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Page 16

by Sam Crescent

  When he finished brushing his teeth, Sunshine cried out as he slammed his fist against the glass. Her caring, loving man was gone. Alex, the monster, the one who made sure Fort Wills was protected, was back.

  “Get dressed. We’re going back to Fort Wills.” He closed the door giving her privacy. Staring at her clothes, Sunshine quickly got dressed.

  When she left the bedroom minutes later, Alex was already on the phone.

  “I want you to find me Preston Cooper. I don’t give a fuck what it takes, Diaz. I know you. You work for the Trojans MC. Find me fucking Preston Cooper and do it quickly. You’ve got the contacts that can put this shit in motion. Dig deep, find it, and put whatever men you need to put on it. I’ll pay fucking double.” He hung up the phone. Their bags were already by the door. “I’ve organized our flight, and Sandy’s meeting us out at the airport in Fort Wills.”

  “Why aren’t you using Whizz? I thought you said he’s the club computer geek?”

  “Whizz can only do so much. Diaz, he’s got a crew at his disposal that can find the shit out I need. Being in Fort Wills, I completely forgot about him.” He stopped to look out the window. “I’m a different man here. Being here, it reminds me of the man I am.”

  “I love you, Alex. You’ll find Preston.”

  “I’m going to kill him, Sunshine. I’m going to make him pay. Can you live with someone like that?”

  She smiled. “I can live with it being you.” Kissing his lips, she started to pack, helping Alex.

  There was no waiting around as they left the casino. Sunshine’s heart wouldn’t stop racing as they made it through the airport. The flight was a tense affair. She tried to look out of the window. Alex had his phone on and was typing away. He didn’t make a phone call, and no one dared approach him.

  “Have you ever seen him like this?” She heard Adam ask Baker.

  “No, man. Everything I know about him, he’s reserved to shit. He doesn’t get angry.”

  Sunshine wasn’t a genius, but it didn’t take a genius to know he cared for Tabitha. A couple of hours passed, and Sunshine was so happy to see ground. They didn’t waste time as they grabbed their luggage and headed outside. No one stopped them, and Sandy was already waiting. Stink was in the car, but it was a family SUV so they all fit into the car. Sunshine was pressed between Alex and Baker.

  “Take me to the hospital.”

  “Alex, I really don’t think—”

  “I don’t give a fuck what you think. Do as you’re fucking told and take me to the hospital.”

  “Watch how you speak to her,” Stink said. “You don’t think we all get it? Tabitha’s in the hospital. A little girl of four is in the hospital. We’re feeling you, brother. We get that it’s making you angry.”

  “You think I’m angry. I’m not angry. I’m pissed the fuck off right now. Get me to the hospital. I don’t give a shit what orders Tiny gave you. Preston Cooper is a fucking dead man. He’s got days, if not hours, to live ‘cause when I find him, I’m going to make him pay for thinking he could hurt my little niece, my fucking family. Get me to the hospital. I need to see Ned, and then I’m going fucking hunting for this bastard.”

  No one spoke, apart from Stink telling Sandy to go to the hospital. The car was tense, but there was nothing anyone could do.

  The drive to the hospital had everyone on edge. Sunshine stared down at the ring on her wedding finger, wishing they were back in their hotel room celebrating their marriage. She loved him with all of her heart, and didn’t regret marrying him. Alex was the only man she ever wanted to be with. If she could take this pain away from him, she would. Their memories of this time would never be forgotten. She’d support him in every decision he made. Most of the club had already cut him out of their lives, and she wouldn’t ever cut him out of hers.

  Sandy pulled up outside of the hospital half an hour later. Alex didn’t even wait for her. He climbed out, and went straight inside.

  “Wow,” Sandy said. “I’ve never seen him like that before.”

  “Yeah, well put it this way, he’s a brother through and through,” Adam said, pointing at his nose.

  “You deserved it,” Sunshine said, speaking up. The doors closed behind Alex, and her heart broke for him. “None of you know or even understand what he’s gone through for this club, for The Skulls.” She shook her head.

  “He married her, just so you know.” Baker spoke up, pointing at Sunshine.

  “Congratulations,” Sandy and Stink said together.

  Sunshine didn’t listen to their thanks. Climbing out of the car, she went after her man. It was time Alex realized he wasn’t going to be doing anything alone ever again.


  Ignoring the nurse, Alex went in search of Ned. His room was empty, and so he went to the next place, the children’s ward. When he got to the doors he stopped, not knowing what to do. He loved Tabitha, and he loved Tiny, the whole family. Fuck, this wasn’t supposed to happen.

  Family was not supposed to get hurt because of him.

  “I’m here,” Sunshine said. She covered his hand with hers.

  “You should wait back in the car.”

  “If you think I’m going to be pushed aside like Claire, you’re wrong. You married the wrong women if you think for a moment I’m not going to walk into that room by your side. You need me, Alex. Don’t push me away, as otherwise I’ll kick your ass.”

  “They’re my family, Sunshine.”

  “And we’re going to get through this together. I promise.” He watched her push open the door, letting them inside the children’s ward.

  Alex kept moving, looking in the rooms. He only knew he was at the right ward when he saw Miles sitting on the floor, crying.

  Pausing, he stepped into the room. Eva was beside the bed looking distraught as she held Tabitha’s hand. It looked like she wanted to climb up on the bed and hold her daughter. Tiny sat on the chair beside her and on the other side sat Ned. The room was quiet apart from the beeping of the machines.

  Sunshine squeezed his hand, and Alex stepped into the room. Eva, Tiny, and Ned looked toward him. Ned was a mess. His face was badly bruised, and one eye was covered with a bandage and his lip split.

  “He made a mistake,” Alex said.

  “My baby is here, and you want to talk about making mistakes,” Tiny asked.

  “Don’t even think of going there, Tiny,” Alex said. He stared at Tiny, waiting for his friend to argue.

  Nothing happened.

  “You two shouldn’t fight. All three of you should be figuring out a way to stop the man who hurt my baby.”

  “They weren’t trying to hurt her. He was after me. Stupid girl is just like her mother. She couldn’t run away. She had to stay and fight for her grandpa.” Ned stopped talking on a cough.

  Alex saw it was a struggle for the older man to keep it together. Tabitha was a sweet girl and touched the lives of everyone she came into contact with. You had no choice but to love her, she was that adorable. In the years to come, she was going to be pretty fucking special.

  She will wake up from her sleep. Alex wouldn’t stop until she did. He had enough money to make sure Tabitha woke up. Money made the world go round, and money would make his niece wake up.

  “You were returning to the clubhouse,” Alex said, getting down to business. Time had already been wasted.


  “You pass the darkened alley that leads out toward the second graveyard?” There were two graveyards in Fort Wills. One was near the church, but the second was a little secluded and away from any roads with traffic. His sister was buried in the one close to town.

  “Yes,” Ned said. “We can’t find him.”

  “We can. I called Diaz. He’s got a bigger network at his hands than Whizz.”

  “He’s with the Trojans, Alex. His fee is too fucking steep to prove that he’s not got alliances elsewhere. It’s why I didn’t suggest going to him in the first place,” Ned said.

��ll call Duke and smooth things over. Preston made a big mistake coming after my family. I’m not just going to give up now. I will find him, and when I do, I’ll kill him.”

  Sunshine squeezed his hand.

  “Can I speak to you for a minute?” Tiny asked.


  He smiled down at Sunshine. “I’ll be back.”

  She nodded, kissing him on the lips. “Take care.”

  Following Tiny out of the hospital room, they made their way toward the cafeteria.

  “What does the doctor say?” Alex asked, checking his cell phone. Still no call from Diaz yet. He didn’t want to waste any time when the shit truly hit the fan.

  “She took a blow to the head. All the little tests they’ve done show she’s fine. We’re waiting for her to wake up. She has brain activity.” Tiny stopped talking. “You know, it never gets easier, with Tate, Tabitha, or Miles. Eva’s pregnant again, and I can’t even keep the ones that are already walking and talking safe.”

  Putting sugar and cream in his coffee, Alex paid the woman who was at the till, then followed Tiny to a secluded table. “This is not your fault.”

  “I’m always screwing up just lately. I lost Devil’s friendship out of fucking fear. Fuck, if Mikey could see me here right now, he’d kick my ass.”

  Mikey was killed several years ago when the club was attacked. He’d been one of the original members who had helped define the club.

  “We all make mistakes,” Alex said.

  “Is that what I think it is?” Tiny asked, pointing at his finger.

  “I married Sunshine in Vegas.” Alex looked down at his finger.

  “You’re married?”

  “I am now.”

  “Wow, I didn’t think you’d ever get married.”

  Alex was about to snap at Tiny about everything he’d given up but stopped himself. Now was not the time or place to start being honest with him.

  “I’m going to find Preston, and I’m going to kill him. I’ll make sure Fort Wills is never attacked again. You’ll have my word.”

  “What was all that talk about Duke and the Trojans?”

  “They’re taking over the drug runs and working with Ned. I told you I’d sort that out. The Skulls is going to be legal.” Alex opened his jacket and pulled out the envelope. “Here’s my investment.”

  “What’s this for?”

  “The gym. There’s enough to get you set up and started for the gym.”

  Tiny took the envelope, opening it up. “I can’t take this.”

  “You’re taking it.” Alex finished off his coffee.

  “Why didn’t you wait to marry in front of the club?” Tiny asked.

  “You and I both know I’m not invited to be part of the club.” Alex stood. “I know you’re taking a decision to vote me out.”


  “No, I don’t care anymore, Tiny. I’m going to deal with this shit with Preston, and then I’m moving on. I’ve wasted enough time not calling Diaz. Whizz is great, but Diaz is better because he has a lot more men with the same skills.” Whizz was just one man and a brilliant one, but Diaz had ten men like Whizz working for him, if not more.

  He walked back up to Tabitha’s room. Sunshine was sitting in the chair where Tiny had once been. Moving to Tabitha’s side, Alex leaned down, and kissed her cheek. “You’re going to need to be a big girl. Simon’s going to be angry if you don’t wake up soon.”

  Thinking about Simon, Alex had another idea.

  “Have you called Devil?”

  “No. I’ve not called anyone.” Eva rubbed at her eyes. “Shit, I need to take care of everything.”

  Alex turned as someone knocked on the door.

  “You don’t need to worry about anything, Eva. I’m taking care of things. The club, they’re down in the reception,” Angel said, walking into the room. She carried a balloon and a pink teddy bear. “How is she?”

  “She’s the same as always.”

  Leaning down, Alex brushed a kiss against Sunshine’s cheek.

  “I need to go and make a phone call.”

  “Do you want me to come with you?”

  “No.” He tapped her hand, keeping her there. Alex made his way down to the front of the hospital. He couldn’t make a call inside. Passing the brothers waiting in reception, he ignored them, taking out his cell phone.

  Flicking through the numbers, he saw Devil’s name, and dialed.

  He waited patiently for Devil to answer.

  “What the fuck are you calling me for?”

  “Tabitha’s in the hospital right now. We don’t know if she’s going to wake up. The doctor says everything is fine. Brain activity and shit, but I was wondering if you’d bring Simon.”

  Devil was silent on the line for several seconds. “You want me to bring Simon to Fort Wills because Tabitha can’t wake up?”

  He heard Lexie on the line. “I need to talk with you as well.”

  “I’m not going to do this, Alex.”

  “You hate me, and I get that. I’m asking you to think about Tiny and your son. If Tabitha doesn’t wake up, what are you going to tell Simon?” He waited for his words to sink in.

  “We’ll be there by tonight.”


  Closing his phone, Alex rested his head back against the wall. All he needed to do was wait for Diaz’s call. It shouldn’t be a long wait.


  Piston County

  “Tabitha’s in the hospital? What the hell happened?” Lexie asked.

  Devil stared at his heavily pregnant wife. Simon, Elizabeth, and Josh were in the other room watching television.

  “I don’t know what happened, baby. She’s in the hospital. Alex didn’t say anything else. Her brain is alive and working or something like that. She’s just not waking up, and no one can get her to wake up. He wants me to take Simon to see her.” Devil rubbed at his eyes. He’d been hoping for a night with his wife, and now it looked like they were both driving toward Fort Wills.

  “We’ve got to go. I bet Eva’s out of her mind with worry.”

  “Get Simon for me. I need to speak with him.”

  Lexie nodded, leaving him alone. Pulling out his cell phone Devil dialed Vincent to let him know he was leaving and wouldn’t be around tomorrow morning. “I need you to keep the boys up to speed.”

  “They’re still partying and in club pussy, Devil.”

  “Keep it that way. Death wants to go hunting for that Master guy. I don’t want any trouble for some time. I’ve got two pregnant women to deal with.”

  “Will do. Send Eva our love and the boys will behave themselves.”

  Canceling the call, he watched as Simon entered. His son was already in school and a right pain in the ass when it came to authority. Everything about Simon reminded Devil of himself.

  “Son, I need you to listen to me and to be a man right now.” He put a hand on Simon’s shoulder as he broke the news about Tabitha.

  Chapter Fourteen

  Sunshine handed out the cups of coffee to the club members. They were still in the hospital waiting for an update. Rose had arrived, and she was being comforted by Hardy, which seemed to surprise everyone.

  “Here you go,” Sunshine said, handing a coffee to a man named Gash.

  “Thanks, babe.”

  “She’s Alex’s old lady,” Angel said, passing out sandwiches to the men. There was so much to take in. Sunshine was out of her depth with the club. They were a hard talking, rough partying biker group, and yet all of them were here to offer support and love to little Tabitha. This blew her thoughts of the club out of the water. What also surprised her was the fact they didn’t treat Alex the same way. He didn’t wear a leather cut but a business suit.

  “This shouldn’t have happened. We all failed tonight,” Zero said, speaking what everyone was clearly thinking.

  “We should have walked with Ned.” This came from Killer.

  “Tabitha loves to look at the stars. I’ve seen he
r in the clubhouse looking out of the window. It was a clear night,” Nash said.

  The girl in the hospital had hit every single one of the club. Sunshine glanced around seeing several rubbing under their eyes. Were they wiping away tears?

  “She’ll get through this.”

  Alex walked into the reception area, shaking his head as they all looked toward him. “No news, no change. Eva and Tiny said you didn’t have to stay.”

  “We’re staying here,” Nash said.

  “Don’t start,” Lash said, warning them all. “We’re not here to cause shit. We’re here to give Tiny our support. His little girl is up there. You keep all of your personal grievances out of it.”

  Sunshine respected Lash a little more. She saw he didn’t much care for Alex, but at least he was standing up for the club and their support of the little girl.

  “How are you?” she asked, following Alex.

  “I wish this hadn’t happened.”

  “At least we know Preston is still in Fort Wills.”

  “I’ve been talking with Ned. Preston jumped him along with two guys. Do you remember Christmas Eve?” It was nearly two months ago, but she remembered.

  “Yes, I remember.” She shuddered recalling the memory of being stabbed, called names, the whole horrible night in general.

  “Were there any other men with him?”

  “Yes. Two more men. They were laughing along with him. Do you think they’re here now?”

  “Yes. It doesn’t matter. I’m going to kill them all.”

  It should bother her how easily he talked about killing, but she couldn’t bring herself to even care. Preston and whoever worked for him brought it on themselves. “Have you talked to Cheryl?” she asked, voicing another thought she had.


  “I know this is all in Fort Wills, but with Tabitha being in the hospital, it shows they don’t care about what’s going to happen to kids. Michael could be in danger.”

  “Fuck, I didn’t even fucking think.” He slapped his hand to his head.


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