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A New Chapter

Page 20

by Susan Coventry

  “Wow, this is unbelievable,” she said. The estate was set amongst rolling hills and was surrounded by elaborate gardens. Because of the state’s temperate climate, there were still patches of green rather than the browns and grays that had taken over Michigan’s landscape. The large pine and fir trees that framed the grand estate were exquisitely decorated with Christmas trimmings, and Emma felt the first real stirring of Christmas spirit. She had been so caught up with work and, more recently, her pregnancy that she hadn’t fully embraced the joy of the season. Today, Emma decided that she would set her worries aside and simply enjoy the beautiful surroundings.

  And that’s exactly what they did. Emma and Debbie toured the house and the grounds, oohing and aahing as they went along. They took time out for a light lunch in one of the estate’s restaurants that overlooked the vast property and chatted about everything but Emma’s pregnancy.

  This was exactly the kind of escape I needed, Emma thought when they drove back toward Charlotte a few hours later.

  “Let’s go home and freshen up before dinner,” Debbie suggested as they neared her neighborhood.

  “Sounds good to me,” Emma agreed. That will give me some time to call Zack. She hadn’t heard from him all day, but she’d decided that he was probably trying to give her some space. She had glanced at her phone several times during the drive home, but it remained silent.

  A small black sedan was parked in front of the house when they pulled up. “I bet Phil called one of his buddies to come over and watch football,” Debbie surmised when they got out of the car.

  “What is it about men and football?” Emma said.

  “They probably think the same thing about us and shopping,” Debbie said, holding up her bag of souvenirs from the estate gift shop.

  Emma tucked her own bag of goodies under her arm, followed Debbie into the house, and then stopped dead in her tracks.

  Her hands flew to her mouth, and thankfully, Debbie caught her bag before it crashed to the floor.

  Time stopped. Everyone froze, and then Zack stood up and started toward her.

  “Deb and I will leave for a while so you two can talk,” Phil said, breaking the silence. He hurried toward the door, turned Debbie around, and away they went.

  Emma’s hands still covered her mouth, and she hadn’t budged. She felt the first tear prick the corner of her eye, but she was afraid to move, afraid to breathe, afraid of…

  “You’re probably wondering why I’m here,” Zack said, his voice wavering a little.

  He seemed nervous, which was only fair considering that her heart was pounding out of her chest.

  “And no, I didn’t fly to North Carolina to take you out to dinner,” he added, his expression still serious.

  He shoved his hands in his jeans pockets, cleared his throat, and took a step closer.

  “I came here because I have a very important question to ask you, and I didn’t want to do it over the phone.”

  Emma felt a tear trickle down the left side of her face, but she let it fall. Zack was two steps away, but he hadn’t touched her yet. He just stared at her with his intense gray eyes, pinning her in place with his gaze.

  Emma had dropped her hands to her sides, but she still felt incapable of speech. She gave him a slight nod to encourage him to continue.

  “You see, I was wondering, when would it be the right time for me to tell my best friend that I love her?”

  Emma gasped.

  “Because I do. I love you, Emma.”

  Her name came out on a grunt because she had flung herself into Zack’s arms, almost knocking them both over. She clung to him, and amidst the sounds of her half-laugh/half-cry, she managed to say, “I love you too, Zack. I love you so much.”

  After a moment, he pulled back, but he kept his hands locked on her forearms. “You’re still crying.” He searched her eyes for understanding.

  “I know. I’m sorry. This is all so… overwhelming.”

  “But those are happy tears, right? You’re glad I’m here?”

  “Are you kidding? I’m thrilled that you’re here. It’s just that I have more to say. Let’s sit down.”

  Emma led him across the room to the couch. They sat sideways to face each other, and Zack immediately clasped her hands in his warm, comforting grip.

  “Talk,” he urged.

  Emma was bursting, and she made a split-second decision to use a direct approach. She took a deep breath, looked him right in the eyes, and said, “Zack, I’m pregnant.”

  Emma had done it again. The only other time she had rendered him speechless had been when they’d had their first argument. She watched several expressions flicker across his face and began to get nervous, until…

  Zack jumped off the couch and yelled, “WOW!” with a big smile on his handsome face.

  Emma watched him pace the room before she was hit with a barrage of questions.

  “But when, how? Never mind the how. I know the how. But when? How long have you known?”

  He came back to sit beside her and took her hands once again. She felt the tension drain from her body in the face of his reaction.

  “I took the test yesterday morning, but I’ve had my suspicions for a couple of weeks.”

  Zack’s mouth gaped open, but then his expression grew serious again. “Why didn’t you tell me right away? Why did you run off instead of telling me?”

  Uh-oh. Emma saw a blaze of anger flash in his eyes, and she shifted uncomfortably, realizing that she might have poked the bull. “I was scared, Zack.”

  “Scared of what? Of me?”

  “Of your reaction. We hadn’t even told each other that we loved each other yet, and I didn’t know how you would feel about this… new development.”

  Zack stood up again and resumed pacing while shoving his hands through his hair. “My God, Emma. How could you not know that I would love this child just as much as I love Gracie, just as much as I love you?”

  “Well, I wasn’t sure. I didn’t want you to think that I had trapped you in some way. I didn’t want you to feel obligated to me.”

  The tears welled up in her eyes again, and Emma looked down at the floor. Zack softened immediately and came to kneel before her.

  “Emma, look at me,” he demanded, tipping her chin up.

  “I don’t feel obligated to you. I love you. I love you with every fiber of my being, and I’ll love our child the same way. Please tell me that you know that and that you’ll never doubt me again.”

  Emma responded by pulling him toward her. She wrapped her arms around his neck and pressed her forehead to his. “I love you too, Zack, and I’m so sorry for doubting you.”

  Their lips touched tentatively at first and then with renewed fervor. Just as Zack was about to scoop her into his arms, his phone buzzed.

  “I better…”

  “Go ahead,” Emma said. She had become used to the interruptions because of Gracie, and with another child coming, there would be no letup.

  Zack pulled his phone out of his pocket and grinned as he read the text message. “Phil says we can make out later. He sent me the address to a steak place and wants us to join them for a celebratory dinner.”

  “We better go,” Emma said, even though she’d rather stay in Zack’s arms for a little longer. “We can talk on the way.”

  After they were seated in Zack’s rental car, Emma began with, “So, when did you decide to come down here?”

  “Yesterday afternoon. I couldn’t shake the feeling that something was wrong. It didn’t seem like you to take off to North Carolina so suddenly.”

  Emma huffed. “Why doesn’t anyone believe that I could be spontaneous once in a while?”

  Zack shot her a duh glance. “Because you aren’t. Anyway, after I dropped Gracie off with Alicia, I stayed at a hotel near the airport so I could catch an early morning flight. And here I am.”

  “Was Phil in on this?”

  “I sent him a text last night, and he was all for it.”

/>   Emma giggled. “So that explains why he wanted to stay home and watch football today. He knew you would be joining him!”

  Zack shrugged. “Us guys have to stick together. So now it’s your turn. How are you feeling? About the pregnancy, I mean?”

  Emma leaned her head back and sighed. “Gosh, so many things I don’t know where to start.”

  “I’m all ears,” he said encouragingly.

  “Well, first of all, now I understand why you’re so protective of Gracie. Our baby is no bigger than a pea, and I’m already fiercely protective of her.”

  “Her? Don’t be so sure of that. There could be a Zack junior floating around in there.”

  “Lord help us,” she said with a laugh.

  “You’re right. A baby Emma would be better. How are you feeling physically?”

  “I’ve had some nausea, but so far, I’ve been able to keep food down. My breasts are tender, and I’ve felt overly emotional, but other than that, hey, I’m good!”

  Zack chuckled. “That all sounds completely normal, although you should probably make a doctor appointment when we get back.”

  “I will.”

  They were silent for a few minutes, each lost in their own thoughts. Zack pulled into the parking lot of the steakhouse and shut the car off, but he made no move to get out. He rested his forehead on the steering wheel and let out a loud sigh.

  Emma laid her hand on his back. “Zack? Are you ok?”

  She gently rubbed his back and waited for him to get his thoughts in order. She’d already had time to get used to the idea of having a baby, but he had known for less than an hour. When he finally looked up, there were tears swimming in his eyes. “Yeah, I’m good. It just hit me. I’m going to be a dad again.”

  Emma smiled softly and nodded. “Yes,” she said, “And lucky me, I already know that you’re going to be a damn good one.”

  Chapter 41

  Emma could hardly wait to be alone with Zack. Sitting next to him at the restaurant for two hours turned out to be a form of sweet torture. He constantly touched her in some way or another throughout the appetizers, dinner, and dessert. They were simple gestures: his hand resting on her knee, his arm draped possessively over her shoulder, his fingers entwined with hers under the table, his side pressed up against her in the tight booth. By the time they left the restaurant, Emma was on fire for him, and based on the smoldering looks he kept giving her in the car, Zack felt the same way.

  A silent look of understanding passed between Phil and Zack once they reached the house, and now, finally, Emma and Zack were alone in the guest bedroom. Emma swore that the room was charged with their sexual energy. Whether it was because they had professed their love to one another or the surge of pregnancy hormones, or just because it was them, Emma couldn’t be sure, but she welcomed the tension like a warm blanket soon to be wrapped around her.

  They stood in the middle of the room, illuminated by the dim light of the bedside lamp, not speaking, hearts thumping. Zack raised Emma’s arms above her head and gently pulled her sweater up and over. She instantly felt an involuntary shiver.



  Next, he unhooked her black bra and slipped it off her shoulders. Her nipples automatically stood up to greet him before he cupped her breasts in his large hands. He began to massage them, slowly, carefully, almost as if he were afraid to hurt her, and then understanding struck.

  “Zack,” she whispered.

  “Hmm?” He answered distractedly, his index fingers tracing circles around her nipples.

  “I’m not going to break, you know. I’m pregnant, not injured.”

  “Umm-hmm.” He dipped his head down and drew a nipple into his mouth, sucking gently.

  Ok, he really is trying to torture me. Emma thrust her breast forward, urging him to take more of her. If words wouldn’t do the trick, then maybe actions would!

  Her strategy worked, because Zack picked up the pace, drawing on her nipples with more intensity. As additional encouragement, Emma reached her hand between their bodies and stroked him over his jeans.

  Zack jerked his head up, and Emma quickened her movements while he lifted his t-shirt up and over his head.

  Finally! She left her post below his belt to travel her hands up and over the hard ridges of his chest, flicking his nipples on her way north. Zack’s heavy breathing was the only sound in the room while she continued her own brand of torture. Her fingers blazed a path up to his shoulders, and then she trailed her fingernails down his muscular arms, leaving goosebumps in their wake. When she reached his hands, she entwined her fingers with his and squeezed.

  “Finish undressing me, Zack,” she pleaded and guided his right hand to the button of her jeans.

  Zack nimbly unbuttoned and unzipped her jeans, hooked his fingers into her panties, and peeled her jeans and panties down her legs. He trailed his masculine hands up the inside of her thighs on his return trip and stopped right at the apex. Emma wanted him so bad she could already feel him inside of her, but she needed him naked first.

  “Lose the jeans,” she demanded and took a step back.

  Zack’s grin competed with the lamp for illuminating the room. In a flash, his pants and boxers hit the floor, and before she could get a good look, he scooped her up and placed her on the bed. Next came a jumble of hands and lips and tongues and limbs. Sweet caresses and hot kisses, whispers, sighs, moans and groans. Wrestling to get closer, the merging of bodies and the melding of souls. It reminded Emma of their first time, filled with urgency, passion, and desire, but there was something else now, and as she cried out his name, she realized what it was. It was love.

  Afterwards, Emma nestled her head against Zack’s chest and traced random patterns on his skin while he played with her curly locks.

  “When do you think we should tell Gracie?” Emma ventured, asking the question that had surely been on his mind too.

  “I think we should wait until after Christmas. I’m not sure what her reaction will be, but I don’t want anything to spoil her fun.”

  “I agree, although I hope she’ll be happy to have a little brother or sister.”

  Zack gave her a reassuring squeeze. “I hope so too.”

  “We should probably hold off on telling the rest of the family just in case someone slips.”

  “With the exception of Damian. The dude is like a vault. Plus, he’s a man of few words, if you haven’t noticed.”

  “Oh, I’ve noticed. Quite the opposite of his big brother,” Emma teased.

  “Hey, I can be quiet when I need to be.”

  “Seriously? You talk more than Kelly, and that’s quite a feat! Speaking of Kelly, if you get to tell Damian, then I get to tell her. She already knows that something’s up, so I won’t be able to hold her off for long.”

  “Fine, Damian and Kelly, but no one else until after Christmas.”

  “So, what do you think is going on with them anyway?”

  “Isn’t it obvious?”

  “I suppose, but you said that Damian isn’t a one-woman type of guy, so I hope Kelly’s not falling for him.”

  “Well, that would be kind of fast, wouldn’t it?”

  Emma cleared her throat noisily. “Um, excuse me, what about us?”

  “That’s different. I fell in love with you five years ago.”

  Emma smiled and nuzzled into his neck. “I probably fell a little too, but it took me longer to realize it.”

  “I’m glad you finally did,” he said playfully.

  “Back to Damian and Kelly.”

  “They’re mature adults, Em. They’ll figure it out without any interference from us.”

  His comment reminded her of what Phil had said the day before about not wanting to interfere when she and Zack got married. Zack and I and married in the same sentence. Interesting…

  “Whatcha thinking?” Zack asked, pulling her in tighter.

  “Oh, I don’t know. Just wondering how everyone’s going to react to our

  “If I know Alex and Joe, they’ll be thrilled. Especially Alex when she realizes there will be another mouth to feed!”

  Emma giggled. “Do you think they’ll be upset that we did things out of order?”

  “What order?”

  “You know the old saying, first comes love, then comes…”

  “Aah, yes, that saying.”

  They had turned the light out a little bit ago, so now it was difficult to read his expression, but Emma could have kicked herself for even bringing up the topic. Haven’t I sprung enough on him for one day? Besides, I’m not sure I’m ready to get married again anyway.

  Zack twisted around to face her and laid his hand tenderly on her cheek. “Look what happened when we did things in the correct order the first time around. Maybe there’s no such thing as the proper order. Maybe it’s about whatever works for you and me and for our child. We’ll figure this out, Em… together.”

  Emma leaned her head into the palm of his hand. She wasn’t sure of everything, but she was certain about one thing. “I love you,” she said softly.

  “And I love you.”

  Three simple words, yet they held such meaning, such promise. Three simple words that wrapped around her heart until she drifted off into a deep, peaceful sleep.

  Chapter 42

  “It’s not going to work,” Emma insisted.

  “Have a little faith,” Zack argued.

  Zack had been able to book the same flight home as her, but his seat assignment was in the last row right next to the restroom. He insisted that he would be able to persuade whomever had the seat next to Emma to trade with him, all in the name of love. Foolish man.

  “It’ll probably be some little old lady who reads romance novels. She’ll be more than happy to give up her seat for us ‘lovebirds.’”

  Emma scanned the passengers as they filed onto the aircraft, looking for said “little old lady.” A few minutes later, she appeared in the form of a burly, bearded man who wore a leather motorcycle vest—his bare arms covered in tattoos.


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