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The Tycoon and his Honey Pot

Page 3

by Sabel Simmons

  “Nothing … yet. She seems to make a point of avoiding … and aggravating me. I only managed to speak to her once.”

  Michael flashed him a smile. “Maybe that should tell you something.”

  Yeah, it does.”

  Michael looked at him, noticing the tight jaw and glittering near black eyes. He smiled, not really concerned for his sister. Secretly he always thought they would be an ideal match, which was why he lent his friend a helping hand in his pursuit of his sister. He knew Mason had a reputation with the ladies and never had any interest in settling down, nor has he ever had any desire for a long term relationship.

  Somehow, he had a feeling his sister was the one to change that. He has never seen Mason react to any woman like this and it clearly affected him quite strongly.

  “Exactly what would that be?”

  He stood glaring at the track, his eyes glued to the red Camaro racing around the track, at a much more subdued speed than the previous week.

  “That she needs a man to take her under hand.”

  Michael and Lucas laughed so hard, they nearly fell of the platform. Mason glared at them.

  “Oh, my friend, do yourself a favor and don’t tell her that. It will take you twice as long to get any closer to her as you are now!”

  “Since when do I need seducing tips from you? I am not daft, but nor am I very patient and the sooner she realizes I am not one for playing games, the better for both of us.”

  He took the earpiece and speaker microphone from Michael and put it to his ear and flipped the switch.

  “Honey pot, at the speed you’re going this race is going to last the whole damn day. Get your butt in gear and kick some ass.”


  “Yes honey, it’s me.”

  “I told you to stop calling me honey.”

  “Hmm, and I told you that you tas …”

  “Mason! Is my brother there as well?”

  “Yes honey, he is.”

  “Then shut your mouth! Do you want him to give you a blue eye?”

  “It does my heart well that you care so much, honey.”

  “It is not because I care, you daft man. Get out of the way … don’t you dare say another word until I am there. I do not want my brother in my face the whole day!” She cursed the other racers as she sped up to get to Mason to prevent a major disaster.

  “Your wish is my command, honey.”

  “Oh … you are the most infuriating … move asshole … man I have ever met!” She increased her speed and waved between the cars. Mason gasped when she aimed for a small gap between two cars and then relaxed when she whizzed between them safely.

  He glared at Michael. “Why the hell did you ever allow her to start racing?”

  Michael laughed. “Let that be a lesson, Mace. Never upset her when she is behind the wheel. She tends to take it out on the car.”

  “She needs a hand on her butt to take her willfulness out of her.”

  “Mason! In case you forgot, I am on the other end of this mike!”

  “No, I didn’t. See it as a fair warning, honey. Take chances on the track and I’ll take every missed heartbeat of mine out of your body!”

  She was quiet for a while and he noticed with increased anger that her speed had increased yet again. His arousal slammed against his pants when her husky voice breathed into his ear.

  “Is that a promise, Mason?”

  “Don’t play with fire unless you are prepared to put it out, honey. Now slow the hell down!”

  “Speed up, slow down. Make your damn mind up, baby!”

  Michael, Lucas and him gripped the sides of the platform, all three holding their breaths at her recklessness on the track. Mason tried to keep his voice as controlled and calm as possible.

  “Brooklyn, speeding is one thing, but recklessness is unacceptable. If you do not drive properly from this point forward, I promise you honey, this WILL be your last race.”

  “Do not presume to think you can tell me what to do Mason Sheppard!”

  “By tomorrow morning, you will know exactly how much control I will have over you. I am not going to warn you again, Brooklyn!”

  She cursed, but took his threat to heart and drove with the care and precision her brother ingrained in her from the first time she got behind a wheel of a car.

  All three men watching sighed in relief. Michael looked at Mason where he still stood frowning at the track. Whatever was going to happen between the two of them, he was sure it was exactly what his sister needed. Moreover, what Mason needed. He reached over and switched the speaker phone off.

  “What exactly did you mean by tomorrow morning and control, Mace? Don’t make me regret assisting you. She is not going to become a notch on your bedpost!”

  Mason glared at him. “Name one woman I have ever shown this much interest in or even one that I have bothered to pursue!”

  “You never had to. They are always only too eager to line up outside your door.”

  “Exactly, and just for the record, it has never been a matter of counting notches on my bedpost!”

  “Granted, but you know what I mean.”

  “I do and rest assured I will never force anything on your sister. Whatever happens, will happen, because she wants it too.”

  “I’m not so sure I am comfortable discussing you planning on bedding my sister.”

  Mason looked at him; his expression earnest and open.

  “How old is she, Michael?”

  “She is twenty seven.”

  “Therefore old enough to make her own decisions. Are … you saying she is still a virgin?”

  “I don’t really know. It is not something she has ever openly discussed with me. I do know she has never had any serious relationships.”

  “Michael, will it ease your mind if I tell you that your sister has totally taken over my mind from the first time I saw her. I have not been able to get her off my mind, and no, it is not just physical, I have this desire, this need to protect her, to keep her from harm … and wring her neck when she races like a maniac!”

  They swung their attention back to the track and was amazed that Brooklyn has worked her way up to second place in the short time they had the discussion. As usual, when she was in second place, she drove very aggressively, and Mason ground on his teeth. He switched the speaker phone back on.

  “I am going to bloody wring her neck! Brooklyn Hadley … if you want this relationship to start with a bloody clobbering of your behind, keep up the way you are driving!”

  “So if we have not started on the relationship as yet, what was that in the garage last week?”

  He grinned at her sassiness. “I wonder if you are going to keep up this brazenness once you come face to face with me. How many laps left, honey?”

  “Two, why?”

  “I can’t wait to taste you again … and I have no intention of waiting until we find a secluded spot either!”

  “Mason … Michael will kill you?”

  “Does that worry you, love?”

  “No …”

  “Besides, I already cleared the air with your brother. He knows exactly what my intentions are.”

  “Oh, he does, does he?” It sounded like she was gnashing her teeth and he grinned, noticing that her aggressive driving has subsided, and she was once again driving with perfect precision and skill.

  “Now please keep quiet, you are distracting me!”

  He did just that and his heart filled with pride when she took the last turn, outmaneuvering her opponent to cross the winning line by nearly a car length.

  Michael and Lucas looked at each other, amazed at the look of pride in his eyes when she won, and then at the eagerness as she drove the car towards the pit where they were waiting. He was the one that pulled her out of the car and removed her helmet. He immediately folded his arms around her and pressed her back against the car.

  Their eyes met, Brooklyn’s shocked at his open display of desire for her and she gasped. “Mason
, what are you doing?”

  “Greeting you … I missed you honey!” His head lowered and his lips closed over hers, softly moving from side to side. His strong lips soft and warm … oh lord, so warm against hers. His tongue prodded for entrance and she opened eagerly, and the kiss became passion, desire, heat … and totally unacceptable for a public place!

  Brooklyn desperately ended the kiss, noticing his breathing echoed her haggard breaths. She realized her arms were tight around his waist and she held him close.

  “Stop … everyone is watching.”

  The look in his eyes was filled with promises of what was to come and he said in a husky voice. “I don’t care. I want everyone … especially those gawking jocks to know you belong to me.”

  She gasped and drew her arms back to push against his muscled chest. Instead her hands explored further down to test his strong torso, which tightened at the same time his breath caught in his throat.

  “I am my own person … I belong to no one.”

  “Maybe not yet … but after tonight …”

  Her eyes narrowed and spit fire at him. “I am sorry to disappoint you, but I already have other plans. You should have told me earlier.”

  “If you bothered to return my calls, we would not be having this discussion now … you would already be mine.”

  “And therein lays the problem, Mason Sheppard! You assume too much!”

  His eyebrows lifted and his gaze moved over her face to appreciate the slightly swollen lips from their passionate kiss. He glanced down to her breasts, which even through the racing suit she wore were tightened in hard nubs. He flexed his hips hard against hers and she gasped, heat flushing like an arrow to pool between her legs.

  “At least your body already knows and has acknowledged mine … and that is the only permission I seek. You trying to deny it are nothing but postponing the inevitable.”

  Michael cleared his throat loudly for the fourth time and added a hard cough for good measure.

  “I say, Sister dear, this is a sight I am not used to seeing. You normally clobber anyone that dare grab you for a hug, let alone make out in public.”

  She moaned and managed to push Mason away and turned to face her brother, her cheeks flushed a bright red. Mason, the fiend, obviously paid him no heed as he pulled her back against him and folded his arms around her waist, his hands clasped together over her belly.

  Lucas, as usual laughed himself to the ground and Brooklyn growled at him. “Stop laughing before I clobber you!”

  “And you, Mace. I thought you treasure your privacy and here you openly seduce my sister in public! You do know we are also hounded by paparazzi and you being the Wall Street Tycoon you are … be prepared for some unwanted publicity.”

  Brooklyn paled and glanced back at him, but he just smiled warmly and briefly kissed her, hugging her tight.

  “You don’t seem to be too concerned about it?”

  “Why should I be? At least this time their speculation might have some truth in it. Besides, it will keep those pesky women from my door.”

  Brooklyn pulled away from him and turned to him with a frown. “What pesky women?”

  Michael and Lucas glanced at each other and Michael knew he made the right call. His sister might not know it as yet, but she has fallen for his best friend … and fallen hard. Her obvious possessiveness a clear indication of the feelings she already had. Mason, of course stood looking at her with a pleased smile on his face.

  “Nothing you need to worry about, honey.”

  “What pesky women, Mason?”

  Michael cleared his throat again and muttered in a pretend whisper to Mason, loud enough for everyone to hear.

  “Another thing about my sister, Mace, she can be a real harridan when she sets her mind to it, and does not stop until she is satisfied.”

  She spat fire at him. “I can’t believe that my own brother is selling me out! What happened to sibling honor and support?”

  “Oh but I am, Bee! I honestly believe you and him …” and he crossed his fingers over each other, “…are a perfect match.”

  She threw her hands in the air and turned to go and change. She was a few steps away, only to turn around and walked back to stand in front of Mason, her hands on her hips.

  “What pesky women, Mason Sheppard?”

  His eyes were warm and his heart beat a mile a minute. He shrugged non-committedly. “There are those odd celebs and models that pursue me now and then.”

  “Do not forget about those heiresses and business associates …”

  Mason shot a threatening scowl at Lucas for the annoying information. Brooklyn’s eyes narrowed to slits and she wondered at the anger flowing through her. Just the thought of those rich and famous hankering for him turned her blood to boil. What did she have to offer … what chance did she have against them? Moreover, why did it matter so much? They hardly knew one another!

  She pulled her shoulders back and turned away again, her voice brittle when it reached his ears. “As I said, I have plans tonight … with one of those odd jocks that gawk at me.”

  She hardly took two steps when he wrenched her around to face him. His jaw was rigid and his eyes nearly black in anger.

  “Like hell you do! Do not push me, Brooklyn! I have told you and made my intentions very clear, and in no way does that constitute a casual run of the mill courtship. Even less … any dates with anyone! Anyone that is not me!”

  Her chin lifted and she glared at him, struggling to keep her emotions in check. The past three days of working with him constantly has taken its toll on her. Made her realize what they meant when they called him the Wall Street Tycoon … the shark in the tank amongst all sharks. She came to see the ruthless side of him, the brilliance of his mind … and the caring for his staff and family.

  In one word … he was perfect!

  “Mason … you may have made one intention very clear … and that is that you want me, but I am not into casual sex, nor am I interested to be a notch amongst those … those celebs, heiresses and … business associates!”

  The black of his eyes swirled and the inky blue was more visible. He lifted his hand to draw his fingers through her silky soft hair.

  “Maybe I did not make my intentions clear enough then. I want you in all ways possible. Not just in my bed but by my side, in my life. There is a spark between us, Brooklyn. Something so strong and so intense we would be fools to let it pass us by. I, for one, am not going to and if I have to fight you all the way … so be it, but you, honey pot, will be mine. That is a promise.”

  She searched his eyes, and only saw warmth and honesty there. She shook her head slightly. “This is just too much, too soon and way too fast. I’m not used to someone like you. We will fight all the time!”

  “Maybe … and maybe not, but one thing I will promise you here and now. I will always make it up to you and whatever we fought about we will resolve together. Look at me, Brooklyn.”

  She lifted her eyes to his. “I am a hard man … the years in the army does that to a man … but I am honest and straight forward. Know that I will never lie to you and that I put high value on honesty. When I want something I go after it, with passion and drive … and I don’t give up. If I need to be ruthless to get what I want, I will be … and I am extremely possessive. So be warned, my love, I will not stand for games to make me jealous. I will simply destroy the man … you, I will punish in a much more pleasurable way.”

  “Are you trying to scare me away, Mason?”

  “Anything but. I want you to know what I am capable off and what you are getting into with me. So, tell me here and now, Brooklyn. Am I going to have to fight you and your jocks every step of the way, or are you going to be honest to me and yourself about the emotions and feelings you already have for me?”

  “Luckily for you I don’t scare easily. I have to give you fair warning though. I have found … quite recently … that with you I will be just as possessive. I will not stand for any of your strin
g of women either.”

  “That is one thing you will never have to worry about. You are the one that has lit the volcano inside me, honey … and it needs to be fed … but only by you.”

  “Good … but just in case … I think I’ll sharpen my set of knives.”

  He watched her walk away, his heart thumping wildly in his chest. He took a hell of a chance being so open with her, but he somehow knew she was the type of woman who would respond to it, demand it actually.

  He turned and returned his friends smiles. “She was not serious about those knives, was she?”

  “Hell, yes. She’s is an expert at knife throwing.”

  Mason groaned. “Another thing her dear brother taught her, I imagine?”

  “I had to make sure she knew how to defend herself in the big bad world!”

  “That I can concede to. Exactly what was the purpose in teaching and turning her into a speedway racer?”

  “Oh, my dear friend, you still have a lot to learn about my dear sister! In many ways the two of you are much alike. Once she sets her mind on something, she doesn’t stop until she’s got it.”

  “I can vouch for that. Michael refused for years and eventually she wore him down and he gave in. I guess we can be lucky that she only does it as a hobby, a way to get rid of frustrations.”

  “I guess I will have to make sure she has another avenue to get rid of her frustrations then.”

  Michael frowned at him. “Are you going to make her stop racing?”

  “Do I look like an idiot, my friend? No, not as long as she drives with care and skill. Shenanigans such as I saw last week and some today … that is something I will not allow. I have not found the woman for me, just to lose her again.”

  Michael and Lucas glanced at each other and wondered if he even realized what he just admitted to. Michael smiled and relaxed for the first time about this budding relationship. Mason was a highly passionate man, and it came through in everything he did, the army, where he gave it his all and flew up the ranks … well deserved of course. The army was highly upset when he withdrew, but he knew he had more to offer the world. His business has become one of the most sought after firms on Wall Street and they were in the process of expanding globally.


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