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Prince of Stone (Imperia)

Page 7

by Gena Showalter

  Great! Now Katie wanted to invade Imperia and steal all of their lamori gems. She would love and care for every single stone! In fact, she already had names for the first two she found. Mr. Rockington and Ms. Pebbles.

  He flipped the light switch several more times. “How is this possible?”

  How best to explain? “One sec.” She rushed to her bedroom, grabbed her laptop, keyed up an online dictionary and returned to Jorlan. “Electricity is a fundamental entity of nature, consisting of negative and positive kinds, composed respectively of electrons and protons. This is observable in the attraction and repulsion of bodies electrified by friction and in natural phenomena.” That, she understood, since wires and power circuits were part of her business.

  On and off the light went. “Amazing.”

  “Does the room meet with your approval?” she asked.

  “Indeed. It will suffice for one night.”

  * * *

  JORLAN RELEASED THE light switch and surveyed his temporary chamber. The room was small, too small for a male of his massive size, but he now had a bed, one of the important items in his life right now.

  The thought of sleeping flat on his back rather than standing up…

  A moan slipped from him.

  Now all he needed was sexual release, Katie’s heart, another plate of sandwiches and a talon or sword. Any weapon really. He’d learned the hard way: to survive, a warrior had to be prepared for battle anytime, anyplace.

  “If I vow to keep my hands to myself,” he said, “would you cuddle me?” He’d been without human contact for far too long.

  He knew he would be miserable every second he spooned Katie, the urge to mate with her nigh overwhelming, but he also knew he would be more miserable without her nearby.

  When she’d left him to retrieve…whatever the thin silver device was, he’d missed her body heat and her scent more than he would miss…anything.

  Though he’d only known her a short while, she was currently the most important person in his life.

  Her eyes went wide. “Cuddle? You and me?” She chewed on her bottom lip. “Half of me is ready to pencil you in for a ten-hour session, but the other half of me is smarter and knows I’m not ready.”

  Frustration sparked and intensified. He’d meant what he’d said. He’d planned to climax on his own before crawling into bed with her and, no matter how painful, keeping his hands to himself. But, he could not win Katie’s love without her cooperation and attention.

  Time was not on his side.

  Fear honed his frustration into a blade, slashing his already fragile inner calm to ribbons. If he pushed this, or cajoled in any way, he would only deepen Katie’s resistance to lust. And lust for him she did. She couldn’t hide her enlarged pupils, the rosy color in her cheeks or the quickening of her breath.

  Mayhap he could use the time apart to plan an irresistible seduction. Yes, yes. That. Because, what he absolutely could not do? Fail to win her love.

  Or, instead of romantic love, what if he focused on friendship love? Then, when he returned to Imperia, he could choose a bevy of females to tend to his body. But…

  He wanted this woman, from this world. This night. Having all of Katie’s warriorlike passion at his disposal would nigh burn him alive.

  Jorlan longed to burn all…night…long.

  Even still, he stepped inside the room and pivoted on his heel, facing the gorgeous Katie once again.

  How did she get more beautiful every time he gazed at her?

  In the chamber’s glorious light, her creamy skin glowed with health and vitality. “Good eve to you. May your dreams be sweet.” And your body on fire for mine.

  She peered up at him, silent and unsure.

  If he went the friendship route with her, he could not win her with sex. He’d have to use his…mind? A first for Jorlan. Since his fourteenth season, females had flocked to his bed, with little effort on his part. Many had offered a declaration of love, which he’d humbly accepted without giving one in return. Until Maylyn.

  He’d given Maylyn everything he had, utterly entranced by her mesmerizing beauty and willingness to please. Later, he learned she’d merely used him—at his brother’s bidding.

  For Jorlan, love was not worth the risk. If the woman actually loved you back, what did you get in return really? A faithful partner? Maybe, maybe not. A lifetime of happiness? Not even close. A confidante who would never share your secrets with another? Never. Everyone always blabbed.

  On a personal level, he didn’t want Katie to fall in love with him, didn’t want her hurting when he left. And leave he would. Problem was, he needed her to fall in love with him. His future hinged on her emotions.

  Why did she grow more skittish every time he drew near? A former unpleasant lover? Misplaced modesty? A need for commitment first?

  The more he knew about her, the better his chances of success, whichever route he ultimately chose. What he knew beyond any doubt? He could not return to Imperia tomorrow. Maybe not the next day, either. He could not return until he’d won Katie’s heart.

  And he would. I must.

  He still wished to meet the psychic, however, and ascertain whether or not their powers were real or faked. And it gave him an excuse to spend more time with his hostess.

  He had two weeks to accomplish the deed. His earlier anticipation sparked anew. He suspected Katie would make him sweat every day of those two weeks. Mostly, he suspected those two weeks would be the most nerve-racking—and exciting—of his life.

  He arched a dark brow in challenge. “Katie?” he prompted. “This is the part where you wish me a good night, as well.”

  “I’m thinking,” she said. “Maybe you should, uh, sleep in my bedroom, after all. On the floor, I mean. If you vow to stay put. That way, if something wonky happens because of your curse or whatever, I’ll know and I can help.”

  He had to bite the inside of his cheek to stop a grin from spreading. He hadn’t pushed, and she’d decided to reward him! “I vow that I will not climb into your bed tonight…which doesn’t preclude you from joining me on the floor.”

  * * *

  SHOULD SHE, OR shouldn’t she?

  Katie didn’t know Jorlan, not really, so she couldn’t trust him. A vow only mattered to those with a moral compass. What if he’d lost his?

  What if he hadn’t?

  The thought of him nearby, radiating body heat, the soft whoosh of his breath filling her ears, his sandalwood scent in her nose…shivers raced down her spine.

  What if her control shattered and she did in fact join him on the floor?

  Her brother Erik liked to say, Do not feed your temptation. Starve it.

  If she let Jorlan sleep on her floor, she would be feeding her greatest temptation. But I’m still going to do it, aren’t I?

  Yeah. Decision made. She wanted him close, dang it, so, close he would be. Plus, she’d meant what she’d said. What if he began to return to stone? She needed to know, so she could maybe hopefully possibly do something to halt the transformation.

  “Just in case you get any ideas,” she said, “I’ll be sleeping with a can of Mace in one hand and stun gun in the other.”

  He winked at her. “Just in case you get any ideas, I’ll be sleeping with a feather in one hand and massage oil in the other.”

  A laugh burst from her. A second later, a laugh burst from him. They were both crying happy tears, their bodies shaking. And it was nice. Beyond nice. His face was lit up, and oh, had any man ever been so beautiful?

  When had she ever enjoyed a man’s company like this?

  Without thought, Katie reached out and clasped Jorlan’s hand to lead him to her bedroom. As soon as their fingers linked, they ceased laughing at last. Her nipples puckered, her belly quivered and heat pooled between her legs.

  In that moment, Katie knew she wouldn’t be getting much sleep that night.

  With her free hand, she rubbed her temples in a vain effort to ward off an oncoming ache. I’m in more
trouble than I realized.


  “KATYA?” JORLAN SAID. His husky voice felt like a rasp of silk against her skin. Sleek and honeyed, finding her in the darkness, leaving a sultry haven in its wake.

  For the past hour, he’d tossed and turned atop his pallet on the floor, and she’d tossed and turned on the bed. Everything she’d wanted—his heat, his scent, the rasp of his breath—she’d gotten. Now she wanted more. All because she’d acted the fool and fed her temptation.

  “I’m imagining everything I long to do to you,” he whispered. “Are you imagining what you long to do to me?”

  Oh, yes. Her imagination was fully engaged. “Tell me what you see.”

  He did not hesitate to obey. “In my mind, my hands cup your breasts and gently squeeze while I trace a path from one waiting nipple to the other—with my tongue.”

  Toasty warm under a thick, downy comforter, Katie tried to recall why she was so determined to resist this man. She did have reasons, right? She just didn’t know anymore, and she wasn’t sure how much more she could take before she locked caution in her panty drawer and invited her alien to her bed.

  “Would you want me to lave them or suck them?”

  The more he spoke, the faster he eradicated what remained of her defenses.

  “Suck,” she croaked.

  “Mmm, yes. I suck them, hard. Your back arches and your legs spread,” he continued mercilessly. “But I do not penetrate your entrance with my fingers. Not yet. I kiss my way down and taste you with my mouth first. You’re sweet, so incredibly sweet. I can’t get enough.”

  She pressed her palms against her ears to muffle his voice, then faked a snore and ended up sounding like an old man with a foghorn stuck in his throat. All the while she pictured bathroom tile and drying grout—anything to keep her mind from thinking about naked bodies and potent pleasures.

  You never give me what I want, her body complained, and I want Jorlan.

  Shut up, her mind demanded. You’ve gotten us in enough trouble!

  Tile. Grout. Tile. Grout. Slowly, her overly sensitized nerves calmed, and tingles of anticipation faded. Then and only then did she taper off her snores and remove her hands from her ears.

  Blessed silence greeted her.

  Then, as if he remained acutely attuned to her every action, emotion and thought, Jorlan said, “Just say the words, katya. Say the words, and I will give us both a release.”

  “I’ve never slept with a stranger or had a one-night stand, and I won’t start now?” Gah! She’d asked a question when she’d meant to utter a statement. “Plus, you’re kind of a bad bet. I mean, you’re going home soon. Very soon. I think it’ll be better if we are friends, nothing more.”

  A pause. Then he admitted, “I’ve never had a female friend before. What would we discuss, if not sex?”

  “Our lives, I guess. Did you have a girlfriend, wife or significant other before you were cursed?”

  “Nay. I enjoyed—” He pressed his lips together.

  “It’s okay. You can say it. You enjoyed variety.” Typical male, just like her brothers. Always looking for someone “better.” So why was she relieved about Jorlan’s singlehood? “What are your hobbies?”

  “War and training for war. And yours?”

  “First, that’s kind of sad. You need fun. Second, I love reading home improvement guides and going antiques shopping.” Crap! Talking to him like this was just as arousing as his fantasy. Maybe more so! “We have to get up early if we’re going to visit a psychic, because I have a list of daily tasks to complete. We should rest.”

  One minute bled into another. He didn’t speak again, but he did evince extreme disappointment.

  Or maybe the disappointment came from her?

  What the heck is wrong with me? This emotional tug-of-war was exhausting. So why did she toss and turn another hour?

  Finally, Katie’s eyelids grew heavy and drooped. She rolled to her side, a final thought drifting through her mind before she succumbed to the thickening darkness. Maybe I should make him fall in love with me…

  * * *

  MORNING DAWNED BRIGHT and early. “Way too early,” Katie muttered. Her eyes burned, and her head throbbed. A cup of coffee wouldn’t help; she needed a caffeine IV.

  What had happened last night? Bad dreams she couldn’t remember? Her normal five-mile jog would not be happening this morning.

  Bathroom. She needed a bathroom. Her overfull bladder demanded assistance.

  Sheets and blankets tangled around her, making her feel trapped inside a cocoon. She grumbled under her breath as she worked to extract herself. Something thudded to the floor. Whatever it was, too bad, so sad. She didn’t care enough to search for it. Rubbing her eyes, she stood and tripped her way into the bathroom.

  She washed her face, brushed her teeth and took a hot, steamy shower. By the time she emerged and tugged on a robe Gray had given her last Christmas, she felt less groggy. Maybe now she would be alert enough to deal with Jorlan.

  Jorlan! The man her unconscious mind wanted to make fall in love with her.

  Katie’s eyes widened with dismay. How could she have forgotten about the sexy, six-foot-six-inch horny alien sleeping in her room?

  Heart pounding, cupcake-print robe flying, she darted out of the bathroom; her gaze scanned the floor, but she saw only a can of hairspray. Ah. So her “Mace” had caused the earlier thud.

  Where was Jorlan? The only reminder of his presence? The rumpled pillow and blanket tangled together in a heap at the foot of her bed. She grabbed some clothes from the closet and dressed as she raced out of the room. Entering the living room, she zipped her jeans. No sign of her alien here, either.

  Had he left her? What if the mother ship had beamed him up or something? Or worse, what if he was still here, in her house, going through her things? Katie’s stomach knotted as she envisioned laundry strewn across the floor and broken knickknacks scattered about. Through the dining room she went, as if hot coals simmered under her feet.

  Then she saw him.

  He stood in the kitchen, his back to her as he rifled through the fridge and hummed a song she didn’t recognize. A relieved sigh burst from her.

  And okay, yeah, her gaze dropped to his butt. Sue her. He looked good. Really good. She perked up big-time. Except… She frowned. The sweats were saggy today; they hadn’t been saggy yesterday. They hung low on his waist, teasing her, tantalizing her, because a slight brush of air might slip them to the floor…

  She inched forward, closing in. Upon closer inspection, she noticed something lumpy under his shirt. What the heck?

  Katie cleared her throat.

  Jorlan whipped around, unsheathing a butter knife he’d stored somewhere underneath his clothes, ready to strike. He moved too swiftly for her to track each individual motion, and she nearly jumped out of her skin.

  He must not have found the blades sharp enough to cut through bone.

  Heart pounding faster, she blinked up at him. Running away wasn’t an option; her legs trembled, and her knees threatened to buckle. Gorgeous. Hooded eyelids, mussed dark hair and a stubble-shadowed jaw.

  He possessed the deadly aura of a man who knew how to fight dirty, how to savagely maim and brutally kill; he was more terrifying than any weapon…and so hot he turned her blood to lava.

  The second he realized who stood nearby, he relaxed his stance and returned the knife to its holder—an oven mitt he’d anchored to the waist of his pants. Clinking sounds rang out, telling her other “weapons” were strapped to his body. No wonder the garment bagged.

  She wanted to laugh. She wanted to jump into his arms. She wanted…everything and nothing, here but there, now but later, always but never.

  Face it. The man had tied her brain into knots.

  “Good dawning, katya.” He slowly unveiled a half grin. “Did you sleep well?”

  “Nope. I woke up a thousand times more tired.” Motioning to the cache of weapons, she said, “What are you pla
nning to do with those?”

  “Kill my enemies.”

  “And who are your enemies?”

  With a negligent shrug, he refocused on the refrigerator. “’Tis of no concern to you.”

  “It is when you’re wearing what has to be twenty pounds of my silverware.”

  The muscles in his back balled with tension. “If you must know, everyone I encounter has the potential to become my enemy. If I wish to survive, and I do, I can trust no one.” He shot a wicked glance over his shoulder. “Except you.”

  “Let me guess. You do your best trusting when you and the other person are naked.”

  “Oh, good. You agree.”

  With a snort, she perched at the kitchen counter. “Do you still wish to meet with a psychic?”

  “Aye. Though I will not be traveling home this day. I must wait until after I’ve—” He stiffened and went quiet.

  “What? After you’ve slept with me?”

  “Aye. Nay.” He scrubbed a hand down his face. “After you’ve fallen in love with me.”

  The love thing. Right. “Why do you want my love?”

  “’Tis part of the curse. You are the one who freed me, so you must be the one to offer your love in two weeks, or I will return to stone forever.”

  “You’re kidding, right? Trying to get me into bed again?” She offered a weak, unsure laugh.

  “I would never tease you about my freedom.” The absolute conviction in his voice convinced her more than the words. “When my brother issued the curse, he planned for another female to kiss and free me. A woman I despise with every fiber of my being. He thought ’twould be amusing were I forced to pursue someone I loathed, but I escaped Imperia and ’twas you, you and not she, who became my savior.” Jorlan pushed out a breath. “I have no desire to pressure you, katya, and if the circumstances were different…but they aren’t.”

  The enormity of the situation hit her like a jackhammer. If he’d told the truth, and she believed he had, his fate rested in her hands.

  He needed her love, but he’d have an easier time of shaving her head and weaving her hair into fourteen-karat gold.


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