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Page 3

by Hilary Storm

  "Have you heard from Drew tonight? He's supposed to be here."

  "Yeah. He should be here soon, he texted me before I left the house saying he was just pulling in to the city. Depends on how fast the lil fucker is driving."

  "Oh yeah. Where's he been? He has always been crazy behind the wheel."

  "Ah, I had him in Vegas looking for a space to expand the business."

  "I hope that works out for ya, Man. I'm proud as hell of your success." That statement adds to my suspicion and has me wondering even more what the fuck is going on with him. Jax has always been competitive by nature. He doesn't dish out compliments like this usually.

  "So really, why are we breaking this whiskey out?"

  "Is a grand opening not a big enough reason?"

  "I know you better than this, brother." He hands me the glass and I watch him as he walks past me to look out the windows to the club.

  "Looks like I'll be moving back home."

  "Oh yeah? What about Katie?"

  "She's probably fucking a prosecuting attorney right about now."

  "Oh shit." This is bad. My brother adored that bitch. I never saw why, but he did. She was a daddy's girl, spoiled for sure. It was at their uppity engagement party when I realized I had lost the brother I always knew.

  "Yeah. I'm over her and the bullshit. I just can't deal with that kind of publicity. I'll be staying in a hotel for a few weeks before I make it official. I want to make sure it's the move I'm wanting before I make it permanent."

  "You know you can stay with me if you want. My house is always open for you. If you decide you want to make it official, I can hook you up with a great realtor. She helped when I bought my house and she's helped me find my shop properties in great locations." The sound of his phone ringing interrupts my invitation.

  "I'll be right there. Jake, I've got to handle something. Go out and have a fucking good time, it's my opening night. A few of your boys are over in the VIP section on this floor. Go grab a girl and have a good fucking time..... and brother, try not to beat any one up tonight. Lock the door on your way out." Flashbacks of some of my younger days flood my memories. I have to smile, because there's not one of those motherfucker's that didn't deserve the ass whooping they were handed.

  Chapter Four

  Jax is always working. It would be nice to be able to chill with him tonight, but I know he's busy. I need to make sure to see him again soon though. He just seems a little off.

  Tipping the glass all the way up, I let the smooth poison run down my throat. I hear the door open just as I'm reaching to set the glass on the desk.

  "Oh sorry. You must be Jake." It's the green eyes that grab me first and those damn glasses have me thinking naughty librarian right away. The sound of my glass hitting the floor as I miss the desk completely pulls my eyes away for only a second. She knows my name, but I have no idea who she is.

  "And you are?" She walks in like she's on a mission to find something. That tight black dress hugs her skin like it was made specifically for her. Her heels extend her legs straight up to a perfect ass. Fuck. She squats.

  "I'm Addi. I co-own this club with Jax." She starts to open the cabinets behind the bar and I watch as she has to extend her reach. I'm guessing she's five foot five, maybe. If she keeps reaching like that, I'm bound to see some ass. There's not a panty line, so I know she's bare. That dress gives away everything and I fucking love it.

  "Well, congrats on the success." She stops long enough to turn and look at me.

  "Thanks, Jake. I've worked my ass off for this night." Ahhh hell. Her lips. Those are dick sucking lips if I've ever seen any. Full and have me thinking how they'd feel wrapped around my dick.

  "It shows. This place is packed." She continues her search and I stand and watch for a few seconds.

  "Crap. Of course it's at that top." A gentleman would help her, so why do I want to watch her get the bottle herself? That would be a dick move.

  "I can reach it for you. Which one?"

  "The Louis XIII .I have to keep the pricy stuff locked up in here. Hell after the demand from tonight, I'm going to have to order a lot more to keep in stock."

  I catch her checking me out after I reach for the bottle. She tries to hide her appreciation, but I saw it ... even if for only a second.

  She pulls the bottle from my hand and turns to busy herself.

  "Well, I guess I'm off to the VIP section." I fight to pull my eyes from her as I turn to walk away. It's been a long time since I've seen a girl who's sophisticated and sexy at the same time. Sophistication and class with so much ass, that'll get my attention every damn day.

  "Have a good time."

  Closing the door, I see Drew and Alex along with most of the crew down the hall.

  "Hey Man! Hope your brother doesn't mind that we took up VIP parking too!"

  "Nah. He expects it."

  Drew is holding some sort of flaming shit as I walk up to a huge group of my friends.

  "Come on Jake, let's do a shot!" I start to imagine how completely idiotic a shot of fire would be with this beard. The sound of my facial hair going up in flames doesn't appeal to me, but tequila does.

  "Double shot of Patron, please." I signal to the bartender to set me up with a shot worth taking and notice a hot little honey watching me. She's the girl that Jax first introduced me to. Fuck, I suck at remembering names. Her lack of clothing makes this even more perfect. I nod at her and she comes right over.

  Leaning into her neck, I whisper into her ear. "I'd like to lick tequila from between those big tits of yours."

  "Bossman said anything you want."

  "Fuck the bossman.... you have to want it." She smiles and walks to the table closest to the guys. She lifts her ass onto the edge and lays back right in the middle of the table, pulling the single button open on her barely there shirt, revealing her pierced nipples for everyone to see. Shit, my dick just twitched.

  The guys erupt with noise and begin to cheer this body shot on. The bartender hands me the entire bottle of Patron and I pull off the top as I walk toward her.

  Tipping the bottle just slightly, I let the liquid drip over each nipple. She squirms just slightly as she reaches for the limes and puts one in her mouth. Her nipples perk right up as I focus on making the tequila run in all the right places.

  I let my tongue move across her skin in a slow manner, causing goose bumps to rush over her. Spending time on her tits, I make sure to leave every inch of them wet from my tongue. I start to trail south, letting my tongue explore this girl a little more. I notice her squeeze her legs together as I near the edge of her shorts and I think how different this would be if we didn't have an audience.

  Once all the tequila is off of her, I use my hand to remove the lime from between her lips. I grab a swig from the bottle and lift her head from the table, pulling her into a kiss. I don't need a citrus chaser, I prefer to chase my liquor a little differently.

  I help guide her off the table and she asks for my number. Handing her a black card, just before I move to the guys makes her happy. They all begin to pour themselves some of my tequila. It's probably best I share this giant fucking bottle with everyone anyway. It's already obvious that I won't be driving home tonight.

  "It looks like I've found a couple of places for you to go check out in Vegas." Drew starts to catch me up on business.

  "Awesome, we'll have to go check them out one day next week."

  The shots continue and before I know it, it's already one o'clock in the morning.

  I start to make my drunk way to the bathroom. As I pass, a hot blonde reaches out and grabs a handful of my dick.

  "Whoa." She doesn't remove her hand for a few seconds and I know she feels it growing with every moment that passes. Her grin as she steps out in front of me and starts to walk to the bathroom has me following her right into the ladies room and into a stall with her.

  I love short skirts, it's always easy access and perfect for public places. She starts to pull her pan
ties down her legs as I roll on the condom. She spreads her legs apart and leans over, grabbing the back of the toilet just as I slide into her with no mercy. Her almost screams of pleasure echo through the room as I fuck her relentlessly. I have my hands full of tits for a few minutes, but then grab her hips to really bring this home.

  Her ass is tiny, not really my preference, but who am I to discriminate against a small little ass. She draws her heels a little closer, making my path tighter and the pleasure a whole lot nicer.

  She orgasms way before I do, but is very eager to hang in there for a few more ... and I give them to her. Whiskey dick isn't all bad, as long as you're not too fucked up to finish the job. Luckily, I'm not.

  Grabbing her shoulders I drive into her over and over until I finally spill my release. "OH God, OH God, Oh God." I don't know if she's screaming to the big man upstairs to save her or if she's thanking him, but I like hearing her echoes.

  "OH Yeah." My words are more of a groan as I finish thrusting into her. I let the remainder trickle from my cock before I strip off the condom and toss it in the trash. I know our sounds were heard by others, in fact I could hear girls talking near the mirror when I brought it home.

  I open the stall to get some towels only to find I have a groupie. Fuck.

  "Seriously?" She's pissed. I move across the floor to the paper towels, holding my dick the entire way. The last thing I need is cum all over my shirt or jeans.


  "This is your brother's club. Have some fucking respect."

  "Hey now. I'm just having a good time. No harm here."

  "This is also my club. Have some class and keep your dick zipped up inside these walls." The blonde stumbles out with her panties around on of her ankles, hopping on one foot while she unwraps them from the hooker heel before she tosses them in the trash. Addi watches her the entire time and I turn to clean myself as much as possible and put it away before she can look back.

  I'm zipping up as she looks at me in the mirror. Leaning forward, I pretend to ignore her and start to wash my hands.

  "For fucks sake, did you even use a condom?" The only way to explain the sound in her voice is disgust. Pure and absolute disgust.

  "Actually I did, always do. What's it to you?" She looks at me over the rim of her glasses and I wish I could turn back time and not let her see me like this. Her lips are perked like she's about to say something, but she doesn't. I watch as she turns and exits the room without saying another word. That ass though. Shit. I've fucked up any chance with her. I'm such an asshole.

  I never did take that piss I was headed this way to take, so I hit one of the stalls to do the job. Listening to drunk giggles and slurred words as the door opens while my stream of piss hits the water is somewhat comical. I can just imagine what their faces will look like when I open this door as they talk about the guys they're watching tonight.

  The stream finally stops and I listen a few more seconds.

  "Oh hell. He's fucking hot. I'm about to fuck him on the dance floor. I just wish he'd stop working long enough to let me show him there's not any panties under this skirt."

  "You're such a whore." Laughter fills the room, but stops the second they see me open the door. Their mouths are wide open with lipstick posed in their hands in front of the mirror. I wash my hands and smile. They don't move a muscle.

  "What the hell. Jax?"

  "No sorry. I'm Jake."

  "Shit, I need to stop drinking. He looks like Jax to me, but those tattoos...."

  "Yeah, we're twins."

  "I might die. Two of you, my pussy can't even handle that information." The shocked look on their faces makes me laugh. I remember the days we used to do this often. It was always hysterical to watch them react to there being two of us. I don't know how many times we were asked to do a threesome together. It's something neither one of us ever wanted to do. I don't sword fight ever, and I sure as shit don't want to see my brother's dick.

  The few times I've shared a girl with a guy, I made it very clear that we'd stay on separate ends. One in the mouth, the other can choose, but I'm not rubbin balls with a dude. No. Fucking. Way.

  I can feel that this is getting ready to get crazy, so I move quickly to the door. The last thing I need is to get caught in here with two chicks trying to get on my dick and someone walk in on that scene. Some things you just should try to avoid.

  "Have a nice night." They don't even try to pretend not to watch me leave the room. It's like a damn meat fest every time I end up in the ladies room at a club. I need to remember to avoid that shit in the future.

  I step out and start to make my way to one of the areas I haven't seen. My brother has obviously made some changes in his life and the results are proving to be badass. I thought that awesome personality of his that I once knew got suffocated by his drive to be as fucking boring as possible. It's nice to see a glimpse of the guy I once knew.

  Chapter Five

  Making my way into the dive bar area, I sit on the only bar stool available. The bartender makes his way over to me quickly and I order a beer. That tequila upstairs did me in on the strong stuff for awhile. Looking at all the liquor bottles, I notice the mirror on the back wall and catch a glimpse of a group of guys. My eyes are drawn to the one standing near the opposite wall.

  Looking closer, I see Rikki between him and the wall. Her facial expression is angry, so I make my way over there to see if I'm going to have a serious problem here tonight.

  "Look, I said keep your hands off of me."

  "You're such a fuckin tease, Rikki. These tits.... and these fucking tattoos disappearing into your shirt all on display. In fact, I think it's time you showed that shit off to my boys." His fingers move to the front of her shirt and before I can stop him, he's yanked it down and her tits are out. She shoves him just as I get near and I grab him by the shoulder to fling him around. One hard fucking hit to the jaw and that piece of shit is knocked out and falls hard to the floor.

  I look over to check on Rikki and my eyes can't focus quickly enough before I'm jumped by someone from behind. This asshole has me by the neck and another one is coming at my face. I move to the wall to slam my back against it as hard as I can, pinning that one in. One slam of my head backwards and he's letting go. The guy in front got one hit in before I lunge forward to beat that motherfucker's ass. I take him straight to the ground and begin to punch his face, only to have another asshole jump on my back again.

  Fuck. How many guys are there?

  Getting choked out is pissing me off and it isn't until I feel something slam into him that he falls away. Wood legs from a chair fall around me as I try finish this fucker off. Bouncers move in and pull me off of him before long and my adrenaline is out of control. Fuck. I need to hit something.

  "Jake, calm down! We'll get rid of these assholes." Addi is in my face, telling me to chill the fuck out and Rikki is right behind her saying something, but my mind can't comprehend what's being said.

  She grabs my hand and pulls me toward her. Our bodies collide as she looks at me face to face. "Don't fuck up my bar, Jake." She's breathing heavy too. Our eyes connect and I start to calm down as we stand there letting all the chaos fade into the background.

  Her hair is falling and this roughed up look catches my attention. I fight the urge to run my fingers across her cheek to tuck her loose hair behind her ear. My eyes start to trace a path to her lips and I catch myself licking my own as I watch hers part between breaths. Those full fucking lips. They look perfect. So damn perfect I just want a taste. One fucking taste.

  "Damn, Jake. I told you not to fight. What the fuck bro." She pulls away, her head whipping toward my brother. Why am I so pissed that I'm getting interrupted right now?

  "Yeah, sorry. One of these guys was fucking with Rikki and I had to hand him his ass." Finally my mind catches up to the scene around us. Shit is broken and people are standing everywhere. Didn't realize I had drawn such a crowd.

  "Thanks Jake. Shit, your neck is
red." Rikki starts to fuss over me and I stop her before she gets too close. I'm sure the majority of it is from the blood flowing from how pissed I was.

  "I'm fine. Who were those fuckers, Rikki?"

  "I danced with one of them and then he bought me a drink; the next thing I knew, he started putting his hands on me. Little did he know, I would've let him if he wasn't being such an asshole in front of his friends. I hate pricks and he was showing off in front of the guys."

  "Well, he didn't show off when his face hit the floor." She laughs at me as I flex my arm.

  "My favorite part was when she knocked that guy off of you with that chair." She points at Addi. Seriously? I'm not even sure what to think about this shit.

  Addi walks away to talk to the bouncers, who are coming back into the room. Jax catches me watching her as she moves across the room.

  "Ah hell no. Jake, NO." He should know that me hearing no, makes it all the more intriguing. I love a challenge, and she seems to be just that.

  "I'm taking you home. Last call is going on now, so I'll drive you and Drew home when I lock up."

  "Drew left awhile back."

  "I'll just take you home, then. Just let me finish up some things."

  The overhead lights come on and this place looks entirely different. Some of the guys from upstairs move through the main room and I can't help but hear their loud ass voices.

  "Hey Man, you want to come with us? We're headed to my house for a few more beers. I should really decline, because these bastards will have me up all damn night, but I won’t.

  "Yeah, I'm in. Let me text Jax and let him know I'm out of here."

  "Tell him to come too."

  I text Jax and head out the door with the guys. "Who's driving," I ask Alex in hopes that he has a plan that doesn't include him driving anything.

  "Ah, Micah's old lady is here to pick us up." Hell, his laughter is even slurred. "We're all too fucked up. You know it's a bad night when we leave the boys behind." I glance at the row of bikes getting left on the front row of the parking lot. This night obviously got out of hand for more than just me. This fucking club may be the death of me.


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