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Born To Be A Queen

Page 9

by Ronnie

Chapter 8: Life Changing Choice

  After Ronnie beat the shit outta Lucky, Lucky was taken to jail, and Ronnie decided to get a lawyer and fight Lucky, hoping to get a settlement based of the emotional damage caused by the abuse and how it affected his career! Delilah decided to come to New Orleans for a while and be close to Ronnie and set out Taylor & Taylor Associates, who handles issues in the entertainment industry.

  "Well based on what you told me Mr. Jenkins we might have a solid case, its unfortunate what you went thru but, if he did all this and he's still walking he might make somebody else a victim just like you!" Said the lawyer

  "Look miss Taylor is my son gonna get damages or..." Delilah asked

  "Based on all these allegations Ronnie going get more than damages, and being he's a big entertainer in the LGBT community possibly a settlement and see Lucky go to prison, because he abused you....sexually and physically....that's definitely grounds for damages!" Said the lawyer 

  "I ain't trying to get rich here, but I just wanna get away from him, and yeah some money would be nice but....I just wanna get away!" Ronnie said 

  "Ronnie I'll promise you, I'll do the best I can," 

  "Thank you," said Delilah 

  Then Ronnie an his mom walked out of the lawyers office and felt kinda good that something was gonna be done, but even tho Ronnie fought Lucky and got his confidence back, his career was still at a major crossroads because Lucky was his only manager and was in charge of the money too! Ronnie was still Renee Harvey, and even tho Renee wasn't performing, she still was popular and was constantly invited to events, but as Renee went to these gay events, there were other more creative an flamboyant drag queens on the stage, Renee was going to sing but the feeling wasn't there like it used to, an suddenly she was replaced at the last minute by a new plus sized diva Urethra Spanklin, and her style was amazing out of the box....and a million times more noticeable than Renee, and as the crowd ran towards Urethra, Renee decided to just leave the club, and at that moment Ronnie knew drag didn't fulfill him anymore.


  It had been a few months and it was already a new year, in mid-January, Ronnie decided that he was strong enough to face Lucky in court! It was a showdown and Lucky, who still had scars when Ronnie beat him, had his attorney who was just as good and the courtroom was kinda silent, no words were said, just some ominous stares! Delilah was sitting on the sidelines watching the showdown hoping and praying that Ronnie gets something out of this! 

  "Bailiff what's the case?" The judge asked

  "It's the plaintiff Ronnie Jenkins otherwise known as Miss Renee Harvey, is pressing charges against the defendant Alphonzo "Lucky" Greene, the plaintiff claims Alphonzo physically and sexually abused him, and Miss managed profits from various shows and events," 

  "Well any evidence?" The judge asked 

  "Your honor there isn't really much evidence because the scars have worn off but as you can see Ronnie here has some coloring around his eye obviously from and we have a tape of Lucky hitting him and sexually abusing him from a hidden camera from a show at the Ritz Carlton back in June 2009!" Said miss Taylor 

  Then the tape played and Delilah saw the abuse Ronnie went thru, and for Ronnie it was an emotional trigger because it brought back painful memories he was just about to forget!

  "Well your honor I object my client here was intoxicated he even apologized, and as far as the oral sex Ronnie pretty much consented," Lucky’s lawyer said 

  "I can't exactly see consent from this video!" 

  "He really hurt me (crying) and just seeing it all over again it's hard to deal!!" Ronnie cried 

  "Your honor we are requesting, as a matter fact pleading that you reward my client with a settlement due to emotional damage, and also jail time for this monster Lucky!" Miss Taylor asked 

  "Well based on the evidence, and confirmation from this young man’s tears, it tells me all that I need, now I'm aware Alphonzo has assets of 3.1 million dollars including the property in Lakeview and his management company, it also says from the records that Alphonzo owes the IRS $2.8 million in unpaid taxes since 2006 would the defendant care to explain that!" The judge said 

  "Your honor my client has been trying to pay the IRS for years but couldn't reach a deal with them and I also believe that Ronnie or Miss Renee should not get any settlement simply because one he's over legal age to consent and two he made no effort to complain before!" Lucky lawyer said 

  It was like at least 4 hours in that court room with the lawyers going back and forth and so many questions being asked, but finally the judge reached a decision. 

  "Based on these presentation of both parties I made my decision, Mister Ronnie Jenkins.....will be awarded $15,500 lump sum settlement and after talk with the jury, Alphonzo Lucky Greene is charged with sexual assault, domestic violence, tax evasion and money mismanagement, he will get 15 years in prison as well as restitution to the IRS and the state of Louisiana, COURT ADJOURNED!!" 

  Then after the judge made his decision the cops escorted Lucky out of the court room and into the holding area, and just like that he was gone forever from Ronnie's life! But the settlement was waaaaay less that what Ronnie anticipated, but it was better than nothing! As Lucky big house was being repossessed Ronnie had to move out, and he got a small apartment near the suburbs of town, it wasn't the best of neighborhoods but it was decent enough for Ronnie stay for a while till he figured out his next career move. 

  "Thanks mom for staying with me for a while it means a lot to me!" 

  "Your welcome sweetheart, I'm sorry you didn't get a huge amount like you wanted but at least that monster is gone, he's gone baby!" Delilah said 

  "I know, it really felt good to see him go away but I'll never forget what he did to me tho," 

  "Honey I'm just sorry you had to go thru that I feel like I should've been there more I'm so sorry!" 

  "Momma please it's not your fault, it's mine, I never should've said yes to him I should've know he was shady from the jump but I wanted to be famous, now it's like I have no passion for it anymore, I want to sing but I just don't like this industry!" Said Ronnie 

  "I know you have a wonderful voice and you were an amazing drag queen, I mean you made me so proud as a mother, but if you feel in your heart that you want to quit I'm not gonna stop you, especially after what you went thru baby," 

  Then Ronnie really gave it some thought, he doesn't want to sing anymore really and what he went through with Lucky he really didn't want to trust another "manager", so he got all the dresses and wigs and put them in a box, and deep in the closet, Renee Harvey was over! Ronnie knew he had to make income, so he went an applied for a job at this restaurant in downtown and after he finished the application he was about to leave until he saw somebody familiar....

  "Hey Lance!" 

  "Ronnie, omg what are you doing here?"

  "I applied for a job here!" 

  "A job, whatever happened to Renee Harvey I mean you were slaying it!" Lance asked 

  "It's a long story but I just don't have the passion anymore, as crazy as it sounds I actually like the restaurant biz!" 

  "Hey Ronnie I looked at your application you are perfect for this job, um can you start tomorrow evening shift?" The manager asked 

  "Yeah definitely!" Ronnie as he agreed 

  "Wonderful, I see you met Lance he's one of our best cooks and he's so nice, you guys would get along great!" The manager said 

  "Looks like we're coworkers!" 

  And as Ronnie accepted his new life he found himself smiling like he never smiled before, probably cause of Lance! After working at the restaurant for a few weeks Ronnie was starting to feel even closer to Lance, they hung out almost every day and text constantly, but Ronnie avoided telling Lance about the painful past that he had with Lucky, Ronnie didn't want to bring that up he was just so happy with Lance, perhaps there was more to this than friendship.....


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