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Waking Ms. Briar; a sweet, clean romance_A Middleton Prep Novella

Page 12

by Laura Ann

He smiled before leaning down just barely short of her mouth. Just as she was about to lean that last millimeter, he pulled back. Her pout brought a deep chuckle from him.

  “Save it for dessert.” He tapped her nose before taking her hand and leading her inside.

  After they had ordered their dinners, Rory looked at Steven closely. His eyes sparkled with mischief and she knew he wasn’t telling her something. “What are you hiding?” It had been two weeks since her accident backstage and she was almost completely recovered. Despite feeling better physically, her heart wasn’t so lucky. Steven had been wonderful and she was thrilled with their relationship, but her heart still broke over the kids at the center and her inability to help them.

  Steven waggled his eyebrows and leaned closer over the distance of the table. “I have news.”

  Rory raised a single eyebrow. “About what?”

  “The lovely Ms. Millicent and the fate of The Center.”

  Rory gasped and held her breath.

  Steven reached over and grabbed her hand. “Breathe Aurora. Fair maidens such as yourself look much better with a little color in their cheeks.”

  Gulping in a couple of breaths, Rory tried to settle the sudden burst of butterflies in her stomach. “Well?” She shook their held hands. “What’s going on?”

  Steven’s smile was disarming, but Rory refused to be deterred. “It would seem that my father’s lawyers found some...shall we say...unsavory information about Ms. Millicent. Apparently not all the funds at the center have been going towards their intended destinations.”

  Rory’s eyes widened. “Are you kidding me?”

  “I kid not dear lady.”

  “What’s going to happen? They’re not going to shut down the Center are they?”

  “Rumor has it—”

  Rory snorted, knowing he had first hand information from his father.

  He grinned. “Rumor has it that Ms. Millicent has stepped down as director, before the scandal hits the media. Not to mention there is a new owner of The Center, and that owner is looking for a new director.”

  “Do you know who bought it? And how to get ahold of them? Do you think they’d be willing to let me come back and volunteer?” Rory shot out her questions in rapid order, hope rising through her for the first time since it all began.

  Steven let go of her hands, and leaned back in his seat, crossing his arms. “I might know him.”

  Rory tilted her head and squinted her eyes, the wheels in her head spinning. “Did your...did your father buy it?”

  Steven gave a smug smile.

  Rory squealed and immediately covered her mouth, looking around the restaurant to see if she had attracted attention. Other than a couple of odd looks, most people were focused on their meals and companions, rather than her loud voice.

  Steven laughed, enjoying her discomfort. “We can go back on Monday.”

  “Really? Really! Oh Steven!” Rory bounced in her seat, unable to contain her excitement, while her eyes filled with tears.

  Just then their meals arrived and Rory held herself in check while they chatted and ate. After paying, they walked out of the restaurant and toward the parking lot. As they neared their cars, Rory glanced around to make sure they were alone, then spun, grabbed Steven by the collar of his shirt and pushed him into the side of her car.

  Putting her nose to his, she said, “Thank you. You’ve made my dreams come true.”

  “Anything for my lady.” Steven gave a quick grin before closing the distance between them.

  Rory soaked him in, knowing she would never let him go.


  “Your resume is very impressive,” Mr. Devon Phillips said to the man sitting across from him. Leaning back in his leather office chair. He crossed his arms over his chest and studied the young man in front of him. “I’ll admit my only concern is your age.”

  The man raised an eyebrow. “May I ask why that concerns you?”

  “Usually with age comes experience. My son and his girlfriend volunteer at The Center. They have grand plans of helping all those youth and I wanted to put a level head at the top to not only help them, but to keep them within realistic goals.”

  The man nodded sagely. “I can see why you would be concerned. But sir, with all due respect, not everyone ages at the same rate. Sometimes life matures us much more than a birthday will.” His golden eyes were focused, serious, and held wisdom beyond his twenty-eight years.

  Mr. Phillips narrowed his eyes, tilting his head in study and thought. After a few moments, he nodded once and smiled, a smile that was almost an exact replica of his son’s. “Alrighty then, I’m willing to give this a try if you are.”

  “Absolutely, sir.”

  “Wonderful.” Mr. Phillips stood and reached his hand across the desk, inviting his guest to shake. “Welcome to the team, Mr. Woodsman.”


  Author Note

  I just want to say thank you for reading my book! I am an avid romance reader and was excited to finally create my own. Sleeping Beauty is definitely one of my favorites. (Who wouldn’t love a magical kiss?) Keep an eye out for new releases as the other teachers at Middleton Prep get their Happy Ever Afters! Read on for a SNEAK PEEK of #4, Lucy’s story, based on the fairy tale, ‘The Goose Girl’.

  Book #4 in the Middleton Prep series will be released in August 2018. You can stay up to date on new releases here.

  WORD OF MOUTH IS THE lifeblood of indie authors. If you have a few moments, please leave me a review and share this book with your friends.

  Middleton Prep Series Order

  Prequel: A Home for the Ugly Duckling (a FREE gift to those who sign up for my emailing list) Sign up (HERE)

  Book #1: The Librarian and Her Beast (HERE)

  Book #2: Ms. Cinder’s Prince (HERE)


  Enjoying the Middleton Prep series? Want to stay up to date on new releases, special promos or sales? Click HERE to sign up for my Laura Ann Newsletter.

  As a special thank you, you will receive a FREE download of “A Home for the Ugly Duckling” A prequel to the Middleton Prep series, featuring the story of Mrs. Merryweather. It is available exclusively to those who sign up.


  Before Edna Merryweather was the slightly odd, but lovable matchmaker of Middleton Prep, she was simply Edna Ducking, or, as her school classmates dubbed her, ‘The Ugly Duckling’; everyone’s favorite subject of ridicule and rejection.

  So how does someone go from being the school outcast to being the school love expert? It all starts with quirky twin sisters and a handsome, green eyed boy who are willing to see Edna for herself, rather than the label she has carried for so many years.

  Read on for SNEAK PEEK of

  Middleton Prep #4.

  Lucy’s Story.

  Valentine’s Day

  Lucy Gosling sat still as stone while her finger hovered over the ‘submit’ button on her keyboard. Her heart raced, her breathing was shallow, and she felt sweat forming at her temples.

  Come on Luc, you can do this.

  For the last several months, Lucy had watched her best friends slowly pair off, each finding their own happy ever after, leaving Lucy behind. And since Piper, Charlotte and Rory had all found their men at the school all of them taught at, it left Lucy feeling like even more of a third wheel.

  The breaking point had come when Piper, who was like a sister to Lucy, had been proposed to in the staff lunch room today. Although Lucy was happy for her friend, she was lonely.

  Grading papers and managing school dances just doesn’t cut it anymore.

  She wanted love. She wanted companionship. She wanted what everyone seemed to be finding...except her.

  A fellow teacher, Ruby, had told Lucy about an internet dating site that she was using. No pictures or names were exchanged in order to help people find a deeper connection than looks. Plus they matched you with people as close as possible to your local are
a, so no one had to work out a long distance relationship.

  Am I really this desperate? Ugh! She banged her head on the desk she was sitting at. Yes, Lucy. Yes you are. Just. Do! It! With a quick jab, she jabbed the key and sent off her dating resume.

  It’s going to be okay Luc. It’s going to be okay. This could be the start of something really awesome! Her pep talk didn’t work, and Lucy found tears filling her eyes. Why can’t I just meet someone kind, and intelligent at work? I’m at a school for heaven’s sake! It seems like it shouldn’t be that hard! She wiped at the tears dribbling down her cheeks. Probably because all the good ones are taken. She sighed and pushed back from the computer, refusing to dwell on the situation.

  A WEEK LATER, LUCY scrolled through her emails, only to stop in shock. An email from lay in her inbox. ‘You’ve got a response!’, glowed at her from the subject line. Nerves and excitement fought for dominance in her system and she slowly moved the cursor to open the email.


  I read your profile thing and thought we might fit good.

  It’s a good thing you have a job, cause I

  Prefer to stay home. To tell you—

  “YOU’VE GOT TO BE KIDDING.” Lucy stopped read and immediately pressed the delete button. “Nope, nope, nope aaaaannnd, nope.” Shaking her head and went back to cleaning up her inbox.


  Howdy! I know that’s not how all you city folk—



  As far as I can tell, you and I are complete

  Opposites, but you know what they say...

  Opposites attract,right?



  I hope you don’t like animals because I suffer from—

  Delete. Delete. Delete.

  “Are there no NORMAL men left in this world?” Lucy yelled at the computer screen. Over the last month she had deleted over two dozen men. Not a single one sounded like what she was looking for. “Why is this so hard? One. All I’m asking is ONE good man!”

  Lucy thought of Ruby, who was also doing the internet thing. Just within the last week, Ruby had met someone she thought might work. They had an actual date scheduled soon and Lucy felt happy for her friend but jealous at the same time.

  “Maybe it’s me. Maybe it’s not that I can’t find a good guy, it’s that something about me draws in the wrong guys?” She felt a sinking in her stomach. “Arrgh!” She growled. “This is so stupid.”

  Just as she was ready to slam down the top of her laptop, another email notification sprang on the screen. Lucy closed her eyes and her shoulders slumped.

  She moved the cursor to the delete button, too upset to even both reading the note, but the eternal flicker of hope that beats in every woman’s breast won out.

  With a sigh she opened the email and began to read.

  Dear L.G.,

  I realize these types of emails are extremely

  Awkward and I wish I knew how to fix that. Alas,

  Pretty words and eloquent phrases are not my

  Specialty. In fact, internet dating in general

  Is not my specialty. I’m new to this digital world,

  And often feel like I’m fighting a losing battle.

  Lucy paused. How does he know exactly how I’m feeling? Is this a trick? Does he start every email like this just to get the woman’s attention?

  By now you’re probably wondering if what I’m

  Saying is all to get your attention. But I hope

  I can convince you that is not the case. I signed

  Up on this website because I am new to the area

  And have been struggling to meet anyone. And

  In all truth, you’re the first woman I have

  Contacted. You sounded nice, kind and above all,

  Normal. I’m hoping you’re in a similar boat to me.

  Just a normal person, looking for another normal

  Person. If that is indeed you, I’d love to email

  And get to know you. Let me know your thoughts.


  Lucy sat back in her chair. She tilted her head to the side and narrowed her eyes at the screen. “Color me intrigued.” She whispered at the computer screen. She hesitated as she moved to put her fingers over the keyboard, still unsure if this guy was for real or not. Only one way to find out. With a deep breath, she pushed the reply button.

  Dear M.K.,

  Thank you for your email. I’ll admit your words

  Intrigued me. I like to believe I’m just a

  Normal girl looking for a normal guy,

  But sometimes it feels harder than it should

  Be, which is how I ended up on this site. A

  Colleague friend suggested it and here I am.

  I’m willing to email back and forth to get

  To know each other. I’m not someone who

  Wants to jump straight into meeting in person. If

  You feel you can work with a slow pace,

  Then let me know. Thanks again for emailing

  Me. I hope to get to know you.


  After pushing send, Lucy let out the breath she was holding. “There.” She murmured to herself. “Guess we’ll see what that brings.”

  About The Author

  Ever since I was in elementary school I have wanted to be an author. Career day was a bit rough, since there is no official uniform for this job. Pajamas and a laptop maybe? Although my clothes change from day to day, my job as a wife and mother doesn’t. My days are filled with my 5 children and enjoying time with my husband, while my evenings are filled with creative time. I live in the beautiful Pacific Northwest.




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