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Page 5

by Sam Crescent

  “I can never be with him. I mean, he’s my boss.” Slapping a hand across her mouth, she chanced a look at Sandy. Not once in all the time she’d known Alex had she ever voiced her attraction.

  “Alex, you’ve got a thing for Alex. He’s a little old for you, right?”

  “I don’t care about age.”

  Sandy reached out, touching her cheek. “You’re a beautiful woman, Sunshine. You could have anyone you set your mind to. I’m not one to talk. I’ve got lots of problems of my own.”

  “What kind of problems?” Sandy had been stopping by her room quite a bit over the last couple of days. Sunshine liked her even with her troubled eyes and constant biker bodyguard.

  “I never usually talk to women I don’t know, but I like you, Sunshine. There’s something about you, I don’t know. You know that man who was lurking outside my door?” Sunshine nodded. “Well, he, erm, yeah, he’s made his intentions for other things known, and they’re not all good. Well, they’re good, but I don’t know. I just didn’t think he felt anything like that. He’s been my friend. I mean, when the nightmares hit, I would curl up against him and wait for the bad memories to go away.”

  Sunshine swallowed. This was a big revelation. They were practically strangers, yet Sandy was confiding in her some personal stuff.

  “Can’t you talk to anyone else about it?”

  “I was a sweet-butt. I slept with random club members. Fuck.” Sandy stamped her foot. “I’ve never been in a real relationship. I’m nearly forty years old. I’ve been a doctor, and I’m the kind of woman who sleeps around. Admittedly, I’ve not had sex in an awful long time. Maybe I don’t know how?”

  “I didn’t know it was something you forgot.”

  “Are you a virgin?”

  “Yeah.” Sunshine’s face went really warm.

  “Crap. You’re not going to know a damn thing to help me.”

  “I didn’t offer you advice, and I’m really sorry that you’re struggling with, erm, Stink. Can I just tell you that name is wrong on so many levels?”

  “It’s a club name. He always goes by Stink. He doesn’t have a sense of smell. The brothers at the club thought it was funny. He can clean out toilets and can’t smell rotten shit.”

  Sunshine frowned. “That is a weird name and way too much information. What’s Alex’s name?” Her curiosity was getting the better of her.

  “Alex doesn’t have a name. Everyone just calls him Alex.”

  For some reason Sunshine felt sad for Alex. He didn’t have a club name, and yet he was part of it.

  “He always wears a suit, and he’s not really part of the club. I mean, he is. Crap, can we turn this back to me? What should I do?”

  “You need to do what makes you happy. If you like Stink in that way then go for it. If not, then don’t lead him on. Be honest with him.” Sunshine smiled at the older woman hoping her answer helped.

  “Thank you. I really appreciate it,” Sandy said. “Are you all set?”

  “Yeah, I’m ready to go.” She wasn’t ready to go to the clubhouse.

  Commotion at the door had her turning to see Alex shoving Stink against the wall. “Back the fuck off.”

  Alex entered the room looking mightily pissed off. She’d never seen him be aggressive before.

  “What’s going on?” Sandy asked, folding her arms.

  “There’s been a change of plans. Sunshine is coming with me.”

  She cheered inside. There was something dominant and possessive about Alex. Her heart raced as she looked back at him. His gaze was on her.

  “Wait, I’ve been told she’s going back to the clubhouse. You can’t just take her. Tiny’s orders.”

  “Call Tiny. He’ll confirm. If Stink tries to touch me again tell him he’ll be without a dick.” Alex stepped up close. “Do you have everything?” He spoke softly to her whereas he’d been harsh with Sandy and Stink.

  “Yes, I’ve got everything.”

  Sandy was talking to someone on her cell phone.

  “I thought I was going to the clubhouse.”

  “You’re coming home with me. I can protect you.” He held his hand out for her to take.

  She didn’t hesitate. Placing her hand in his, she lifted her bag. This felt right to her.

  “Yes, it’s fine, Stink. Tiny’s cool with it.”

  “Now there’s a fucking surprise,” Stink said, sneering.

  Sunshine didn’t want to be in the middle of whatever problems the three people were arguing about. She’d never done well in arguments. Conflict was something she’d always avoided.

  “You got something to say, say it!” Alex released her hand to step up close to Stink. “You got a problem with me, boy?”

  Stink snorted. “The whole club’s got a problem with you, city boy. It’s okay. I can wait.”

  “I really would like to get home to rest,” Sunshine said, seeing the tension within Alex. He was ready to start a fight. It wasn’t hard to guess.

  “She needs to rest,” Sandy said, stepping between them.

  “We’ll handle this another time, Stink.” Alex took her hand leading her out of the hospital. No one stopped them as they made their way out toward the car. She was more than happy when she was helped into the back of a waiting car.

  “Adam, this is Sunshine. Sunshine, this is Adam. He’s a nomad for the club, hoping to set down his roots in Fort Wills. He’s British and got a problem with farting. You do that in the car, I swear I will shoot you,” Alex said.

  “Damn, you Americans are all proper. Can’t even take a joke, whatever. Hey, Sunshine, lovely to meet you.”

  She held her hand up, smiling. Her life had gone from mundane to crazy within a matter of weeks. What happened to her simple life of being Alex’s housekeeper?

  “Do you talk?”

  “Yes, I talk.” She smiled at the man.

  Staring out of the window she settled against her seat, waiting for them to get back to Alex’s home. She liked his home.

  Rubbing at her temples, she listened to Adam and Alex argue. Was this what Alex did all day? Argue with everyone he met? From the tension in the hospital room she didn’t imagine he was well liked, within the club and out of it.

  Climbing out of the car, Alex took her bag, heading up to the house.

  “I’ll be back soon. I’ll bring Fighter back with me.”

  “Sure. I’m not going anywhere.”

  She glanced behind her to watch Adam drive away.

  “He and another guy, a prospect from the club, are going to be sticking around for a few days. For our protection,” he said.

  “Why do we need protection?”

  He closed and locked the door behind him. “Let’s just say I’ve made a lot of enemies over the years.”

  “The man that stabbed me? He’s still out there?”

  “For now. He’s got a problem with me.”

  “And with the color of my skin,” she said, recalling his horrid words when he’d found her.

  Alex sighed. “His hatred is not mine.”

  “I know. Why would you hire someone you couldn’t stand?”

  He placed her bag on the floor moving toward her. She held still as he cupped her arms, pulling her close. “I can’t say sorry enough for what you’re going through. I didn’t know Preston was a threat to me or to you. I’d never put you in any danger.”

  Tears filled her eyes as she thought about that night. She’d been getting ready to go home when it all happened.

  Alex moved his hands up to cup her face. “Men like Preston, they’re monsters, okay? There’s nothing wrong with you.”

  “Me being here could put you in danger.”

  “No. You being in my home put you in danger.”

  “What exactly happened, Alex? I don’t understand, and I don’t get it.”

  “Neither do I, but I promise you, I’m going to figure this all out. Until then, I want you to stay close. You’re going to be sleeping in the room next to mine. I hope that’s okay

  She didn’t like feeling this way, scared, nervous, and also excited. Alex was a mystery to her. She liked him but didn’t know how to tell him that she liked him. It was hard to put her feelings into words.

  “Yes, that’s fine.”

  His touch was making her pussy wet. She wanted to do more.

  “I’ll take care of you. I promise.”

  “I trust you, Alex.”

  “God, Sunshine. You shouldn’t trust me.” He leaned in close pressing a kiss against her lips.

  She gasped unable to contain her shock.

  “I’m sorry.”

  “No, it’s okay,” she said. If only he’d kissed her with a bit more passion. Should she be terrified of him? He nearly got her killed. She wanted him and had wanted him for a long time, even after finding out about the agreement he had with her parents. He was the first man she wanted to be with.

  What kind of person did that make her?

  “I’m tired. I could use the rest.”


  There were a lot of okays in the last few minutes. Alex grabbed her bag and started upstairs. Sunshine couldn’t help but admire his ass.


  “I’m dying. Just give me a minute to catch my breath,” Angel said, holding up her hand.

  “You’ve not got time to catch your breath. You think someone’s just going to stop for you to have a minute while you’re taking a breather. Fighting isn’t like that.”

  “Then it’s a good job we’re not in a fight. Please, Gash, give me a break. I’m trying here.” She was bent over, breathing heavily.

  Gash took a step away from her, giving the space she needed to compose herself. Their training was going great, and Angel’s reflexes were improving. She just didn’t have it in her to be cruel. The life they led, she needed to handle cruel, mean, horrid things, every kind of bad shit. Gash couldn’t bring himself to push her too far. She’d been through so much already. The men he was trying to protect her from wouldn’t stop. They wouldn’t keep their hands on her waist or her arms. The men he’s been locked away with were animals, murderers, rapists—all kinds of bad shit went down within the prison walls.

  “I know I’m not the best student, Gash. I know there wouldn’t be a time out if this was all real.” Angel stepped closer to him. She wore a long baggy shirt and some cycle shorts.

  “I can’t protect you, Angel. The men that attack women, they’re either going to rape them or use you as leverage. It puts everyone in a bad situation. Lash is right. You shouldn’t be doing this.”

  “I’m not just talking about the extreme stuff. I want to defend myself. You weren’t here when the clubhouse was raided or when I was shot. If there was anything I could have done differently, I would have. I don’t know how to take care like you guys do. I wasn’t raised to think of defense or fear.” She stopped talking, running fingers through her hair. “I don’t know how to be the kind of woman Lash needs me to be. Tiny wants him to take the club when it’s time, and what should I do? I’m his wife, and yet, I can’t even defend myself. Eva, she’s got what it takes. I’ve not.”

  Tears filled her eyes, spilling down her cheeks.

  “Shit, Angel.” Gash got to his feet wrapping his arms around her. “You’re a good woman, and you don’t need to be hard and tough or even feared, to make it in this world. The club loves you. Lash is crazy about you.”

  Angel pulled away. “I’m sorry. After everything you’ve been through the last thing you want to do is deal with a weak woman.”

  “Honey, believe me this is a piece of cake compared to the rules on the inside. You’ve got no choice but to survive. The Skulls, they set the wheels in motion so I got a really good chance of surviving.”

  She placed her palm on his cheek. “You’re a sweet man.”

  He watched her step away from him, and Gash let out a breath. Everything about her statement was a lie. He wasn’t a sweet man. He was a cruel man. In the last couple of weeks he’d been doing his research to find the woman responsible for putting him away. All he was waiting for was Tiny’s say so and that bitch was going to die, along with everyone who thought they could get rid of him.

  Blood would pour, and Gash looked damned forward to being the one responsible.

  Chapter Five

  Alex took a long shower to rid the scent of the club and the hospital from his body. Sunshine was settled in the other room, and Adam and Fighter were downstairs in the sitting room waiting for him.

  Donning a pair of jeans and white shirt, he walked downstairs, making sure he didn’t disrupt Sunshine. She was making a wonderful recovery from the attack. He didn’t want to do anything to scare her.

  Entering the sitting room he found Fighter playing on his cell phone while Adam looked through his supply of alcohol.

  “Are you done?” Alex asked, folding his arms.

  “I’m done. If I’m going to be babysitting I expect the expensive stuff.”

  Fighter put away his cell phone. “Tiny’s orders were clear. We’re here for protection, nothing else. No drinking or drugs.”

  “Fuck me, mate, sod off. I’m not going to get shit-faced. Don’t you ever fancy a fucking drink after a long day at work?” Adam collapsed down into a chair. “I need a drink after this shit.”

  “You’re used to being on the road. Tiny’s club, Tiny’s orders.”

  “Stop arguing, both of you.” Alex rubbed at his temples thinking about the woman currently resting in his place. He didn’t know what to do with her or what to say. Never in all of his life had he been this nervous about a woman being close. Sunshine wasn’t just any woman. She was his woman. In the past where he used all the women who got close to him, he would discard them. With Sunshine, he couldn’t just walk away.

  “Wow, you really take the whole boss thing seriously,” Adam said, resting his arm above his head. “No drink, no fun, are we even going to get fed?”

  “Fuck off,” Alex said. “Both of you are club prospects. Start acting like it.”

  “What exactly did you even do to become a member?” Adam asked. “You rarely wear the patch, let alone wear it with pride. Why the fuck are you even with The Skulls?”

  Alex stared at the man. He’d killed a lot of men and women for less. In the protection of the club, Alex hadn’t given a shit who he killed. He didn’t look away from Adam. In his mind he saw him taking out a knife and slashing the bastard across the throat. He wasn’t in Vegas, and he didn’t call the shots anymore. This was not his decision to make.

  Moving out of the sitting room, he went straight for the kitchen. His hand was shaking as he reached into the freezer for the vodka bottle. It had been a long time since the feelings to kill had stirred within him.

  “Hey, are you okay?” Sunshine asked.

  He glanced up to find her leaning against the doorframe, smiling at him. Her long, dark hair was pulled back into a ponytail. Her dark skin looked so soft to touch. He wanted to reach out and stroke her beautiful body.

  “Yeah, I’m fine.”

  “That vodka is pretty strong stuff. Are you sure you can handle it?”

  “Honey, I’ve been drinking vodka for a lot of years. I can handle anything.”

  She took a seat at the counter opposite him. Her brow rose as she watched him. “Really? Come on then, old man, pour me a drink.”

  With her arms resting underneath her chest it pushed her tits together. She wore a dress even though it was freezing cold outside.

  “You’re going to catch a cold,” he said, forcing himself to look at her face rather than her impressive chest. He’d never been a man for a full-figured woman. Alex liked them lean, skin and bones. Since staying at the club, he’d seen a shitload of merit to loving a woman with curves. During his time in Vegas, he would have to stop the hard fucking he was giving a woman because it hurt. He’d listened to Eva and Tiny, Lash and Angel, and several of the guys who didn’t know he was near to listen. He heard them all fucking and the women simply groaning i
n pleasure. Staring at Sunshine, he wanted to lift her up in his arms, place her on any flat surface in front of him, and fuck her hard. She was his to possess. He’d bought her, and at any time he could take her. Sunshine knew the agreement he had, and yet she was still here.

  “Are you old enough to drink?”

  “You know I am.”

  The tension grew in the room making it almost unbearable to breathe. He stared into her eyes, seeing them dilated. Gazing down her body, he took in the sight of her erect nipples. They were rock hard, pressing against the dress.

  “It’s cold out,” he said.

  “But not inside. It’s nice and warm.” She ran her tongue over her bottom lip, and his cock jumped inside his pants.

  Sunshine reached out taking the shot glass he’d filled with vodka. Her eyes didn’t look anywhere else but at him. The glass pressed to her luscious lips, tipped back, and she swallowed down the clear liquid. Her tongue licked across her lips once again.

  His cock took notice of the trace of her tongue.

  “You think I’m old?”

  “I think you’re mature enough to know everything you want to know.”

  Her hand landed by his. The tips of her fingers stroked over his. He couldn’t look away, hypnotized by her gaze. Placing the vodka bottle on the counter, he took hold of her hand. “You know the kind of deal I made with your father.”


  “Then what’s going on here?”

  She tilted her head to the side. “What do you think is going on here?”

  He didn’t answer.

  “You’re always used to getting your own way. Ordering people about and expecting complete obedience. My family needed you to help them. I didn’t.”

  “Why did you stick around?” he asked.

  She smiled. “There’s the right question. Why did I stick around? I knew for a long time, and yet I stayed here. Why am I not afraid of you right now? Why am I sitting here wet just from watching you?” Sunshine gripped his hand a little tighter. “In this game of life, Alex, we all play a little. Tease about who we really are.”

  “What are you saying?” he asked.


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