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Dreams, Deceptions and Desires

Page 8

by Barbara Sheridan

  She was beautiful, her cheeks flushed pink, her eyes closed, head tilted back, the expanse of ivory throat drifting down to the swell of that glorious bosom. Her nipples were hard, tenting the thin fabric, and he parted the cloth to see them. Dusky rose, and glistening, he couldn’t resist their allure.

  He dipped his head to sweep his tongue across one and the other, catching the taste of her, the milk that lingered upon her skin. He held the soft, warm globes, loving the way she purred at his touch and how she leaned into it. He squeezed her breasts lightly and suckled each nipple in turn while she gripped his shoulders, dug her fingers into them as if unable to stand without the support.

  He claimed her lips once again, and when she reached down to touch him through the front of his pants, he damn near died for the second time. How he wanted to bend her over the table, shove up her skirts, and bury himself to the hilt inside her, but the tremble in her hand wouldn’t let him. She was scared, and he was taking advantage.

  Cody pulled away an instant before the bell jangled, signaling someone had come into the shop. A familiar female voice calling Kate’s name echoed from below.

  “You gave Vivienne the extra key?”

  She offered an embarrassed smile. “In case of emergency, or Jamie losing mine.”

  Stroking her flushed cheek with his thumb, Cody answered with a smile of his own and stepped away. “The suit fits fine. Thank you.”

  She nodded and scurried from the apartment, adjusting her clothing as she went.

  He made his way back to her room to change clothes, his erect cock and tight balls aching for release. He willed himself to calm down, tried thinking of a thousand different things to quell the desire, but the sight of the soft bed where his clothes sat, the little dip in the pillow where she lay her head, the lingering sweet smell of lavender perfume in the room was too much to bear.

  Grabbing the bandana from the pocket of his pants, Cody settled back on the mattress and closed his eyes picturing her beside him, her dress bodice undone, that chemise ribbon unlaced, letting the full pale globes of her breasts spill out as she turned onto her side to face him.

  He pulled on his cock with languid strokes in time to the image in his mind of her hand on his flesh, jerking him as he savored the sweetness of her hard nipples. Running with the forbidden fantasy, he imagined himself pulling away, weaving his hand under her skirts, and finding her naked beneath. He skimmed his fingers between her legs, her heat and slickness enveloping his fingers. She gasped, and it was so damn real he almost came then and there but stopped jerking himself to draw out the lust-filled fantasy just a little longer.

  His eyes sprang open with the press of weight on the mattress.

  Oh, shit. Kate knelt beside him. Her pale eyes wide, her mouth opened slightly from the gasp that had been all too real.

  He bolted upright, but she stopped him with the touch of her slim, warm hand on his bare chest.


  Chapter Eight

  His heart pounding like a war drum, Cody settled back, his cock standing straight up, pearly wetness oozing from the tip, his balls pulsing with each stroke of her fingers across his chest, lightly tracing each scar he bore.

  “You’ve been hurt, many times.”

  “It happens.”

  He followed the path of her feathery touches, and when she caressed the old wounds, tiny chills slid through him. “Bullet. Arrow. Knife. ’Nother bullet.”

  Her caress slid to his leg and the large ugly scars he’d brought home from the war. “Shrapnel from Grayback artillery. I’d have lost it if it hadn’t been for Viv’s nursing.”

  “I know,” she said softly. She bent to trail whisper soft kisses over each and every scar.

  Lightly gripping her shoulders, he coaxed her to lie beside him and turned to face her. “You’re the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen.”

  She bit her lower lip, her eyes flashing that fear as before. Oh hell. He was too far-gone to want to stop but knew he might have to. “Don’t be afraid. Not of me.”

  “I’m not. Not really.”

  He smiled and caressed her cheek then ever so slowly undid the buttons of her bodice. To his surprise, she shifted to remove the garment and lay back once more, letting him undo the hooks of her corset and the silky ribbons of her chemise.

  Like in his fantasy, her full breasts came into view, and he wasted no time sampling them with touches and kisses. She squirmed beside him, fingers digging into his shoulder when he sucked one nipple and rubbed over the other. Her body responded as nature intended, and she muttered a throaty apology, but Cody silenced her with a kiss and licked the milk droplets from his fingers and her breast.

  He knelt beside her, helped her slip out of the clothing until she was naked from the waist up, and touched and tasted her all over again. His cock and balls demanded sweet release inside her body, but he doubted she knew any of the tricks to prevent unwanted pregnancy.

  Kissing his way down to her waist, he reveled in the way she wove her fingers in his long hair. He reached to untie her skirt and petticoat, pushed the garments to the floor, and sat back to admire the sight of her in nothing but lace trimmed drawers and dark stockings.

  She had a frightened look again that gripped his heart.

  “If you want me to go, I will.”

  “No!” She paused and licked her lips. “I just, I know I’m not as thin or pretty as Vivienne or Evie Gaines and—”

  “You’re perfect to me.” Cody caressed her calves, slid his hands up to skim the soft flesh of her thighs then withdrew. He rubbed his palm across the gentle mound of her belly and undid the tie securing her drawers. He tugged them down, pushed the cotton stockings off with them, and settled back on his heels once more to admire her. A man would have to be a fool to pass her up just because she wasn’t some frail little doll. Good thing he was no fool.

  He stretched out beside her, and she turned toward him as she had in the fantasy, drawing him in for a slow, deep kiss. When she inched closer and the springy curls between her legs brushed against him, he broke the kiss and sucked in his breath.

  He caressed the side of her face. “I want you, Kate. I want to marry you. Tonight, tomorrow as soon as the preacher will do it.”


  He smiled. “If I didn’t mean it, I wouldn’t say it.”

  Tears brimmed in her eyes.

  “I hope those are happy woman’s tears. I never could tell the difference.”

  She laughed and wiped them away. “Very, very happy.”

  And yet the fear lingered in her pretty eyes.

  “What’s wrong? Are you worried what people will say about you because I’m not white? Is that why you left home? Things are different here. It’s not perfect, but no one bothers Alton and Evie or their kids. It will be fine.”

  She slid her hand over his shoulder, her gaze slipping from his to look a bit to the right. “You don’t know me. I’m not what you think….”

  He tilted her head to look at him. “I know you’re a smart, brave woman to pack up and move way out here. I know you got skills with a needle that rival those fancy dressmakers Viv always goes on about. And I know you’re a wonderful mother, and I would be proud to raise your son like my own, and give him a passel of brothers and sisters to play with.”

  Tears glistened in her eyes again, and he was sure they weren’t the happy kind.


  “Was having him hard on you? If you can’t have any more, it doesn’t matter to me. I would be proud to call him mine if you’ll let me.”

  She cried harder, and turned away.

  “Is there someone else? If you’ve been seeing someone, tell me.”

  She shook her head. “There’s no one. There was only Jamie’s father.”

  He waited for her to continue, but she didn’t. The unspoken meaning hit him, and his desire faded away like the fog on a sunny morning. “I get it. You still love your husband. I should have guessed. I’m sorry.�

  “You don’t understand,” she whispered.

  “Yeah. I do. I apologize for taking advantage. It won’t ever happen again.”

  He got up and dressed as quickly as possible and left, the sound of Kate LeMaster’s sobs echoing in his ears and covering the sound of his heart breaking.


  John was making his early evening rounds when Vivienne Medina waylaid him just past the telegraph office. “What did he do to her?”

  “What did who do to who, Miz Medina?”

  “Cody Blackheart, that’s who. Kate was like a love-struck girl earlier, and now she looks like her whole world collapsed. And I can’t find him anywhere to kick his ass for it.”

  John blinked. If she was this fiercely protective of a friend, why couldn’t she be the same to her own blood?

  “I haven’t seen him since before you and Alton’s wife went to pick up those dresses.” He took off his hat and scratched the back of his head. “Not the best timing on you ladies’ part.”

  She folded her arms across her chest, her brown eyes blazing with an inner fire. “What is that supposed to mean?”

  John smiled to himself and donned his hat. “Now, why do you think Alton came and hustled Evie out as fast as he could? Cody went over not ten minutes before you barged yourself in. I’m guessing to try and sweet talk Miz Kate since he’s been pining for her from the minute he laid eyes on her.”

  She sucked in her breath. “I hope he didn’t pressure her.”

  “Are you saying what I think you’re saying? I sure as hell hope not.”

  She dismissed his remark with an angry wave. “No, I don’t think he forced himself on her, but even if he didn’t— Never mind. You wouldn’t understand.”

  “Because I’m black and too dumb to know anything about white women like yourself?”

  “No, you ass. Because you’re a typical man.”

  She stalked away but stopped halfway across the street and turned to look at him. While her posture held its usual haughty stance, there was fear in the depth of her eyes.

  Though his triumphant feeling was forced, John smiled and waved then went about his business.


  Dear Lord in Heaven. John Avery knew she was the daughter of a slave and her master. But how could he know? No one knew. Not even Cody. He couldn’t have been told by that whore Belle Porter, even if she was from Louisiana, too. Belle didn’t know or even suspect. If she had, she would have had her fat ass over here on her doorstep trying to get blackmail money long ago.

  Vivienne continued pacing the parlor of her new house. She had to calm down. Her secret was safe for now, and she only needed to keep it a wee bit longer. Just until after the reception for the politicians and railroad folk was done. Once it was official that Freewill would be a major stop on the line, it wouldn’t matter what people thought of her because she owned enough property in this town to hold on to the respect she’d already earned.

  Dropping into one of the mahogany side chairs, she rubbed her temples and cursed the headache plaguing her. She took a deep, calming breath, got up to pour herself a drink, and went upstairs. Everything was fine. Everything would be fine.

  And as soon as she could think of a way to make it happen, she would see to it that Freewill got a new sheriff.

  Chapter Nine

  For the second time, Kate read the note that had been slipped in the mail slot of the shop.

  I heard the sound of your sewing machine even if you didn’t open the door when I’ve stopped by, but I didn’t let myself in because I’m sure you and Jamie are all right, and I don’t want to overstep my bounds the way I did before. But I do hope you’ll come to the dinner party tonight.

  I don’t know what if anything happened with you and Cody, and although he’ll be there, I’m sure he’ll keep his distance if that’s what you want. Please come and meet the ladies from Washington. I know they’ll love your work and will be wonderful clients to have. I’ll be more than happy to have one of my girls watch Jamie at your place, or you can bring him to the hotel.

  And I’m sure you can use a relaxing night out for yourself.

  In loving friendship,


  It would be good to get out and away from the sadness that had been weighing her down. She wouldn’t have to stay the entire evening, only long enough to have dinner and meet the people who influenced the railroad. It was the smart thing to do. She would be able to charge the highest possible prices if the women liked her work, and that extra money would do a lot for her and Jamie. Maybe even take them to San Francisco the way she’d originally planned.

  She loved it here in Freewill, but she couldn’t stay cooped up inside forever, trying to avoid Cody. He wasn’t exactly gallivanting up and down the main street these days himself, and that only reinforced her fear that he’d been trying to lead her on the way Jamie’s father had.

  At least he’d had the decency not to take what he wanted and laugh in her face. At least not this time. But he might if she let her foolishness get the best of her.

  You don’t believe that. He’s not that kind of man, her heart contradicted.

  Kate sighed and dropped in her chair. But he might not be the kind of man to want to bother if he knew the truth. He could have had his way with her, but he’d asked her marry him first. He believed in doing things properly. Would he feel the same if he knew she’d borne Jamie out of wedlock?

  Well, it didn’t really matter now, did it? Cody Blackheart was gone and the sinking feeling inside told her he wasn’t coming back.

  Vivienne was right. It would do her good to spend the evening out. Jamie had taken to the girls from the hotel from the start, so she needn’t worry about his comfort for a few hours.


  Kate was halfheartedly putting the finishing touches on her hair when someone rang the doorbell downstairs. Putting Jamie in his crib, she went down to find Sheriff Avery and one of the girls who worked at the hotel. John took off his new hat and gave her a sweeping bow.

  “Evening, Mrs. LeMaster. I’m here to take you to the party, and Miss Janie is here to sit with your boy. I’m guessing you don’t plan to go in that, do you?”

  Kate looked down at her worn calico robe. “I was considering staying home, actually.”

  “Sorry, ma’am, but I have my orders straight from the big boss lady.” He glanced at the maid. “Tell her what Miz Medina told you to tell me.”

  “Miss Vivienne said the sheriff is supposed to see that you get to her house even if he has to clamp you in leg irons and carry you there over his shoulder.”

  Kate laughed and stepped back so they could enter. “I suppose I can’t argue, then.”

  John grinned. “I sure hope not because if you really are set on staying home, that woman will never let me hear the end of it. Ever.”

  “Then I promise not to take too long getting dressed.”

  “My, my, my, don’t you look fine, Miss Kate. You’ll be the prettiest woman there.”

  “I doubt that, but thank you, Sheriff.” She gave him a quick curtsey.

  He took the silk shawl from the maid, draped it around her shoulders, and offered her his arm.

  Vivienne’s house looked lovely against the darkening sky, the high narrow windows reflecting the light of candles, a gentle glow visible from the private garden that wrapped around to the rear of the mansion. Soft strains of a string quartet drifted on the night air.

  Kate let John help her down from the buggy Vivienne had sent and slipped her arm through his once more. He didn’t approach the house and she gave him a questioning look. “Is something the matter?”

  “No, ma’am, just thinking foolish old thoughts that’s all. Let’s get you inside so you can dazzle all those uppity Washington men and make their wives jealous.”

  When they entered, a maid took Kate’s shawl and John’s hat, and a young butler led them to parlor and announced their arrival.

  All heads turned, and Kate felt anything
but dazzling compared to the beautiful society ladies, Vivienne and Evie Gaines. She forced herself to smile as John led her into the room, and Vivienne began making introductions. She would have recognized Cody’s family anywhere for they all shared that unusual streak of white hair. While his half siblings were gregarious, she imagined Cody got his reserved disposition from his mother, who chatted a bit then slipped away to sit on the verandah overlooking the garden.

  Kate caught site of Cody finally entering from the garden area. He looked even more handsome than usual in his formal suit and with his long hair pulled back into a queue at the nape of his neck. She wanted to throw herself into those strong arms and beg him to marry her, but all she could do was offer him a half smile and let one of the senator’s wives capture her attention with questions on commissioning a gown.

  John tore his gaze from Vivienne, who smiled enchantingly at one of her wealthy guests. Swallowing his jealousy, he focused on Bennett Dauville just as he nudged his brother with his elbow and inclined his head in Kate LeMaster’s direction.

  “So that’s her, huh? The one Maman says you’re crazy about. You always had a knack for attracting those cute blondes.”

  Cody made a low growling sound, and Bennett laughed then turned to John.

  “You were right, Johnny. He’s got it bad.”

  “Shut up,” Cody snapped. He grabbed a glass of champagne from a passing maid and went back outside.

  Vivienne fixed her gaze upon them and came across the room, her warm smile fading into a terse line once she was out of sight of the dignitaries. “Don’t you two get him started. We need him in here. People want to talk to him, and he’d better be pleasant company at dinner.”


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