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Sacrifice of Mercy

Page 9

by Shannon Dermott

  Chapter Thirteen

  A wave of dizziness rocked me as I forced myself to the edge of the bed. I held on to one of the four posters as I tried to get to my feet.

  A knock sounded at the door. Tristrom had come as promised, by Flynn. “Come in.”

  I glanced down at the dress I still wore.

  “I need to get to Maggie,” I said staring at my hands after I let go of the post. “She’s gone off half-cocked with Flynn after her.”


  The voice wasn’t familiar. I snapped my head in the direction of the sound. Holy crap. The guy who stood not yards away wasn’t Tristrom. With his sleek dark blonde hair that curled at his shoulders and smooth, good looks, I finally got an up-close view of the guy Maggie had pointed out. No wonder she’d been swayed by his charms. He was cute. Unfortunately, he wore a sneer on his face that wiped all the cuteness away.

  On alert, I got to my feet and held onto the poster for purchase. I couldn’t appear weak. Nausea created waves in my gut, and bile threatened to rise like a tidal wave. Yet, I knew if I stood without assistance, I would fall.

  “Get out,” I demanded, grateful my voice sounded stronger than I felt.

  “You don’t look so well Mercy. That’s your name right.”

  Something about him knowing my name felt wrong. Following my gut feeling, I said, “That’s what they call me. But my name is McKayla.”

  He took a step forward, and I prayed I could find the strength to defend myself if necessary.

  “Okay, McKayla. Why don’t we begin with you telling me what you are?”

  I ignored his question. “You know my name, but I don’t know yours.”

  “Fine, I’m Huck, not that it will do you any good to know.”

  I had to keep him talking. The more time I bought, the more I could come up with a plan to get him out of my room.

  “Why were you in America? Specifically my town.”

  His eyes flashed a bright gold. “So the little redhead remembered me. I guess I am as unforgettable as they say.”

  I rolled my eyes. Bad thing, I swayed slightly. I compensated and forced my voice to be firm. “You haven’t answered my question. “Why were you there?”

  “King’s business,” he said dryly.

  “Tom didn’t send you there. He didn’t even know you were in town.”

  His grin grew sly. “Like I said, King’s business.”

  “His grandfather wouldn’t have sent you to spy on his grandson.”

  He shook his head as if I was a silly child. “I’ll only say it one more time. King’s business.”

  “And who is this king you are referring to?”

  His brow quirked. “Now that you’ve asked the right question, I’ll have to decline to answer. Shifter business. No matter for demons.” Somehow I managed to contain my shock. He knew what I was. “And my question remains. Just what kind of demon are you?”

  “I’m not a demon.”

  He stepped forward. “And you’re a liar too.” I had no idea how much he knew. He had to be guessing. “I wonder what you truly look like under that pretty human skin you’re wearing.”

  “I’m not a demon. I’m a human just like you.”

  He shook his head. “You’re nothing like me. I bet based off how beautiful you’re trying to appear; you must be a vampire or a siren or even a succubus.”

  “I’m none of those things.” It was the truth. I was a Cambion, not a succubus, technically at least.

  “Miranda sought to send you a meal, her plan anyway. You have to be a vampire or a succubus.”

  “I was born in this world just like you.”

  His sneer turned more hateful. “Stop comparing yourself to me, demon spawn.” He paused and glanced me over. “You don’t quite look so good. Maybe you should have fed while you had the chance. Or is there another reason you don’t look so good?”

  Was he a part of the plan to poison me? I called upon calm I didn’t have. I just wanted to close eyes and get some rest. Unfortunately, I took a cleansing breath and when I did so, my eyes drifted shut for only a second. When I opened them again, he was right in my face.

  Before I could utter a word, his hand clamped around my throat. Instinct caused me to draw in a wheezing breath as I clawed at his hand.

  “Don’t play fight with me. Everyone knows demons don’t need to breathe. So let’s see. What flavor of demon are you?”

  In a lightning-fast movement, he swiped a fingernail against his neck. A faint line appeared before blood began to run from the cut.

  He yanked me to my toes and moved my mouth near his neck. When I did nothing, he forced me back on my feet. “That rules out vampire. So that leaves only one thing.”

  His hand fastened on my waist.

  I used what precious air I could suck in, to wheeze out a panicked question, “What are you doing?”

  My voice was little more than air as I watched a fantastic grin bloom on his face. “I have to know for sure.”

  He gripped the fabric of the dress to bunch in his hand as he pushed me back on the bed.

  There was no way this was happening. I couldn’t count on help to save me. I had to save myself. And I had enough trying over the last several months to know I could do it. I didn’t need to be rescued. I quickly allowed my self-defense training to ease into my mind. I stopped fighting and squirming. I went limp underneath him as he continued to pull up the yards of fabric that made up my skirt.

  “Not fighting me eh? Your true colors finally showing?”

  While he was busy trying to taunt me, I willed the last of my strength reserve to the forefront. If my plan didn’t work, I wasn’t sure what would happen. I guessed I could try screaming like a girl as my last resort. Then again, he hadn’t let go of my neck, and I was barely getting enough air to breath. Trying to scream would be a wasted effort.

  “I can see how Tom got caught in your thrall.”

  His hand touched my bare thigh. I had no more time to waste.

  “I know better than to look you directly in the eye. I won’t make his mistake.”

  And he hadn’t given me the opportunity to lock on his gaze. Not once.

  “There is no other explanation why Tom would bring a hand full of demons into our den, our sanctuary and put us all at risk.”

  Tom couldn’t trust the likes of him and whoever else in this castle that was plotting against his family. He could trust us. Not his own kind.

  Huck was caught up with his monologue. When I bucked and arched my back like a raging bull, he flew off my body giving me enough room to tuck my bare legs to my chest. As we began to fall to the bed, I kicked out using the leverage I created to send him flying over my head and off the other side of the bed. He crashed on the floor with a satisfactory grunt.

  I scrambled off my side and got in a fighting stance. I had nothing left, but I tried to appear as though I did.

  He was a shifter and easily bounced to his feet with the king-sized bed separating us.

  “So, the lady has more fight in her than I thought.”

  “The lady wants you out of her room.”

  “Or what?”

  His eyes zeroed in on my neck. I felt a stinging sensation and allowed my hand to reach up and touch the area. When I pulled my fingers back, a quick glance showed they were stained with crimson. I met eyes with Huck whose smile for the first time looked genuine.

  “Well now. You bleed, and it hasn’t yet heeled.” He waited for me to speak, but I didn’t oblige him. “If you are the human you claim to be, I’m sorry.” He tilted his head to the side. “Then again, maybe I’m not. You came here acting like the queen. Maybe now, you can be one in truth.”

  He moved towards the end of the bed. I shifted to keep my body ready to spring into action with reserves I didn’t have.

  “Speaking of your queenly aspirations. When I searched your room yesterday while you played your role at the coronation, I found the scepter. Nice touch. It looks authentic.”

  I hastily glanced at my duffle bag.

  “Don’t bother. I took it. It looked very official. I have to admit, you had this all figured out how to insert yourself as queen.”

  “Give it back, it’s not yours.”

  “If you want it, you will come to the training grounds tonight when the moon has risen directly overhead. There you will prove your innocence in front of us, and you will bring Tom as well.”

  “Why would I do that? It will be an ambush.”

  He shrugged. “You’ll have Tom, and we will find out what you are.”

  “I don’t know where the training grounds are?”

  “Tom knows.”

  “And how will you prove what you think is my guilt?”

  “That’s the thing. Either you’re innocent or not. Tonight when the full moon rises, if you are innocent and a human, you will join our ranks. And I’ll gladly give you back your queenly scepter. If not, well, you won’t be needing it where you’re going.”

  I let out an irritated huff. Why hadn’t I bothered to hide it? I just didn’t think it would matter to anyone. I wanted to cry out in frustration but managed to hold it in.

  When he reached the door, he leered at me. “And if you change, and Tom doesn’t accept a leopard, I’ll gladly take you under my protection. After all, it would be the right thing to do, considering I’ll be your sire.”

  With that, he left. I slumped in my stance, but the burning pain on my neck worsened. I stumbled my way into the bathroom waiting for Huck to return. He didn’t.

  I stared in the mirror at the hand print around my neck and the thin claw marks that slashed through them. I had no idea what to think they would mean for me. Supernaturals shouldn’t be able to be turned into a vampire or a shifter. However, nothing was simple with me. I wasn’t like every other Cambion. I had no idea if that meant I could be turned or not.

  Bracing my hands on the edge of the counter, I dropped my head only to be startled by a voice.


  I glanced up at Tristrom forgetting the marks on my neck. I watched as his eyes went from thoughtful to concern. He moved over and lifted my chin.

  “What happened? Who marked you?”

  I closed my eyes grateful for his concern, but unwilling to bring anyone else into my mess.

  “Nothing. It’s just a scratch.”

  He glared into my eyes. “I thought we were friends. I’ve told you things I haven’t told another.”

  “We are friends.”

  “Then don’t lie to me.”

  I sighed. “It’s a long story.”

  He pulled away and folded his arms. “We have time.”

  I turned and leaned my backside on the counter. I was still tired and dead on my feet. I breathed out the words, including Maggie’s suspicions and finished with what just happened.

  “I’ll kill him.”

  “No, I’m not sure that’s the answer. I think he believes we’re endangering Tom. I’m not so sure he’s the enemy.”

  “So what? It’s a trap, and you’re going to walk in there alone or with Tom? We need to tell the others.”

  “I shook my head. I won’t jeopardize anyone else. I’m forever getting people killed or nearly killed with my messes. I’m going alone.”

  He shook his head. “I don’t know the rest like I know Flynn, but that guy will go apeshit if he finds out I left you to the wolves without backup.”

  “Technically, Huck is a leopard and Tom is a lion.”

  “Whatever, you’re not going alone. We’re better in larger numbers.”

  “No,” I said vehemently. “Maggie is human. If she gets in a fight, she risks exposure. I can’t allow that.”

  “Fine, we leave her.”

  “Flynn is barely up and walking around. I won’t bring him into this. I won’t bring any of you.”

  His stubborn chin reminded me of Luke. Where was Luke? Wasn’t he my savior? Why hadn’t he come? Too many questions, I filed them away.

  “Face it, Mercy. I won’t let you go alone. If you want me to keep quiet, you’ll have to bring me.”

  I sighed. “Fine. You can sense Fey magic right?” He nodded. “Then you can find the scepter while I deal with the pack.”

  “No way.”

  “You have to. Who knows what they will do when they realize what they have? Plus, if I were them, I wouldn’t have it near the meeting point for fear someone could get away with it. I would have it hidden. Some place close, but no too close. It’s up to you find it and take it from them at all cost. I mean, what if they opened a portal and let Queen Mab through. It will not only be a personal hell for you and me. Think about the rest of the human world.”

  Begrudgingly, he agreed. “Okay. But you’ll signal me if you need help.”

  “I will. I promise. I don’t plan on being a martyr.”

  I lifted the bottom of my dress. There was a layer of fabric underneath. I tore a long strip.

  “What are you doing?”

  “I can’t let anyone see the marks on my neck. Not until I figure out what they mean.”

  He nodded.

  I wrapped the fabric like a decorative scarf, covering the wounds. I got up from the counter and swayed on my feet. Tristrom held me up by my arm.

  “If you are going to do this, you need rest. You need to eat.”

  I gagged a little at the thought of food. “I don’t think I could eat anything let alone smell it.”

  He guided me back into the room and helped me to sit on the bed.

  “I’ll get you some soup. You need to eat something. You don’t look good.”

  “Thanks,” I said. “You’re the fourth person to tell me as much.”

  He ruffled my hair like Paul used to do expect Tristrom’s care came from a brotherly place.

  “Lay down. I’ll be back soon.”

  “Please, if you see Maggie, stick with her and don’t worry about me.”

  He nodded. “We’ll both come back if I find her.”

  After he left, I lay on the bed. I hated the feeling of weakness. But he was right. I had no chance of protecting myself from the shifters if I didn’t build up some strength. I closed my eyes and was assaulted by my enemies as soon as I crossed into dreamland.

  Chapter Fourteen

  I sunk into dreams that turned into nightmares. In the school cafeteria, I stood with a familiar tray in my hand. I wanted to believe that everything that had happened was a nightmare.

  Everyone was chatting animatedly as I wondered what I should do, where I should sit. It wasn’t until familiar golden curls turned in my direction and gave me the best smile a girl could dream of that I knew.

  The smile I returned was easy as I began to take steps forward towards the boy who'd shown me what true love was. How could I possibly do him wrong by being with his best friend?

  My smile faltered when I was bumped from behind.

  “Watch it, loser!”

  A pretty girl with straight brown hair angled poisonous eyes at me.


  “Don’t say my name, demon. Sit with your own kind.”

  She turned and strode forward. She sat right next to Luke, and his smile was only for her. I glanced over my shoulder and saw foul creatures at a table at the other end of the room. They pointed in my direction with clawed fingers, and I felt their call.

  I turned back, and Nina and Luke moved apart as if he’d kissed her. I didn’t see him do it, but her face was flushed.

  “Luke,” I blurted on a ragged breath.

  He turned to stare at me having heard his name. His face was too serious and maybe even a little calculating. Nina whispered something to him, and he stood. He started towards me, white wings exploding from his back. Nina was not too far behind him. Her wings were the color of ash.

  I wasn’t sure of Luke’s expression, pensive, menace, or anger. I took an involuntary step back only to have those who were on the left side of me start to yell. He doesn’t belong to you. He belongs to Nina. S
he’s right for him. They are the same. The chants made me want to cover my ears.

  Without any other allies, I glanced to my right and searched for Flynn. I may have even said his name. Suddenly, Amanda was in my face wearing her cheer uniform.

  “Everyone wants a bad boy, but a backstabbing slut can’t have him. Flynn doesn’t want his best friend’s sloppy seconds. Give it up. All you’ll ever be is a bed warmer for the few willing guys left.”

  A crowd began to circle me. Luke, in the distance, was still headed my way. Yet, he wasn’t getting closer as his movement suggested. In fact, he appeared further away. His mouth moved, but I couldn’t hear what he was saying.

  The chants of the demons grew loud in the melee. “Join us. Join us if you like. We’ll take you.”

  Then I was falling backward in a trust fall. The tray was no longer in my hands, and my arms were crossed over my chest as if I was in a coffin pose.

  When I landed, the impact was hard. The surface, however, didn’t feel like a tiled floor. It felt cold and lumpy beneath my back. I shivered, and when I opened my eyes to the gray sky, frost exhaled from my breath.

  Black crows circled overhead. I followed a few with my eyes as they swooped down and landed on something. I popped up and cried out.


  There, frozen like Hans Solo from Star Wars in ice instead of lead, Flynn stood in a statuesque pose with mouth open in a silent scream. The beaks of the crows stabbed at the ice. Some had already punctured holes deep enough to nip at flesh. Blood oozed from those spots.

  I swiped a hand at the foul creatures to get them off. Then I beat at the ice trying to chip it away.

  “He’s so beautiful. It’s fitting he’s on display.”

  To my right side, Queen Mab stood next to me in a gown of white lace that was more befitting of a bride. Though she seemed at home in it.

  “So right, Mother. If only he’d chosen better, he would be at our wedding.” She waved a hand dismissing the thought. “Instead, he’s food for the crows.”

  To my left, Morgana clapped her hands as if she looked at the most astonishing thing ever.

  “Larrison did such an amazing job with the ice, don’t you think, Mother?”


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