How to Bake the Perfect Christmas Cake (Home for the Holidays - Book 2)

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How to Bake the Perfect Christmas Cake (Home for the Holidays - Book 2) Page 21

by Gina Henning

  “Like what? Do I smell bad?” Jack sniffs his armpits.

  I laugh. “No…” I shove him. “You smell really good.” I bite my lip.

  “Oh really, well you smell pretty nice yourself.” Jack pulls me in and licks my lip and then takes it in his teeth and lightly bites it. I pull back and flicker my eyes.

  “What?” Jack asks.

  “Why did you bite my lip?” I squint my eyes at him.

  “I figured you must get some sort of pleasure from it, since you are constantly biting it yourself. Just thought I would help out the cause.” Jack pulls me back in and kisses me hard. I can’t imagine going inside at this point. I want to find his car and get to his house immediately.

  The sound of the door opening again breaks our lips apart. I am more than bothered, but quickly I get a grip since I’m on my parents’ doorstep.

  “Lauren, dinner is ready. Don’t make your mother upset about being late.” He cuts our eye contact and stares at Jack. “Jack, you don’t want to upset my wife.”

  Sheesh. This is not a good statement. My shoulders are tense. Within a second I go from mush ready to be whisked away in Jack’s arms to falling on my father’s orders. I squeeze Jack’s hand and lead him inside.

  Chapter Seventeen

  My mother has gone all out this year. I’m not sure if it’s because of the extra guests or if she really likes to up her game each Christmas, but either way it has happened. Her theme must be rock and roll Santa this year. The table is covered in a gold, glittery table runner on top of the red memory table cloth and she has added a salad plate in the shape of a guitar. My eyes blink several times to take in this display. I get it, its rock and roll Santa, and my mom is a BB King fan…but the musical note glasses and sparkly drum set napkin holders are over the top. It almost hurts my eyes to take it all in. My mom walks into the dining room with the biggest grin ever and a matching BB King jacket, most likely an original she ordered from eBay. I can only imagine the debate my parents had about the price. But what is truly priceless is her smile. And I can’t help but smile back. My mom is one of a kind. I glance around the table, everyone is seated including Aunt Minnie who, for some reason, is sitting in my father’s chair, the head of the table. Yikes. I don’t even want to see his reaction, my lips turn downward and I cast my eyes up at Jack. He must realize the situation. He lets go of my hand and steps toward Aunt Minnie. I peek out of the corner of my eye as he whispers something into her ear.

  There seems to be somewhat of a commotion but she gets up and with a bit of a huff and a puff she finds a seat next to Aurora. Which honestly couldn’t be more perfect. I would love to listen in on this conversation, well only maybe.

  I sit down in my normal spot for a second and then realize my cranberries are not on the table. I jump up and rush into the kitchen to grab them, I don’t want to hold up my dad from the blessing/annual Christmas speech.

  Megan is in the kitchen putting the asparagus into an electric guitar serving dish. I can’t help but grin.

  “Hey.” I stop and wait for her to look up and at least respond to me.

  She swipes a hair away from her cheek, the only hair out of place, a true rarity.

  “Hey yourself.” Megan semi-smiles at me. I suppose it’s the best she can give as far as a truce. Oh well, can’t say I didn’t try. And I really shouldn’t have to throw an olive branch her way, she is the one who doesn’t approve of Jack and then tried to sideswipe me by inviting Scott over. What a disaster that could have been, thank goodness it only ended with a nasty kiss. I crinkle my nose just thinking about it.

  I stride past Megan and yank open the refrigerator, on the bottom shelf is my cranberries in a drum set bowl. I grab them and close the door.

  “Are you sure you want to serve those?” Megan sneers at me.

  “What?” I roll my eyes and bite my tongue for a second. I don’t want to blow up on her, but I’ve about had enough. First she insults Jack and now my cranberries aren’t good enough?

  “It just doesn’t seem like a good idea for you to serve a dish you’ve never prepared before for the first time at such a big event as Christmas dinner.” Megan tosses her hair over her shoulder.

  “I’ve tried them and they are tasty, here, have a bite?” I scoop a bit and try to force-feed her.

  “All right, give me a scoop.” Megan opens her mouth and I push in a spoonful of cranberry relish. She chews thoroughly. “You did it. I’m proud of you.”

  “Thanks, but I think you will be even more impressed when you see dessert.” I beam at her.

  “No way, you made the Red Velvet Cake?” She places the spoon on the counter and grasps my arm.

  “I did, well, I made it with Jack.”

  Megan nods her head. “Lauren, I want you to be happy, but I’m concerned. Random money doesn’t just appear in accounts.”

  I take a deep breath. “Well, it did this time.”

  “Why can’t the two of you get along? At the very least for Christmas dinner.” My mom shakes her head at me. It’s like I’m a child all over again, being reprimanded. I want to argue and point out all of Megan’s faults, but I know everyone is waiting to eat. If there is one thing I have learnt over the years, holding out on hunger does not make things better. People tend to get hangry.

  I nod and march out into the dining room, where everyone seems to be happily chatting. This brightens my mood almost immediately until I cast my direction at Megan who is throwing eye darts my way. I stick my tongue out at her.

  “Exactly, you clearly are not thinking with maturity.” Megan says, loud enough for everyone to look in her direction and then at me.

  All eyes on me, including Jack’s. I bite my lip and smile.

  “Just a fun little game Megan and I like to play, a bit of improv. Ha! Good one, Megan!” I put the cranberries down in front of Jack and sit next to him.

  He leans into my ear, “Improv?”

  I bite my tongue and then whisper back, “I’ll fill you in later.”

  Underneath the table he squeezes my thigh and I know what he is trying to relay to me, because I want to be doing the exact same thing right now.

  “Improv is right. Lauren, did you share with everyone about the huge improvement in your life?” Megan asks as she plops a large amount of asparagus onto Winter’s plate.

  “Not the green sticks, Mommy, you said I didn’t have to eat those this year.” Winter is staring up at Aurora, who is staring me down. I’m not sure if she is feeling bad for me and the embarrassment Megan is creating or if she agrees with her. However, it would be a first for those two to agree on anything, talk about yin and yang. Their chi is so different…What am I thinking, this isn’t my area of expertise. Aurora knows about chi. Could they have talked about Jack? No. Well, I don’t know. Nothing at this point would surprise me.

  “Mommy?” Winter interrupts the silence.

  “Yes, Winter, that’s fine.” Aurora says and slides the asparagus onto her own plate.

  Jack is staring at me. “Uh, yes, I was offered a huge promotion at work.” I press my lips into a thin line and nod.

  “Nice one Lauren.” Luke stirs the air with his fist.

  “Congratulations honey.” My mom raises her wine glass and focuses her attention on Jack. “Jack did you know about this?”

  “Yes, congratulations again Lauren.” He kisses my head. “I heard about the good news when I visited Lauren a few weeks ago.”

  “You visited Lauren?” My dad raises an eyebrow. “What hotel did you stay at?”

  Jack squeezes my thigh under the table. “Lauren was a great host and let me stay in her guest room.”

  “Hmph.” My dad narrows his eyes on Jack.

  “Yes, things seem to be moving rather quickly especially with the random wire transfer and asking Lauren to be on the account.” Megan points the serving spoon at Jack and me.

  “That’s enough, Megan,” my dad says and shakes his head at her.

  “Is it, Dad?” Megan puts the a
sparagus down. “When will it be enough? Why am I the only one who is speaking up about this?”

  “Megan, I said that’s enough.” My dad’s face is stern, this is not the face that we all should be experiencing on Christmas.

  Jack pushes his chair back and stands. “Megan, I’m sorry you feel that way, but let me explain.”

  “Explain what? If you don’t know where the money came from then how do you know it won’t just randomly disappear? Lauren, that screams bait and switch or a scam of some kind. I would run.” Megan sits down in her chair.

  Brian looks at her and shakes his head at her and then leans in to whisper something.

  “Excuse me, I don’t believe in talking business at the table, but let me assure you, Megan, that my nephew Jack is of good breeding with strong values, and the random money is anything but random and it will not disappear, because I have no intention of taking it back under any circumstances.” Aunt Minnie picks up her wine glass and takes a sip.

  Everyone including me is staring at her with utter surprise. The money is from her? I don’t even know how to wrap my head around it being a good or bad thing. Obviously, I’ll wait for Jack’s lead on this.

  “Aunt Minnie, the money is from you?” Jack stands back up and pushes in his chair.

  “How and wh—” Jack’s lips form into two straight lines and his eyebrows furrow - he is obviously having a hard time figuring out this new information as well.

  “Jack, never mind all the business talk, let’s just enjoy this wonderful dinner that we have so gracefully been invited too. Go sit down, dear.” Aunt Minnie shoes Jack away with her hand. He leans down and kisses her head and then whispers something in her ear, which must have been nice because Aunt Minnie smiles. Which, since meeting her, seems to be a rarity.

  Jack sits down next to me again. The room is silent and most definitely awkward.

  “All right, hon, will you say the blessing?” My mom grins at my father.

  “Yes, uh, of course.” My dad lifts up his hands and we all grab ahold of each other’s. He says a prayer and includes the idea of all family members getting along and being respectful of each other’s choices for mates and keeping the harmony in the family et cetera. He goes on talking for so long, I sneak a peek at Megan and meet her eyes. She rolls her eyes at me and I pretend to vomit about my dad’s prayer. Back to our old antics over the prayer. I steal a glance up at Jack, whose eyes are closed. I take my cue and close mine with enough time for my father to say Amen.

  “Rock and roll Christmas can begin!” My mother says and flicks on her juke box.

  Guitar strumming falls out of the speaker as Elvis’s “Merry Christmas Baby” starts rocking out. My mother begins to sing and shake her hips as she dishes out some potatoes onto my father’s place. She leans down and they kiss. Thankfully it’s quick and not long and drawn out as usual.

  “Grandma you didn’t haf any miss-tel-toes.” River points above my mother’s head. It’s true, the kiss was sans mistletoe.

  My mother laughs. “You’re right, River, I didn’t.”

  Everyone laughs along with my mother and smiles at River. He is cuter than a cherub dressed in his white collared shirt and plaid tan pants with matching bow tie.

  “River, when you’re married you don’t need to be under mistletoe to kiss.” My dad winks at River.

  A blank expression crosses over River’s face, like he is really trying to figure something out.

  “I saw Aunt Lauren and Jack kissing outside without miss-tel-toes, and they aren’t married.” River is pointing at us now.

  Great. Thanks, Dad. I put a bite of the cranberries into my mouth, everyone knows it isn’t polite to talk with food in your mouth, this gives me some time to savor the fresh berries and not respond.

  Jack pushes out his chair and stands up. Oh shiat. I’m not ready for what I think is about to come. I know the mood seems lighter, but is my family ready for whatever it is Jack is about to say?

  “You’re right, River, I did kiss your Aunt Lauren without mistletoe, but there is something I need to say. Lauren, do you have the package?” He glances at me.

  I half-swallow, half-choke. I have it under my chair. I reach down and give it to him. “Lauren, it’s your gift - please.”

  I smile and take a quick glance around the room, yup, all eyes are on me. I pull the strings off the package and rip the paper. The box is similar to the rest and I lift off its white lid. Inside is an ornament with twelve drummers drumming. I smile and peek at Jack. He nods his head at me. I turn over the ornament and read the back. “Every big announcement deserves a drum roll.”

  “I’d like to ask Lauren in front of all of you to change the not-married part.” I focus on the ornament, I know all eyes are on Jack and me. Little beads of perspiration are forming at my hairline. I take a deep breath. I’m in front of my family. I can handle this. Besides, technically, we are already engaged, minus the ring. Which should be on my finger.

  “Lauren.” Jack takes my hand and gets down on one knee. “Will you make me the happiest man I could ever be and bestow on me the honor of being my wife? Will you marry me so that I don’t ever need to be standing under the mistletoe to kiss you?” Jack is staring into my eyes.

  The room is silent, everyone is waiting for my response.

  “Yes.” I say. He glides the ring back on my finger and kisses me, longer than a peck but not a full-on French kiss, which is probably best given the environment. Jack stands back up and pulls me into a deep embrace for what seems like forever, until we are interrupted by other embraces. My grandmother is hugging me and my mother. One by one, each family member hugs me until all that is left is Megan.

  “Congratulations, Lauren, I’m sorry about earlier.” Megan opens her arms to me and I fall into them. Not that I need her approval, but it sure is nice to have it.

  “Thanks.” I pat her back.

  “Come on, let’s go grab some of dad’s expensive wine from the cellar,” Megan says to me and I follow behind her into the kitchen. My dad doesn’t really have a big cellar, it’s one of those twenty-four-bottle wine refrigerators, but he does have some pricey wine. Every so often, Megan and I have snuck some of the bottles out for our enjoyment, I’m not even sure if he ever noticed.

  This time Megan opens up the door and pulls out a ten-year-old Barolo vintage.

  “Very nice,” I say as she grabs the corkscrew from one of the kitchen drawers.

  I get a couple of wine glasses out from the cupboard and set them in front of her and then grab a few more. I’m sure Jack and my parents will want to share in this toast.

  Megan pops open the cork and the dark-red liquid splashes into the glass. Thankfully, not a drop is spilled. I can only imagine what even a spot on the counter would cost. With two of the glasses filled with wine, she puts the bottle down and hands me a glass. The ruby-colored wine is glowing at me like a signal of truce and the promise of support from my sister.

  With the other filled glass in her hand, she raises it in the air.

  “Cheers, Lauren, I wish you the happiest of engagements and marriages. I’m sorry that I had my doubts.”

  I roll my eyes at her, I can’t help it. “But—” Megan points at me as if she is stopping me from speaking, even though I haven’t said anything.

  “But, I was only trying to look out for you. No matter what, you will always be my baby sister.” Megan clinks my glass with hers.

  “Cheers!” I say. Out of the corner of my eye I see Jack in the doorway. I turn and take him in with my eyes. He is so hot and now he will be mine. Forever. Wow, what a great feeling. Jack grins at me, like he is reading my thoughts.

  “I didn’t mean to interrupt a sister moment.” Jack strides towards me and grabs my free hand. “But I think my fiancée needs to come back to the table and eat Christmas dinner.”

  I squeeze his hand. “Bossing me around already…Hmm.”

  Jack leans in and whispers in my ear, “I think you’d like it if I bossed you

  My cheeks are burning and I haven’t even had a sip of wine. I bite the tip of my tongue and then take a long swallow of the wine.

  I peek at Megan but she is focusing on emptying the wine into the remaining glasses. She pours with precision to ensure each of the glasses are even. She is a stickler for keeping things equal.

  “Here, Jack, cheers! I hope you are very happy with my sister but, more importantly, I hope you always strive to make her happy…because that’s the most important thing.” Megan raises her eyebrows and then her glass.

  Jack smiles at her. “Thank you, Megan, and I agree, Lauren’s happiness is the most important thing.” He clinks his glass against hers.

  I laugh, because I can’t help it. That was rather awkward. I drag Jack back into the dining room. My mom is pouring wine into my grandmother’s glass and everyone else is happily eating.

  Jack and I sit down and I steal a peek at my ring. It’s sitting beautifully on my left hand on the ring finger. It’s sparkly and shiny. I have never had such a beautiful piece of jewelry. I glance at my right hand at the ring my mom and dad gave me for Christmas. Two rings with two different meanings. I sigh out of pure, unadulterated happiness. I pick up my spoon to have a scoop of the cranberries and then a big swoosh lands right in front of me. The cat with its four furry feline legs is standing on the fish that my mom prepared and is eating it.

  My mom screams. My father says, “What the hell is that?”

  Winter says, “It’s a cat, Grandpa.”

  The cat, George, is completely oblivious to the stares and screeches happening around it and continues to dig into my mother’s swordfish. She takes great pride in making it each year. It’s the only dish she makes. Tears start to fall from my mom’s eyes and she scoots her chair back from the table and leaves the dining room.

  “Lauren, why is there a cat on my dining room table?” My father is glaring at me.

  I want to throw Aunt Minnie under the bus, but that would only cause a bigger problem. I stand up and try to grab the cat.

  It hisses at me and arches its back. I step back, I don’t want to be bitten, who knows if this cat has rabies? After all, it is a stray and obviously Aunt Minnie wouldn’t have had enough time to get the cat to a vet.


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