Book Read Free

The Gift of Goodbye

Page 11

by Kleven, M. Kay

  “You will, Anna Louise, and even more.”

  ~ ~ ~

  Even though the winter winds were blowing, I had promised Savannah I would stop by the hospital to see if she’d gotten her cast off. So, as soon as I finished my piano lesson with Ms. Thompson, I hailed a cab and asked the driver to make a quick stop at one of the boutique shops on the way to the hospital so I could run in and buy Savannah some ribbons for her hair. She had the prettiest strawberry-blond hair I’d ever seen. I picked out a blue ribbon, a purple ribbon, and a yellow one for her. She spotted me the second I walked into her room and held up her left arm. “The doctor sawed the cast off of my arm this morning. He gave it to me to take with me.”

  “That’s great, Savannah. How are you feeling?” I handed her the bag of ribbons.

  “Ribbons,” she exclaimed. “Thank you, Anna Louise. I’m better, now that the cast is off, but I have to go to phy-sic-al ther-apy to learn how to use my arm again.” She showed me how she could bend her arm, then pulled the ribbons out of the bag. “I like the yellow one best.

  “I’m so proud of you, Savannah. You learn so quickly,” I said. “Yellow will look great in your pretty hair.”

  “Thanks. It was kind of fun going to phy-sic-al ther-apy. They have little balls, big balls, and all kinds of bicycles to ride there.”

  “Maybe you’ll get to play with one of the balls when your arm gets stronger.”

  “That would be fun. I could play catch with the girl who’s helping me get better.” She tucked the ribbons back into the bag.

  “I have to go, but I’ll be back to see you soon. It’s really cold out today. It’s nice and warm in here, though.” I hugged her, then waved as I left the room.

  I was shivering as I hurried into the apartment to get warm.

  “Mara, are you home?” I shouted.

  When no one answered, I figured she and Daniel were off somewhere. Studying is what they called it, but their relationship seemed like more than that these days. Being alone, I found some lettuce and turkey in the refrigerator, dug a bun out of the bag on the counter, and made myself a somewhat okay sandwich, then grabbed a water and turned on the television. Some of my favorite shows were on tonight. Getting comfy, I took a bite of the sandwich just as my phone rang. Thinking it was Mara, I answered, with my mouth full.

  “H-e-l-l-o,” I said.

  “Hello, to you,” came this firm, but friendly voice. “What are you up to this evening?”

  “Blake,” I stuttered. “Sorry, I thought you were Mara.”

  “We do look a little alike, but no. So what are you doing right now?”

  “Having a sandwich in front of the television. Mara is off with Daniel. Again,” I said, emphasizing the last word.

  “They are becoming cozy, aren’t they?” Blake replied. “But, how would you feel about grabbing a cab and coming by my place to play a few duets together?”

  “Wow! I’d like that. Are jeans and a sweater okay to play in?”

  “Sounds good to me. I’ll meet you in the lobby. How long do you think?”

  “Give me thirty minutes and I’ll be there.”

  “See you then.”

  I couldn’t eat another bite, so returned the remaining sandwich and water to the kitchen, then threw on my dark navy-blue jacket, swirled my long, red paisley scarf around my neck, and hurried out the door. While riding along in the cab, I sent Mara a short text telling her where I was going. I added a couple of exclamation points after typing Blake’s name. Before I knew it, the cabbie had pulled over in front of the address I’d given him. There, as I entered through the glass door, stood Blake Holbrook: tall and slender, with curly brown hair like Mara’s, but cut short, and would you believe, wearing jeans and a burgundy sweater. They looked expensive, but still.

  He smiled as I walked toward him. “Good to see you, again.”

  “Hi,” I said with a nervous laugh.

  “Glad you could come by. I was thinking about you the other day, so went in and bought a couple of duet books, hoping we might get a chance to play together.”

  “You were. You did.” I fumbled over my words. “I’m willing to give the duets a try, but I hope I don’t embarrass you or me.”

  He laughed. “You’ll do just fine.”

  Blake’s place looked more like him without all of the Christmas decorations. His baby grand piano waited for us in the living room. He took my jacket and ushered me over to the piano. Opening one of the duet books, he sat down on the bass side of the piano bench, so I assumed I was going to be playing the treble side. We played and laughed together for a couple of hours before realizing what time it was. We shared a cup of hot black tea, then he sent me off in a cab with a kiss on the cheek and a wave goodbye. What a lovely evening it had turned out to be.

  Arriving back home, I opened the door to a snuggled-up Mara and Daniel sound asleep on the sofa. Should I wake them up or not? I decided not to and tiptoed on by them into my bedroom. I would have lots of questions to ask Mara tomorrow, but for tonight, I hoped I’d have visions of Blake Holbrook dancing in my head as I drifted off to sleep.

  ~ ~ ~

  “So. How cozy is this relationship between you and Daniel becoming?” I asked the minute Mara and I were alone the next night. “I saw you two all snuggled up on the sofa last night.”

  “Maybe a little closer than we should be for our ages. We both have big dreams and a long way to go in school, so we don’t want to mess things up by becoming too serious too soon. And we’re definitely playing it safe if that’s what you’re insinuating.”

  “That’s exactly what I’m insinuating.” I put my hands on my hips and stared at her. “You get into trouble and your parents will blame me for it.”

  “Whoa. That’s not about to happen. Rest assured, my dear friend.”

  “Good, otherwise, I’d have to start chaperoning the two of you.”

  The thought of that made us both laugh.

  “So how did you and my brother make out last night?” Mara giggled.

  “We played together for a couple of hours on his baby grand. We had a good time and ended the night with a cup of tea.”

  “He’s not so bad as a big brother, I guess,” Mara said.

  “He’s mega talented, Mara. Every cell in his body must be filled with music. It just pours out of him naturally.” I paused. “You’re an artist and Blake’s a pianist. I know your dad’s a surgeon and your mom stayed at home while you and Blake were growing up. But what does your mother like to do when she’s not busy with the family?”

  “She’s always been there for Blake and me, but she also draws beautifully. She and I are more alike, whereas Dad and Blake have more in common.”

  “I never knew your mom could draw. I just knew she encouraged you and Blake to do the things that made you happy. My mom was the opposite. Wonder how we became such good friends, with our mothers being so different from one another.”

  “I’m sort of quirky and I guess you needed a quirky friend when we first met. I don’t know, but can’t imagine my life without you in it now.” Mara came over and hugged me.

  “Ditto, my friend. Just behave yourself, though, so I don’t have to report you to your parents.”

  “Who would you like me to report you to if you get into trouble, Anna Louise?” Mara asked with her hands now on her hips.

  “No one. Let’s go grab a pizza and a soda. My treat.”

  ~ ~ ~

  A few days had gone by again since I’d gone to visit Savannah in the hospital. The day her cast had come off she seemed so happy, but when I walked into her room today, she appeared to be sad again. “What’s the matter, Savannah?” I asked.

  “My nurse told me today that I’ll be leaving the hospital in a few days, but they don’t know where I’ll be going to live ye

  “That has to be a lot for a little girl to think about,” I replied. “Even a little scary.”

  “I want to live with Beth and Ashley. They’re going to talk it over with the rest of their family and let the hospital know. I don’t want to live anyplace else.”

  “How about if we play a few games on your tablet while I’m here, or would you like to take a walk around your floor tonight?”

  “Let’s walk. I’ve played games most of the day.” She slid out of bed, put on the robe the hospital had given her, and took my hand.

  We walked up and down the halls, looking at all of the artwork done by the children hanging on the walls. Savannah wanted to find her drawing, so while she looked through all of the pictures, I took in the large mural on one of the other walls. “Look, Anna Louise. I found it. That one is mine.”

  Savannah had drawn a picture of a happy family playing outside on the lawn in front of a white house with black shudders and roof. They even had a dog. “So what’s the dog’s name?” I asked.

  “It’s a girl dog. Her name is Penelope, but I call her Pippi.”

  “Fantastic name, Savannah. I’d better return you to your room before your nurse thinks you’ve disappeared.”

  Savannah laughed, taking my hand as we walked back toward her room. She took off her robe and hung it back up, then climbed up on to her bed.

  “Would you like me to read you a story before I leave?” I asked.

  “Yes.” She jumped out of bed and picked out the book she wanted me to read. “This one, Anna Louise,” she said, handing me the book.

  I recognized Elsa on the cover of Frozen. “I don’t know Elsa’s story. This should be fun.” But, before I was even halfway through the story, Savannah was fast asleep. I returned the book to the shelf where Savannah had gotten it and quietly tiptoed out of her room.

  Thomas called me into his office the next morning after my visit with Savannah. “Have a seat, Anna Louise. I have something to tell you. We made a family decision last night. Beth and Ashley have grown to love Savannah and would like her to come live with us. We would become her foster parents to start with.” His face lit up.

  “I know this had to be a big decision for you and your family, but I’m so happy to hear Savannah will be living with your family, and especially with Ashley. Those two girls seemed to become fast friends ever since the first day they met one another.”

  “After what happened with Savannah the day you played for the Christmas festivities at the hospital, and Ashley saw how lonely she was, Ashley begged to go back to the hospital to see Savannah again. Beth said that the more they went to visit Savannah, the more she began to talk about her mother and how they had kept moving from place to place—her mother always hoping that the next man would take care of them.”

  “And she’s only six years old, Thomas. My heart breaks for her, but now I know she’ll be going to a good, loving home.” I hugged him. “You always wanted another daughter, right?”

  “I guess so. At least Ashley thinks so.” He got this big grin on his face.

  I laughed. “When will Savannah be dismissed from the hospital?”

  “I think in the next day or so.”

  “I’m going to go visit her tonight and see if she tells me the good news. Savannah called Ashley her new friend when Mara and I went to visit her on Christmas day.”

  “Soon, you’ll be able to visit her at our house. I bet you never imagined that because of how your mother treated you, you would reach out to a little girl being mistreated by her mother on a bus ride to New York, and how you would be reunited the way you were. That you work at the Emporium and I’m going to be her foster dad. What do you think the odds of all that happening would have been without divine intervention?”

  “I’d say the odds would’ve been zero. Thank you, Thomas, for being the person you are and having the wonderful family you do. I hope one day I can help someone like you and your family are helping Savannah and how Mr. Cutler helped me when I first arrived in New York.”

  Chapter 11

  Today, between customers at the Emporium, I found myself thinking about my father. He always loved the flower gardens that surrounded the outside of our Kansas home. Now that the snow had turned to rain and the sun had come out, soon the bright yellow daffodils, purple crocus, and crimson red tulips would show their faces in the gardens. I’d email him tonight. I hadn’t heard a word from him since Mom had called me, slurring her words. Off in my own little world, I jumped when I heard a customer come in the front door.

  “Is Thomas Cutler here?” a deep voice asked.

  “Yes, give me a moment and I’ll get him for you. He’s in his office.”

  “Does that make you Anna Louise, then?”

  “Yes, it does. I’ll be right back with Thomas.”

  “I’d like to talk to both of you, if I could.”

  “Sure. One moment, please.” I rushed into Thomas’s office and whispered that there was a man here that wanted to talk to both of us.

  Thomas followed me back out to where the gentleman stood. “Hi. I’m Thomas Cutler. Can I help you?” The men shook hands.

  “Nice to meet you. I’m Cedric Benson, the theater director at New York University. Your son Daniel sent me over. Said your employee, Anna Louise, writes music and plays the piano like no one he’s ever heard before.” He smiled over at me. “I’d like to hear her play. Could she do that?”

  “Sure. Play ‘The Gift of Goodbye’ for him, Anna Louise. If that doesn’t curl his toes, I don’t know what will.” Thomas laughed and led us over to one of the baby grand pianos, not the old upright I usually practiced on. I sat down and began to play.

  The look on Mr. Benson’s face when I finished blew me away. Thomas had a big grin on his face.

  “Daniel was right. You are exceptional.” Mr. Benson paused, then said, “Young lady, would you be interested in writing the musical score for the next play to be presented this fall by our theater group at NYU? Daniel will be one of the actors in the play. The script is being written as we speak. It’s about a brother and sister who grow up on the streets of New York because their parents are addicted to drugs and alcohol. How the brother protects his sister, who is younger and quite attractive. They go on to become world championship ice skaters in the couple’s division. The play ends as the two are hurrying across the street to get to the rink when they are struck and killed by a drunk driver running a red light. The driver turns out to be their father. Their mother is high in the passenger seat. The working title so far is called Streets.”

  I looked over at Thomas, not knowing what to say.

  “Say you’re interested,” Thomas urged me, giving me his stamp of approval.

  “I’d be interested. I’ve never written a whole score before, but I’m willing to try.”

  He handed me his card. “Make an appointment with my assistant and we’ll talk more. Nice to meet you both.”

  “Wait a minute,” Thomas said as he was about to shake Mr. Benson’s hand, again. “I have a CD of Anna Louise’s music that you might like to listen to. Made a few extra copies of some songs we recorded one cold January day.”

  “Thanks. I’d be very interested in hearing more of her songs,” Mr. Benson said as he followed Thomas to his office.

  Giving Mr. Benson the CD, Thomas shook his hand and saw him to the door. Turning back to me, he gave me a high-five, then hugged me. “Congratulations, Anna Louise. I know you can do it.”

  “Thanks, Thomas. My knees are still shaking. I can hardly wait to talk to Daniel when I see him.”

  “Speaking of the devil.” Thomas laughed, seeing his son come in the back door.

  “Did I do something wrong?” Daniel asked.

  “Mr. Benson from the college was just here and asked if Anna Louise would write
the score for this fall’s theater production. Said you sent him. Is that right?” Thomas strolled over to Daniel.

  “I sure did. Congratulations, Anna Louise. Does Mara know yet?”

  “Thanks. And she doesn’t know yet. Let’s both text her.” I laughed and threw my arms around his neck.

  “Let’s. I won’t tell her you hugged me, though.” Daniel’s cheeks turned a nice shade of pink.

  “Guess we’d better get back to work,” Thomas said. “Daniel, there’s a delivery for you this afternoon. Bob and Carl are on their way.”

  “Okay, Dad,” Daniel replied as he shoved his phone back into his pocket.

  Later, Mara and I celebrated dinner out, her treat this time. Then, when Daniel stopped by to see Mara, I decided to go into my room and email Dad.

  ~ ~ ~

  Hi Dad,

  I’ve been thinking about you a lot lately. Wondering how things are going in Wisteria. Spring usually means lots of yard work for you and soccer for Grant. I hate to ask, but how is Mom these days? How are the newlyweds doing?

  Have some exciting news to fill you in on, too. Just today, the director of the Theater Department at New York University came in and listened to me play and asked me to write the musical score for this fall’s theater production. Daniel, Thomas’s son, who goes to NYU and wants to become a Broadway actor, sent him over.

  Tired tonight after such a big day. Hope all is well with you. Email me when you can.


  Anna Louise

  ~ ~ ~

  Together, Thomas and I cleaned out a big, old, walk-in closet that hadn’t been used for much of anything since Mr. Cutler had remodeled the Emporium. Thomas anointed it my new office where I could begin writing the new musical score for Mr. Benson’s fall production, whenever I wasn’t busy in the store. First, a desk and chair arrived, along with another smaller black office chair, then came a computer, printer, and paper, as well as all of the writing tools I’d need. There were plenty of shelves available in the room too.


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