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The Tycoon and his Honey Pot

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by Sabel Simmons

  The Tycoon and his Honey Pot


  Sabel Simmons

  Text Copyright

  © Sabel Simmons

  All Rights Reserved

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are either products of the author’s imagination or used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events or locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.


  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter One

  A smile hovered appreciatively on his wide mouth, his eyes caressed down the long naked legs, and half naked butt cheeks that peeked out from the very tiny pair of denim shorts. He followed the long lean, yet curvy thighs and shapely calves to her feet, encased in a pair of Cat boots with glittering eyes.

  She was bent over with her butt in the air, her head buried in the engine of the V8 1972 Chevrolet Camaro, those deliciously sexy hips swinging on the beat of I like to move it, blaring on the radio. She leaned over even further and the tiny shorts pulled even higher up between her butt cheeks and his breath strangled loudly in his throat, his shaft rising slowly in his jeans.

  She shot upright at the sound, hitting her head against the bonnet and his smile widened at her, “Ouch Damn it!” and then all his blood shot south so fast he nearly doubled over when she turned around, rubbing the back of her head.

  His eyes started at her feet, up those amazing firm and long legs, hesitated at the top where they disappeared in the frayed shorts and burned over her tight stomach. His breath wheezed out slowly and his eyes ate up the flesh peeking from between the open edges of the white shirt negligently tied low on her waist, leaving her torso and her firm round breasts, covered by a purple satin bra, open to his gaze. His smile broadened when he noticed her nipples tighten even over the distance and his mouth watered, wondering what they looked like … tasted like.

  Unwillingly he moved from those delicious mounds up her chest to hesitate on her coral colored lips, pressed in a tight line, but with a bottom lip that still puffed out lusciously. Her nose was sweet, small and eyes that shot silver fire at him. She had the most beautiful almond shaped silver grey eyes, framed with thick, long black lashes. Her hair was of medium length and dark blond with natural highlights and worn in a tousled just wake up style. She was all honey, from the top of her tousled hair to the soles of her feet.

  She took his breath away and he smiled even more at her furious glare.

  “Seen enough, mister?” Her voice triggered a further surge of arousal to his shaft; soft, husky … sex in a sound.

  “Not nearly, honey. Care to show me more?”

  She nearly swallowed her tongue and anger shivered down her spine. How dare he undress her with his eyes? She saw his eyes dip to her chest once again and looking down nearly groaned out loud. She forced her hands to remain on her hips and not clutch the edges of her shirt together. The buttons must have popped open and the shirt gaped open, leaving her bare to his eyes.

  She refused to let him embarrass or intimidate her and her eyes involuntary thrilled down his muscled frame. He was tall, probably close to six feet two with black hair, cut short and spiky. His eyebrows were dark and slightly curved over eyes as black as the night. His straight nose was perfectly balanced over a wide mouth with sensual narrow lips and a chiseled square jaw above a strong wide neck. His muscled shoulders were impossibly wide and carried through into muscled arms and chest that narrowed in a torso she was sure favored a six pack. His hips were narrow and he had long strongly muscled legs. The thought crossed her mind that he must be a body guard or bouncer at a club. Her eyes shot back to his eyes when she recognized the bulge in his pants and cursed the heat surging to her loins when his laughing eyes caught her stare.

  His eyebrows rose, the sensual smile revealing a row of strong white teeth and she ground hers in response.

  “Where you looking for something in particular?” His broadening smile warned her what was coming.

  “Oh honey … I found a hell of a lot more than I came looking for.”

  He sauntered closer until he stood a mere step away from her but she refused to cower in front of him and straightened to her full five feet seven and glared at him.

  “Be assured, mister. You have found nothing that is available!”

  His eyes dipped to her satin covered breasts and she gasped when he lifted a hand and flipped his finger against her protruding, tightly budded nipple. His eyes caught hers again, but his smile was no more.

  “Are you sure, honey?”

  She lifted her arms to ward him off with her hands on his hard chest and her palms heated instantaneously. He stepped into her and pressed his hips against hers with his hands around her waist.

  “Get away from me!” But her voice had lost its heat and came out in a breathless whisper. He whispered back, his breath hot, a mere centimeter from her mouth.

  “Now, if your body gave me the same order, maybe I would …”

  He leaned closer and his lips feathered over hers and it was heat … hot, sizzling heat that shot through her the moment their lips met. He measured her lips with his, slowly caressing from side to side. His tongue traced the full bottom lip to nudge in between for entry.

  A loud crash outside the garage door pulled them apart and they stood staring at each other, breathing shallowly. She pushed him away and stomped to the other side of the Camaro, glaring at him.

  “I think you better leave!”

  His hot gaze travelled down the length of her and slowly back up, smiling at her nipples that were still straining tightly against the satin bra. He turned and sauntered to the side door from where he entered. He smiled at her over his shoulder just before he disappeared.

  “Till we meet again, honey.”

  It sounded too much like a promise for Brooklyn’s peace of mind. She grabbed the edges of her shirt together and furiously buttoned it up.

  “Audacious jerk!”

  “Brooklyn in a mood again, Michael?” Lucas Gibson asked his friend laughingly; watching the anger flash over his face, every time the driver of the Camaro he watched, raced around the track and did something ridiculously irresponsible.

  “I am going to wring her bloody neck!”

  “Still as violent as I remember. I thought you started to mellow with age?”

  Michael’s back stiffened, noticed the surprise in Lucas’s eyes and the wide smile as he stormed past him. He turned to watch him embrace the large, dark haired man in a bear hug. He shook his head and his smile was just as happy. He took his turn and hugged his old friend and slapped him on the back.

  “Hell and high water! I never thought to see this day! It was about time you hauled you out of that office and joined the world of the living!”

  “If only all of us could have a carefree existence such as yours! How the hell are you, Mickey?”

  “Couldn’t be better, especially now that I know I aged better than you did!”

  They sparred back and forth until a screech of tires and a tearing sound turned their attention back to the track. Michael went pale.

  “Is that bloody woman crazy?”

  He plucked the earpiece back in his ear and shouted in the receiver end. “Get off his ass, yo
ur idiot! If he brakes you’ll be gone!”

  Mason followed the red Camaro the hot honey worked on in the garage, around the track and started to search around the pits for any sight of her, only to laugh when Michael fell down in a chair, his head in his hands.

  “You seemed slightly troubled my friend … and ageing as we speak!”

  Michael speared him an annoyed glare, jumped up and stood staring at the track again. Mason looked at Lucas questioningly, who just shrugged with a smile.

  “It’s his own fault. He allowed her to start racing and now he has to suffer the consequences. On days like this when her temper is up she boarders on being reckless and he grows gray hair.” Mason frowned … her?

  “Bee … if you don’t back off his ass RIGHT NOW, this is your last race! Holy Shit! BEE!” Michael shouted at the driver.

  The Camaro was a hair breath away from the Bentley in front of it, and Mason winced when the Bentley slammed on brakes, expecting the Camaro to crash into it, but clearly the driver expected it and continued to push the Bentley relentlessly. Only when they neared a sharp bend in the track did the Camaro back off slightly and with a screech of tires shot past the Bentley on the wide side when it rounded the bend hugging the inside of the track.

  From that point the race was over. The Camaro sped away from the Bentley at such a speed it appeared to come to a standstill.

  Mason laughed and slapped Michael on the shoulder. “You don’t seem to have much control over your Bee, my friend.”

  He growled and waved him to follow, grumbling as they went. “The day she ever listens is the day hell freezers over!”

  They waited for the Camaro to stop next to them. Lucas went around the car to assist the driver to climb from the window. He stood shaking his head when he was grabbed in a hug.

  Michael was still angry and said to Mason, “You can have her! I’ll be too happy to pass her on to you … she needs someone to master that willfulness of hers!”


  “My bloody sister! You need a damn hiding, Bee! How the hell will I explain to Mom you had an accident on a race track when they don’t even know you own a bloody racing car?”

  She pulled the helmet from her head and shook her hair out and Mason’s heart stopped. God damn! The hot honey pot was his army buddy’s sister! Then he smiled crookedly.

  She turned around to charm her brother with a smile and froze when her eyes met the crooked smile of the jerk in the garage. She nearly swallowed her smile it turned into a grimace that quickly.

  “Calm down, Michael, I won didn’t I?”

  “It’s not about winning! You could have been killed! What the hell was the matter with you out there?”

  Her glare fell on the grinning jerk next to him and he got the message nice and clear. She turned to Michael and tried to pacify him again.

  “Michael, really; do you have to carry on so in front of strangers?”

  Michael looked around with a frown and glared back at her, at which Mason burst out laughing.

  Michael’s “What strangers?” and her “Stop laughing you jerk!” were uttered at the same time and Michael stiffened.

  “Bee! Have you lost your manners along the way as well?”

  She blushed, angry that he berated her like a teenager in front of the muscled, hot and steamy brute that kissed her socks off not so long ago.

  “So, Mason my friend. This is my very rude and willful sister, Bee … and my offer still stands … you can have her! She sure as hell doesn’t listen to me!” Bee’s mouth dropped open.

  “You … you know this je … guy?” Lucas draped his arm around her shoulder, slapped Mason on the arm and smiled down at her.

  “Jip, our Platoon Admiral when we were in the army. Best man there is to have by your side. Meet Mason Sheppard”

  She startled visibly and her voice was soft when she asked, “You’re … Mason Sheppard?”

  He nodded and enjoyed the red flush that spread over her cheeks. “The … I don’t remember you ever mentioning a Mason … what do you mean he can have me?” She sputtered at her brother.

  “You’ll remember him as Mace … I am done Bee. You will not come near this track in that car again. Not until you can prove to me you are responsible.”

  “Now Mickey, don’t be like this. I was just a little … uptight.”

  “Then you should know better than to get in a car to race! You are not a child anymore. You keep telling me that! So act like a grown-up!”

  Mason realized she was getting angry and stepped in to prevent a full on war between the siblings.

  “Mickey … thanks, I think I’ll take you up on the offer and take her off your hands. Seeing as I was the reason for her being … uptight in the first place.”

  They both swung at him; Bee with an outraged gasp and Michael with a raised eyebrow. Mason just grinned, and lifted an eyebrow at her.

  “Coming, honey?”

  “I am not your honey!”

  “Ah … but you surely tas …”

  “Very well! I’ll go with you,” she hastily interrupted before the impudent jerk made their first meeting public … and to her brother of all people! Who, of course, watched the interaction between them with interest, rather than taking him to task for his familiarity towards her, his own blood!

  He took her hand and pulled her with him, striding in the direction of the restaurant. Brooklyn had to run to keep up with him.

  “Slow down! I don’t have stilts for legs!”

  He shortened his strides, but kept walking and only looked at her when they sat across from each other in a very secluded corner in the restaurant. She glared at him and that irritating grin curved his lips.

  “I so hate that smile of yours!”

  He laughed out loud and leaned back in his chair, stretching his feet out under the table and tangled hers in between. She tried to avoid him, but he gripped her feet between his ankles and she gave up, sighing loudly.

  “And I so would love to see yours. Are you always so grumpy? Or is it just me that brings it out in you?”

  “You haven’t exactly given me anything to smile about since you grabbed me in the garage!”

  “Honey, trust me, the day I grab you, you will know and you can be assured we won’t be interrupted!”

  “You are awfully presumptuous.”

  “Am I, or am I just honest about what I want from you?”

  She blushed and for once he looked at her without his usual grin. She noticed his eyes were blue, not black, but a dark, ink blue color, with very slight silver speckles around the irises.

  His eyes held hers captive; he reached over and took her hand in his, drawing her closer until she had to lean over the table. He bent forward and slowly pulled her fingers into his mouth, sucking and licking the tips. A surge of heat shot from her fingertips all the way to her loins and she had to grip her thighs tightly together, the heat so intense she was on the verge of an orgasm!

  She panted and drew deep breaths to cool her heated veins, but he continued sucking her fingers and she desperately ripped her fingers from his mouth to end the torturing pleasure.

  “You … you can’t just … you …”

  “Honey, you will learn very quickly I can ...”

  “And stop calling me honey!”

  His eyes scorched over her face to caress her cleavage visible where her driving suit was carelessly zipped open. He leaned forward and pulled the zipper further down, and down, until she was bare to his gaze all the way to her waist. Her nipples shriveled and budded painfully against the purple satin bra.

  “But you are honey all over and I intend dipping into that honey …”

  “How dare you! We don’t even know eac …”

  He reached over and flipped a finger over her budding nipple, watching them tighten even further, and closed his fingers around one and pinched softly and then slightly harder. She gasped and bit her lip in agony or pleasure, she didn’t know which. He slowly pulled the zipper closed, h
is voice hoarse.

  “You can just as well stop fighting against it. You, honey pot, are meant to be mine and I am not a very patient man.”

  Chapter Two

  Brooklyn stared at the reflection in the mirror. She grimaced at the young woman with her hair pulled back in a tight pony and twisted in a knot at the top of her head; it was so tight it actually pulled her cheeks and eyes out of shape.

  She leaned closer to the mirror and quickly inserted the tawny colored lenses over her silver grey irises. She slipped a pair of clear glass spectacles with thick frames on her nose and rose to view the final picture.

  The cream colored pants were at least two sizes too big. They were clinched in at the waist with a thin gold belt and a cream colored silk top with tiny pearl buttons down the front and short sleeves. The top was also too big. The brown high heeled pumps on her feet finished the outfit.

  She grimaced at the thick dark brown eyeliner lines at the top of her eyelids with blue eye shadow and long thick false eyelashes to add to the disguise. In contrast with the dark makeup she used a beige lipstick to reduce the color of her lips, hopefully hiding the plump bottom lip somewhat. This was partly usual ‘work getup’ and she made it a point to keep her personal and work life separate. No one that saw her like this would associate her with the woman she became the minute she walked into her home. Although she never wore the glasses and color contact lenses before. This time they were needed to hide behind.

  The woman in the mirror looked nothing like the “honey pot” Mason Sheppard met on Saturday. She prayed the disguise was good enough to fool him until she managed to find another job. She still could not get over the shock when Lucas introduced him. How could fate be so cruel?

  She was ecstatic when she was headhunted by the most sought after private Auditing and Consultancy firm in the United States, owned by twins; Sheppard Holdings. Their customer service, integrity and honesty, spiraled them as the top company on Wall Street, as well as in Europe where they opened another branch a few years ago.


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