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Pearl's Possession (The Red Petticoat Saloon)

Page 5

by Lee Savino

  I nodded, and the men relaxed. "It's just very far from town."

  "We like our privacy and doing things our way."

  "You came to town often enough." I blushed.

  Brock put his hand on my knee and squeezed before withdrawing it. "There was something to tempt us there."

  "After this, we won't have to go so often," Jonas said.

  There was an awkward pause.

  "Even if I say no?" I asked, keeping my voice light.

  "Unfortunately, yes," Cash said to my dismay. "Winter is coming and we must focus on our work. The trip to see you is far, as you say."

  I felt my stomach plummet and my face pale. "But, if you don't come…"

  "We won't like it, but we've got to focus our time and money on the ranch."

  "We'll miss you, Pearl," Samson said sadly.

  "So, if I say no, I'll never see you again?"

  The men looked unhappy, but didn't deny it. I stood up from my seat quickly, and wrapped my arms around my waist. I felt a little sick.

  Samson came and sat in my chair, pulling me into his lap. I went without protest; his touch calmed me.

  Brock's chair squeaked as he turned to face me. "Ye must understand. We were courtin' ye, lass. We wanted you to know us one by one."

  I reached out and brushed strands of Samson's long blond hair from his face. I did know my men now, their passions, their annoyances, their quirks of personality. And I wanted to know more.

  "I understand," I whispered.

  "Aw, lass, dinnae look so sad." Brock crooned.

  "I don't want you to leave me."

  "We don't want that either," Orion said. "That's why we want you to marry us."

  I shrugged helplessly. "How can a woman even marry five men? It can't be legal."

  Cash shrugged. "You'll only legally be married to me. I'll get a license and make it official. The world will see the two of us in matrimony, and up here the six of us will live as we please."

  "Dinnae worry about the rest of the world. It's none of their business, so long as it's right for us," Brock said, and the rest of the men agreed.

  "All that matters is that we want to share you," Orion said.

  "And that you agree," Samson put in.

  "But, why would you want to share a wife?" I looked from one man's face to another's. My former husband had always been so jealous when he thought I was looking at other men. "Won't it just lead to fights and arguments?"

  All the men had an answer for this.

  "Maybe for others, but not for us."

  "We're brothers; not by birth, but by choice."

  "We've shared everything for so long, we wanted to find a woman who would agree to be all of ours," Cash said.

  "Then we met ye, Pearl, and we knew we'd found the one for us."

  Everyone agreed with this.

  "One for all and all for one," Jonas winked, and the joke would've made me laugh, if the situation wasn't so ludicrous.

  Surrounded by five determined faces, I bit my lip. Even though it was different, their offer seemed perfect. I wouldn't have to choose between them. I could be with each one, and all of them.

  But what would happen when they grew tired of me, as my other husband had? Would I just go back to Madame Jewel's? I wasn't sure I would survive my heart breaking into five pieces.

  "Here," Cash lifted me from Samson's lap and brought me to his chair. Samson and Orion followed, coming closer and taking a foot in each's lap, they rubbed the tension out of my feet and lower legs. "Tell me what's wrong."

  I hesitated, and his voice got stern. "Pearl."

  "I've already been married. He cast me out because of my wanton appetite."

  "You mean how you respond so easily?"

  I nodded.

  "That's what we love about you, Pearl."

  "Stupid man, ruining it for the rest of us," Orion muttered.

  "Are you wet now?" Cash asked in a tone that warned me to tell the truth.

  "Yes," I whispered, my cheeks staining with shame. Sitting in Cash's lap, two men's hands stroking up and down my legs, I was primed and ready for a long, hard fuck.

  "If I told you we were going to tie you up, and use you the way we did that first night, would that excite you?"

  My throat clogged before I could answer, but he added, "Be honest, Pearl, or I'll turn you over my knee right now and spank you."

  "Yes," I croaked, and a ripple of excitement ran around the room.

  "Good girl." My nipples hardened at the command in his voice. Through my thin shift, Cash could see evidence of my arousal, and nodded thoughtfully.

  Lifting my foot, Samson nipped at my ankle. My cunny grew slick with my juices. "We want you to say yes, Pearl."

  "You'll spend the night with us," Cash said. He cupped my chin so he was sure of my attention. Of course, I would've agreed to anything at that point. "We'll have one last night to enjoy your body and give you pleasure. If you truly don't want us, we'll take you back." His voice deepened. "Of course, we'll know if you're lying. And lying means you'll be punished."

  My pussy creamed at his words. My heart beat faster, on the edge of fear and arousal.

  "Her body says yes when her mouth says no," Jonas added in his cocky way.

  "I'm more worried that she won't be able to say yes at all, what with her voice hoarse from screaming out her pleasure." Brock chuckled, but the gleam in his eyes told me his warning was serious.

  I shivered as he, Orion and Jonas moved closer. My men had one night to convince me to stay with them forever, and they weren't going to waste a moment.

  "We want you. We want to take care of you."

  I shook my head. No man would want me forever. The words caught in my throat.

  "No matter. We'll convince you."

  Samson knelt before me and I knew what would happen next. My legs parted wide.

  Cash held me, Brock leaned down and stole a kiss. Someone was rubbing my knee, hands stroking higher and higher up my thigh. Samson was kissing the inside of one leg and Orion was stroking my leg.

  They were all so focused, attuned to me, and it was their attention that sent my arousal humming higher. I hadn't cum since the night before, and I had been teased and used all day. Samson reached my center and parted my petals with his tongue. A few long licks and I was ready.

  My eyes sought out Cash's as the pressure built. He nodded his assent and I tipped over the brink.

  "So well trained already," Orion murmured. He liked to boss me about too.

  "Not quite," Jonas said, and held up a wooden plug. "This goes in now."

  "What is that?" I asked in a dreamy voice. My body was liquid and compliant after that first orgasm. I could do this… one night with them. It was just like being back at the Petticoat.

  "Jonas lathed a little present for your bum." Brock chuckled.

  Jonas brought out the usual jar of ointment I knew well. "Here we are."

  "Where do you want her?" Samson pulled me up, and I leaned on him for a moment until I could control my shaky legs.

  Jonas pointed to the table. "There. Pearl, we want you to go lean over the table, grip your cheeks and show us your bottom hole." His eyes were alight with anticipation.

  The table in question was a little game table.

  "This is how I'll spank you too," Cash said. "When I tell you, you'll come here and pull up your skirts and present in the same way."

  My pussy clenched at the thought.

  "You'll live with us and do as we say," his deep voice went on, mesmerizing me. "Disobey and you'll be punished. You like it though, am I right?"

  I nodded.

  "Then let go. Follow our lead."

  One night. Just one night. I could do this, if only to satisfy the ache inside me.

  "Strip, Pearl. Show us what we possess."

  I pulled off the white shift and let it fall to my feet.

  "Go to the table now, Pearl," Orion said and the ache between my legs intensified.

  I was naked
before them, but used to being on display. I used the short walk to my benefit, letting the men see my hips sway and hair flutter down my back. When I reached the table I bent gracefully, gripping my bottom and showing off my asshole as they commanded.

  "Spread your legs more," Jonas called. I stepped wide, laying my face onto the tabletop, holding my fleshy globes open. My black hair streamed over my back and the table, contrasting with the extreme pale of my skin and, I could imagine, the winking pink of my dusky hole.

  There was no sound behind me for a few moments. I went to tiptoe, pushing out my bum as far as possible.

  One of the men sucked in a breath, but other than that, nothing. I started to lose my nerve. Naked, bent over a table with my charms fully exposed, perhaps I was acting too wanton. I was about to turn around when I heard the unmistakable sound of boots and clothes hitting the floor.

  "Beautiful," one breathed.

  "You're the lass for us and no mistake," Brock came round to one side of me, stroking my skin. I didn't break position, even though my nipples were now pointing into the wood.

  Someone—Jonas—was at my back with the oil, inserting a digit.

  I tensed. "What are you doing?"

  "Relax." Hands stroked down my back. Orion came around to the other side of the small table, leaning over and holding my gaze. "Jonas has a small wooden piece he's going to put in your ass."

  My buttocks clenched. "What?"

  "He whittled a plug to fit ye. Dinnae worry, lass, he carved and polished it so it will slip right in and stretch ye so ye can take our cocks in your bottom hole."

  The thought scared me, but I stayed quiet until I felt the wood touch my pucker.

  "No, I don't want it," I cried, clenching my asshole and letting go of my cheeks.

  They paused, and a hand went between my legs, soothing me, stroking the tender folds.

  "It's all right, lass, we'll make it feel good."

  "This will please us. We will never hurt you, but every inch of your body will belong to us," Cash said.

  "You'll like it, though," Samson murmured. I could feel his big hands smoothing down my back, stopping to squeeze my bottom. "I promise."

  "Do you like how I put my finger in your ass when I fuck you?" Jonas asked.

  "Yes," I had to admit.

  "Say it." A digit probed my ass as we spoke, and another hand stroked my pussy.

  "I like it…"

  "Repeat all of it," Orion commanded.

  "I like it when you put your finger in my ass when you fuck me," I whispered, feeling shy.

  "Good girl," Jonas rewarded me with increased flicker of his finger on my clit. I stiffened, ready to cum, but he withdrew.

  "Don't cum yet, Pearl," Orion said.

  "Please," I moaned.

  "Beg Jonas to put your plug in your ass."

  The words clogged my throat.

  "Let me try something," Samson said. The big man moved behind me. He must have knelt for he kissed one cheek then the other, and then put his whole mouth on my center, tongue almost reaching my pussy. Sighing, I tilted my pelvis, pressing against him, he obliged with a few licks and then his mouth moved upwards, until he was sweeping his hot tongue up my crack.

  My moans were louder now.

  It felt good, different, but good. His tongue was as strong as another man's arm, and the long, hot licks left me helpless.

  "Beg for your plug, Pearl."

  "Please, please," I gasped. At that moment, I would say or do anything. "Please, sir, put the plug in me."

  The oiled tip touched my pucker and I felt a slight burn as it pressed in further. I started to clench, but Samson's tongue still worked its magic, not enough for me to cum, but enough to distract me from the strange pressure in my ass.

  "There," Jonas said with satisfaction.

  I felt full but wanted more. More stimulation, more of their touch. More cock filling my pussy as the plug stretched my ass.

  "Good girl," Orion said and stood, his cock jutted up to his lean stomach. "Do you want this?"

  He backed away and I raised myself off the table, licking my lips. I wanted something, anything, in my sopping wet pussy, and if sucking cock pleased them enough to give it to me, so be it. I started to come around the table then had an idea.

  Ducking under the table I crawled to him. He kept backing away towards the wall, and I knew the rest of my men could see the plug between my cheeks as I chased him down.

  "Please, Orion. I want you." I moved with cat like grace, every movement designed to seduce him.

  It worked. The sight of me on hands and knees seemed to overcome Orion, for he sat as if his legs gave out under him. "Come show me how much you want this in your cunt." His hand fisted his cock until I crawled between his legs and reached for him. My fingers closed over him and my head bent to kiss the hot, silky flesh when I felt his fist in my hair.

  "No hands," he ordered, and obediently, I put them behind my back. On my knees, bent forward with hands clasped behind me, I gave myself over to pleasing the smooth rod between Orion's legs. I licked it the way he liked while his hand gripped my hair, guiding me, tugging me this way and that. Sometimes he pulled hard enough to hurt, but the little twinges of pain added to my submission.

  "One day, when you're ready for it, I'll take your mouth while Jonas and the others claim your ass. Would you like that, Pearl?"

  I hummed along his prong and he lost it. Pushing my head down, he thrust his hips forward and emptied himself into my mouth.

  Smiling up at him, I had only a second to watch him recover, because four men surrounded me.

  "Our turn, lass."

  Hands reached down to help me up, pulling me to my feet. Their faces had the hungry, intense look of predators sighting their prey.

  Surrounded by large bodies dominating me, I felt frightened. Who were these men, really, stealing a woman away in the night? They wanted something; they reached out and possessed it. They could wring me out and drain me, and I was a slave to their lust, and too weak to stop them.

  My giant's hands cradled me. "Pretty Pearl," he murmured as he set me down on the giant bed we would christen tonight.

  "Jonas made this bed, all for you." He lay me on it, letting me stretch out. The five men surrounded me, cocks bobbing around their stomachs. Arching my back, I slid my legs apart, offering myself to them. Take me, I begged with my eyes. All of me. I may come to regret it, but the gnawing ache inside me demanded I give no less than everything I had. It was either that or let lust eat me alive.

  I trembled a little, knowing I was giving them the power to break me.

  "Tell us you want us, Pearl." Cash commanded. It was a challenge, difficult and easy at the same time. If I asked for what I wanted I could be judged for it, but I had to follow his order.

  I sucked in a breath before giving them permission to possess me.

  "I want you."

  Brock wasted no time scrambling onto the bed. He kissed my stomach, breasts and my face, his hands following with sweet caresses.

  "Shh, lass," he slid his hands down my hips, feeling my tremors. "You're safe with us. We'll take you hard, aye, but you'll enjoy it. We're going to worship you all night." His hazel eyes held mine as his mouth started to nuzzle my pussy.

  Relaxing, I nodded.

  Cash moved around to cradle my head in his lap. Samson and Jonas approached on either side and I reached out to stroke both their cocks as I had in the wagon.

  Still playing with my pussy, Brock brought me quickly to the brink. Tensing, I held back. I looked up into Cash's dark eyes, knowing I would be punished if I came without permission. It was a game we played often, and one I enjoyed, especially when I lost.

  Tonight though, I needed permission.

  "You want to cum, sweetheart?" Cash stroked my hair from my face.

  "Yes, please, sir," I gasped.

  Reaching down, he put his hand on my breast and squeezed. The firm pressure added to Brock's sweet licks down below almost sent me over
the edge and I cried out.

  "No." Cash smacked the side of my breast lightly, enough to make the flesh bounce. I panted a little, jerking my hips, trying to escape Brock's ceaseless tongue. Any more stimulation and I would go crashing over the edge.

  Cash fixed his dark eyes on mine, a little smirk playing around his face. "Would you like to suck me while Brock takes your pussy?"

  As Cash spoke, Brock gripped my bottom harder and thrust his tongue into me. The combination had my whole body convulsing as I tipped over the edge. Dizzy with ecstasy, I couldn't focus on Brock rearing up over my body, a big grin on his face.

  "I'll take that as a yes," the Scott said. "How do you want her?"

  "Turn her over. Use a pillow to prop her up." Hands lifted and positioned my limp body, and I was grateful. It made it so easy for me when they took control.

  I looked up as Cash settled in front of me, kneeling on the bed with his cock pointing straight at my lips.

  "You're going to suck me now, while Brock takes your pussy from behind. Then Samson and Jonas get their turn. But you are not to cum."

  I groaned. This was going to be impossible.

  He leaned down closer. "What do you say, Pearl?"

  "Yes, sir."

  "You're a naughty girl for cumming without permission." Every bit of my insides clenched with delicious expectation. "Don't think that you're getting out of your punishment. I may be more lenient if you please me." He presented his cock to my lips. "Suck."

  Craning my neck, I gobbled him up, pushing forward to take him all in. He was long and thick and I loved the feel of him inside my cheeks.

  I felt Brock stroking my ass. The men had propped me up on pillows so my head was at the right height for Cash's cock. Widening my legs, I popped my bottom out, offering it to Brock.

  The Scott chuckled. "Ready for me, Pearl? No. Don't answer. I know you have your mouth full."

  He slid inside me easily and I moaned around Cash's member. My pussy practically gasped with relief, milking Brock's rod as he held my hips and cursed.

  "So good. We're gonna enjoy you, lass."


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