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Page 14

by Sam Crescent

“Gavin’s a great guy, but he fucked over Eva by cheating on her.”

  “You’ve got the strangest connections.”

  “I know how to protect what’s mine. Walker has the best fighters in the business. He organizes them and makes sure everything is above board.”

  “Even if it’s illegal?”

  “The fights used to be where the fight ended in death. Ned, he came in, took over, and now they don’t leave in body bags. What happens after the fight, it’s not his problem.”

  She didn’t know what to say to him about that. This was an alternative life compared to the one she lived in Fort Wills. It only showed how hard he worked to keep the town free from all of this.

  For the next hour he showed her around the large casino with the slot machines, and the many different games tables. He took her to the dance floor, then up to the strip club. She wasn’t interested in seeing a bunch of women prancing around naked so they’d not stayed long.

  “What else do you do?” she asked.

  “I do a lot of shit that I’m never going to tell you about.”

  “All in the means of keeping Fort Wills safe.”

  “I do what I need to.”

  “When no one has a clue what you actually do.”

  “Sunshine, I brought you here to have fun and to see a side of myself I’ve never really shared with anyone. I know what I’ve done for the club. It’s what I’d have done. I’m not going to change that.”

  She rested her head against his chest. “I’m sorry. I just hate seeing you upset.”

  “Come on, let’s go to the restaurant and wait for Michael to arrive.”

  They passed several people who stopped Alex to talk. She smiled at them, and she saw another side of the man. This was the businessman who knew how to work the crowd. He shook hands, kissed women on the cheek, and they finally made it their table to wait for Michael.

  “You’re a popular guy.”

  “Sorry about that. I’m just used to it.”

  “How long has it been since you were last here?”

  “A good few months.”

  She smiled. “They miss you.”

  “Well, if the club votes me out then I’m going to be coming back here.”

  Sunshine watched him looking out over the crowd. The thought of him leaving Fort Wills terrified her.

  “There they are,” he said.

  She glanced down to where he was pointing to see Cheryl, Michael, and Butch heading their way. The boy was holding Butch’s hand while Cheryl followed behind them.

  When the trio entered the restaurant Michael looked up. His eyes lit up when he saw Alex.

  “Daddy,” he said, running toward Alex.

  Her heart flipped when he picked Michael up with ease, while pretending he was too heavy. “Are you lifting weights, big guy? You’re getting too damned big.” Michael laughed. “I’ve got to talk to your mother for a moment. Do you mind sitting with Sunshine while I do?”


  “Yeah, Sunshine.” Alex knelt behind Michael. “Isn’t she beautiful?”

  “Her name is Sunshine?”

  “That’s my name, Champ. My parents weren’t really thinking when they named me.” She held her hand out. “It’s nice to meet you.”

  “Butch, do you mind me talking with Cheryl alone?”

  “No, go ahead.” Butch took a seat at the table.

  “Go, I’ve got this,” Sunshine said, smiling up at him.

  She would support him in whatever he wanted to do.

  “You’re pretty,” Michael said.

  “You’re a charmer like your dad.”


  “What’s this about, Alex?” Cheryl asked. Her arms were folded over her breasts. Alex led her away from the table, wanting some privacy. He really didn’t like Cheryl. There was nothing sweet or charming about her. He didn’t even know what he saw in her. It astounded him that he’d even slept with her.

  Everything was water under the bridge. Not only had he slept with her but they now had a child.

  “How are you settling in?” he asked.

  He’d been the one to set up the house for her and Butch. The house was perfect for raising a son.

  “It’s a great house, Alex. Thank you.”

  “How’s Michael settling in?”

  Cheryl looked at him for several seconds. “He’s settling in great. He loved the room, and the bed shaped as a car, he loved it. The superhero bed sheets were a nice touch as well.”

  “Good,” he said, smiling.

  “You really do love him, don’t you?”

  “Of course I love him. He’s my son. I’ll do anything for him.”

  Cheryl’s arms dropped from her body. “He loves you, too, and he misses you.”

  “He does?”

  She nodded. “He asks about you, and he was so worried when you were in the hospital. How is that going? Is everything okay?”

  Rubbing the back of his neck, Alex nodded. “It’s okay. We’ve not caught him yet, but we will.”

  “What about Sunshine?” Cheryl asked, looking toward the table.

  He glanced back in time to see her pull a face at Michael.

  “I’m in love with her.”

  “Wow, the cold hearted Alex admitting he loves someone.” Cheryl held her hands up. “I’m kidding. You know when I came today I was expecting a fight with you. Ever since you found out about him, you’ve been this brute throwing your weight around. I don’t know what to do or say. You scare me, Alex.”

  She licked her lips and turned to look back at him.

  “I don’t want to lose my son, Cheryl.”

  “I’m not going to take your son away from you. I just don’t want to argue and fight over him. This shouldn’t be this way.” She ran fingers through her hair. “I get why Butch had to move out of here. I know you’ve helped us out. Neither of us could have afforded the house, and Butch is going to be working with Ned. Thank you for taking care of Michael.”

  “Sunshine is going to be in my life. I want to know that I can come and visit Michael whenever I want.”

  “When all of this crap with Preston dies down, of course. Butch doesn’t like you being left out. We’ve talked about it a lot.”

  “I’m really sorry it went down the way it did.”

  She shrugged. “It is what it is. We can’t change what happened. I’m going to let you get back to your dinner. We’ll be back in a couple of hours to pick him up.”

  “Thank you, Cheryl.”

  Making his way back to the table, Alex shook Butch’s hand before taking a seat.

  “Is everything okay?” Sunshine asked.

  “The best.” He smiled down at Michael. Rubbing his son’s head, Alex pulled him in close. “Come on then, buddy, tell me about your new house.”

  The next two hours flew by as he talked with Sunshine and Michael. They ate dinner, laughing at jokes and simply having fun with each other. When Cheryl and Butch arrived, Michael held onto him tightly.

  “I love you, Dad.”

  “I love you, too, son.” He closed his eyes, inhaling the sweet scent of his boy. Alex hated the moment when he left. This time Sunshine slid her hand within his as together they watched him leave.

  “Are you going to be okay?”

  “I’ll be fine. I took your advice, and I spoke with Cheryl. We’re going to fine.”

  “You’re a good father, Alex.”

  “Thank you.” He wrapped an arm around her. “Come on, I want to take you dancing.”


  “Yeah. I want that ass rubbing against me while I grind my dick against you.”

  No one stopped them this time on the way down to the dance club. The moment they entered the music hit them both. It was loud, sensual, and his cock went hard as Sunshine wrapped her arms around his neck.

  “Show me what you’ve got.”

  He led her onto the dance floor. Around the club there were semi-clad dancers on mini stages showing the room how
to really dance. No one stood in their way as he led her onto the dance floor. He held onto her ass pressing his cock to her front.

  “You’re hard,” she said.

  “I’ve got the rest of the night to fuck you.” He whispered the words against her ear. Pressing his lips against her pulse, he bit down. Not enough to break skin or to hurt but enough to send tingles of awareness throughout her body.


  “Yeah, baby.”

  “I don’t know what you’re doing to me.”

  He smiled. “I’m getting you prepared. When I get you up to my room I’m going to fuck you everywhere. We’re not leaving Vegas until the only thing you crave is my cock sliding in and out of your pussy.”

  “Please, stop.”

  “Are you soaking wet?”

  “I can’t do this,” she said, moaning.

  The room was dark enough. Sliding his hand down her body, he eased up until he cupped her pussy.

  “Alex, what are you doing?”

  “I’m finding out exactly how wet you are.” He slid the panties aside, rubbing his thumb against her swollen clit. “I suggest you wrap your arms around me. I’m not going to stop until I hear you screaming out.”

  He imagined her cheeks were burning under her dark skin.

  She rested her head on his chest. With one hand on her back, he teased her pussy with his other. He kept his gaze focused on the couples around him. They were all lost in their own little world. None of them cared that he was fingering his own little morsel. When he got her upstairs he had a lot of plans for this ass and this pussy.

  “Most of these people are going to go home tonight, wishing for a man to have fingered them on the dance floor. They’re going to be so disappointed when they get off with their own hands.” He sucked on her pulse, listening to her moan. She was now moving against his fingers, begging for him to fuck her. He moved down to run his thumb against her entrance, teasing her with what he could give her. “If you want me to stop, tell me, baby. I don’t want to force you to have something you’d regret.”

  “Please, don’t stop. I need you, Alex.”

  “You want me to let you come here on the dance floor with all the people to see?”

  She looked up at him with lust shining in her eyes. He was tempted to stop, taking her to their room and fuck her. Instead he continued to stroke and play with her.

  “All you’ve got to do is say the word, Sunshine, and I’ll stop.”

  “I don’t want you to stop.”

  “You want me to play with this pretty pussy?”

  “Yes.” She closed her eyes and started to play with the hairs at the back of his neck.

  Using two fingers, he glided them up through her cream on either side of her clit. Circling her bud, Alex couldn’t look away from the sheer pleasure in her eyes. She wanted this as much as he did. He couldn’t stop even if he wanted to. Sunshine wrapped her arms around him, trusting and loving him.

  “When I get you back upstairs, I’m going to strip you down, and worship every inch of your beautiful body.” He claimed her lips, silencing the orgasm that crashed through her as he stroked her pussy. Her cum spilled from her lips, soaking through to her panties. He was so turned on and knew if he didn’t get out of the dance club soon he’d fuck her right here. Sunshine was like gravity. There was a force in play that made it impossible for him to fight her off. He wanted her so badly. His cock pressed against his zipper.

  Releasing his hand from her pussy, he pushed her dress down until it landed at her knee.

  Licking his fingers, he moaned at the taste of her pussy.

  “I know we’ve only been here for one dance, Alex, but I really want to be alone with you. I thought that’s why we were here, to be alone. I don’t need all of these people seeing us together to be with you.”

  Taking her hand once again he led her back to their room. He closed the door, flicking the lock, keeping everyone out and them in.

  “Well, baby, I’ve got you here now.” He moved in close, wrapping his arms around her. Gathering up her dress in his fist, he tugged the fabric over her head. The material tore a little, but he didn’t stop there. He needed her naked. It was like an insane crazy need to have her completely naked in front of him. The bra came next followed by her panties.

  “You’re so fucking beautiful.”

  Gripping her ass, he dragged her close, rubbing his dick against her stomach.

  “Alex, you’re dressed.”

  “I know. I won’t be for much longer.” He couldn’t wait. Moving Sunshine back to the sofa, he spun her around, pressing her over the soft fabric so that she was bent forward with her stomach on the arm of the sofa. Unzipping his pants, he released his hard cock. He was so fucking turned on and aroused. The scent of her arousal filled the air, attacked each one of his senses, and he just couldn’t wait any more. Opening her ass cheeks, he pressed the tip of his cock to her entrance. She was already so slick with cream that it was easy to work his cock within her quivering walls. Sunshine groaned out.

  He wrapped her hair around his fist, tugging her back. “Do you feel me deep inside you?”


  “Do you want me to go slow or fast?”

  “I don’t care. Just fuck me, Alex.”

  Alex slammed inside her, groaning out at the instant hit of pleasure her pussy provided. He kept a firm grip on her hair, refusing to let go. She cried out but didn’t tell him to stop.

  “Do you like that? Do you like me pulling your hair?”

  “Yes.” Her word came out in a whispered moan.

  Her pussy clamped down on him, trapping him like a vise. He didn’t want to let go and release her. She was too fucking perfect.

  With his other hand, he gripped her ass, biting into the flesh with his fingers. She was so perfect for him. He pulled out of her pussy only to slam back inside. Alex didn’t stop, fucking her pussy again and again.

  She was his personal drug of choice and one he didn’t want to let go.

  “I’m the only man for you, Sunshine. No one else is going to know how fucking beautiful your pussy is. What it’s like to fuck your mouth or play with your ass.”


  “I’m the only one who’s going to fill you with my cum. I’m going to fuck you every chance I get, Sunshine. I’m going to put my fucking kid inside you, and make you mine.”

  “Yes, Alex.” She screamed out her answer, trying to fuck back against him. Gripping her ass, he stared down at where his cock was thrusting into her pussy. His dick was slick with her cream.

  “You’re going to marry me, Sunshine. You’re going to marry me and be mine forever.” He panted out each word, fucking her to the hilt. “I love you,” he said, closing his eyes, slamming his cock within her pussy one final time. His cum exploded inside her pussy. He wanted her to get pregnant. Alex wanted a reason for her to stay with him, something that gave him a little part of her.

  Releasing her hair, Alex slowly started to caress her back, coming back to reality. Her body was beautiful with her dark skin. He couldn’t stop touching her.

  Sunshine pushed on her hands, glancing back at him. He was still inside her, and he didn’t want to leave the walls of her pussy. They locked him in, fluttered around him, and made everything feel like home.

  He saw the question in her eyes.

  “Yes, I meant every word I said, Sunshine. I’m going to marry you.”

  “You’re not going to ask me?”

  “Do I need to ask you? You’ve said you love me, and I love you. We’re getting married the moment it can be arranged.”

  “What about tonight?” she asked.


  “We’re in Vegas. We can get married tonight.”

  Chapter Twelve

  The following morning Sunshine woke up to Alex kissing down her back. Pulling her hand out from underneath the pillow she saw the ring he’d bought for her. They’d gotten married last night in one of the churches down the strip
. The witnesses Alex and the church had paid for.

  “It’s all legal, Sunshine. You’re now my wife,” he said, biting onto her ass cheek. She giggled, gasping out as his fingers slid through her pussy.

  “You’re driving me crazy already.” Flipping over, she smiled down at him.

  “I was enjoying that ass,” he said.

  “You can have my ass in a moment. I want to look at you. My husband.”

  He took hold of her hand, pressing kisses on the inside of her wrist. “I love you, wife of mine.”

  Last night had been a tiny bit surreal to her. They were married, bound together by a legal document.

  “Alex, you better open this fucking door,” Adam said, shouting through the door. They both looked toward the door keeping the world out.

  “I thought this place was supposed to be soundproofed?” Sunshine asked, chuckling.

  “It is. What it doesn’t guarantee is invading Brits.”

  “Do you think he’ll earn his patch?”

  “Probably.” She watched him climb off the bed. “Put a robe on. I don’t want him seeing anything that is mine.”

  He pulled on some sweatpants, and she quickly used the robe that came with the room.

  “Is there a reason you’re shouting this early in the morning?” Alex asked, opening the door. Sunshine moved out of the bedroom in time to see Adam try to push through the door. Alex kept him out.

  She couldn’t look away as her obviously strong businessman didn’t even put up a fight.

  “Let me put something right between us, Adam. The Skulls may think I’m nothing but a man in a suit, but I’ll warn you only once, don’t underestimate me. You won’t like it.”

  They stood staring at each other for several minutes before Adam finally nodded, and Alex allowed him to enter.

  “Where the fuck did you two go last night?” Adam asked.

  Baker followed Adam into the room.

  “We went out.”

  “We’re here for your fucking protection from a man who left you bleeding out on Christmas Eve, and what, you just left?” Adam kept talking.

  Alex winced. “Shit, I hadn’t thought of that.”

  “No? You put your life and her life in jeopardy. Is this some kind of kick you get from messing with the members of the club? We’re not fucking patched in, and you thought it would be fun to make sure that didn’t happen? Don’t you give a fuck about the club at all?”


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