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Chaos Theory

Page 19

by Susan Harris

  I gleefully watched as Krista, stumbling over her feet, tried to bow and curtsey to Nickolai at the same time. Perching myself on the counter, I sat quietly as Nickolai explained how the Romanov court of vampires came to be, how his mother ascended the throne, and how one day, so would he. The pride in his voice as he spoke was infectious, and my heart swelled with a sense I hadn’t felt in a long time. I wanted our race to survive, and I knew Nickolai would one day make a great king. And, like I was destined to do, I would keep him safe.

  “Your mom is like Akasha from Queen of the Damned—just less psychotic and power hungry?” Krista asked.

  Nickolai’s brow furrowed, and I knew he’d never seen the movie. Clearing my throat, I inhaled a breath, my skin prickling as Nickolai peered over at me.

  “Queen Katerina is more like a Disney princess. Think Snow White, without the birds and animals following her around. My mother once said Katerina could defuse the darkest of situations with only her smile. She did not have to speak, our queen, for her tranquility flowed into all around her, easing tensions in even the worst arguments.”

  “Your parents knew each other?” Krista queried, lifting her probably cold coffee to her lips before she carried on. “Before they were murdered?”

  The air thinned as Nickolai raised a brow, obviously wondering why I’d so easily shared such secrets with the human girl when, most of the time, I couldn’t talk about it to him. Sometimes, it was far easier to speak to someone who didn’t know the tragic soap opera that was my life.

  I arched my brows as if to say, you were the one who wanted me to make friends! To Krista, I replied, “My parents were the queen and king’s personal guard, but they were also friends. They died protecting the royal family in a coup many years ago. It was a warrior’s death to be proud of.”

  “And now you’re Nickolai’s guard?” Krista asked, a sheen of wetness in her eyes.

  I shrugged. “Not yet. I’m still a novice. If I manage to keep Nickolai from being killed, then maybe I’ll become a full member of the Royal Guard, but if that happens—”

  “When, Ryan,” Nickolai interjected. “Not if; when.”

  Rolling my eyes, I tried to ignore him, but inside my pulse was racing and I knew he could hear it. “When I do,” I said, pointedly looking at Nickolai before turning back to Krista, “it will be My Liege’s choice as to who he chooses as his personal guard.”

  Reaching behind me, I grabbed the pot of coffee and poured myself a cup, taking a sip and nearly choking on it as Krista exclaimed, “Oh my God, and here I thought vampires would be stuck in the Dark Ages, but you guys seem super progressive. I mean, you have a queen and Ryan is such a badass.”

  “Progressive?” I sputtered. “Vampires? Krista, court vampires are the most stuck-up, backward-thinking idiots you could meet!”


  Ignoring Nickolai, I ground out some hard truths about home that perhaps my future king needed to hear. “My mother was the first female member of the Royal Guard. Ever. I am only the second. I cannot hold my family seat on the royal council because my parents are dead and ‘a family does not consist of only one person.’ Until I take a mate, take his name, and give the council a child, I do not get a voice in my world. The only reason I got sent on this mission is because the queen feels sorry for me; and the king, well… If he had his way, I’d already be home, picking out floral arrangements for my arranged wedding.”

  I sucked in a breath as I finished my rant, slightly mortified as Krista glared at Nickolai, my human friend’s face twisted in horror. “You would never make her do that, would you? Force her to marry someone she didn’t love? She’s your friend, right?”

  Nickolai tried to catch my eye, but I suddenly found the floor remarkably interesting.

  “I would never force Ryan to do anything she didn’t want to do. Ryan is my best friend, and nothing will change that.”

  Krista beamed like she’d solved a vampire diplomatic crisis, not hearing the layer of double meaning in his words. Did he think that becoming king would not change him? Because of course it would. It would change everything.

  “I’m still reeling from the fact you guys are alive—have heartbeats and babies and everything. Do you drink blood from birth? Or is it only when you become teenagers? How do you get blood? Do you guys have magical powers? How can you even eat normal food?”

  Nickolai let loose a howl of laughter, slapping his hand on his knee. I lifted my head, smiling at my friend.

  “We have volunteers who donate blood to us, descendants from families who’ve known of our existence for centuries. We’re taught how to feed from humans as children, kind of like weaning for human kids. Unfortunately, we have no magic powers apart from compulsion and a supernatural healing ability, and that doesn’t really work anymore due to technology and people being less susceptible to suggestion. Did I forget anything?”

  “You forgot the food question,” Nickolai remarked with a sly smile. “Yes,” he said, answering for me, “we eat human food and enjoy it. For example, Ryan likes cheesecake.”

  I lifted my head in exasperation, heat flushing my cheeks so much I didn’t dare look to Nickolai. But Krista’s next question had my head snapping back to glare at her.

  “What’s it like, feeding and being fed from? Will you feed from me?”

  “Absolutely not!” I exclaimed, shaking my head.

  “Why not? I’m offering, right? It’s not like you’re forcing me. I want to know what it’s like.”

  “Ryan,” Nickolai said softly.

  I knew he was going to do it, but I still shook my head. I barely felt Nickolai move, and then he was in front of me, his hand on the slope of my chin as he gently raised my face to his.

  “If we are to survive, we must find humans like Krista who are open to having us feed on them. Is that not what our mission here is? I will do it, though I’ll take but a sip, just so she knows. It is a gift given freely.”

  “Krista isn’t part of this,” I said quickly. “She shouldn’t be. If the rogue hadn’t attacked her tonight, she would have never known about us. I can’t help shake the feeling this is wrong.”

  “Ryan, I want to know,” Krista protested, shifting her blonde hair from her shoulders as Nickolai let go of my chin and strode over to her.

  Kneeling, he held out his hand, and Krista place her hand in his, shivering as he turned it over and ran a finger over her pulse.

  She gasped, her eyes opening wide in shock as Nickolai’s fangs elongated before her. It sent a shiver running down my spine. I wanted to look away, to flee the room and not bear witness to this, but I was mesmerized.

  “Last chance to say no, Krista,” Nickolai said calmly. “It will hurt, but just a little. Do you trust me?”

  “Only because Ryan does.”

  Nickolai lifted her wrist to his mouth, and I clutched my own wrist to my chest as if I could feel the touch of his lips. I heard Krista’s sharp intake of breath the moment Nickolai pierced her skin and witnessed her eyes grow heavy as Nickolai swallowed down her blood.

  I’d witnessed feedings many a time, but I’d never been so attuned to one before, my skin tightening, my body heating, aching in places I didn’t want to mention. It was as if Nickolai were feeding from me directly, and I craved more of it.

  Nickolai pulled his lips back from Krista’s wrist, ran his tongue over the puncture wounds, and cast a glance over to me—one that assured me I was not the only one affected by the feeding. He rose to his feet and took a step toward me, then hesitated, turning to study Krista.

  Krista blinked, staring at her wrist for a second until the high had worn off. Then she glanced between me and Nickolai. “Not gonna lie, that was all kinds of hot. And I don’t feel anything apart from a little sleepy now.”

  Wanting to break whatever connection Nickolai and I were sharing, I slipped off the counter, walked to the fridge, and grabbed a carton of OJ for Krista. By the time I’d returned and handed Krista the container, Nickolai ha
d retracted his fangs and cleaned the blood from his lips. She sucked on the carton, draining the juice in seconds, and sat back in her chair. Nickolai reclaimed his seat, too, and I leaned against the farthest wall.

  Krista sighed, and her lips pursed. “I understand you guys are, like, posh vampires with courtly etiquette and all. But what’s the thing killing everyone on campus?”

  I chewed on my lip. “Rogues,” I answered. “Vampires who think themselves superior to humans, godlike, with a divine right to take what they want from humans. They’ve renounced the rules of the crown and now kill and murder as they please. One seems to have a hard-on for me, so when Braydon, uh… you know… he decapitated the kid and sent me his head in a box.”

  Krista regarded me for a second and then nodded. “I get it. You’re not exactly a flowers-and-chocolates kinda chick, so he sent you the head to woo you. It’s creepy, but he definitely got your attention.”

  Nickolai smothered a chuckle as the elevator came to life with a whir and I stood.

  “Are you expecting anyone?” I asked Nickolai, who shook his head.

  The doors opened, and a smiling Kristoph stepped into the apartment. Dressed in a long peacoat, his hands were in the pockets of his pleated trousers, his shirt tucked into his pants and his shoes making an audible clack on the wooden floor. His dark hair was slicked back, and he looked far older than his years as he flashed Nickolai a smile.

  “Now he looks like a vampire,” Krista muttered.

  Kristoph froze, tilting his head to watch Nickolai with eyes so like his father’s. “What have we here, Nickolai?” he asked.

  Nickolai strode over and gave his brother a hug, giving me time to circle around and grab my sai before casually leaning against the chair where Krista sat, my friend still oblivious to the danger her words had put her in.

  “Krista is a friend. Stop being rude and come and introduce yourself.”

  Stepping back, Nickolai beckoned Krista forward, and I moved with her. Kristoph reached out a hand, taking Krista’s in his as he did as Nickolai asked.

  “Hello, Krista, my name is Kristoph, Nickolai’s brother.

  I saw Krista’s spine straighten. “Oh my God, are you a vampire prince as well? Should I bow?”

  Tensing, I coiled my fingers around the hilt of one of my sai as Kristoph gave her a smile reserved for the Kris I knew in private.

  “I am not as important as Big Brother here—no need for any pretense. Here, I’m just Kris. And Ryan,” he added, turning my way, “you can put away those weapons of yours—I’m not likely to snap her neck with you watching over her, am I?”

  Grinning, I lifted my shoulders. “Not that you could stop me, Kris. But as My Liege asks it of me.”

  Kristoph whooped with laughter, slipping his hands back into his pockets as he rocked back and forth on his feet, and then the room settled into an uncomfortable silence. Nickolai finally broke it, asking his brother if he wanted anything to eat or drink.

  “I’m all good, Nico… unless the lovely Krista is offering,” he drawled, winking at Krista as my friend blushed a furious shade of red.

  I punched Kris in the shoulder lightly. “Krista has enough on her plate after being attacked by a rogue on campus. She doesn’t need another rabid animal after her. And besides, Kris—you’re sixteen, and Krista has a boyfriend.”

  Kristoph quirked his brows. “Rabid animal?”

  I let a slow, deliberate smile creep over my lips. “Sure. What else would you call your cougar of a girlfriend?”

  Nickolai chuckled, even as Kristoph shook his head, a silly smile on his lips. I nudged Krista and shifted my eyes to the door, then announced to the boys I was going to see Krista across the quad before sunrise.

  Kristoph took Krista’s hand in his and lifted it to his lips as Krista ran her eyes over the younger of the vampire brothers.

  “You are trouble,” she mused, earning another wink from Kristoph. “You have Damon Salvatore-kind of vibes going on.”

  “Damon Salvatore has been quite the role model in my life. Alas, I can only aspire to be as quick witted and handsome.”

  Krista gave him a skeptical look as she reclaimed her hand. “Oh yeah, you’re definitely trouble.”

  Leaving the brothers behind, we exited the apartment, Krista not saying a word until we’d made it out of the apartment and crossed the quad.

  “That was…”

  She broke off, unable find words to express the information overload she’d received over the last few hours. I could see how tired she was, and as Krista yawned, I felt sorry she’d been brought into this. Her life would never be the same.

  “I’m sorry you had to find out like this, Krista. I’m so sorry for pulling you into the drama of my life.”

  Stepping inside the doorway of her building, Krista pivoted toward me, a silly smile tugging her lips upward. “Are you kidding me? This is awesome! I mean, if Nickolai does ever decide to go public, I can be the one to release it! I knew there was something special about you, Ryan Callan. Even if you weren’t some Ninja Turtle vampire badass.”

  Krista hugged me then, and I returned her gesture, letting myself feel loved for a blissful moment before stepping away from her.

  “Don’t go wandering around at night, Krista. Promise me. Nickolai said classes are cancelled for another two weeks because of Braydon. If you need to go out, you call me, okay?”

  Krista saluted me, and then she was gone, vanishing inside as I breathed out a sigh of relief and quickly made my way back to the apartment.

  The elevator doors opened on Nickolai gathering up some of his stuff. He stopped as I came in, Kristoph turning as they heard me arrive.

  “The Sanguine Council has called a meeting to get an update on our rogue problem. Mother had requested you both come stay for the day. Mother wants Nickolai to join us for breakfast before the meeting. You too, Ryan.”

  Dinner with the royal family? Sitting across the way from Anatoly? Yeah, hard pass on that.

  “The car is waiting below to take us home, Ryan. Grab what you need for a night or two, then we’ll be coming back.”

  Nickolai’s words were a whisper of a promise as I sighed to myself, knowing I had clothes and stuff at home I could use. Then, a thought crossed my mind and I strode to the fridge, taking out the cheesecake still left over from our night at Murphy’s. Taking a fork from the drawer, I headed for the door as Kristoph came up behind me, his hand squeezing my shoulder as we headed down to the car.

  “Life is never dull with you around, Ryan.”

  I said nothing in reply, simply let myself be guided to the car sitting outside with sun-protected windows. Atticus smiled as I slipped into the car, Kristoph sliding in next to me, leaving Nickolai to sit facing us when he arrived down to the car, his knee touching mine as I popped open the container and proceeded to eat my cheesecake, ignoring the fact Nickolai was staring at me.

  Kristoph chuckled, shaking his head. “As I said. Life is never dull with Ryan around.”


  When you have a rather deadly reaction to the sun, being able to witness the sunrise while encased in a moving metal vehicle is truly something special. Even now, as the sun was coyly shielded by an abundance of gray clouds, fine rays of sunlight were still visible, trying to break through.

  My face almost pressed against the glass, I kept my eyes on the sun as she tried to emerge, feeling almost morose as the car descended into the underground parking garage reserved only for royalty. Nickolai and Kristoph had agreed to keep Krista’s knowledge a secret for now as it would not help us catch the rogue.

  Just before Atticus turned off the engine, my ears pricked at the news bulletin on the radio. I asked him to wait and then gasped, horrified as the reporter announced a mass killing at St. Patrick’s. A group of media students filming on school grounds. A citywide curfew was to be introduced, and all students were advised to stay indoors after dark.

  All of the dead had been drained of blood.

us turned off the car, getting out and opening my door so I could slip out. I immediately headed for the comfort of my own room, not bothering to stop even as Nickolai called my name, saying he would see me for breakfast.

  Taking the stairs two at a time, I strode into the foyer as the shutters came down and enveloped the house in darkness. Hoping to avoid any stragglers, I hurried up the winding staircase, halting on the next level as Scarlet Hamilton paced the hall floor, one hand resting on her stomach, the other pressed against her back. Sweat dripped from her forehead, and I approached her slowly to ask if she was okay, worried I might startle her.

  The pregnant vampire gave me a pained smile, then grunted as a burst of pain hit, causing her knees to buckle. I lurched forward to catch her, and her hands gripped me with such intensity I feared the bones in my hand would shatter.

  I glanced around, trying to find some sort of adult who can help poor Scarlet, but the halls were empty. When the woman let go of my hand, mumbling it hadn’t been like this the last time, I made sure she was standing steadily before racing down the hall and banging hard on the door of her family suites.

  A couple of minutes later, a sleepy Spencer opened the door wearing just a pair of boxers, rubbing his tired eyes. “Ryan?” he said, his voice thick with sleep.

  “Hey, your mom’s not doing so good. I think she might be in labor.”

  Spencer all but shoved me out of the way as he went to aid his mother, leaving me standing at his door as he escorted her inside, calling for his father. Scarlett turned her head and gave me a small smile as the door closed behind them with an audible click.

  Shaking my head, I headed for my own rooms, opening the door into safety and comfort. Flopping down on the bed fully clothed, I breathed a sigh of relief, closing my eyes and drifting off to sleep.

  I woke to the sound of banging on my door, my eyes springing open as I sat upright just as the door opened and an angry Nickolai stormed in. Folding my legs underneath myself, I let him ramble on about missing breakfast and how he was surprised at how quickly I’d reverted back to old habits once we were home.


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