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How to Bake the Perfect Christmas Cake (Home for the Holidays - Book 2)

Page 5

by Gina Henning

  “Hi there, I’d like to rent a wagon.” He glances back at me and cocks his head. “Scratch that, let’s get a tractor.” Jack digs in his pocket and takes out his wallet.

  “Do you want to be in a group or your own?” The elf asks.

  “Our own.” Jack does not hesitate on this answer. He hands his card to the elf. I feel like maybe I should offer to pay since it’s a tree for my house, but this isn’t my idea so I stand like I’m frozen on ice.

  The elf gives Jack his card back and a key chain. “You’ve got tractor number three.”

  “Great, thanks.” Jack takes my hand. “How about some hot cocoa for our adventure?”

  “Ooh yeah, count me in.”

  Jack grins and we weave our way to the cocoa station. He selects two to-go cups and fills them up. “I don’t think we can pass up decorating our own cookies.” Jack cocks his head in the direction of the cookie station.

  I laugh. “You’re probably right.” I follow him as we eye the different cookie shapes. There are sleighs, Santas, elves, reindeers, candy canes, and Christmas tree cookies. I grab a Santa and Jack grabs an elf. We sit down at a decorating table. It’s over flowing with an assortment of sprinkles and glitter, and icings in every color imaginable.

  I select the red, white, blue, and black icing and begin to color in my Santa. I take a peek at Jack’s elf and notice he is using extra icing to create long brown hair and the eyes are green. Is Jack trying to make an elf version of me? I crinkle my eyebrows. Maybe I should make Santa into Jack? No, I don’t want him to think anything about the tubbiness of Santa’s belly and Jack looks nothing like Santa as a cookie or in pictures. I pick up my blue icing and squirt a drop on his hand.

  Jack inspects the icing and raises his eyebrow in my direction. He makes the elf’s shirt a deep V-neck and pens in a cleavage line.

  “That’s interesting, I’ve never seen such a voluptuous elf before.” I purse my lips to the side.

  “Hmm…this is the way I’ve always imagined elves to look like.” Jack winks at me.

  I roll my eyes and finish Santa’s white beard. Next to the trays of icing are plastic cookie holders. I put my Santa cookie in one and tap my fingers on the table.

  “Good things come to those who wait.” Jack squirts the last of the green icing onto the boots he has created for his sexy elf. He lifts the cookie off the table and offers it to me to inspect.

  “Really…nice.” I nod.

  “I bet it tastes even better than it looks.” Jack says as he places the cookie in the plastic holder.

  I chortle. “I don’t think it would take much.”

  “You don’t like my sexy elf?” Jack jerks his head back in fake shock.

  “No, Jack it’s great…really.” I laugh. “Come on, let’s go look at trees.”

  Jack stands and we file out of the store with our cookies and cocoa in hand. The cold air immediately hits my face as we exit. I shiver. I’m glad I’ve got my navy wool pea coat on, but it’s got to be low forties, maybe even dropping into the thirties. Jack pulls me in close to him as we search for tractor number three. At the end of the row of tractors we find it. A hunter green tractor with a flatbed trailer attached to it.

  “Hop in my lady.” Jack waves his hand in front of the vehicle.

  “How funny, our first tractor ride together and it’s not in Texas.” I slide across the vinyl seat and put my hot cocoa in the cup holder. “Fancy.”

  “Our first of many, I hope.” Jack guns the engine and we both bounce in the air.

  “Many tractor rides? Are you planning on living on a farm?” I squint my eyes.

  Jack moves his head up and down. “I could see myself living on a Christmas tree farm like this.” His baby blues sparkle at me.

  “I didn’t realize you were such a Christmas guy.” I brush his arm. We are slowly moving farther away from the store and getting deeper into the forest. There are other people in tractors, group tractors, and some walkers with wagons.

  “Yeah, my mom always made a big deal about traditions around Christmas and one of them was that our family would trek out to a tree farm and cut down our own tree.” He rolls his lips.

  “That’s really sweet. My mom is big into Christmas too, well, she is big into all holidays.” The sides of my mouth pick up.

  “I remember at Thanksgiving there were a lot of interesting decorations, what was it, a DJ turkey on the doorstep?” Jack cocks his head to the right at me.

  I laugh. “Yes, it was. Wait till you see the Christmas décor.”

  “I’m waiting with bated breath.” Jack gazes at me.

  I laugh. “You won’t have to wait long, Christmas is only two weeks away.”

  “When do you fly in?” Jack grazes his chin with his thumb and index finger.

  “I’m not, I’ve decided to hire a bunch of different Uber drivers.”

  “Lauren, I thought I was your only Uber driver?”

  “Exclusivity in Uber transportation is not something to take lightly.” I turn my head and stare at his piercing blue eyes.

  “Agreed, can I offer you a sexy elf cookie in exchange for all of your Uber transportation needs?” Jack reaches down and takes the cookie package from the floor.

  I laugh. “I’m not really into sexy elf cookies, maybe you have something else to offer?”

  Jack stops the tractor in front of a sign with several arrows pointing out the direction of the various trees on the farm. “How about my expert tree-hunting skills. Are you a Spruce, Noble, Fraser, or Douglas Fir kind of gal?”

  I raise my eyebrows. I have no clue what type of tree to get. I usually buy whichever looks like it will fit on my car without too much effort.

  “If you’re an expert than you must know the perfect tree for me.” There, throw it back on him without admitting my ignorance to the various types of tree.

  “Fair enough.” He starts the engine back up and takes a left, we are either going towards the Fraser or Douglas Firs. We pass through what seems like endless rows of mint colored spikey trees, the grass is cut short. We haven’t really had any snow yet this year, so it hasn’t changed to pale yellow.

  After what seems like an eternity of grass and trees, Jack stops the tractor. “I think we’ll find the perfect tree for you in this row.” Jack squints his eyes at the vast forest as he points down a path.

  I take the final sip of my hot cocoa and climb out of the tractor. “Is your tree-dar beeping wild?” I laugh.

  “Yes, I have tree vision and I know it’s here, I can feel it.” He grabs my hand and laces our fingers. Even through my leather gloves his warm hands are sending tingles up my veins. From the back of the tractor Jack takes out a hand saw and some rope.

  “What kind of tree is it?” I peek up at him.

  “A Douglas Fir.” He raises his eyebrow and the sides of his mouth pull up at the corners.

  I nod my head. “Why not a Fraser?”

  “The Douglas goes better with your evergreen eyes and the needles are softer, like your skin.” Jack treks us down the empty path as if he is telling me about the weather. I’m a puddle trying to scoop myself up off the ground. Pull it together, Lauren.

  “I’ve never been compared to a tree before, I’m not sure if this is a good thing or not.” I rest my head on his shoulder.

  “Why not a tree, would you prefer I compared you to a summer’s day?” Jack stops and examines my face. “A Douglas Fir is green and soft, with an intense fragrance, it’s strong and beautiful. Just like you.” Jack grazes my nose with his index finger.

  I sneeze. “All right, well, we better get a move on or rough winds are going to shake the needles off this tree and she is going to freeze.”

  “Are you cold?” Jack inspects my coat. It’s my casual wool pea coat. It has just the right amount of warmth, I’ve never gotten into the idea of wearing a puffed parka jacket, I don’t want to look like a polar bear.

  “A little, it’s probably like thirty-something degrees out here, and in the for
est I’m sure it’s colder.”

  Jack unzips his brown coat, drapes it over my shoulders and pulls me into a warm embrace. I’m heated all over as if I’ve walked into a sauna, the sounds of wood crackling are popping all around me.

  “Jack, I appreciate the offer, but then you would be without a coat?” I rub my hands over his biceps. They are hard.

  “I don’t need it. I’m about to get a major workout sawing down that tree.” Jack points to a tree in the distance. I know it’s not possible but it is almost like a little sparkle is glowing around the tree Jack is motioning to.

  I follow him and he gets down on the ground and studies the trunk of the tree. He stands back up. “This is the one.” He moves his head back and forth. “What do you think?”

  “It’s beautiful.” I size it up as I circle it in its entirety. It’s a gorgeous deep green with full branches and shaped like a cone. I inhale the aromatic scent is amazing. I make my way back to where Jack is standing and he gathers me into his arms.

  “Exactly.” He kisses me. Our tongues dance a tango of happiness. He releases me and picks up his hand saw. “All right, now I just need you to hold onto the top of the back of the tree, while I saw and then I will hop up to grab it when it’s ready.”

  “Yes, sir.” I motion a salute.

  Jack grins and grabs a pair of gloves from his back pocket. He puts his shoulder to the ground and begins sawing back and forth. I hum the Jeopardy final question tune out loud. I’m sure Jack appreciates this.

  “You realize this is going to take about ten minutes to cut down?” Jack peeks his head around the back of the tree and peers up at me.

  “Is my humming bothering you?” I jerk back my head in faux surprise.

  “No, Lauren, it’s really helpful, I was just thinking that maybe since we are cutting down a Christmas tree you could hum a Christmas song? You know to kind of go with the theme?” He winks at me and returns to sawing.

  I begin humming ‘Oh Christmas Tree’, could any song be more on point? Ha!

  Jack starts to sing the lyrics.

  I giggle. I can’t believe we are actually singing/humming ‘Oh Christmas tree’ while cutting down this tree.

  “Why’d you stop?” Jack asks.

  “Oh, I didn’t want to break your rhythm with the saw.”

  “Was it my singing?” Jack hops up and grabs the tree. “You can let go.”

  I sing ‘Let it Go’ back to him.

  “Now you’re talking, I haven’t heard that song in at least a couple of days.” Jack slowly lays the tree down on its side and walks to the trunk to inspect his cut.

  “Not bad.” He nods his head.

  I bend down and wipe my fingers over the bottom of the tree and nod my head. “Well, if the Uber thing doesn’t work out maybe you can try being a lumberjack.” I laugh.

  Jack scowls at me but it’s not real, it’s so obvious he is trying to withhold a laugh as well. He stalks towards me and I take off running. “Oh, now you want to play hide-and-seek?” Jack calls out at me. I laugh and then quickly silence myself. I’m a hide-and-seek pro, Megan and Luke and I use to run the neighborhood and always win. Our friends would try and break us up but we always said no, family sticks together.

  I slide through the trees. I’m at least five rows over from our tree and now, I’m on the hunt for the perfect waiting spot. The key to playing hide-and-seek is waiting it out until the hunter has passed and then changing your location. I crouch down and try to merge with one of the trees as I listen for any sounds. I’m sure I will hear the crunch of the grass or Jack might even call out again. That’s a rookie mistake, but since I’ve never played with him, I’m not sure what his method is. I peek my head around the left side of the tree and scan the area. Nothing but green. I peer to the right and inspect the rows of trees. Again, nothing.

  “Du bist nicht frei.” Jack wraps his arms around me.

  “What?” I glance back at him. He pulls me to my feet and leans into my ear.

  “Du bist nicht frei.” Jack breathes. “I thought you had played hide-and-seek before?”

  “Yes, but I don’t know what you’re saying.”

  “Sie sprechen Deutch?” Jack brushes his thumb over my chin.

  “No, pero hablo español.” I laugh.

  “Ah, my little Texas señorita wants to speak in Spanish now?” He cocks his head to the right.

  I shake my head. “God no, I have the worst pronunciation ever, I used to be made fun of in class when we had to do our oral presentations.” I flitter my eyes. “It was the worst.”

  “That’s too bad, I wouldn’t mind practicing my Spanish with you.” Jack leans down and kisses my head.

  “I like to maintain a small vocabulary of Spanish words: margarita, tequila, and salsa.” I laugh.

  Jack places his hand on my waist, grabs my hand and spins me around. I try not to trip over my own feet as he twirls me again. “Salsa, you want to work your hips?”

  I reach in and grab onto his arms. I can’t spin for a third time. “No, just my lips.” I pucker them and Jack’s meet mine. He kisses me and I’m warmed again. The sun is setting in the distance and a slight wind runs through my hair.

  I pull back from his embrace. “We should really get back, it’s getting dark and I don’t want to be out here with the wild animals.”

  Jack laughs and there is a glimmer in his eyes. I know this look: it’s one of warning. He is going all in and I’m not sure if I’m there.

  We trek back to our tree hand in hand. Jack picks up the rope and wraps it up around the branches. “All right, I’ll just drag it to the tractor and then we’re off.”

  I pace alongside of him. At the tractor Jack lifts the tree into the bed in one swift movement.

  I climb into my side of the tractor and Jack turns the key in the ignition. It makes a patter and a pop. My eyes bulge out of my head. We are deep in the forest. It is at least thirty something degrees and I’m already freezing, I can’t imagine being stuck out here. I have Jack’s jacket on and I’m still cold.

  Jack raises his index finger to me and cocks his head to the right. He taps on the steering wheel once and turns the key again. The engine roars.

  “Was that a Fonzie move?” I laugh.

  “No, that was all me.” Jack wiggles his eyebrows at me.

  I can’t help but roll my eyes at him and give him a shove on his arm. He flashes me a grin and puts the pedal to the metal and we are rolling through the forest at a whopping ten miles per hour. Our tractor is pushing past rows and rows of evergreen spiked towers as he curves, we are finally back on the main dirt road.

  “Lauren, can I ask you something?” Jack slants his eyes in my direction.

  “Um, sure.” I answer, though usually when someone prefaces a question with a question it’s not good

  “Do you have any Christmas tree decorations?” Jack raises an eyebrow at me.

  I laugh. “Yes, I do, they’re up in my attic.”

  “Spooky.” Jack parks the tractor next to the store. I grab my Santa cookie and hesitate on picking up his sexy elf. “Come on, you’re not going to leave Bambi on the seat, are you?” Jack grimaces at me.

  “Oh, sorry I didn’t even see her.” I pick up the elf cookie and hand it to him.

  “Lauren, come on, Bambi is hard to miss.” Jack laughs and opens the door to go in the store.

  “Yes, she does have some interesting features. I’m going to run to the ladies real quick.” I stride towards the back of the store where I see a Mister and Mrs. Claus signs indicating the restrooms. There is no way I can make it back to my place with all of the hot cocoa and coffee from earlier in me.

  I push the door of the ladies open and wander back out into the store. All of the décor causes me to blink my eyes several times. Jack is nowhere to be found. I sweep the whole store before I exit.

  Chapter Five

  Outside, I am immediately hit by the icy air, we must be getting a cold front. A few people are pulling their wagons
towards the store, but Jack is nowhere in sight. I hoof it to the car. It’s empty. I didn’t think Jack would leave me. But I am happy to see the car is still here. I go back to the store and poke my head in again. No sign of Jack.

  I circle the outside of the store and Jack is pacing behind it. He is nodding a lot and not saying anything. I stroll up to him and wrap my hands around his waist. Jack jerks away and our eyes make contact. His eyes are wide. Was he actually surprised to see me? He raises one finger to me.

  “Listen, Aunt Minnie, I have to go. I’ll call you back…I know. I will. Don’t worry. It will be okay. I know. Okay. All right, I love you. Goodbye.” Jack turns back towards me.

  “Hey, sorry about that.” He shakes his head. “Things are just a little intense right now, and my Aunt Minnie is not a patient person.”

  “What is she not being patient about?”. I flex the muscles in my neck. I didn’t mean to speak so freely.

  “She’s concerned about Vintage Estates and the balloon payment and doesn’t see why the bank can’t meet today or even discuss it over the phone.” He shakes his head and rolls his eyes.

  “Is it because you are with me?” I bite my lip.

  “Is what because of you?” Jack cocks his head.

  “Why you aren’t meeting with the bank today?” I know most banks do business on Saturdays, so I can’t say I’m not Team Aunt Minnie in this situation.

  “No, Lauren, it’s fine. Come on, we’ve got a tree to decorate.” Jack grabs my hand and we stride back to the car. Jack opens the door for me. The tree is already tied to the top of his rental car and is wrapped in a tarp. Proper planning.

  “All right, before we take on the attic adventure for your decorations, what are you in the mood for dinner-wise?” Jack feasts his eyes upon me.

  “How about Chinese take-out?” I bite the insides of my cheek. I am not ready to be dinner.

  “I could go for some Moo Gai Lauren Combo.” Jack slants his eyes at me.

  “Alrighty then, let me see if The Red Door has that dish.” I dig in my purse for my cell phone and hit the little circle with the square inside it. I scroll through my contacts, I should have The Red Door on speed dial with the number of times I order from them.


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