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Exquisite Breath of Darkness

Page 18

by Candice Stauffer

  She couldn’t stand to see the sincerity in his eyes. She yearned for the solitude of darkness that blindness gave her. “Let me go? Is that what you call what you’re doing right now?” Closing her eyes to escape the love in his eyes, she struggled to push away from him, but he held her in firm arms. If he would truly let her go her heart would eventually have a hope of healing.

  “Letting you go doesn’t mean that I will stand back and do nothing when I see that you are about to make a mistake.” His hand curled around the nape of her neck as he drew her near and kissed her forehead.

  “You’re too arrogant for your own good if truly believe you can save me from making a mistake when you’re making the biggest mistake of all.”

  “Doing what is best for you is not a mistake, little love.”

  “You’re wrong. Allowing me to love you before it’s too late would be what’s best for me, for you. Do you think there’s any hope you will ever come to your senses, Nikolas?”

  He let go of her and took a step back. “You are the one who needs to come to your senses.” And just like that he’d taken her vision away again.

  “What did he want?” Julie took her arm. “Are you okay?”

  “No.” She wasn’t even close to being okay. She was close to breaking down and sobbing like a baby, and she didn’t want him to see what he was capable of doing to her. “Take me to the restroom before I make a fool of myself.”

  * * *

  Joseph walked around to the passenger side of the car. He reached for the door handle, but then he stopped and turned his back to the car. There was subtle disturbance in the atmosphere, but it had nothing to do with vampires or Demetri. Searching for the source of it, he studied the crowed gathering outside the club.

  Nikolas Drake stood near the entrance, watching him. I want to talk to you about Jake Mann and the woman.

  Joseph smiled. Not here. We can talk later.

  He’d been waiting for Nikolas to confront him about dropping Jake off in the 1600s. Nikolas had always had a knack for being a pain in the ass when it came to certain laws of their people, but he was worse now. Ever since he’d decided he was too dangerous to be with Brianna, he’d been overly temperamental.

  Mia opened the door and shoved it into Joseph’s backside. “What are you doing?”

  Pretending to stumble, he laughed as he turned to face her. “Excuse me.” He blocked the door so she couldn’t open it enough to get out. “Are you feeling a wee bit impatient tonight?” He knew she sensed the disturbance and wouldn’t allow him to face it alone.

  She lifted her lip in a silent, threatening snarl. “Move out of my way.”

  “I will as soon as you say you’re sorry for nearly knocking me on my ass.”

  She narrowed her gaze on him. “Move.”

  “You know I’m not thrilled with this plan.” He opened the door but positioned his body in a way that would force her to press her body against his if she got out. It wasn’t that he was overly worried about something bad happening. He had no doubt of his ability to protect her. But he doubted Nikolas’ plan to show their unity to Demetri would do any good, and he wasn’t the type to waste time. Especially since he would more than likely be making love with Mia had she not been so hell-bent on being at the charity dinner to watch over Julie and Brianna. “This won’t intimidate Demetri. He doesn’t care how many of us are united against him.”

  “I never thought it would. I’m not here for his sake, and you know it. I am here because the girls are here. Move out of my way. I’m going inside.”

  He took a step back and reached for her hand. “Fine.” The only reason he’d agreed to go along with the plan was because with or without him agreeing to do it, she planned on being there. Besides Brianna and Julie there was another reason she wanted to be there. She believed doing something was better than doing nothing. Perhaps she was right, but it didn’t matter. The only thing that mattered was her.

  Rolling her eyes, she looked down at his hand for a second.

  “Don’t forget how important it is for everyone to presume you’re my girlfriend tonight.”

  “You know it doesn’t really matter what anyone thinks.” Meeting his gaze, she smiled as she placed her hand in his and stood up.

  He pointed. “You are not entering that building unless every vampire understands that you belong to me.” It was a fact.

  “Don’t worry. I will make sure every vampire here understands that I’m here to protect you. And to prove it, I’m willing to suffer the humiliation of … Oops. I mean, I’ll hold your hand to make you feel all cozy and safe.”

  “I feel much better.” He knew she was playing—well, sort of. She truly had his back. And that scared the hell out of him. And yet, all he could really think about was getting the evening over with and making love with her. He was so incredibly, painfully aroused. “I’ve decided that taking a shower with you was a mistake. A good mistake. But a mistake.”

  Her nearness, the warmth of her body, and the scent of her flesh were making him insane. But something else, something far more powerful, beat at him. He took a deep breath through his nostrils, filling his lungs with the enthralling scent of her arousal.

  Looking fiercely seductive, Mia stood up on the tips of her toes and reached up to gently trace his jaw with the tips of her fingers. “Don’t look upset. Tonight will be such a blast that you’ll forget all about the wonderful things we could’ve done in the shower. You know I hate it when you frown.” She kept her voice to a low, seductive whisper. “So smile.”

  “I don’t think you hate it at all. I think you enjoy torturing me.”

  “Only a little.” She was knowingly teasing and taunting him to react. The feel of her fingers increased his desire for her. Her body was soft and warm against his, but still, the woman was an animal. She was brutal. Vicious. She was a beast. And he liked it. No, like wasn’t a strong enough word. He loved it.

  “Okay. I lied. I enjoy it a lot.” She grinned.

  Wave after wave of desire washed over him, through him. “We should leave.” He would reward her later. He wanted her so badly. No, it was much more than just wanting her. He needed her. Every cell in his body needed her.

  “Sorry. We can’t just up and leave now that we’re here.” Mia wrapped his tie around her fist and pulled him down to her level.

  “But I truly wished you hadn’t insisted we come here tonight. I can’t stop thinking of all the marvelous fun we could’ve had if we’d stayed in a shower a little longer,” she whispered, standing on the tips of her toes, her mouth so close to his that her lips brushed against the corner of his mouth. “I know you were only looking out for my well-being, but I don’t think you were right. I’m actually feeling quite well. I doubt I would’ve had any problem keeping up with you.”

  Heart pounding, beads of sweat forming on his brow, he held his breath. It was everything he could do to restrain his reaction at that moment. The woman would be his death. Rewarding him, teasing him, she pressed her lips firmly against the corner of his mouth.

  “What? No comment?”

  “Are you wearing it?”

  “Huh?” Mia looked up at him. “Oh. You’re talking about that.” She shook her head. “Nope. I’m not wearing it.”


  “The truth?” she asked.

  “That would be nice.”

  “I thought it would be better to not wear one at all.”

  “I like your way of thinking.” Mia was so much more than a simple obsession to him. He worshiped every breath she took.

  “I thought you would,” she teased.

  “Show me.” He heard the desperate longing in his voice. He knew she also heard it. He didn’t care.

  “Are you sure that it’s a good idea?” She glanced down at his crotch. “You’re already about to bust out of your pants.”

  He nodded. “Show me.”

  “Fine.” He stared at her as she stepped back, slowly took her coat off, and held it in front of he
r to prevent him from seeing her dress. “But I’ve a feeling you’re going to regret it.”

  “You can tell me ‘I told you so’ as much as you like. Just move the damn coat.”

  “Okay.” Rather than move it, she turned away from him and bent over to toss the coat into the car.

  His heart slammed against his chest. “Mia,” he said as he unconsciously moved closer to her, “that’s not the dress I left for you. We need to leave.” The woman was hot as hell. He was instantly suffering from a raging hard-on. Her tight, black silk dress was cut to her lower back just above her hips. He reached out to touch her ass.

  She turned to face him and smacked his hands. “I know. And don’t be silly. We just got here. And you can look, but you can’t touch until later.”

  “Not fair.” Suddenly, he wasn’t just feeling sexual desperation. He pulled her into his arms. Time was running out. She was the strongest woman he’d ever encountered. The physical pain she endured on a daily basis was more than most could handle. She hid it well from everyone else, but he knew she was getting weaker every day.

  She looked up at him. “Stop whining, Joseph. You should know by now that life isn’t fair.”

  He couldn’t seem to look as her without feeling the need to touch her. He bent his head and kissed her. It was a deep, passionate kiss that could’ve easily led to them ditching the charity event, but a sudden rush of excited reporters and flashing cameras ruined the moment. He didn’t hear what they were saying. He didn’t care. “Let’s get out of here.”

  “No.” She glanced at the reporters. “Why do they think you’re so special? Is it because you’re rich?”

  “Me?” Wrapping his arm around her, using a spell to construct an invisible barrier to keep the reporters back a few feet, he ushered her past the reporters. “I bet it’s your ass rather than my face plastered on the papers tomorrow.” The moment they entered the building, he slid his hand from the small her back to her ass and squeezed.

  She stopped. “What do you think you’re doing?”

  “Feeling your ass.” He smiled. “And it feels pretty damn great.”

  She turned to him and moved closer, pressing her body against his. She reached around him and gripped his ass with both hands. “If you want to play touchy feely games with me tonight, I expect you to do it right.”

  Her eyes didn’t waver from his in the slightest bit. He could hardly breathe, but he managed well enough to speak. “We really need to get out of here, Mia.”

  “Not yet.”

  Julie walked up to them. “Congratulations. Have you picked a date?”

  “Huh?” Mia frowned.

  “Your relationship status says you’re engaged to Joseph.”

  “What the hell is wrong with you, Joseph?” Mia smacked his arm.

  “I was only looking out for your reputation.”

  “What are you talking about?” The second she asked, she regretted it.

  Joseph smile was slow in coming, but when it came it was wicked as hell and touched his entire face. “After spending a few days and nights in bed with you and lathering your body in the shower I didn’t want anyone spreading rumors about you being willing to put out without a proper commitment from me. You’re welcome.”

  “No one would’ve known.”

  “I’m not a saint. I’m the kind of man to kiss and brag.”

  “You two crack me up.” Julie laughed.

  “I told you to stay off my account.” Mia said.

  Joseph shrugged. He enjoyed provoking Mia nearly as much as he enjoyed making sure everyone knew she was with him. “I was looking out for your well being. Besides, you know I don’t follow orders well. I generally see them as challenges.”

  “How did you figure out my pass … oh, damn. Stay out of my head. I swear I’m going to kill you, Joseph.”

  Julie looked up at Joseph. “And you take nice pictures. I shared a few. I hope you don’t mind. You look damn good without a shirt on.”

  “What?” Mia asked.

  “The new album of him you posted.” Julie answered.

  Mia glared at Joseph. “I didn’t post a new album.”

  “Oh.” Julie cleared her throat. “Anyways, Brianna is in the restroom. She really needs your help, Mia.”

  “What’s wrong?”

  Julie looked up at Joseph, and then she looked at Mia. “It’s personal.”

  Joseph watched Mia walk away with Julie, aware that most of the men in the room had turned their heads to watch them walk by. After a moment, though, the atmosphere changed. An oppressive feeling of hostility thrummed through the air.

  Joseph watched Nikolas move slowly, deliberately toward him. It was clear he was looking for a fight and didn’t care who knew it. Aware of Nikolas’ every move, Joseph continued to watch Mia until she walked out of sight.

  * * *

  Nikolas glared at Joseph. He needed to set Joseph straight about Mia and Jake, and that was exactly what he intended to do. Why now? It was a terrible idea, but it didn’t matter. He felt as though he was losing his mind. He was making a huge mistake, but he was too frustrated, too to mad stop. Confronting Joseph seemed the best way to release his anger, even if the root of his anger had nothing to do with Joseph.

  How dare Brianna attempt to dance with another man while knowing he was there watching her? Well, honestly, she had every right to do it. He’d made it clear that they would never be together. But she should be more careful who she picked to dance with. The man was no good for her.

  You should go and talk to her.

  He turned to stare at Haden, who was standing outside the restroom.

  It doesn’t concern you, Haden. Just stay the hell out of it. She was much more valuable than a fling. He couldn’t allow her to be hurt when she discovered what the man was up to. Damn it all. Why should he feel guilty for protecting her?

  Haden shrugged. You’re wrong. I know you don’t want to hear it, but the truth is that you’re throwing your future with her away for nothing.

  Stop. Not wanting to hear anymore, he broke the line with Haden and turned away to look at Joseph across the room. What had she expected him to do? It wasn’t his fault she was crying her eyes out in the restroom. She should’ve been more careful. He was right to tell her the man was a no-good cheating husband wanting nothing more than a one-night stand.

  Truthfully, no matter how much he tried to convince himself that he was right, he hated that he’d made her cry. He wanted to go to her and comfort her, but he couldn’t. It would only further complicate his endeavor to let go of her. Not that it was working out so well anyways. Besides, Caylee was with Brianna attempting to console her, and Haden was standing guard just outside the restroom door.

  He started moving toward Joseph, intent on confronting him though it wasn’t the right time to do it. He’d been the one to suggest they all show up the charity event to show their unity to Demetri. Picking a fight with Joseph would blow his plan straight to hell. Luckily, Demetri hadn’t yet arrived. Maybe he’d get his anger and frustration out of his system before Demetri showed up.

  * * *

  Joseph looked up at Nikolas. He felt subtle vibrations of power in the atmosphere. “What do want?”

  Nikolas dark, menacing gaze locked onto his. “You took Jake Mann back.”

  “Sorry. It wasn’t me.” Drawing power from all around, Joseph shook his head. “To each their own, but I don’t do the man or the vampire thing.”

  “Don’t fuck around with me. You know what I mean.”

  “He needed a fresh start.”

  “Traveling to the past is forbidden.” The power gathering around them was so intense, so concentrated. Though the majority of humans, unwilling or unable to tap into the spirit realm, would never be able to sense the signs that something was wrong, a demon or other supernatural being would never miss the very slight movements of the floor vibrating and the walls moving in and out as if breathing. “And helping a blood-sucking mosquito is beneath you.”
br />   “I’ve no trouble with Jake or his kind.” Smiling at Nikolas, Joseph shrugged casually. “And I do not consider whether you will or will not like a decision before I make it.”

  “They can’t be trusted. They’re too easily seduced by darkness. They turn too easily.”

  “What do you call a demon who questions a vampire’s faithfulness and morals?” Joseph paused. “I mean, besides an ignorant hypocrite.”

  “What do you do with a demon that breaks the laws set in place to protect his kind?”


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