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Alex Page 20

by Sam Crescent

  She wrapped her arms around his neck, holding him close. Her lips moved to his neck as pounded inside her.

  This is what it felt like to be with another person, to love her. Claire, he hadn’t truly been in love with her. She’d been a passing fancy. This was love, this feeling that never went away.

  Holding her tightly against him, he breathed in her scent.

  “Come for me, Sunshine.” He reached between them, stroking through her clit. She came apart in his arms, and he relished every sound and feel of her pussy tightening around him.

  Alex thrust inside her twice more and followed her into heaven. His cum filled up her tight pussy.

  “Hello,” Tiny said, calling out.

  Alex had been so lost in Sunshine that he’d not even heard Tiny knock on the door. Sunshine looked up at him with wide eyes.

  Pulling his jeans up, he tucked his dick away. “Stay here,” he said, cupping her cheek.

  He moved out of the kitchen and made his way toward the main reception near the front door. Tiny stood, wearing a leather jacket.

  “I didn’t hear you knock,” Alex said. He stopped a couple of feet away from Tiny.

  “No one answered, and I recalled you saying to me once the door was always open.”

  “So, they decided my fate?”

  “Yes, they decided.”

  “Do I need to start looking elsewhere to live?”

  “No. We’re not voting you out, Alex. You’re part of the club. Actually, I’ve handed over the gavel to Lash. You’re right. I’m not in the right frame of mind to be running a club. My family comes first.”

  “Lash is now in charge of The Skulls.”

  “I’m still part of the club. If he needs my help, I’ll be there. It’s time for me to step down to give someone else a chance.” Tiny rubbed the back of his head. “Eva’s making dinner on Sunday. She’d really like for you and Sunshine to join us.”

  “The club going to be there?”

  “Yeah, the whole of the club. It’s a big meal bringing us all back together. It’s time for you to be part of that, even if you do wear too many suits.” Tiny smiled.

  “I’ll be there.”

  Tiny nodded. “Thank you.”


  “For everything you did. Coming to you all of those years ago, I didn’t even begin to realize what I was doing to you. You’ve put the club before your own happiness. The years you’ve put into looking out for me. I can never give you them back. What I can give you, Alex, is a brother.”

  “Patricia’s long dead, Tiny.”

  “We’re not. Our friendship, it was never about Pat. You and I both know that. You’re my friend, Alex, my brother. Our fights, it’s never going to change that. I’m sorry for being an ass.”

  Alex nodded.

  Tiny held his hand out.

  He took Tiny’s hand, and a second later he was pulled into a hug. “It’s good to have you back.”

  Tiny slapped him on the back, moving away toward the door.

  “Don’t be late for dinner. Eva would have my hide.”

  Alex watched him leave, wrapping his arm around Sunshine’s shoulders as she came to stand beside him.

  “You’re a member?”

  “Yes, and it’s all down to you.” He turned to look at his woman. “How can I make it up to you?”

  “Fifty years of happiness? Never arguing with me? Being romantic all the time? Taking me on dates? Being devoted to me? The list can go on and on. Just tell me what you’re willing to give,” she said.

  Smiling down at her, Alex locked their fingers together. “How about the rest of our lives together?”

  “I can live with that.”


  Three months later

  Hardy worked on his bike trying to get his mind off a certain little redhead. It had been a week since she’d let him into her life. At least she was letting him back into her life. He didn’t know what he’d do without Rose. She was the love of his life. His lawyer hadn’t called about the divorce papers yet, so she hadn’t filed them even though he’d signed and given them back. For several weeks afterward he expected to get the call. He still hadn’t.

  There was no way he was going to ask her about them. He didn’t want to lose Rose, never had. Ten years ago he’d fucked up, and if he could go back and change what he’d done to her, he would.

  “Heads up, Hardy,” Baker said. “Your woman’s coming.”

  Glancing toward the gates to the compound, Hardy paused as Rose started walking toward him. She wore a tight fitting pair of jeans with one of his old checkered shirts. She looked so fucking sexy. His dick twitched inside his jeans, and all he wanted to do was take her to his room and fuck her.

  “Hey,” he said, standing up to look at her.

  “Hey. Can we, erm, can we talk?”

  Several of the guys had stopped to watch them. It had been over a year since Rose had approached him without yelling or throwing shit at him.


  Tucking his cloth inside his jeans, he grabbed her hand, leading her around to the back of the clubhouse. There were no brothers, and they were given some privacy.

  “I was hoping to hear from you,” he said.

  “I’m not here to make small talk.”

  “What is it?” he asked, concerned. She looked pale. “Are you sick?”

  He pressed his hand against her head to test her temperature.

  She moved his hand away. “I’m fine. Well, I’m as fine as I can be all things considered.”

  “Rose, what’s going on?”

  “I’ve just been back from the doctors. I can’t believe after all of this time this is actually really happening. We’re not in a good place, and yet it’s happening.” Tears were spilling down her cheeks.

  “Babe, what is it?” he asked, getting more concerned by the second.

  “I’m pregnant. I’m pregnant with your baby, before you ask if it’s even yours.”

  A punch to the gut would have been easier for him to deal with. He’d never doubt if the baby was his.

  “I don’t expect anything from you. I just thought you should know. I’m pregnant.”

  Before he could stop her, Rose turned, and walked away.

  They were having a baby together. A baby and he’d signed divorce papers. No, he couldn’t lose her. He had to win her back.

  Hardy was going to win her back.



  The End

  Other Books by Sam Crescent:

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  Evernight Publishing




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