land, and was free to ask for her hand i
n marriage. He mounted his horse and kicked it into a fast gallop. Grimond’s farm was an hour’s ride away and he intended to be there before long.

  ~ ~ ~

  “You have done rather well… since the time you arrived here at Kirk Falls, as a roaming mercenary,” Grimond said, placing his hand on Rogan’s broad shoulder.

  “Yes, it has been a very good three years, my lord.” The tall warrior nodded.

  “It is our honor to have you in the Landowner’s Guild of Kirk Falls, Sir Rogan.” The prosperous farmer went on. “As it is an honor to have you as a part of my family.”

  “The honor is mine. Your daughter will be the queen of my home.” Rogan assured the prosperous man as he showed him around his new home, built on the meadow he had acquired a mere week ago.

  “Yes, I have no doubt of that, my boy.” Grimond smiled. “And I see you have spared no expense in building this fine dwelling in such short order. Alicia will be happy here.”

  “It is my only wish, kind sir.” Rogan bowed his head. “She will be happy forever.”

  “Then, we must tarry no longer, Captain Rogan.” The farmer clapped his hands. “You two must be wed come the new day.”

  “That is most generous of you, my lord.” Rogan bowed again. “I have all the preparations underway. The Duke, my patron, will himself preside over the ceremony.”

  “You do us all proud, Northman.” Grimond smiled, satisfied that his only daughter was going to be well cared for by a man of great worth. “Kirk Falls may not have survived the incursions of the south-west without you.”

  “With your leave, my lord.” Rogan smiled back. “If I may take my bride-to-be to the sacred well for a blessing this night.”

  “Aye, that you may.” The farmer nodded and waved at his two horse carriage. “Alicia! You may come out of there now, my dear.”

  Rogan stood straight as the love of his life slowly stepped down from the carriage. Her lovely face was radiant. Her father had given his consent to her even before leaving their farm that morning. She couldn’t contain her happiness as she ran up to her father, the man who meant everything to her andhugged him, and then stood close to Rogan, the only man who could measure up to him in all of Kirk Falls.

  “Alicia, tomorrow you will be wed.” Grimond told his daughter with a wide grin. “And I must say there is no better man in Kirk Falls worthy of you.”

  “I know, Father.” The dark haired beauty blushed. “You carry on home. Rogan will fetch me back before nightfall.”

  “May the Blessed Ones look over you.” Grimond waved and stepped into the carriage.

  As the heavy vehicle rolled away, Rogan put his arm around his love and led her to the house he had built for her. Every stone, every log, every nail and strand of hay he had laid down himself. It was truly a labor of love, a love that meant everything to him.

  “Rogan, I am beyond words.” Alicia gushed, as she looked around her new home. “Everything and more that I could ever dream of.”

  “I will do everything for you, my love.” Rogan held her close. “Everything and anything.”

  “And yet you know that I would choose to be with you even if you had naught but a cave in the hills.” She kissed him gently, her blue eyes misting over.

  “Come, my heart.” Rogan lifted her in his arms. “We must get blessed at the sacred well.”

  “Yes, for a life of prosperity and love that we will embark on come tomorrow.” She smiled, throwing her arms around his thick neck.

  The Sacred Well was a clear pool of water fed by underground springs a few miles to the east of the meadow, close to the western gate of the town - a place where men and women pledged their love for each other even as others prayed for a prosperous life and good fortune for their loved ones. The ride on Rogan’s black charger took a few minutes and soon the couple were standing before a priestess of the well, who blessed them for a life of eternal bliss, for a mere coin of gold.

  “Your union has been blessed, young ones.” The lovely keeper of the sacred well smiled at them. “Fortune looks upon you and the sacred powers of heaven and earth have approved your conjugation.”

  Rogan bowed, handing the older woman the fee with a smile, and clasping Alicia’s hand in his walked slowly along the pathway leading away from the well.

  “We will be wed right after dawn, at the Duke’s palace.” Rogan told his bride to be.

  “My excitement will not let me sleep tonight.” She said breathlessly. “I still remember the first time I saw you, Rogan. My heart was set upon you at that very moment.”

  “Even when you saw I was a penniless and homeless wandering sell-sword who hadn’t bathed or eaten in days?” Rogan laughed, squeezing her small hand.

  “Yes, love is unconditional,” she said breathlessly, “and even if you were now as then, I would be with you and no other.”

  “Indeed, but your father and the elders would not want it that way.” Rogan sighed, and then let his massive chest swell with pride. “I had to prove myself over the past three years to be where I am now.”

  “I would come away with you, Rogan, anywhere you wanted to go.” She pressed his hand between her breasts. “Even then and even now.”

  “If I desired that, it would prove that I do not love you for you, but only for me.” He smiled down at her upturned face. “I only want the best for you.”

  “And I wish the same for you.” She rested her head on his chest. “Forever and always.”

  They walked on silently for a while longer, heading for where the black charger was tethered. Rogan would take her to the meadow one last time as lovers before they were wed and then take her back to her father’s farm. As he reached for his horse’s reins, a strange and familiar odor made him look back.

  “Beware, brave man of war.” A shrill, yet strong voice grated his senses. “A great darkness approaches to blot out your light.”

  “Mad Mymisa.” Rogan said with a patronizing nod. “Didn’t they lock you up?”

  “No one locks me up, Outlander.” The disheveled older woman sneered. “Heed my words: your days here are numbered.”

  “I know, I am to be wed tomorrow.” He chuckled even as Alicia clutched at his arm in fear.

  “You may think little of what I say now, but beware the darkness… it approaches.” Mymisa shook her ragged head and waved a gnarled finger.

  “What do you mean, old one?” Alicia demanded, holding on to Rogan tightly.

  “Ah, my poor child.” Mymisa gazed sadly at the younger woman. “Such beauty and so much sorrow to bear… so much sadness.”

  “Enough of that, old crone.” Rogan rasped, his patience wearing thin. “Be on your way lest I call the guard upon you.”

  “Beware, bold knight.” The woman cackled as she turned and walked away. “The darkness will bring great sorrow. Yet there is hope, but at a great cost, and if you do pay the price, your destiny and that of your progeny shall prosper for eons, but in lands anew and unheard of.”

  “Away with you, old dreamer.” Rogan snapped at the departing woman, “Sell your false visions to fools who would care.”

  “Rogan, what did she mean?” Alicia demanded of her lover.

  “Pay no heed to mad Mymisa, dear Alicia.” Rogan gritted his teeth. “She only does this to fool people, so they may ask her more and cross her palm with coin.”

  “She spoke ill of you and… and sorrow for me…” The blue eyed beauty went on, shivering slightly.

  “Forget her, my love.Now come. Our new home awaits us.” He grinned and helped her up to the saddle before jumping on himself and kicking the great black into a fast gallop.

  Alicia glanced back one more time at the caterwauling old woman as the horse thundered ahead. A cold chill ran down her spine at the ominous words of the woman. She remembered stories she had heard about a demented seer in the city who foretold much of the troubles that had plagued Kirk Falls before Rogan had arrived to the dukedom. Not much was heard from her the last three years when peace had prevailed all
around. And now she was back again with her strange prophecies of doom and despair.

  ~ ~ ~

  “The most memorable day of our lives.” Rogan sighed deeply, stretching himself on the large bed he himself had fashioned from an old oak tree. “And I am more exhausted than I had been after a week’s worth of battles on the northern border last winter.”

  “Indeed, my love.” Alicia giggled, still a bit overwhelmed by the lavish ceremony. “This is a day we will never forget. The Duke must be really in your debt to sponsor such a splendid feast in our honor.”


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