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Waking Ms. Briar; a sweet, clean romance_A Middleton Prep Novella

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by Laura Ann

  Lucy sighed. “There he goes. This is my favorite part.”

  Rory stared at the elementary school teacher. “What are you talking about?”

  Lucy grinned. “He is a hoot to watch when he leaves. It’s like he can’t make it through the door without speaking to everyone in the vicinity. Watch.” She nodded towards Steven.

  Rory turned in her seat and watched the display. His entire demeanor was flamboyant. He zigzagged across the room, gradually making his way to the door, leaving giggles and blushes in his wake. Every female, whether single or not, was entirely charmed and the men laughed and bumped fists like they were all locker room buddies. Rory shook her head. When everyone is one is.


  “Ms. Briar, may I speak with you please?” Ms. Millicent said as Rory came through the front doors of the building a few days later. Without waiting for a reply, she turned and headed directly towards her office.

  Curious, Rory followed without comment. What now?

  Rory closed the door behind them and Ms. Millicent sat at her desk. Folding her hands on top of the desk, she turned beady, unrelenting eyes on Rory. “As you know, Mr. Phillips has been given permission to produce a play this spring.”

  “Yes...” Rory answered warily.

  “That being said, we are still understaffed, so you will help Mr. Phillips in this endeavor.”

  Rory froze. Say what? She can’t be serious. I’m a science teacher, I don’t know anything about the stage or how to put on a play, not to mention that would mean spending even more time with Steven. She cleared her throat. “I’m sorry Ms. Millicent. But I’m afraid that’s not something I can help with.” She turned to leave, hoping the director wouldn’t push her.

  “I’m afraid this isn’t an option Ms. Briar. We need the help and you are available.” She sat back in her chair and folded her arms across her chest. Her face was sharp and cold as stone.

  “How do you know I’m available? I have a life outside The Center.” Now Rory was getting angry. There is no way I can work that closely with Steven and come out with my heart in tact. I’m struggling to survive just being in the same building with him.

  “Be that as it may, you will help or you will find another place to volunteer.”

  Rory grasped. “You can’t be serious! After all I have done here? Really? You would throw that away because of a play?”

  “I think the real question is, will you throw it away because of a play?”

  Rory huffed.

  “Ms. Briar, running this clinic is a costly affair. A generous patron has offered to fund the play and I can’t afford to turn away the funding. We are to be allowed to keep the proceeds from the play and we need every cent we can get. I only have a few staff members and each and every one of them will be doing their part. If you refuse to be part of the production then I am afraid I have no use for you here.”

  Shame hit Rory in the stomach. This isn’t about me, it’s about The Center and the children. Taking a shaky breath she said, “Okay. I’ll help. I don’t know what in the world I can do since I have never been in a play, but I’ll do the best I can...for the children.” Her hands were shaking as she grabbed her lip gloss from her pocket and put it on.

  Smug satisfaction crossed Ms. Millicent’s face before it went back to her usual stoic facade. “Point taken. I will inform Mr. Phillips of your willingness,” Rory snorted, but Ms. Millicent ignored her. “But I ask that you remember the rules of the center.” She pinned Rory with her intense stare. “Fraternizing among the staff is strictly forbidden.”

  Rory raised one eyebrow. “No worries there. I have no plans to... fraternize.” Despite being attracted to him.

  “Good. Let it stay that way.” She waved her hand in dismissal and Rory gladly removed herself from the office, retreating to her science room.

  AN HOUR LATER, THE door to Rory’s room opened. She glanced over expecting to see a student enter, however, her heart fluttered when Steven entered instead. Ugh! Seriously. Will I ever learn?

  “Aurora! I need your help!” His voice was loud and several kids giggled at his entrance.

  Rory narrowed her eyes at him. Walking over she said in a harsh whisper, “You shouldn’t call me that in front of the students.”

  His eyes twinkled, “I’m afraid, my dear, that nothing else would ever do. Ms. Briar just doesn’t do justice to your lovely golden hair, or the depth of your brown eyes. One must call a rose a rose.”

  Twitters ran through her classroom and she gave her students a look over her shoulder, but that only led to more laughter. Rolling her eyes, she looked back to Steven. “What do you want?” She instantly regretted her words when a sly smile spread across his face.

  “Now that is the question.”

  Rory felt her cheeks grow warm but tried hard to act unaffected. “What Ste-Mr. Phillips?”

  His smile never wavered, but he moved on. “I’ve got a planning meeting put together for the play and need you there. It’s in an hour, while the kids are eating.”

  “Fine.” She turned away and started to walk to her desk.

  “I bid adieu fair maiden, I shall be in agony every second until we meet again.” He bowed and exited the room.

  Laughter again rang through the room and a couple of the girls fanned themselves. Rory refused to be moved by his antics, so she ignored the smile that pulled at her lips, told the butterflies in her stomach to go away, and continued to her desk as if nothing had happened. He’s just joking Rory, he treats everyone this way. She reminded herself.

  During the dinner hour, Rory found Steven and a couple other adults sitting in Steven’s classroom. When she entered the room all eyes turned to her.

  “Hello.” She said quietly, then sat down quickly.

  “Thank you for joining us Aurora.” Steven began.

  “Rory. You can call me Rory.”

  Steven nodded and continued on without correcting himself. “Now. The play Aurora and I selected is ‘Sleeping Beauty’. We felt that it would be a good fit for our kids, many of whom, as you know, have rough home lives. This will give them an escape as well as being a fun and growing experience.”

  The two other helpers nodded, easily agreeing to the suggestion.

  “What we need—”

  “Sorry we’re late!” Two white headed ladies burst into the room.

  “We hurried out as soon as the kids—” One started.

  “Were settled with their food.” The other finished.

  Hurrying to seats, the identical twins smiled and settled themselves. “Oh!” One exclaimed. “Hello Rory, dear!”

  Rory smiled. She loved Flora and Fauna. They were quirky, often loud, knew how to keep the kitchen running smoothly and deeply loved every child that came through the doors of their building. “Hello Flora. Fauna.” She nodded to each in turn. “You’re going to help with the play?”

  “Oh yes!” Flora said.

  “We will be doing costumes.” Fauna agreed.

  “How lucky for us.” Rory smiled.

  “Ladies, we are thrilled to have you!” Steven gave his most charming smile.

  Rory groaned inwardly as she heard Flora and Fauna both sigh in delight. He’s young enough to be your son, for heaven’s sake!

  “ I was saying. We need to come up with a specific plan on who is doing what. Obviously, our lovely lunch ladies have agreed to do costumes. I will be directing, since that is my area of expertise. Rory, I would like you to be my assistant director. Tom—”

  “What exactly does that mean?” Rory interrupted.

  Steven looked at her. “It means you would basically be my personal assistant. As director I oversee the whole picture, as assistant director, you would be tasked with taking care of smaller tasks to make sure everything gets done.”

  “So I would be at your beck and call?” Rory ground her teeth. “Maybe I could just work in the back, like on lights or something.”

  “No. I need you with me.”

  Rory’s heart stuttered at the words. She knew he didn’t mean it in a romantic way, but the side of her that was attracted to him refused to be logical about it.

  “Tom and Dave, I would like you to take care of backstage stuff. Props, which will also cross paths with our lovely ladies over here,” he pointed to Flora and Fauna. “And also curtains and lights. I know this is a lot. We really could use another dozen adults, but I don’t have access to them. I’m hoping a couple of the older boys will be willing to help backstage. And Aurora,” he looked at her again. “I will need you to help with staging along with your normal duties.”

  Rory scrunched her eyebrows in confusion.

  Before she could ask a question, Steven answered. “Staging is placing people on stage. I will help you along.”

  After thinking for a moment, Rory decided that wouldn’t be too bad and nodded her agreement.

  “Great. Now—”

  The door burst open once again and Ms. Millicent appeared in the doorway.

  “Why was I not invited to this meeting?” She demanded as she walked in the door.

  Rory’s eyes widened. Uh oh...

  “Welcome Ms. Millicent. I was just giving everyone an assignment for the play. I didn’t realize you wished to be a part of that.” Steven was calm and collected, despite the anger pulsing from the doorway.

  “I am the director of this facility Mr. Phillips. Everything that goes on here is under my jurisdiction.” She walked straight up to Steven. “If you can’t follow those directions Mr. Phillips, perhaps we should replace you with someone who can.” Ms. Millicent’s stare was so cold it should have frozen Steven in place, but he appeared unaffected by it.

  Rory was speechless. Whoa...

  Steven pulled out his thousand watt smile, “I think not, Ms. Millicent. I will happily abide by your rules.” He bowed as much as he could from his seat. “Would you care to be included in the assignments? I have no doubt we can find a place for someone as capable as yourself.”

  His charm had no effect on the older woman, who simply continued to glare.

  Rory scrunched her forehead. She seriously hates him. Why? I mean...true, he’s over the top, but sheesh...

  Shaking away her thoughts, she focused back on the scene in front of her.

  “We have decided to put on ‘Sleeping Beauty’,” Steven explained. “Aurora—”

  “I don’t recall that being ratified by myself.” Ms. Millicent interrupted.

  Steven hesitated, “You’re right. It wasn’t. However, I wasn’t led to believe—”

  “I don’t care what you were led to believe.” Ms. Millicent interrupted again. “I am in charge here and I will have to give my approval before you can move forward.”

  The tension in the room was thick as silly putty, and Rory was getting more uncomfortable by the second. Glancing over, she realized she wasn’t the only one. Flora and Fauna were holding hands, their faced betraying the worry they felt. Tom and Dave were both fidgeting and looked like they wished they could be anywhere but here.

  Looking back at Steven, Rory saw his facade break for the first time ever. A flash of frustration ran through his eyes, before it was quickly hidden behind his charismatic persona. “Of course. Would you prefer a written proposal, or do you wish to talk it out right now?”

  “My time is scarce,” Ms. Millicent stood. “A written proposal needs to be on my desk by tomorrow morning if you wish to be able to continue” Her back ramrod straight, she walked out of the room. It felt as if the temperature of the room slowly went back up to normal after the door closed.

  Silence reigned. No one wanted to be the first to break the silence left by her departure.

  “Well dears, I suppose—” Flora finally ventured.

  “We should go back to the kitchen.” Fauna added.

  “Make sure those kids aren’t making—”

  “A mess.”

  They both smiled adoringly at Steven, patting him on the shoulder as they walked out the door. Flora paused and whispered something in his ear, that made him smile, before she walked to the door. With a couple of mumbled words, Tom and Dave darted out before the door had even swung shut.

  “Well... that went well.” Steven smirked.

  Rory stared at him with disbelief. “That’s all you have to say? Are you kidding me? What the heck just happened here? I’m not sure I’ve ever seen her so wound up, and I’ve worked with her for a couple of years, none of which have exactly been pleasant.”

  Steven chuckled and the delicious sound send a tingle down Rory’s spine. Stop it!

  “Yeah, she hasn’t been the most pleasant lady to work with in the few days I’ve been here.” He ran his hands down his face.

  “What exactly happened between you two?” Rory asked softly.

  Steven stood up and walked to Rory. Picking up her hand, he pulled her from the chair and straight into his arms.

  Too surprised to pull away, Rory found herself standing only a few inches from him.

  Keeping one hand together, he wrapped his left arm around her back and started rocking to and fro. “Do you remember that night?”

  Tears sprang to Rory’s eyes. How can I forget? I gave you my heart that night. Unable to control her emotions, and knowing speaking would betray her heart, she stayed silent, for once, allowing herself to revel in the comfort of his embrace; it was just as she remembered.

  Resting his chin against her temple, he started spinning in a slow circle as they rocked. “It was the night of your sixteenth birthday. I found the most beautiful girl sitting at a tree. Her hair glowed like gold and her red lips were visible even in the dark. I thought I had found a fallen angel. But then...I heard you talking to yourself, you were so sad.”

  Aurora had started to melt at his sweet description, but then she stiffened and pulled away, her heart breaking all over again. Pity. He felt pity for me.

  Steven let her go, albeit reluctantly. “I looked for you for weeks. But it was like you were only a dream.”

  Guilt hit Rory hard. “Well, my parents had me sent to live with my aunt right after my birthday. I wasn’t expecting it. They aren’t in my life. But I finished out my last two years of high school in public school and then on to college.” Her hands were shaking, and she reached for her lip gloss.

  Steven snatched it from her hands before she could put any on. A deep chuckle rumbled through him. “Red Rose. So fitting.” He handed it back, being sure to caress her fingers in the process.

  Jerking her hand back from the electric sensation, she hastily put the gloss on and stuffed the tube in her pocket. “Yeah...well.” She cleared her throat.

  Steven stepped close, invading her space. When she tried to retreat, he put his arms around her waist. “Was that what you were wearing that night?”

  She stared into his emerald orbs. Honestly, how does anyone resist those eyes? “I...uh...yes. I’ve worn this brand for years.”

  He leaned his nose down and started rubbing it on her cheek. “So you do remember.”

  Rory swallowed hard. She felt as if her mouth was full of cotton balls.

  He continued to lightly brush the side of her face, tracing up her ear and down her neck. “Now that there are no parents to pull us apart, why are you fighting what is between us?”

  Because apparently what is ‘between us’ is also between you and every woman you’ve ever met. Rory screamed internally. Outwardly, she shook her head to get rid of his spell. She stepped out of his reach and took several deep breaths, working to compose herself. “I gotta run. The kids are going to be back soon.” Darting around him, she hurried to the door, eager to escape the heavy atmosphere, and any more difficult questions.

  When she yanked the door open, she gasped. Ms. Millicent stood in the doorway, glaring angrily at her, then darting accusatory eyes to Steven. “I thought I made myself perfectly clear about fraternization Mr. Phillips.”

  He crossed his arms and leaned lazily against the wall. “You did.
Aurora and I were simply practicing a scene for the play, marking movements.” He gave a lopsided grin.

  Rory’s heart plummeted to her stomach. It’s always an act. I had hoped... She cut off the thought before it got any more momentum. No use dwelling on dreams.

  Ms. Millicent narrowed her eyes, suspicion oozing from every bit of her. “Very well. I hope your work is not wasted since you have yet to receive my approval.” She turned her eyes back to Rory. “I believe you have a class to attend to Ms. Briar.”

  Nodding, Rory swerved past the director and practically ran across the hall to her classroom. Safe. At least for the moment.


  “We now have official clearance to run the play. I apologize that I didn’t prepare as well as I should have yesterday, but the proper channels have been gone through and we have a green light.” Steven addressed their small group. “All assignments from yesterday still stand, and now I think we should discuss casting.”

  Rory sat stiff with her arms crossed. How am I going to work next to him after what happened yesterday?

  “Aurora, are you good with that?”

  Rory snapped back to the present. “I’m sorry. I didn’t hear what was being discussed.”

  “Auditions are going to be Saturday morning. That way we don’t interfere with the kids’ school work time.”

  “Oh, yeah. That’s fine.”

  “Good. I would like us to have a sign up, so if you would please create one, we can send it around to the different classes.” He continued.

  “Alright. How long do you want each slot?” She asked.

  “Ten minutes should be plenty of time, and we will have call backs after everyone is done.”

  “What’s a call back?” Flora asked.

  “It’s where we ask those we are most interested in for the lead parts come back and do some more auditioning for us, so we can narrow our list down.” Steven explained.


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