Ethria- the Pioneer
Page 9
“Oh that, that is the maximum that your Skill Score can reach at the moment, and how high you can advance your base Skill Points. It works out to about half the total of your age and character level. It doesn’t affect most people on Ethria because they start here when they are born and end up being at around maturity, and level eight or nine, when they start really being concerned with advancing their skills. So, their cap keeps up with their growth pretty well. But for you, it's going to be a bit of a pain until you start really getting leveled.”
“I see,” I said as I considered the implications. Skills in RPG’s were a way that developers used to balance gameplay so that players who power leveled didn’t completely snowball out of control, and the game developers could reward players who accessed more portions of gameplay then simply hacking, slashing, and blasting.
Skill Caps were also a useful tool that most good game devs used to prevent the exact same kind of snowballing effect that skills were designed to prevent, this time coming from the skills-heavy gamers. It made for more balanced and realistic gameplay.
In effect, a power leveler who hacked and slashed and blasted his way to level 100 without ever crafting, or bothering to learn proper weapon techniques or skills, would be equivalent in power to someone who had maxed out their swordsmanship and was around level 20. I suspected that that was going to be true here in Ethria as well.
“Well” I said as I looked around. “I think that's good for now. I have access to the basic and advanced aspects of my character sheet, my inventory, and I have a lot to think about.” I knew I was going to need to sit somewhere quietly to think of as many implications of my ‘traits’ as I possibly could, both good and bad, so that I wouldn’t be surprised by them at a very inopportune time, like during a critical negotiation, or when I was fighting a dangerous animal or something.
“You don’t want to talk about all of the stuff you just read?” Ailsa asked quizzically. “I mean, from what I understand of your homeworld this is all new stuff. I know you have games that simulate this kind of thing, but surely it's not all that familiar to you is it?” She asked as she buzzed past my ear and continued to do loops around me.
“Worried that I might not need you?” I teased.
“No.” She said defensively. “I’m just worried that a meathead like you might run off half baked and get himself killed. I might not think much of you human, but I don’t want to see you hurt. I’m not cruel.”
I chuckled slightly “ Yeah yeah, okay. No worries. But it is getting kind of late in the day and I would rather be somewhere nice and comfy and warm when Mr. Grumpies spell wears off.”
Ailsa giggled, a high pitched and pleasant sound that very much contrasted with her gothic exterior. “Mr. Grumpy. You’ve really pegged him with that haven’t you? It's going to be his new nickname? Oh wow, I’m going to have to tell him that.” She buzzed away giggling maniacally, a sound that matched her look well. “But don’t get all uppity meathead,” Ailsa said circling around back towards me. “We have one more thing to do before we go anywhere and do anything else.”
“What's that?” I stupidly asked. She would have told me had I not said anything, I thought annoyed at my frustrating tendency towards asking questions that were going to be answered if I had just kept quiet.
She grinned at me, zipped above my head and snapped her fingers. A portal similar to the one the lizardman had used when he left opened about ten feet away from me and a short, angry-looking green creature walked out carrying a crude-looking club about the size of a child-sized baseball bat.
I screamed like a little school girl. I wasn’t afraid, I was just, startled. I startle easily. I wasn’t afraid okay? I just wasn’t prepared for a goblin appearing out of nowhere, that's all.
The green creature wore virtually nothing but a thin loincloth and carried a wicked-looking club. The goblin looked at Ailsa who was about three feet above my head, which was about six feet to high for it to attack even with its club, then at me who didn’t have the ability to escape into the skies, and charged. I didn’t move, I was too, okay scared. I was too scared and I just stood there like a freaking moron, mind racing. Instinctively I used analyze on it and a screen filled half my vision.
Name: Unknown, Skill Score Too Low
Race: Swamp Goblin
Class: Pre-10th Level
Level: 3
Height: 3’8
Skin Color: Green
Hair: N/A
Age: Unknown age, state Maturity
Heritage: Swamp Kin
Affiliation: Gor’gatz Clan, Necromancer
Religion: Gro’ak Goblin Lord of Mischief
Alignment: Unknown, Skill Score Too Low
Disposition Towards You: Exploitative, this goblin sees you as easy prey.
HP: Unknown, Skill Score Too Low
Defensive Characteristics: Unknown, Skill Score Too Low
Material Characteristics
Physical Attraction
Immaterial Characteristics
Emotional Stability
I reached my hand up to minimize the screen without really reading much of the information on it other than the word “Swamp Goblin” and to see the creatures current level. I reached my hand down to my sheath to draw out my sword, only to feel a searing pain arch through my right knee, and I fell to the ground on that side.
“Swamp Goblin hits you with Crude Wooden Club for 4 damage, using special skill “Knee Cap.” Status Effects Inflicted: Prone.”
The damned bastard just kneecapped me! I looked up and saw the creature raising his club above his head for another strike. Pain thrummed through my right knee in waves, but my left leg was just fine, and he was in just the right spot. I kicked my good leg out and hit him square in the chest, sending him flying backward.
“Congratulations! You have successfully struck Unknown Lv 3 Swamp Goblin using an unarmed strike for 6 damage. Status Effects Inflicted: Broken Sternum, Cracked Ribs x 6, Broken Collarbone, and Winded.”
I rubbed my knee for a second wincing in pain before I sat up. I looked at the goblin as I did, and I saw he was laid flat on the ground a couple of feet away, his chest rising and falling in ever shallower breaths. Well, a messed up, virtually everything will do that to you I thought. After a few more seconds of trying to rub the pain out, I slowly stood up and hobbled over to the goblin. The creature had spit up blood and its face, neck, and chest were soaked in it. Shaking my head in dissatisfaction at what I had to do next, I brought my sword down and severed the creatures head from its body ending its pain and its life.
“Yay! You did it! I mean, I knew you could do it, the Gods wouldn’t have brought you here if you couldn’t at least defend yourself right? But, I mean, you actually did it and you’re only level one! That's amazing…” Ailsa said as she zipped up to me and then around me. I felt a slight warmth in my right knee, as a soft yellow glow emanated from it as Ailsa cast a healing spell. I minimize the notification before I could read it. The pain and swelling decreased to virtually a memory as she continued to spew her thoughts as they came to her with virtually no filter. While she frolicked about my victory, I thought about what I had just done. After a few seconds, I reached out a hand and stopped the fairy’s
joyful flight.
“This wasn’t good,” I said worriedly.
“What?” Ailsa asked innocently, she clutched her hands in front of her only adding to the visage of herself as an innocent in the events that had just taken place.
“This,” I said as I pointed my sword at the now headless goblin. “You can’t just do that. Not again.”
“What? Kill goblins? They’re only goblins. You will have to face them eventually, they are an ever-present pest and danger to all of Ethria. You can’t expect to be effective at your job if you…” I cut her off with a wave of my hand.
“No. That's not what I meant. I can kill goblins if need too, I can do almost anything if it's needed and there is no other way.” I looked the fairy directly in the eyes, or as best I could given our disparity in size. “What I mean is you. No more summoning creatures only for me to kill them for your amusement or to prove to you that I can or can’t do something. It's unethical and inhumane. Particularly if it is a true summons, which I suspect this was as the body hasn’t disappeared.” I watched her face for a reaction, but her innocent expression of confusion remained.
A little softer than normal she said: “Yeah, but It was only a goblin…”
“No, I can’t think that way,” I said, cutting her off again. “No one ever should devalue life like that. The devaluing of life is what lead to the abortion riots of the 2030s that nearly lead to a civil war in my home country, euthanasia and sterilization of countless people who were deemed undesirable in the early twentieth century under the evil ideology of Eugenics, and it was what lead to both world wars.
When people, any people, start devaluing others lives, even the lives of those sapient creatures with less capacity then the average person, it devalues the lives of everyone. Back home I would have said every human life is precious, even those who are weak or sick in the mind. But here I would have to amend that.” I said my voice growing more contemplative then accusatory, speaking more for my own benefit now then hers.
After a short pause thinking of what to say I continued “I have been sworn to value and protect life from when I was a very little child, and even though I am in a different world now” My voice had grown into a more educational tone, as my frustration at the actions of my little fairy companion melted away. “I still hold myself to that oath.”
“I-I don’t…”
“I know you don’t. And I'm not angry, I'm just trying to explain to you that while I understand that Ethria has rules that are far different than my home and that I will probably have to do things here that I never thought I would ever have to do, and will be able to do things I never thought I would be able to do, I want you to understand that there are certain things, certain principles, such as the sanctity of human life, though I should amend that, perhaps sapience?” I paused to think about it again for just a moment before continuing.
“Yes, that fits. The sanctity of sapient life, that I can not and will not abandon. No life is cheap, every soul is precious, even if it is hate-filled and blackened like this unenviable creature.” I again looked down towards the headless corps where my sword pointed. Ailsa nodded, but her expression was still quizzical. Either she didn’t actually understand what I was saying, which is what I suspected was the case, or something else was puzzling her about me.
“Congratulations! You have uncovered another aspect of your Mysterious Stranger gift named “Past Oaths.” In your previous world, the oaths you took were relatively easy to keep, and as such had little hold on your soul. Most of these were stripped away when you went through the veil. However, you can reclaim these oaths as part of the Mysterious Stranger gift, granting you both guiding principles by which to live your life, and certain restrictions and boons based upon these oaths and how faithfully you keep them. Current Oaths Reclaimed,
1. The Sanctity Of Life: In your past life you swore to uphold the sanctity of the lives of other humans. You have interpreted this as to apply to the sanctity of all sapient life, a rare sentiment indeed on Ethria. While further growth and knowledge may change your specific understanding and application of the principles of this oath, you are bound to it. Oath Type: Rare. Oath Restrictions: May not willfully or knowingly take the life of a sapient being without just cause. Doing so will have severe negative effects either temporary, or permanent depending upon the severity of the breach. Oath Boons: +1 automatic relationship status upgrade to all sapient beings upon their learning of this Oath. Oath Status: Newly Reclaimed, Loyal 1
“That, that is different” Was all Ailsa said about my new status. When I tried to ask her about it, she just zipped away from me and said “Come on meathead! Let's get to the road!” Annoyed, but willing to talk with her about it later, I did something I never thought I would do willingly in my life again. I followed the bobbing glowing fairy.
Chapter 3: Naming Conventions
“A rose by any other name, would smell as sweet” - William Shakespeare, Romeo, and Juliet
Northwest of the Twins, along the northern border of Tor. Frega, 23rd, 2987 AoR
I walked over the cold hard ground south-east, Ailsa on my shoulder sitting with her legs crossed. “You know,” I said as I walked “my shoulder might not be the best place for you to sit. If I turn my head too fast I might knock you off.” She laughed.
“Oh, that was genuinely funny foolish human. To me, all of you big ones move as slow as if you were walking through-hardened honeycomb.”
“I think the term is “like moving through molasses,” I said trying to get a rise out of the hotty fairy.
“If you must put it in your crude human terms, then yes. Molasses, if the reference helps your tiny brain. But why would anyone, even a meathead like you make such a non-tasty comparison.”
I huffed a laugh and kept walking. “Getting hungry are we?” I asked, and she buzzed her wings annoyedly in response. Eventually, I came to a small set of stones, and grooves in the ground between them that ran northeast and south-west. “Here meathead. This is the road.”
“Which way should I go? North or south?” I asked.
“Either way. You’ll find your disgusting human mud wallows in either direction,” she said flippantly. “You can also just wait here for the next person to come by and see if they’re nice enough to give you a ride.” I turned my head to get a good look at her, careful not to knock her off my shoulder. She was sitting there, legs crossed, her furry mantel and dress perfectly fitting to her. She was examining her nails, and picking at what must have been imaginary dirt with a tiny tool. I couldn’t clearly see through the purple hazy light.
“Hey, you,” I said as I bumped her with my shoulder. To my satisfaction, she had to grab the fabric of my gambeson under the leather jerkin I wore to stop herself from flying off. “You forget how little I know about this world and you're supposed to be my guide right? So…” I gestured to the road. “Guide away little fairy. Where do you think would be best for me to start?”
Ailsa shot off my shoulder and hovered directly in front of my face. “You nearly caused me to chip a nail! Do you know how long it takes for a fairy to regrow a nail?” She demanded.
“Uh, no. I don’t. And I think that perfectly demonstrates what I’m talking about and why you’re here to help me.” I was growing just as frustrated at her disinterest in the decision we had to make as she was at having been disturbed from her grooming.
“Oh. Well, it takes a long time! Like, hours! And the entire time the other fairies laugh and mock you and make you feel ugly until it grows back. Then they ignore you for the next week and when they do say anything to you they call you names like ‘Chipped Nail Nancy’ or ‘Airhead Ailsa’.” She folded her arms and scowled at me.
“Well, yeah,” I said trying to reconcile. “Kids can be monsters you know? I was teased mercilessly when I was a little kid too.”
“What? No, I'm not talking about as a kid, I'm talking about actual adult fully grown fairies! They’re the worst! They tease you, throw mud at you, make you
cry, honestly one mistake and fairies descend on you like a school of man-eating piranha.”
“What do you do with your kids?” I asked, not sure if I wanted to know the answer.
“Oh, fairies mature very quickly compared to other races. Like, maybe a week? I can’t really remember it's been a long time since I was a kid. But the entire time the whole fairy community watch’s you. Fairy children can be a handful. I remember this one time…” She zipped in excited circles as she spoke. “... I set the entire forest I grew up in on fire because my uncle Raditss fell asleep watching me.
“I- I liked fire as a kid. I hid for a few hours while everyone from my village put out the fire and then looked for me. It was a great joke freaking everyone out, and it also gave me time to clean all of the soot from the fire off of me. Or I thought I did, when I came back I found out that I missed a single spot on my cheek, and everyone mocked me for hours.”
Are all fairies really that vain? I asked myself, not daring to say the words out loud. If Ailsa’s response was anything to go by it was probably the case. “That sounds awful, I mean, there's teasing, and then there is psychological torture. It sounds like what they did more closely resembled the second rather than the first. No wonder you don’t live with them anymore.” I said trying to console the obviously angry purple ball.
“Good decision if you ask me.” Ailsa went silent and zipped out of my vision, a second later I felt a lightweight land on my head, she draped herself over it and my shoulders, using her arms as a pillow. I was used to my nieces and nephews riding on my shoulders, so it didn’t bother me too much. “Personally? I don’t care whether you have a chipped fingernail, or if you were uglier than a sin to a saint. Treating someone like that is horrible.”