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A New Chapter

Page 24

by Susan Coventry

  Gracie sat stiffly in the chair by Emma’s bedside, with her baby sister propped carefully in her arms. Ava Kostas had come screaming into the world at close to midnight the night before, and everyone in the room was a little bleary-eyed. She was surrounded by her parents, both sets of grandparents, and her honorary Aunt Kelly, each waiting for their turn to hold the newborn bundle of joy.

  Emma was especially exhausted, having labored for ten hours, but it was a good kind of tired, a happy kind of tired. She was surrounded by the people she loved, but she couldn’t take her eyes off the masterpiece that she and Zack had created.

  Zack hadn’t left Emma’s side during the labor and delivery unless he’d absolutely had to. He had been Emma’s rock throughout it all, and the experience had only made her fall deeper in love with him.

  There was only one person missing from the Kostas/Murphy group, and he was due to arrive at any minute. Damian had called from the airport about an hour ago to let them know that he was on his way. While they were all anxious to see him, one person in particular looked up every time someone passed in the hallway outside of Emma’s room.

  Kelly hadn’t seen nor heard from Damian since New Year’s Eve, eight months ago, when he had returned to California. What Kelly didn’t know, because Emma had been sworn to secrecy, was that Damian was coming back to Michigan to stay. Zack had only recently told Emma the news, but he’d made her promise to let Damian tell Kelly himself. Emma could hardly wait to see the look on her best friend’s face once she found out. Kelly had put up a good front during Damian’s absence, but Emma knew that she still carried a torch for the devilish Kostas brother.

  “Time’s up, Gracie. I think it’s Aunt Kelly’s turn now,” Zack said, smiling softly at his two daughters.

  “But Daaaad… that was only one minute,” Gracie complained as Kelly carefully lifted the baby out of Gracie’s arms.

  “That was actually five minutes, and you will have plenty of time with Ava once we take her home,” Zack said.

  Kelly took the chair that Gracie had vacated, and Mary stepped in to distract Gracie. “Why don’t you show me that new doll that you brought with you?” Mary suggested.

  Emma watched Gracie rush over to her soon-to-be step-grandma without hesitation, and her heart leapt to her throat. One of the unexpected benefits of her pregnancy had been the closer relationship she had formed with her parents. When they had left after the holidays, Mary had promised Emma that they would return in time for the birth and stay indefinitely to help out. Emma was afraid to be too hopeful, but based on her parents’ reaction to the birth of their first grandchild, she could visualize them staying for good.

  “Now that Ava is here, we can really start to focus on the wedding,” Alex said enthusiastically.

  “Mom, she was only born yesterday,” Zack scolded.

  “You know your mother. Any mention of a party, and she’s all over it!” Joe teased from the corner of the room.

  “Your Mom’s right, Zack. The wedding is only a few months away, and we still have a lot to do,” Emma piped in.

  “Not to worry. I’m on it,” Kelly said while she gently rocked the baby.

  “What’s this I hear about a wedding?” Damian asked, startling them all. The family had been so busy talking and admiring Ava that they hadn’t noticed him sneak in.

  “Uncle Damian!” Gracie shouted, and she rushed across the room to jump into his arms.

  “How’s my big girl?” he asked gruffly, spinning her around.

  Gracie giggled with delight. “I got a sister, I got a sister!”

  “That’s what I heard,” he replied as he stepped further into the room.

  Kelly’s head had snapped up at the sound of his voice, and now she sat frozen with a strange mix of emotions stamped on her face.

  “Hey, everybody,” Damian said as he sauntered toward Kelly. “Hey, Kell,” he said more softly once he reached her.

  “Hi,” she said with a slight waver in her voice.

  “Mind if I hold my niece?”

  Kelly snapped out of her trance. “Oh, yeah. Of course.” She transferred the warm, sleepy bundle into Damian’s bulky arms, and he gazed down at her.

  “Yep, she’s a Kostas alright!” He ruffled the baby’s tuft of pitch black hair with his beefy hand. “Hopefully, she has Emma’s disposition though!” He shot Zack a teasing grin.

  “It’s nice to see you too, bro,” Zack replied, returning the grin.

  “This is so wonderful! The whole family together. As soon as Emma has a chance to recuperate, I’m inviting everyone over for dinner!” Alex stated.

  “I’ve only been here for two minutes, and Mom’s already talking about feeding people,” Damian said.

  “Welcome home!” Emma said and giggled.

  Damian acknowledged Emma’s comment with a brief nod of his head, and then he directed his attention toward Kelly. “It’s good to be home.”


  Find out what happens next for Kelly and Damian in a new stand-alone novel, coming soon…




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