by Gary J. Bass
Defeated in Dacca, Pakistan’s Lieutenant General A. A. K. Niazi (right, seated) surrenders to India’s Lieutenant General Jagjit Singh Aurora (left, seated), while India’s Major General Jacob-Farj-Rafael Jacob (standing, far right) watches, on December 16, 1971—securing the new state of Bangladesh. (illustration credit ill.18)
ill.1(top) Scott Butcher/USIS, ill.2(bottom) Courtesy of the Richard Nixon Presidential Library and Museum; ill.3, ill.4 (top and bottom) Desaix Myers; ill.5 (top) Courtesy of the Richard Nixon Presidential Library and Museum, ill.6(bottom) Corbis; ill.7 (top) Associated Press, ill.8 (bottom) Raghu Rai/Magnum Photos; ill.9 (top) Courtesy of the Richard Nixon Presidential Library and Museum, ill.10 (bottom) Courtesy of the Richard Nixon Presidential Library and Museum/People’s Republic of China; ill.11 (top) Raghu Rai/Magnum Photos, ill.12 (bottom) Corbis; ill.13 (top) Courtesy of the Richard Nixon Presidential Library and Museum, ill.14 (middle) Corbis, ill.15 (bottom) Sydney Schanberg/; ill.16 (top left) Courtesy of the George Bush Presidential Library and Museum, ill.17 (top right) Sydney Schanberg/, ill.18 (bottom) Corbis
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