Letters of C. S. Lewis
Page 54
Milward, Peter, letters to, 575–76, 578–79, 583–84, 587, 589–90, 622–23, 631–32, 636–37
Minto. See Moore, Jane (‘Janie’) King
Mitford, Mary Russell, Our Village, 59
Molière, 191
Moore, Courtenay Edward, 74 n.16
Moore, E. F. C. (‘Paddy’), 25, 30, 67, 70, 70 n.11, 74 n.16, 77, 94 n.30, 110 n.44
Moore, George, 379
Moore, Jane (‘Janie’) King: death, 44; family history, 74 n.16; fits of jealousy, 486, 490; involvement with Jack, 26, 30–31, 77, 79, 100, 125, 127–28, 134, 199, 208, 212, 226–27, 229–30, 240, 280, 284, 310, 361; ‘ludicrous episode’, 425–26; moved into Nursing Home, 513, 517–18; prayer for, 464, 535; son missing/presumed dead, 27, 93, 94 n.30, 108; worries about Mme Studer, 303–7
Moore, Maureen. See Dunbar, Maureen “Daisy” Helen, Lady Dunbar of Hempriggs
Moorman, Charles: Arthurian Triptych, 615; letters to, 544–45, 615–16
More, Thomas, Saint, 431
Morrah, Dermot Macgreggor, 244
Morris, William, 23, 124, 173, 216, 225, 365–66, 482; Child Christopher, 379; Earthly Paradise, 328; House of the Wolfings, 403; Life and Death of Jason, 403; Roots of the Mountains, 403; The Well at the World’s End, 280, 403; The Wood Beyond the World, 379
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus, 225
Murray, Gilbert, 121, 124
Mussolini, Benito, 287, 438
Nesbitt, E., 287, 644
Newman, John Henry, Loss and Gain, 164–65
Nightingale, Florence, 260
Noel, Henry, letter to, 646
Odin, 59
Ogden, Samuel, 381
Oman, Charles W. C., Dark Ages, 316
Onions, Charles Talbut, 224, 224 n.104
Osbourne, Dorothy, Letters of Dorothy Osbourne to Sir William Temple, 60
Otway, Thomas, Venice Preserved, 230
Our Lord was God doctrine, 491–92
Paganism, 403, 409, 564, 578, 602, 611, 625, 639
Pasley, Rodney Marshall Sabine, 147–48, 148 n.74, 159, 161, 176
Pasternak, Boris L., 632
Pastor Pastorum, 419
Pater, Walter H., 380; Marius the Epicurean, 379–80
Patmore, Coventry, 409–10; Angel in the House, 362; Rod, Root & Flower, 410
Paul, Saint, 217, 366, 367, 420, 430, 450, 508, 550, 554–55, 561, 563, 571, 574, 614
Penelope, C. S. M. V., Sister: God Persists, 412; letters to, 2, 411–14, 419–20, 460–65, 471–73, 475, 477–78, 485–86, 489–90, 491, 511–12, 517–18, 526, 534–35, 562, 592–93, 595, 601–2, 649–50; St. Bernard, 511; They Shall Be My People, 535; Windows on Jerusalem, 461
Pepys, Samuel, 273, 626–27
Perrett, Frank Winter, 100, 100 n.36
Peter, First Epistle of, 111 n.45, 641
Peter, Second Epistle of, 554
Pitter, Ruth, letters to, 519, 571–72
Plato, 205, 221, 429–30, 444; Phaedo, 406–7; Theaetetus, 283
Plotinus, 220
Polo, Marco, 137
Poole, Thomas, 234
Pope, Alexander, 327, 650; Iliad, 173
Poynton, A. B., 121, 122, 125, 136, 204, 207, 235, 260, 318
prayer, 381, 456–57, 518–19, 538
Predestination, 545–46
Prime Minister’s Secretary, letter to, 530
Pritchard, Harold Arthur, 254
Psalms, 455, 459
Pseudo-Dionysius, 602
psychoanalysis, 440–41
Quick, O. C., 443
Rabelais, François, 99, 343, 347, 644
Rackham, Arthur, 221, 282, 417, 482
Raine, Kathleen (Mrs Madge), 616
Raleigh, Walter, 224, 278, 298; The Letters of Sir Walter Raleigh, 278 n.121
Rasputin, 282
Rawlence, A. G., 91
Renan, Joseph Ernest, La Vie de Jesus, 66
resurrection, 527, 628
Reveille, 113, 115, 124
Rice-Oxley, Leonard, Oxford in Arms: With an Account of Keble College, 67–68
Richards, I. A., 400
Ridley, Maurice R., 425, 425 n.158
Ritson, Joseph, Metrical Romance, 364
ritual, 543
Robbins, Charlotte Rose Rachael (‘Cherry’), 68
Roberts, Frederick Sleigh, 153
Roberts, Ursula, letter to, 562–63
Robertson, William, 334
Robson-Scott, William Douglas, 298, 298 n.129
Rougemont, Denis de, 575; L’Amour et l’Occident, 578
Rouvroy, Louis de, Duc de Saint-Simon, 125 n.54; Memoires, 125
Ruddy-Wilbraham, Mrs, 303–8
Runciman, Stephen, History of the Crusades, 581
Ruskin, John, 273, 375, 401; Modern Painters, 401
Ruth, Book of, 613
Ryerson, Herbert: Cross Currents in English Literature of the XVII Century, 402; Milton and Wordsworth, 401
Ryle, Gilbert, 565
Sackville-West, Vita, 438
Sandford, Margaret E. Poole, Thomas Poole and his friends, 234
Sarah (goddaughter), letters to, 500–502, 511
Sartre, Jean Paul, L’Existentialisme est un Humanisme, 633
Satan, 388, 412, 640
Savage, Richard, 327
Sayer, George, 4, 6, 14, 544, 571; Jack, 3
Sayers, Dorothy L., 494, 615, 635; letters to, 488, 490–91, 590, 596; Man Born to Be King, 589, 635
Schoolgirl in America, letter to, 620–21
Schopenhauer, Arthur, 220
Schumaker, Wayne, letter to, 642–43
Scotchness, 334–35
Scott, Anne, letter to, 629
Scott, Walter, 23, 334, 477, 559; The Antiquary, 335, 336; Quentin Durward, 274; Waverley, 135
Scripture, 467–69, 527, 536, 548–49, 554–56, 613–15
Selwyn, E. G., Essays Catholic and Critical, 443
Seymour, William W., The History of The Rifle Brigade in The War of 1914–1918, 108 n.43
“Shadow”, “Miss Helen”, letter to, 542
Shakespeare, William, 363, 414, 622; Anthony and Cleopatra, 499; Hamlet, 265 n.117, 317; Julius Caesar, 319 n.131; King Lear, 284; Twelfth Night, 263 n.115
Shaw, George B., 473
Shelley, Percy B., 454
Shelly, Mary Wollstonecraft, 454; Frankenstein, 55
Sherburn, George, The Early Career of Alexander Pope, 402
Sidney, Philip, 594; Arcadia, 57
Simpson, Percy, 174, 217, 217 n.102, 234
Sisyphus, 573
Skeat, Walter W., 365, 396
Skinner, Martyn, Letters to Malaya, 470, 493
Smith, Frederick Edwin (Lord Birkenhead), 314
Smith, Harry Wakelyn (“Smugy”/”Smewgy”), 123, 123 n.31, 124
Smith, John Alexander, 279 n.123, 279–80
Smith, Logan Pearsall, 224, 224 n.105; Trivia, 224 n.105
Smith, Nicholl, 317, 402
Smollett, Tobias G., Roderick Random, 303
The Society for the Prevention of Progress, 479–80
Socrates, 283
Somerville, Martin Ashworth, 70, 70 n.11, 110 n.44
Sophocles, 216; Antigone, 205, 206, 613
Southey, Robert, 345; The Vision of Judgement, 401
Spencer, Herbert, 268
Spenser, Edmund, 23, 39, 387, 426, 619; The Faerie Queene, 328, 386
spiritual healing, 516
Stalin, Joseph, 445
Stanhope, Philip D., Earl of Chesterfield, 125
Stapleton, Olaf, 473
Stead, William Force, 148–49, 152, 153, 198
Steiner, Rudolf, 232–33
Stephen, Saint, 650
Stephens, James, 482, 600
Sterne, Laurence, Tristram Shandy, 60
Stevenson, Arthur, 198
Stevenson, George Hope, 137 n.63, 204, 227, 318
Stevenson, Robert Louis, 548
Storr, Sophia, letter to, 621–22
Strachey, Giles Lytton, Eminent Victorians, 260
Suffern, Lily Hamilton, 93, 220–21, 241–42, 387
Sutton, Alexander Gordon, 70, 70 n.11, 110 n.44, 116
Swinburne, Algernon C., 23, 425; Note on Charlotte Bronte, 73 n.15; William Blake, 73 n.15
Sykes, Ben, 14
Tacitus, 158
Tasso, Torquato, 597
Taylor, Jeremy, 231, 369, 374, 380, 432; Whole Works, 646
Teilhard de Chardin, Pierre, 632
Tennyson, Alfred, 153, 544; In Memoriam, 107
Thackeray, William M., 273, 334, 391–93, 476, 500, 559, 560; Esmond, 480; Pendennis, 391
Theologia Germanica, 459
Thomas, Wilfrid Savage, 376, 376 n.145, 416 n.154
Thomas à Kempis: The Imitation of Christ, 635; Imitation of Christ, 459, 469; Theologia Germanica, 459
Thomson, James, 271–72
Thomson, Patricia, letter to, 465–66
Thoreau, Henry David, 557
Thorndike, Sybil, 302
Tillich, Paul, 634
Tillyard, E. M. W., 401 n.149, 402, 406 n.151
The Times Literary Supplement, 2, 126, 323 n.132
Tixier, Eliane, 14
Tolkien, John, 4, 14
Tolkien, John Ronald Reuel, 10, 365, 365 n.140, 368, 418–19, 432, 438, 467, 545, 587, 631, 644; The Hobbit, 420, 424, 483; The Lord of the Rings, 33, 586, 600; Sir Gawain and the Green Knight, 364
Tolstoy, Leo, 500; War and Peace, 474
Tourneur, Cyril, Revenger’s Tragedy, 284
Traherne, Thomas, 443; Centuries of Meditations, 635
Trevelyan, George M., 45; England in the Age of Wycliffe, 283
Trollope, Anthony, 54, 273, 392, 477, 594; Doctor Thorne, 96; The Small House at Allington, 119; The Warden, 96
Turner, Francis McD. C., 626, 626 n.193
Unjust Steward, 612, 640
Valentin, Deric William, 276, 276 n.120
Van Til, Cornelius, 609–10
Vanauken, Sheldon, letter to, 522
Vaughan, Henry, 380
Victoria, Queen of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, 4, 318, 344
Vinaver, Eugene, Malory, 488
Vincent of Beauvais, 396
Virgil, 90, 99, 500, 565; Aeneid, 523
Virgin Birth, 526–28
Voltaire, Memoires pour servir a l’histoire de M. de Voltaire, 8
Wagner, Richard, 225; The Ring of the Nibelung, 282, 482; Valkyrie, 100
Wain, John, 33; letter to, 497–98
Walpole, Horace, 303
Walsh, Chad, Letter to, 624–25
Wandering Jew, 531, 580
Wardale, Edith Elizabeth, 220, 220 n.103, 225
Warren, Thomas Herbert, 263 n.116, 263–65
Watters, Wendell W., letter to, 529–30
Watts, John, Mrs, letter to, 606–7
Watts, Samuel, 154
Weldon, Thomas Dewar, 283, 329
Wells, H. G., 244–45, 327, 482; First Men in the Moon, 500, 603; God the Invisible King, 66, 73; Time Machine, 500
Wilde, Oscar, 379
Williams, Charles W. S., 34, 40, 204, 407, 413, 416, 416 n.155, 418, 420, 424, 432, 438, 466–67, 483, 485–86, 488, 495, 500, 533, 583; All Hallows Eve, 544; Comus, 433, 466; Descent into Hell, 467; He Came Down from Heaven, 635; Judgement at Chelmsford, 407 n.152; The Place of the Lion, 467; Taliessin Through Logres, 464, 544
Williams, Vaughan, 210–11
Willink, Henry, letters to, 618–19, 626–27
Wilson, Frank Percy, 215, 215 n.100, 262, 271–72
Wodehouse, P. G., 566; Psmith Journalist, 315; Right-Ho Jeeves, 415; That Ass Psmith, 315
Wolfram von Eschenbach, 632
Wordsworth, Dorothy, 557
Wordsworth, William, 136, 455; The Prelude, 328, 523, 584
The Wreck of the Birkenhead, 315
Wrenn, Charles, 418 n.156, 418–19
Wrong, Edward Murray, 266, 266 n.118
Wyld, Henry Cecil Kennedy, 217; A Short History of English, 217 n.101
Wyrall, Everard: History of the 1st Battalion The Somerset Light Infantry, 91, 95–96 n.32; History of the Somerset Light Infantry (Prince Albert’s) 1914–1919, 86 n.25
Yeats, William Butler, 98, 99, 123, 149, 150, 150–54, 600
Yeats, William Butler, Mrs, 150–52
Zoega, Geir T., A Concise Dictionary of Old Icelandic, 282
CLIVE STAPLES LEWIS (1898–1963) was one of the intellectual giants of the twentieth century and arguably one of the most influential writers of his day. He was a Fellow and Tutor in English Literature at Oxford University until 1954, when he was unanimously elected to the Chair of Medieval and Renaissance Literature at Cambridge University, a position he held until his retirement. He wrote more than thirty books, allowing him to reach a vast audience, and his works continue to attract thousands of new readers every year. His most distinguished and popular accomplishments include Mere Christianity, Out of the Silent Planet, The Great Divorce, The Screwtape Letters, and the universally acknowledged classics The Chronicles of Narnia. To date, the Narnia books have sold over 100 million copies and have been transformed into three major motion pictures.
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The Abolition of Man
The Great Divorce
The Problem of Pain
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The Weight of Glory
The Four Loves
Till We Have Faces
Surprised by Joy: The Shape of My Early Life
Reflections on the Psalms
Letters to Malcolm, Chiefly on Prayer
The Personal Heresy
The World’s Last Night: And Other Essays
The Dark Tower: And Other Stories
Of Other Worlds: Essays and Stories
Narrative Poems
A Mind Awake: An Anthology of C. S. Lewis
All My Road Before Me
The Business of Heaven: Daily Readings from C. S. Lewis
Present Concerns: Journalistic Essays
Spirits in Bondage: A Cycle of Lyrics
On Stories: And Other Essays on Literature
The Chronicles of Narnia
The Magician’s Nephew
The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe
The Horse and His Boy
Prince Caspian
The Voyage of the Dawn Treader
The Silver Chair
The Last Battle
Cover design and illustration: Kimberly Glyder
LETTERS OF C. S. LEWIS. Copyright © 1966 by C. S. Lewis Pte. Ltd. and W. H. Lewis. Copyright © 1988 by C. S. Lewis Pte. Ltd. All rights reserved under International and Pan-American Copyright Conventions. By payment of the required fees, you have been granted the nonexclusive, nontransferable right to access and read the text of this e-book on-screen. No part of this text may be reproduced, transmitted, downloaded, decompiled, reverse-engineered, or stored in or introduced into any information storage and retrieval system, in any form or by any means, whether electronic or mechanical, now known or hereafter invented, without the express written permission of HarperCollins e-books.
Originally published in 1966 by Harcourt. Revised Harvest edition printed in 1993.
EPub Edition February 2017 ISBN 9780062565556
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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Names: Lewis, C. S. (Clive Staples), 1898-1963, author. | Lewis, W. H. (Warren Hamilton), 1895-1973, editor. | Hooper, Walter, editor.
Title: Letters of C. S. Lewis / C. S. Lewis ; edited and with a memoir by W. H. Lewis ; revised and enlarged edition edited by Walter Hooper.
/> Description: First edition. | San Francisco : HarperOne, 2017. | Includes index.
Identifiers: LCCN 2016030642 | ISBN 9780062643568 (paperback) | ISBN 9780062565556 (e-book)
Subjects: LCSH: Lewis, C. S. (Clive Staples), 1898-1963. Correspondence. | Authors, English—20th century—Correspondence. | Christian converts—Great Britain—Correspondence. | BISAC: LITERARY COLLECTIONS / Letters. | RELIGION / Christianity / Literature & the Arts. | RELIGION / Christianity / General.
Classification: LCC PR6023.E926 Z48 2017 | DDC 823/.912 [B]—dc23 LC record available at https://lccn.loc.gov/2016030642
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* Lewis’s occasional eccentricities and inconsistencies of spelling have been retained.
1 James Boswell, The Life of Samuel Johnson, 7 May 1773 (1791).
2 Reginald Walter Macan (1848–1941), the Master of University College.
3 He was in set number 5 on staircase 12 of the Radcliffe Quad. Most of the rooms in this quad were occupied by the wounded.
4 John Clifford Valentine Behan (1881–1957) was the Dean 1914–17. He was the first Rhodes Scholar to come from the State of Victoria, Australia, and he was made a Fellow of Law at University College in 1909. Jack’s tutor was Arthur Blackburne Poynton (1876–1944). He was the Master of University College 1935–37.