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Cum For Bigfoot 13

Page 5

by Virginia Wade

  He pulled from me. “Lena. You suck Pooky.”

  I turned to find the angry tip of his cock in my face. I grasped it, feeling sticky wetness. I sucked him aggressively, while the tangy aroma of our combined juices teased my senses.

  “Good,” he moaned. “Good.”

  He wasn’t going to last much longer, and, as I sucked, he withdrew from my grasp, pointing the end at my mouth. A heavy spritz of semen jetted, catching me in the face. Streams of fluid dripped from my chin, neck, and breasts.


  I closed my eyes, while he continued to wet me. Eventually, he spent himself, grunting as the last dregs squirted on my tummy.

  “Good, girl.”

  “I need another bath.”

  He nodded, mirth shining in his eyes. “Sticky Lena.”

  “Oh, Pooky.”

  Chapter Eight

  I slept with Pooky that night, snuggled against his fur, which was nearly too hot in the heated cave. In the early hours of morning, I thought I detected the sound of a helicopter, but it might have been a dream. Leslie had gone outside to check the snow levels, returning with a smile on her face.

  “It’s not too bad. Maybe only six inches.” She held Wolfie in her arms. He clung to her neck like a chimpanzee to its mother.

  “I’m heating up some water,” said Zelda. “I need tea. I bet that English guy would like some.”

  “Let the bastard dehydrate.”

  “Honey, I know you’re sore about what happened, but if we don’t treat the wounded, then that makes us worse than the animals.”

  “I’m so sick of being hunted. I just want to live in peace.”

  “I don’t know what’s gonna happen now, but these boys were protecting their territory. They were attacked with weapons. There are plenty of witnesses who’ll attest to that.”

  “You bet your ass.”

  I joined them. “I think I heard a helicopter earlier.”

  Zelda eyed me. “I did too. It’s our guys. They’re hiking in. Help is on the way.”

  “Or it’s more Bigfoot hunters,” grumbled Leslie.

  “Not this time. We know who it is.”

  “I hope you’re right, Zelda. I have to go home.”

  “You will.” She patted my back. “You hang in there. You’ve done real good. You might’ve even had an adventure or two.” She winked, knowingly.

  “Are you kidding? This was the wildest thing that’s ever happened to me. Nobody would ever believe it.” Lendal and Bubba Jr. dashed by, grunting and wheezing.

  “Go see who’s out there, boys,” said Leslie. “Be careful.”

  “Gggrrooaarrr…” Lendal’s voice had deepened considerably. He was beginning to sound fierce.

  “I gotta tend to wounds. I wanna check on Leonard. I’m hoping those antibiotics helped him, but time will tell.”

  “I’m throwing Wolfie in the water for a minute. He’s stinky. See you guys in a second.”

  As we performed our morning tasks, I instinctively knew that I was going home today. Leonard was conscious, sitting up and drinking water. Nick had gotten to his feet, and Zelda let him roam about. He was in pain, but it seemed to be manageable. He had disappeared into the next cavern with a flashlight, pointing it into various nooks and crannies. When he’d finished his explorations, he sat with Dale and Pooky, engaging them in simple conversation. Wolfie seemed to have formed an attachment to him; the baby ape crawled into his lap, grunting, while Nick scratched his head. This angered Leslie, who glared at him from across the cavern, silently shooting daggers with her eyes.


  Zelda got to her feet. “That was Bubba Jr. The boys are back.”

  I joined her, anxious to know what they had found. “I wonder if Mike’s with them?”

  Leslie joined us. “It’s time to face the music.”

  Dale sniffed the air, growling. Bubba jumped to his feet, the hair on top of his head standing on end, and Kat growled and hissed. Panic suddenly went through me, seeing the tribe thus affected. The feeling was that strangers had arrived, but as we entered the larger cavern, I saw a familiar face. Mike! Dr. Haynes was with him. The Sasquatches settled down almost instantly, recognizing their friends. They welcomed them briefly, and then promptly returned to the greenhouse, where seating and comfort was plentiful.

  “Mike!” I flung myself at him. “Oh, thank God.” There was movement behind him, and I saw my sister, Porsche, bundled up from head to toe in winter gear. “Oh, Porsche! Omigod!”

  “Hey, Lena. Jesus, it’s hot in here. What is this place?”

  “A fucking awesome cave.” I hugged her. “I’m so glad to see you.”

  “We’ve been trying to get here for days, but weather down south stopped us. Are you guys okay? Is Leonard okay?” Lendal had come up behind her, sniffing. She wrapped her arm around his neck, squeezing him, which made him grunt. “I missed you, you big boy.”

  “I miss you too.” He purred, licking her. “Mommy, mommy.”

  “What happened to Leonard?”

  “He was shot, but I think he’ll be okay,” said Zelda. “He’s doing a lot better today. We were attacked twice by Bigfoot hunters. They knew exactly where to find us.” She glared at Dr. Haynes.

  The scientist was hidden under a heavy jacket, which was coated in melting snow. “We had a leak, I’m afraid. I’m sorry you were targeted. The responsible parties will be apprehended and charged. We’ve pinpointed the culprit; it was George. He sold us out to a fringe group that hunts strange and unusual creatures. They wanted a live specimen.”

  “Yeah, Wolfie,” said Leslie. “We caught one of the guys. His name is Nick Redfern. He’s injured, but he’ll live.”

  “Excellent. He’ll be wanted for questioning.”

  “He should be arrested.”

  “That’s a very real possibility. The three at the winter cave were apprehended. We didn’t come alone. I’ve got the government and local law enforcement. They’re keeping a distance because of the Sasquatches.” He glanced upwards. “Phenomenal. Can’t wait to explore it.”

  “They killed Archie and Tate,” said Leslie.

  He looked grim. “There’ll be an inquiry into what happened, and you all may have to testify. The bodies of the men are being exhumed at the other cave. They have to go to their families.”

  “That’s all?” Leslie was red with anger. “These bastards come in here and go commando with fucking bows and arrows and guns and that’s it? There’s gonna be an inquiry?”

  “People will go to prison. Those responsible will be punished.”

  “I’m gonna see Leonard, guys,” said Porsche.

  “I’ll go with you.”

  She hugged me. “How have you been?”


  Her look said it all. “I bet you got to know the boys pretty good, didn’t you?”

  This was embarrassing. “Um…a bit.”

  “And Leonard?”


  “Aw, shit, that horny ape!”

  “He loves you, Porsche. He thought I was you a couple of times. He’s a real sweetheart; they all are actually.” I led her to the greenhouse. “He’s sick right now, but he’ll get better.” She removed her hat and scarf. “Are you staying here? Can I please go home?”

  “That’s why I came. You’re free, for sure. I was so worried when I heard you guys had been attacked. How fucked up is that? Who are these assholes?”

  “You’ll get to meet one right now.”

  “This cave is amazing.” The Sasquatches were seated together on the grass. Wolfie snoozed in Nick’s lap. “I’ve met that guy before. He asked me about the Sasquatches months ago.”

  “He’s with the Bigfoot hunters.”

  “Leonard!” She ran to him, flinging her arms around his neck.


  Lendal bounded by, joining his mom and dad, while grinning happily. Nick eyed them. “Hello, Porsche. It’s good to see you again.�

  “Who the hell are you?”

  “I’m a journalist and a Cryptozoologist. I’m sorry we had to meet under these circumstances. I never wanted to harm the Sasquatches. I only wanted to see them.”

  Dr. Haynes had joined us, staring at Nick unhappily. “You’ll be taken into custody once you leave this cave.”

  “I understand.”

  “If you’re really sorry for what you’ve done, you’ll tell them who’s behind this,” I said. “That would be the right thing to do.”

  His look was grave. “I agree.” He smiled at Wolfie, who had rolled over with his legs in the air. “I’d love to come back. Perhaps under different circumstances.”

  Bubba had listened to the conversation, his eyes darting between the men. He chewed on a stick, which he pulled from his mouth. He grunted, nodding his head. “This man is good,” he rasped, pointing at Nick. These words were high praise from the leader of the apes.

  Leslie approached her son. “Ugh. Come on.” She snatched Wolfie from Nick’s lap. “You little traitor.” She held him up, staring at him. “He’s a bad man, you silly ape.” Wolfie cooed and wheezed, clearly not understanding her at all.

  “No bad man,” rasped Bubba. “No bad.”

  She glared at Nick. “Your rescue’s here, buddy. You can leave any time.”

  He got to his feet, grimacing. “Thank you for the hospitality. You’ve treated me far better than I deserve. I truly am sorry for all the trouble we’ve caused.”

  “I’ll escort you out,” said Mike. “You can come with me, Lena, if you want. Someone will take you to the helicopter.”

  I’m leaving now! This is it.

  Pooky ambled over, grabbing me; his nose was in my neck. “You leave me,” he rasped.

  “Um…” Tears pricked my eyes. “I gotta go home.”

  “No. You are home.”

  “I might come back some day.” Leonard watched us; his expression was neutral, but there was a slight tick in his cheek. “Let me say goodbye to Leonard.” I extracted myself from Pooky’s hairy arms and went over to him. “Goodbye, Leonard. It was nice…knowing you.”

  He thrust out a hand, capturing my face; his thumb stroking my jaw. “Pretty girl. Pretty like Porsche. You come back to us, Lena.”

  “I might.” Overwhelmed with emotion, I hugged him, surprised that I would feel this intense pull at my heartstrings. These Sasquatches sure had a way of crawling under a person’s skin. “Take care of my sister.”


  “Get better soon.”

  Porsche got to her feet. “I’ll walk with you.”

  I struggled to keep the tears at bay, feeling embarrassed by the emotional response. I nodded towards Bubba and the rest of the Bigfoots, silently saying goodbye to them. Mike followed us, with Nick and Dr. Haynes up ahead.

  “How long are you staying, Porsche?”

  “A couple of weeks.”

  “What about Mike?”

  “I’m here a few days, then I need to get back to Daisy. She’s with your parents right now.”

  My sister hugged me. “Leonard really likes you, you little bitch.”

  I giggled, “He’d go for any blonde.”

  “Ouf!” She hit my arm. “He only likes you cuz you look like me.”

  “I know. He’s a sweetie. They’re all sweeties.”

  “That’s what I’ve been trying to tell you. You probably get it now, don’t you?”

  “Yeah. Lendal was amazing, Porsche. He killed one of the bad men, when they attacked us over at the other cave. He knows how to fish and build shelters. He’s an awesome kid.”

  “I’m not so thrilled about the man killing part.”

  “It’s their nature, honey; you know that,” said Mike. “It’s how they’ve survived as long as they have.”

  “Things might never be the same, though. The media’s already caught wind of it. I’m worried about the future. I’m worried about my tribe. I don’t want their way of life destroyed.”

  Mike nodded. “The government will pursue extraordinary measures to make sure this stays quiet.”

  Her look was bleak. “I hope so.”

  Lendal bounded up behind her. “Mommy. Don’t go!” His arms went around her, nearly knocking her off her feet.

  “I’m not leaving. Lena is. Say goodbye to my sister.”

  The little ape snorted, his black eyes flashing. “Goodbye, sticky Lena.”

  That had my attention. “What?”

  “Pooky made you sticky.”

  Oh, my fucking God! Had he seen us in the hot spring?

  Before I could even form a coherent thought, he said, “Nice boobies, Lena. Nice.”

  I stared at Porsche, who’d gone red. Her mouth hung open.

  “Looks like this cave could use some doors, eh?” Mike grinned. “Guess our boy got an eyeful.”

  The End

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  A preview of

  Conquest of the Gladiator

  by Virginia Wade

  The three of us were forced to comply with the younger master’s wishes, although only Alba seemed at ease with the predicament we found ourselves in. Octavia was due to wake any moment, and her son wanted to play games, thereby ruining whatever free time we had.

  His eyes lingered on me, specifically my breasts. “They’re quite big,” said Alba. “Don’t you want to touch them?”

  I shot her an unhappy look. What are you doing, you little wench?

  She smiled brightly. “They’re lovely, aren’t they?”

  Titus cleared his throat. “Yes, indeed.”

  “Let him touch you, Floriana.”

  Anger pricked me, yet I had no choice but to go to the young master, whose complexion grew redder by the second. His eyes brimmed with enthusiasm and lust, which his inexperience would not let him hide. The front of his tunic jutted with the effects of his erection. He reached out, touching me with trembling hands that shook visibly. I thought I would feel repulsion at being handled so, but his hesitancy and fear were surprisingly endearing.

  I took his hand. “Like this.” His sweaty palm rested awkwardly on my breast.

  Alba neared. “You can suck her nipple, Master Titus. Don’t be afraid to take it in your mouth.”

  “I’m not afraid,” he blustered.

  “No, of course not.” Alba’s hands were on my hips, gently massaging. “She’s prettier than any noble, isn’t she? She’s the human form of Aphrodite.”

  “Oh, come on,” I disagreed. “That’s stretching the tru—”

  “Shush,” she admonished. “Don’t spoil the magic.”

  I glared at Alba, wondering if she had lost her mind. “I’ll have a word with you later.”

  She ignored me. “Master Titus. Shouldn’t you remove your tunic as well? Why hide beneath all that cloth?”

  The poor boy was bright red now. “Ahem…I…suppose.”

  “Shall I help you?”

  His hand had yet to leave my breast; a nipple was between his fingers being pinched gently, which had set off a firestorm of sensation I hadn’t expected. I tried to think of something else, because being aroused by my master’s son seemed perverse and disturbing.

  Decima approached; her expression was neutral and controlled. “We haven’t a lot of time. Our Domina will be awake soon.”

  He hesitated for the briefest second, and then, in a flurry of motion, his tunic and underthings were discarded, revealing a lengthy cock, which glistened on the end. This was only the second penis I had ever seen in my life, and it was entirely sweet looking. It wasn’t nearly as thick or as intimidating as the Roman soldier’s cock. The only item remaining on the youth was his bulla, which was a golden locket, suspended from a leather strap around his neck.

  Alba inhaled a sharp breath. “You’ve been hiding a secret, Master Titus.”

  “I-I have?” His voice broke.

  “Oh, indeed. What a fine looking instrument you have. Might I touch it?�

  His hands were on my breasts again, pinching my nipples, which seemed to have his undivided attention. “Yes,” he breathed. “Touch it.”

  Alba grasped him. “How wet you are.” He groaned, closing his eyes, sweeping thick, black lashes across his cheeks. “You should lay down, Master Titus, and let us serve you.” He dropped to the mat, pale and naked, his eyes glazed with desire. “Press your breasts to his face, while we suck his cock. This shouldn’t take long.” Her tone was brisk and business-like. “Our mistress wakes soon. We must make haste.”

  Titus looked helpless in that instant, clearly surrendering his power to Alba who took it forcefully. I leaned over, my breasts falling in his face, nearly smothering him with the bounty. He croaked and moaned, his lips closing on a nipple. Decima and Alba ravaged his penis, sucking the entire length into their throats with noisy, slurping sounds.

  “Lift his thighs, and tongue his ass,” commanded Alba. “Let’s give him a treatment he won’t soon forget.”

  “Oh,” he groaned. “Oh, dear…GOD!”

  The unpalatable task fell to Decima, who pushed against his thighs, exposing the puckered hole of his anus, which she flicked her tongue against, producing throaty moans from the young master. His face was all but obscured by my breasts. The pull on my nipple sent pleasurable tingles through me. Alba suckled him, drawing out copious amounts of pre-cum. The three of us were dutifully employed in pleasuring Titus; his groans had morphed into strangled screams of pleasure, which anyone passing our room could hear.

  “He’s at his end,” warned Alba. “We should share him.”

  “Aaaahhh…” he groaned. “Ah! Ah! Ah!” Alba manipulated him with expert hands. Her fingers were wet with saliva and pre-ejaculatory fluid.

  “Eat him, Floriana.” I licked around the head of his cock, tasting saltiness. “Good, girl. Let’s all dine now, as if it were our last meal.” She giggled at her own joke.

  While Decima took his scrotum into her mouth, Alba sucked him aggressively. I ogled the cock, marveling at how smooth and perfect it was with hidden veins and the cleaved tip, resembling ripe fruit. Titus was in fits, thrashing, his stomach convulsing, as he began to moan; sounding like a tortured animal. He jetted streams of whitish fluid, which splashed Alba in the face.


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