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Exquisite Breath of Darkness

Page 30

by Candice Stauffer

  “That’s simple,” Mary said. “If they fail to find and kill her and the baby I will be unhappy. They don’t want to do anything to disrupt my happiness.”

  Leland lit a cigarette and leaned back in his chair. “You’ve completely lost your fucking mind if you think vampires care about your happiness. They’re bloodthirsty killers with no moral code. What makes you think they won’t turn on you at some point? They feed on human blood, which makes you a food source.” He laughed out loud. “You are one seriously fucked-up bitch. I can’t believe I actually thought I could trust you to move drugs without sampling.”

  “Look around you. There’re twenty vampires in here at this very moment. They wouldn’t do anything to upset me, including touch one of my girls without my consent, for doing anything to make me unhappy is their greatest fear.”

  “You think they fear the thought of you having a bad day?”

  “If I am not perfectly happy, Demetri Demidov is not happy. And no one, including you, wants to be around when Demetri is unhappy.”

  Leland inclined his head toward Demetri, who was sitting at a table across the room. He didn’t know much about Demetri. He’d had his people check him out, but they weren’t able to come with any reason for Demetri to be in a personal or business relationship with a woman like Mary Tate. “I have to tell you that in all the times I’ve come in here, I’ve never seen Demetri appear to be even slightly happy. He looks as if he’s ready to kill someone at any moment.”

  She shrugged her shoulders. “Demetri is not much of a people person. I’ve done what I can to help him develop better social skills, but a woman can only do so much.”

  “Is he a vampire?” Leland wouldn’t mind having a man like Demetri working for him as long as he was human and controllable. He’d flirted with the idea of approaching Demetri with a job offer in future. “I’ve heard rumors that he has powers far greater than any vampire.”

  “My Demetri a vampire?” Mary laughed. “That’s funny. But I should warn you—he would not like hearing that you might entertain such a low opinion of him. In the world of immortal beings, think of him as being on the very top of the food chain. Demetri is far more powerful than any vampire. He could kill any one of us sitting in here with one careless thought.”

  “And you feel safe with him?”

  “He would never harm me or allow anyone else or anything to harm me. The wonderful thing about demons is that despite all their power and strength they are utterly incapable of doing anything to harm their true mates. They are unstoppable immortal warriors created to destroy any enemy, but their hearts are weak. As a demon, Demetri honestly believes that there is only one true love for his heart and soul. I own Demetri’s heart and soul. He’s completely devoted to me, to my well being and happiness.” Mary leaned over the table and whispered, “Demetri, come to me.”

  Leland looked up as Demetri slowly turned his head toward them. “He heard you?” He had the most powerful urge to run as far and as fast as he could when felt the floor vibrate beneath his feet.

  “I assure you Demetri has heard our entire conversation and more.” Mary smirked. “I bet you’re wishing you would’ve refrained from voicing a few of your opinions. But it actually doesn’t matter if you say them out loud or not. As a demon, he has the ability to hear your every thought.”

  “And that doesn’t scare the shit out of you?”

  “Why should it? It doesn’t matter what I think, say, or do. In his eyes, I can do no wrong. I own his heart and his soul. In short, I own Demetri.”

  When Demetri stood up and started moving toward them, Leland felt as if fear had physically gripped his heart and was squeezing the hell out of it.

  Demetri towered over everyone in the club. His body was huge. His chest and abdominal muscle visibly rippled beneath his shirt as he so very slowly walked. It was like the parting of the Red Sea. Everyone moved so quickly that several stumbled over their own feet to get out of his way. No one so much as brushed up against him.

  To Leland’s shock his heavily armed bodyguards backed away to allow Demetri to walk past them to the table. His bodyguards were considered the most lethal men in the business. No one got past them. And worst, Demetri didn’t even bother to glance at them. He just kept walking without any visible regard for anything going on around him.

  Demetri pulled a chair out and sat down. Leaning back with, his massive arms crossed over his chest, Demetri glared straight into Leland’s eyes. Up close Demetri was so much more than intimidating. His eyes were solid back and seemed to burrow deep into Leland’s soul.

  “Leland has threatened to end my business arrangement with him because he doubts the sincerity of your commitment to ensuring my happiness.” Mary stood up and straddled Demetri’s lap, and then wrapping her arms around his neck she tipped her head way back to look at Leland. “Or was it that you feared Demetri’s ability to keep my pets under control well enough to murder your daughter and grandchild?”

  Leland’s heart was pounding; his entire body was trembling. It was unquestionably the single most terrifying moment he had ever encountered. Demetri’s gaze never left his. Leland attempted to look away, but he couldn’t do it. Demetri’s unblinking eyes, so full of dark hatred, just stared into Leland’s eyes for several excruciating, heart-stopping moments.

  “You wish to test me?” Demetri asked in a voice that resembled a large predator’s growl.

  Mary laughed out loud as she lifted her head to look up at Demetri. “It seems as though he does.” She reached up and traced his frown with the tip of her index finger. “Unfortunately, I can’t say I blame him, Demetri. I thought I mattered to you. Perhaps it is time for us to go our separate ways and end our arrangement. I’ve told you time and time again that you need to work on being more sociable. You act like such grump that even he has noticed that you seem unhappy to be here with me.”

  It scared the shit out of Leland when Demetri lifted his lip. Clearly, it was no smile on his face. It was the snarl of a predator two seconds away from attacking and devouring its prey. “I do not appear happy enough for your liking?” Red flames burned in Demetri’s black eyes as he continued to stare into Leland’s eyes.

  Leland felt something deadly enter his mind as a creepy chorus of high-pitched laughter echoed. A dark shadow moved behind his eyes. The pain started as an irritating, prickly sensation between his eyes. In a matter of seconds an excruciating, crushing, vise-like pain enveloped Leland’s head. Seemly noticing his need for their help for the first time since Demetri walked over to the table, Leland’s bodyguards moved forward. But each one fell to his knees, clutching his head and crying out in sheer agony.

  “What about now?” Demetri laughed softly. “Do I appear happy enough to prevent you from placing further doubt in Mary’s head, or will I be forced to end your wretched life to prevent it?”

  Tears in his eyes, sweat dripping down his face and body, Leland opened his mouth to beg for his life, but no sound came out. Not even a whimper. And though his head felt like it was going to burst, he couldn’t close his eyes to escape Demetri’s cruel gaze.

  Giggling, Mary got up from Demetri’s lap, walked over, and stood behind Leland. Resting her hands on Leland’s shoulders, she leaned down near his ear. “In case you’re wondering, this is my Demetri when he’s feeling only a little unhappy. You’re very lucky he’s only playing.” She moved back to Demetri and wrapped her arm around his shoulder to lean against him. “That’s enough, Demetri. There’s no need to kill him yet. Go away now. Leave Leland and me to discuss the new details of the little arrangement I have with him. I’m convinced we can work out our differences.”

  A long, torturous moment of silence stretched on and on. Rather than subside, the pain in his head increased. Leland knew he was going to die a horrible, painful death. Mary had called Demetri a demon. He had no doubt Demetri was a demon or a god. The only doubt he had was that Mary could control such a powerful being. He hoped like hell she could, but it wasn’t lo
oking good. Despite the fact she’d called him off, Demetri didn’t move an inch. He didn’t even so much as blink. He just continued to stare into Leland’s eyes.

  “Stop it, Demetri!” Mary shouted. Leland realized that she appeared genuinely worried. “I need him! Kill him, and you will regret it!”

  Demetri blinked. This is not over. Leland knew it was Demetri’s voice in his head. I will come for you. He had a vision of his body beaten and ripped to shreds, sprawled out in a pool of blood at Demetri’s feet.

  The pain in Leland’s head slowly subsided. His bodyguards started to stand up, but backed away rather than rush to his aide. He was definitely going have them killed for betraying him. Demetri turned to look at Mary. He stood up, and, dwarfing her, he stared down at her for several seconds. Leland got the feeling that Demetri hadn’t actually decided whether or not he would kill him. He found himself holding his breath even after Demetri turned and walked away.

  Leland needed to find a way to end his business endeavor with Mary quickly and quietly. But as he began to contemplate possible methods of getting it done, he remembered Mary telling him that Demetri could hear his thoughts.

  “I need to leave right away,” Leland said. “I have an important appointment.”

  Mary smiled. “I’m sure you do.” She waved for another man, unknown to Leland, to join them at the table.

  “My little pet, Jeremy Lang, will be joining you. He will remain with you at all times. Think of him as your shadow that won’t leave your side even in the dark. Basically, he’s going to keep an eye on you for me, just in case you get the silly notion of backing out on our arrangement. He has already selected and sent out one of his most qualified associates to see to it that your daughter and grandchild are properly disposed.” She turned to Jeremy. “Haven’t you, Jeremy?”


  “Fabulous.” Mary gestured for Jeremy to lean down. “I knew I could count on you.” Exposing her neck to Jeremy, she pulled her hair back and tilted her head to the side. “I want to make sure out connection is strong enough for you to communicate with me at all times. Do it. Take my blood.” Her voice was low and lustful. Jeremy nuzzled and kissed her neck. Mary moaned with pleasure when Jeremy’s fang’s scraped over her flesh. And then when he pierced her flesh and started to suck on her neck, she cried out in ecstasy.

  Staring in disbelief, Leland shook his head. Where the hell was Demetri? When Jeremy lifted his head and licked his lips, Leland said, “He doesn’t need to go with me. It’s not necessary. I’ve not intention of backing out of anything.” He didn’t want a vampire following him around. What if Jeremy decided to use him as a food source? Nope. There was no way he was going to agree to a vampire hanging around.

  Mary took at deep breath and released it with an exaggerated sigh. “Shall I ask Demetri to join us again?”

  “No,” he answered quickly. “I’m sure having Jeremy around will be great.” Compared to Demetri, a vampire would make great company.

  Find out how this series began in

  Eternal Breath of Darkness

  ~ One ~

  TAKING A DEEP BREATH, savoring the sweetness of her lingering scent, Haden Drake watched Caylee Adams walk toward Mia’s Clothing Boutique. He shifted, repositioning the seam of his pants, attempting to lessen the terrible ache that was becoming his most loyal, frustrating as hell companion. There was a small chance his attempt to get a little more comfortable would’ve worked if she hadn’t dropped her phone and bent over to pick it up. Shuddering, he uttered a curse, his cock swelling until it was impossibly hard, nearly bursting out of his pants. She was sexy in anything, but nothing compared to the way the worn fabric of those tight, low-rise jeans hugged her ass at that moment.

  He, a demon, was the furthest thing from a saint, and pretending to be one was no longer an option. For a year he’d battled against his powerful, volatile sex drive, but day after day the torment of wanting her and not having her had been building into a fierce, unstoppable storm of raw lust. Every night he dreamed of her writhing beneath him, calling out his name in sheer ecstasy as he plunged deep inside the tight, silky heat of her body. She wasn’t ready for him to stake his claim on her, but the season for moving slowly, seducing her gently, was long gone. Despite his great power, he was utterly powerless to deny his insatiable hunger for her any longer.

  Just before entering the boutique, she glanced over her shoulder and smiled at him. It was a naughty, wickedly sexy smile. If he didn’t know her better, he would’ve thought she’d purposely bent over to torment him. Had she? Rejecting the thought, he shook his head. “Nah.” Teasing wasn’t her style. Once she was out of sight, he was unable shake the feeling something wasn’t quite right. Every second that went by the feeling of uneasiness increased in him so much that his centuries-learned ability to remain absolutely calm under pressure failed. It was her smile. Something about it was raising a red flag. He would never admit it, but the moment she turned to smile at him, chasing after her was inevitable.

  While getting out of the car he tried to merge his mind with hers, but she was blocking him. He could easily use more force to penetrate the barrier, but he wouldn’t do it. Not yet anyways. He would if it proved necessary, but for now, knowing it would cause her pain, he decided to wait.

  A terrible, should’ve known better feeling churning in his gut, he approached the boutique, hoping she was inside. He really wished she wasn’t so skilled at blocking him. She was uncomfortable with his ability to touch her mind at will so he permitted her to build a wall to keep him out. Hindsight was a particularly brutal thorn in his ass. He was an idiot for allowing her wall to become so solid the only way to get through it was to cause her pain.

  Taking a deep breath, he released it with a frustrated groan as he entered the building.

  “Well, Mr. Slick, it definitely took you long enough to figure it out.” Mia approached from behind.

  Her sharp voice slicing deep gouges into Haden’s skull, he cringed as he slowly turned toward her. His eyes brows drawn together, he flashed her an uneasy smile. “Hello, Mia.” The instant he saw the wicked look in her eyes, his heart stopped. “Where’s Caylee?”

  “Oh, I get it.” Hands on her hips, Mia narrowed her gaze on him. “It’s a man thing. You couldn’t possibly comprehend what has just happened without further explanation. Oh my, you poor, miserable boy. There’s no reason to pout. It’s your lucky day. I just happen to be feeling quite charitable.”

  He suppressed the urge to growl. She was smiling too sweetly, showing way too much teeth for any demon’s liking. The woman was a wolf. Literally. She was lycan, though she didn’t know it. She had been orphaned at young age and raised in foster homes and eventually group homes. He wasn’t sure why, but the true essence of her wolf remained dormant. However, when she was riled, the temperament of the wolf was always present. She never hesitated to follow through with a bite after baring her teeth.

  “She ditched your pathetic ass,” she whispered.

  “What?” Things like this didn’t happen to him. “No.” He was a powerful, immortal warrior. “No.” He was a demon, a master of deception. “No.” He’d live too many lifetimes, acquired too much knowledge to be so easily duped. “Where’s Caylee?” It was joke. She was hiding somewhere, having a good laugh at his expense. Laughing was good. It was great. But enough was enough. Feeling uncharacteristically bewildered, he glanced around. Spotting the dressing room area, deciding it was a perfect hiding place, he walked toward it.

  “Just what the hell do you think you’re doing? Don’t you dare open that door.” Mia followed him. “You’re going to scare the hell out of my customers.” She grabbed his arm and yanked it as hard as she could. “She isn’t here.”

  Turning, he glared at her. “Where is she?”

  Mia glared right back at him. “She … ditched … your … pathetic … ass.” She smiled, lifting her chin defiantly, obviously enjoying the moment. “Was that clear enough for you? If not, I’m sure that
I could look around and find some crayons to draw you a picture.”

  “Why?” Nah. It was much more than enjoying the moment. She was clearly savoring it.

  “Why do you think?” Snorting indignantly, she glanced down at his groin. “You haven’t even tried to make it worth the aggravation you put her through day and night. Try using the most valuable tool God gave your gender.” Smirking, she shrugged. “Maybe, and, yes, I know it’s a highly unlikely maybe, if you manage to use it correctly she’ll learn to look beyond the fact you’re a seriously flawed, arrogant bastard.”

  Fists clenched at his sides, Haden nodded. Yep. The woman was a wolf. Rather than bite and release, she clamped down to bury teeth bone-deep to rip and devour. She clearly had some really messed-up, unresolved issues with men. He wanted to strangle her, but unfortunately, no matter how infuriating women happened to be, he never strangled them. He was a demon of great strength, integrity and valor. A warrior. A guardian. Demons like him didn’t strangle women. Not even if they were lycan. Grumbling, because it was the only thing he could do, he turned to walk away.

  “Leave her alone, Haden.” She managed to get in front of him, using her body to prevent him from leaving. “I’m serious. You can’t continue whatever sick game you’re playing with her. It’s wrong, and you know it is.”

  He stared down at her. “What are you talking about?” Wonderful. She was willing to take him on to protect Caylee. Now, despite the fact she irritated the hell out of him, he actually respected the woman.

  “Look, Haden, it’s totally cool if you’re gay. It’s not a big deal. Really, it isn’t. I swear. Just be honest with Caylee. Introduce her to your lover. You can still be her friend.” She shrugged. “Unless—” She tilted her head to the side. “—your lover boy is the controlling, jealous type and he doesn’t allow you to engage in other relationships.”


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