Choosing Hearts - The Fighter's Passion (Gritty, Explicit Romance Novel) (A Lusty Stand Alone Story)

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Choosing Hearts - The Fighter's Passion (Gritty, Explicit Romance Novel) (A Lusty Stand Alone Story) Page 4

by Quippley, Diana

  “It is hard to believe that this one-time wandering nomad would be worthy of such opulence.” Rogan shook his fiery blonde head with a bemused smile. “The Duke’s kitchens must have slaughtered half the beef cattle of the dukedom alone… and all that fine wine and succulent cakes and pastry.”

  “Yes, it was a feast fit for kings… and honored knights.” Alicia sat down beside her husband. “Yet now it is a memory to cherish and we must move on.”

  “What troubles you, my blushing bride?” Rogan laughed, caressing her dark shining tresses.

  “I haven’t quite gotten over that seer woman’s omens.” Alicia sighed, running her fingers over his massive chest. “Her words have filled my heart with fear… fear of losing you.”

  “Mymisa is mad, my love,” Rogan said softly. “Ignore her.She roams the outskirts of town selling her self-made prophecies to fools who believe in such things.”

  “That may be true, but this fear has clawed its roots deep within me.” She said with watery eyes. “Before we were wed, I was so proud of you… of your valiant deeds and heroic exploits. I reveled in the glory of your achievements and wanted you to keep striving to bring law and order to Kirk Falls. But now that we are wed and you are forever mine, I fear losing you more than ever. I wish you would relinquish your duty as guardian of the Dukedom and stay here with me at all times, but I know that is a foolish whim of a selfish girl.”

  “It is neither foolish nor selfish, my love.” Rogan smiled softly. “I am yours forever, but my duty to the land we live on also keeps you and everyone else safe and well.”

  “And yet, it is you and all the other brave young men of Kirk Falls who must risk their very lives to keep it so.” She bit her full red lip. “The words of that loon woman trouble me, Rogan.”

  Rogan remained silent, taking a deep breath instead and caressing her hair as she lay beside him. His mind went back to the day before, after their blessing at the sacred well. He recollected the words of mad Mymisa. She had mentioned the advent of darkness and sorrow.

  “I have something for you, my love.” Alicia brought him out of his thoughts. “Last night I consulted Shorn, the cleric who my father employs.She is also a mystic, yet not quite as mad as that woman.”

  “What did she have to say?” Rogan propped himself up on one elbow.

  “She says that the mad woman may speak true and you must take heed.” Alicia reached into the front of her wedding dress and drew out a small necklace of gold with a pebble-sized glowing stone encrusted on it. “This is a ward against evil that she has prepared for you. It is a powerful talisman, bonded to me and to you once you wear it.”

  “It is a mere trinket.This Shorn is the same as Mymisa.” Rogan snorted.

  “For my sake, Rogan.” Alicia pleaded. “Believe in it and wear it, to make my heart and mind feel at ease.”

  Rogan sighed and took the little pedant from her and tied it around his muscular neck. “For you, Alicia, I would go to Hell and come back.”

  “Oh, no, don’t ever wish on that.” She smiled, leaning forward to kiss him on the lips.

  “Tonight, we are husband and wife.” Rogan grinned. “Tonight, our love will be bonded forevermore.”

  “You have put my fears to rest, my champion. “ Alicia breathed. “Now take me for the first time as your lawfully wedded wife and let our love be forever blessed.”

  The dark haired beauty languorously stretched out her sensual body as her husband gently peeled off the pristine, gold embroidered white wedding gown off her. Goosebumps covered her creamy naked skin, yearning for the warmth of his touch. She arched her back, pushing her naked breasts and cherry pink nipples toward him. Rogan grinned like a boy at the sight of them. He had enjoyed her breasts more times than he could remember, yet every time he saw them, he was filled with excitement.

  “Oh, Rogan… don’t keep me waiting, take me, my love… take me now.” Her voice was heavy with lust as she caressed her own naked body with shameless abandon.

  Rogan ripped off his own clothes and moved in over her, covering her trembling body with his powerful physique. He lowered himself over her until his hard, battle scarred bulk crushed down on her soft, velvet beauty. She parted her legs, exposing her warm, wet arousal for his weapon of love to impale her. And he did, spearing it in all the way to the root. She gasped at the thickness of it as it filled her like it had always done before and yet each time it was a new and exhilarating experience.

  Alicia shivered as her body came alive, burning hot with desire and lust. Her lover’s foot-long thickness filled and stretched her to the limit, making her wince and moan out his name. She clawed at his back and rock hard buttocks, her tender touch taking in the muscular hardness of the man. Her pussy throbbed, swallowing him whole, hungrily siphoning it ever deeper.

  “Oh, take me… take me, my love.” She gasped, digging her nails into his hard skin. “Fill me with your love, oh, take me to Heaven.”

  “Oh, Alicia…” He groaned and began to slowly move his hips back and forth, making his thick cock slide in and out of her, sending waves of electrifying pleasure all through her sensitive body.

  Rogan increased the intensity of his thrusts, falling in to a rapid rhythm, grunting and kissing her neck and face savagely. His new bride threw her shapely legs around his waist and bucked up against him, meeting his downward strokes with equal urgency. She whimpered and moaned, gasping out his name every time he went in deep. Her body shook against his as she felt a wave of indescribable pleasure beginning to rise within her. She clutched at him tightly, and even though she had many such moments with him, every time was an experience to remember. This time it was even more special. They were lawfully wedded now and it made the experience even more fulfilling for her, and even him.

  Rogan grunted out loud as he felt her orgasm explode over his thrusting cock. He continued on relentlessly despite her whimpering gasps as her body shook violently with the force of her climax. She would have a few more back to back, , he knew that ashe increased his tempo, whispering his love for her into her ear as she wept with joy into his neck. He grabbed her soft buttocks and pushed her against him with force over his ramrod erection, making her cry out his name again and again with every wave of pleasure that ripped though her trembling body.

  “My love… it is time…” He gasped, holding on to her even tighter.

  “Yes, oh yes…” She moaned. “Fill me with... your love, my husband.”

  “Here I come.” Rogan slammed his hips in hard and pushed her buttocks against him. His cock swelled even more and speared in deeper. He felt his balls contract and then release his load with an explosive spurt. He gasped at the intensity of his release; holding on to her and shivering like a leaf in a summer squall. Wave after wave of his flowing orgasm splashed into her, sending streaks of pleasure all through his body as he let himself go.

  Exhausted and spent, from the day’s festivities and the relaxation from his orgiastic release, Rogan rolled over on his back and passed out with a blissful smile on his face. Alicia looked at her husband lovingly and felt comforting warmth all over her and yet her mind was ill at ease. She slipped off the bed and sat by the window, gazing at the new moon over the horizon. This was the happiest day of her life, but her heart felt heavy and her mind was filled with fear. She glanced back at Rogan. The large man lay sprawled on his back, snoring blissfully, seemingly at peace with the world.

  Alicia felt happy for him, that so much had happened in his life for the better. He had worked hard to get where he was now and she would be by his side at all times. That thought filled her with joy and yet the fear of losing him gripped at her too. She knew that sleep would be elusive for her on the happiest night of her life.

  ~ ~ ~


  “Bad tidings, my lord.” The young messenger said, bowing down on one knee. “The South Tower has been taken, leaving the pass open to the farming lands for the invading enemy.”

  “And what of my men stationed
there?” The Duke inquired in exasperation. “I had an entire cohort of good men manning the tower.”

  “Most fought valiantly, some fled… and some were bewitched.” The young man said, trembling slightly.

  “Bewitched?” Edenton stiffened, his hands grasping at the armrests of his lavish chair. “What do you mean by that?”

  “The men were fighting the enemy valiantly, until suddenly some fell ill while others turned upon their comrades.” The messenger replied, eyeing the Duke with trepidation. “Brothers in arms turned upon each other…”

  “Is Rogan aware of this?” The Duke turned to his attendant, the faithful Eustace.

  The seventy year old caretaker of the Duke’s estate nodded grimly. “Aye, my lord. Sir Rogan leads our able warriors into battle as we speak.”

  “Who is this aggressor… who breaks the pact I made with Norton of Avangalus?” Edenton scowled.

  “He is a dark wizard, most say,” Eustace replied calmly. “The one who was behind the aggressions of the past… he comes out of hiding now and rules Avangalus in Lord Norton’s stead.”

  “Does he have a name, this wizard?” Edenton leaned forward in agitation.

  “Nostrazcus… his name is Nostrazcus.” The elderly advisor wheezed.

  “And what are his powers?” The large nobleman demanded.

  “He appears to have control over men and beasts and sometimes over nature.” Eustace said slowly. “He has mastery over the dark arts and conjures up demons and other horrors from the netherworld.”

  “Whence do you get all this knowledge, faithful Eustace?” The Duke eyed the man who served his family for three generations.

  “Travelers coming from the south, my lord.” Eustace nodded grimly. “They have such tales to tell, while resting at the inn that my brother’s sons own.”

  “So we have a formidable foe to contend with yet again.” Edenton pounded his fist on the armrest. “Will peace not prevail long enough for us?”

  “It has only been three and a quarter years since we settled our differences with the south-west.” The old caretaker shook his head ruefully. “Some had feared this after Lord Norton suddenly fell ill and died during the winter.”

  “Our forces, under Sir Rogan’s able command, will triumph once more, my lord.” The messenger spoke up.

  “That we may, my boy.” The Duke sighed. “But at great cost… once more my loyal people will be subjected to the despair and terror of war, once more many will lose their sons and husbands and fathers… will this ever end?”

  ~ ~ ~

  “This is not the end, young Belen.” Rogan told the teenaged archer. “It is only the beginning. Wars are long and tedious; each battle is but a path to the next one.”

  “Yet we have won this battle.Surely we must rejoice tonight.” Belen grinned, loosening the tautness of his bow string. “Vineberg has been freed of the enemy.”

  “Yes, we will rest, we will eat well and we will drink tonight… and then we must move on.” Rogan looked despondently at the carnage all around him. “News of another breach near the Orenden farmstead has come. At first light, we will ride.”

  “I agree with the boy, Captain.” Gregory walked up, sheathing his claymore into the large scabbard lashed to his broad back. “We have fought hard for five days to reclaim this farmstead, reduced to a wasteland of rock and ash… and another six days before that to drive the enemy out of Ebensburg. We need some rest and drink… for the morale of the fighting men.”

  “We will rest and recover as much as we can tonight, old friend.” The tall knight smiled at the veteran. “But every moment we tarry, the enemy gets a stronger foothold. I have pledged my life to protect this land. Kirk Falls is as much home to me as it is to you, the Duke and everyone else here.”

  “We do not doubt that for even a hair’s breadth of a moment, Captain.” Gregory sighed, sitting down on an upturned wheel-barrow. “It will take long to rebuild Vineberg back to what it was. Is this the darkness that mad Mymisa kept babbling about, before she was thrown back into the dungeon?”

  “I take little stock of what lunatics say, Gregory. You know that well enough.” Rogan sat beside his one time mentor. “But this enemy we face, this wizard Nostrazcus, is one we know nothing much about.”

  “Save that he has usurped Avangalus and now seeks to covet Kirk Falls.” Draco strode up and offered them a platter of salted beef and boiled carrots.

  The hungry men fell on the simple meal as if it was a grand feast. Food and water had become hard to come by. The forces of Nostrazcus were depleting the land of its resources as they retreated from Rogan’s superiorand better trained numbers.

  “Eat well, men.” Gregory announced grimly. “For even paltry repasts like this will be hard to find as we move farther south.”

  “Aye, eat well and grow strong.” Belen held his bow up high, waving at the haggard men. “And rejoice, for we are driving the enemy back within a fortnight of their invasion.”

  Rogan sighed as he watched the brave warriors of Kirk Falls gather their strength and make ready for the next battle. They had all fought hard and well, making him proud to lead such a brave army. It had barely been three months into his blissful married life when news of invasion and raids poured in from the southern borders. Alicia was livid with fear at the prospect of her husband having to lead the charge against the invading enemy, but she knew it was his duty. Her sorrowful, tear stained face burned in his mind every time he thought of her. He hadn’t seen her for almost two weeks, ever since he led the defense of the Dukedom.

  The night was cold even as the fires burned all around the devastated farmlands of Vineberg. Rogan wrapped his cloak around himself tightly and watched the embers crackle in the diminishing flames before him. Sleep had not blessed him with her restful embrace for more than three days and the effect was telling. He looked years older.His square jawed face sported a weeks worth of bristle and his long fiery hair was reduced to a ragged mess, damp and blood stained. As the night wore on, he thought of Alicia and felt the comforting warmth fill his heart. She made him stronger, gave him purpose, filled him with the desire to fight and rid the land of evil.

  “It is almost dawn, Captain.” Gregory softly whispered, squatting down beside Rogan. “And you are yet to get a wink of sleep.”

  “I will sleep, old friend.” He smiled at the older man. “I will sleep when I have made it possible for everyone in Kirk Falls to sleep without fear.”

  “As will we all.” Gregory shook his head, but knew that Rogan was too stubborn to heed him as always. “Yet even an hour’s sleep will refresh you to take on the task at Orenden come the morrow.”

  “I will be fine, Gregory.” Rogan sighed deeply. “Rouse the men, let us breakfast swiftly and ride for Orenden. The enemy is reinforcing there and we will have our hands full.”

  “As you command, Sir Rogan.” Gregory bowed and went off to get the sleeping men ready to ride.

  Nostrazcus was a man Rogan had known of before and he recalled seeing him as a skulking advisor, keeping to the shadows behind the over ambitious Duke Norton of Avangalus, during the time when he fought in the first war as a mercenary for Kirk Falls more than three years ago. In a war where his exemplary fighting skills made the difference, seizing victory for Duke Edenton and Kirk Falls, and bringing him much fame and glory. What he did not know was that Nostrazcus was a wizard of the dark arts and he had been manipulating the Duke of Avagalus to do his own evil bidding. Now the wizard openly invaded Kirk Falls. He must have grown stronger in his craft, but that didn’t matter to Rogan, his duty was to protect the Dukedom with his life. He looked down at the little glowing amulet his love had given him on their wedding night a mere three months gone, yet it seemed like a lifetime ago.

  Rogan brought the glowing stone to his lips and kissed it, thinking of Alicia and closing his eyes. It gave him strength and hope each time he did that. He could feel her every time the pendant pulsed. Maybe there was something to the power of these insane seers
and spell casters, he admitted to himself. There was something more to the pendant than what it looked like. He felt the shiny little stone was actually keeping him safe and well. But then, he knew, if one believed strongly enough, everything seemed to be true. He rubbed his eyes and looked around at the activity all around him. Sleep was not going to be his companion, at least not until all this was over.

  The men had begun to awaken and gather up their weapons and armor. They had little food to pass around, so less time was required for eating. Maybe on the way they would find supplies from the villages and farms that were still left standing. Rogan exhaled deeply and walked over to the horses. At least the mounts had plenty of grass and dry oats to eat.

  “Get a move on, men.” Gregory’s resonant voice rang all over the ruins of the Vineberg farmstead. “We ride for Orenden in ten minutes. Make haste.”

  Rogan heard the groans and grumbles of the five hundred newly enlisted men he commanded. Most of them were hurried conscripts - farmers, traders and craftsmen assigned to defend their homeland. He had enough faith in them, but would not rely on them to win the war. His highly trained elite force of a hundred warriors, fighters and swordsmen by profession were the ones he truly relied upon. Strength in numbers was what the enemy depended on, their army numbering over a thousand men, yet none in the class and caliber of Rogan’s fighting hundred. He needed the added five hundred conscripts of make the odds look lesser in favor of the invaders lest the thousand strong of the enemy find the courage they never had from seeing that Kirk Falls was defended by only a hundred fighting men.


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