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Sacrifice of Mercy

Page 16

by Shannon Dermott

  “It’s no secret I don’t want to rule. If she exists…”

  “Then she can be queen, and you can live a more ordinary life,” I finished for him.

  He nodded.

  “What does your mom think?” Doug asked.

  “She can’t know. She won’t want me to find her. Worse, she could try to have her eliminated. She sees royalty as our bloodline’s legacy.”

  “So what are you going to do?” Maggie asked.

  “I’m going back to school.” He glanced at us conspiratorially. “At least that’s what she’ll think. After a few days of showing my face, I’ll leave.”

  “We’ll come with you,” I said.

  He shook his head. “If all of us are gone, it will be noticed. As it is, I’m going to ask you and Tristrom a favor. We need to get back, but it can’t be traced. I want my enemies to think I’m still here at the castle.”

  Flynn asked, “Won’t spies find out you're gone?”

  “Eventually, yes. But, if we take a portal out of here and the plane, it will take longer for them to figure it out. By then, I would have left school and headed north to find the girl.”

  I glanced to Tristrom. “Can you use your power yet?”

  He nodded.

  “One thing? What’s going to happen to the animal I forced into the change? Should I force her to change back?”

  Tom sighed and scrubbed a hand down his face. “I should put her down.”

  “No,” I begged, scooting to the edge of my seat. “I did this. I’m responsible.”

  “You aren’t. It’s possible she would have changed on her own. I can’t let her go. I will have someone work with her to see if we can teach her. If she changes back at the next full moon, and there is no progress with her human abilities, I may be forced to put her down.”

  “Promise me you’ll give her a fighting chance.”

  “I will,” he declared and I believe him.

  “Okay, then let’s go.”

  I was anxious to get back home and talk to Mom. She had some explaining to do.

  Flynn put a hand on my shoulder. “We can’t just go running back. Sebastian will find you there. That thing that belongs to the queen is probably a beacon of some sort. Here the magic surrounding the place shields it.”

  “I can’t hide forever, Flynn. We have to go back. I have to see my mom.”

  I glanced up at him, pleading with my eyes. He finally nodded. Tom slapped his hands on his thighs. “I have just a few more things to do first. Doug, with me.”

  When they left, I stood. “I guess I’ll go pack.” It wasn’t like I had much to do. Everyone nodded. “Wait, where is Mia?”

  Flynn shrugged. “I haven’t seen her.”

  “You have to find her.”

  “She’s not my responsibility.”

  His words shocked me.

  “Flynn, please go find her.”

  He sighed. “Fine.” He left, leaving Maggie, Tristrom, and me alone.

  “What was that all about?” Maggie asked.

  “I have no idea.” I shook my head. “I’m going to shower and pack.”

  We all agreed, and they left me in Tom’s room. With everyone gone, I could look around. The space was massive with huge paintings on the wall. I recognized his grandfather even though it was a younger version of him. Tom resembled him some. He sat in a throne next to a regal looking woman with blonde hair. In front of them was a child. Although she sat still, the artist had captured her wandering eyes.

  There were other paintings and furnishings that were fit for a museum. They were solid but delicate pieces that made me think they were French. I don’t know why. I wasn’t an art major. Just something about them made me think they were created by a French artisan.

  I was about to leave when I spotted one more painting. It was of a lion. I wasn’t sure at first if it was just a random picture of a lion from the wild until I studied its eyes. As I moved, they seemed to follow me, and there was something a little too human about those eyes. I shivered and went through the pocket door.

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  Thoughts circled in my head as I showered, dressed and packed. I rushed out of the room to find Maggie. As I passed one door a ways down the hall, I heard Flynn’s voice. He was almost shouting, but I kept going around the corner. There weren’t many doors, and I knocked on the first one.

  A shirtless Tristrom opened the door. “Is there a problem?”

  I shook my head. “I’m looking for Maggie. Is she around?”

  He pointed to a door a little further down on the right.

  “Thanks,” I muttered.

  I rushed over to the door and practically pounded on it.

  “Holy hell, Eme, what’s going on?”

  “Brent? I forgot to ask about Brent.”

  Her mouth formed an O, but she wasn’t looking at me. I glanced over my shoulder to see Tristrom still standing there. I faced Maggie again and rolled my eyes.

  “Your boyfriend, Brent.” My words were punched with obvious meaning, and she glanced up at me.

  “Yeah, you don’t know.”

  “I don’t know what?”

  She was still staring, so I position myself in front of her blocking her view of Tristrom.

  Her response was less than apologetic. “There’s no harm in looking, is there?”

  “Brent. What are we going to do with him? Will he stay here?” She shook her head, but I could tell she wasn’t at all with me. “Mags!”

  Her eyes finally met mine with clarity. “He’s back. Whatever you did worked. He’s sleeping. He isn’t quite together yet. I assume he’s coming with us.”

  How long had I slept?

  “You assume? The boy you were so in love with you jumped in a cage with him.”

  She nodded. “I don’t know. I love him…”

  “Spit it out Mags.”

  “I do. I just… I don’t know. I need to think about everything. It’s just that one mistake by him, and he could turn me. I love him, but I don’t want to be a shifter.”

  I didn’t bother correcting her that she could only be turned into a were not a shifter. It was a moot point.

  “It’s cool that you all have these powers, but I kind of like being human.”

  We were still standing in the hallway. I looked behind me. Tristrom was gone, and his door shut.

  “I get it. I don’t blame you. But don’t you think you should talk to Brent first? Plus Tristrom has a girl he’s in love with. And he’s not exactly human either.”

  “I know,” she began. “But he can’t change me into something else.”

  “That’s not quite true. He’s half-Fey, and his life is in danger as much as mine. If they take him and you back to Fairy, they can change you into Fey.”

  She paused at that. I stepped in to give her a hug. I knew that it was too much for her. I wanted her safe, and my crazy life wouldn’t keep her that way. Just another detail to add to my list. I wondered again if maybe I should plant a memory in her mind to get her to forget what we were. I could have her move on with her life without us. The thought choked me up, but it might be the best for all.

  I pulled back and smiled. I couldn’t make a decision now. The thought of losing my best friend scared me. I wanted to cry and rage because I was born into a life not of my choosing. And for that, I couldn’t ever be a normal girl. And maybe I couldn’t have human friends either.

  “Are you packed?” I asked, trying to smile my way through this. Maggie had a way of figuring me out. So a change of subject was in order. I glanced around the clothes in her room. “Where did you get all this stuff?”

  She shrugged. “Tom’s people brought it for me since I didn’t come with any clothes. Last minute plans and all.”

  I smiled feeling guilty.

  “I think Flynn and Mia are arguing.”

  That changed Maggie’s focus. “Really? Why?”

  I told her the whole story of what happened in hell as I helped her finish packaging
all her things. I ended the tale while sitting on her bed waiting for Tom to get us.

  “Oh my god, I’m so happy for you.” She leaned over and hugged me. “You two deserve each other.”

  “It’s not that simple. I still love Luke. My feelings haven’t died.”

  “Yeah, where is he then?”

  Her question was a little sharp. Then again, Maggie had always been a little more Team Flynn. I couldn’t bring her back to the middle, closer to Team Luke because there were things I didn’t want to say. Things I wasn’t sure I should say. Luke hadn’t exactly filled everyone in.

  I shrugged. “Besides, I can’t think about either of them right now. Mom’s pregnant, and she’s going to die before this baby is born. I want to be happy that I’m going to have a sister or brother. But, at the same time, I’m pissed she would be so careless. I’m getting a sister or brother, but I’m losing my mom.”

  “Do you think she did it on purpose?”

  I glared at her. “She’s a nurse and a mom. She knows how to protect herself.”

  She nodded. “Somehow I don’t think she would do this intentionally, Eme. Give her the benefit of the doubt.”

  “Maybe. But, why did I have to hear it from Belial?”

  Thoughts of parents brought me to the subject of my grandfather. I’d been in hell and hadn’t once thought about saving him. Could I have?

  “What are you thinking about?”

  I shook my head. “Nothing. Maybe we should go to my room. They will probably look for us there first.”

  She nodded and got up to get her things. Her room was nice. It was about the size of my room at David’s. The furniture looked more contemporary, which was interesting. I’d have to ask Tom about where all the furniture came from.

  When we walked out, Mia stood there with red-rimmed eyes. “Can I talk to you?”

  There was no way the conversation would be good. However, I glanced back to Maggie.

  “I’ll check on the boys,” she said tossing her bag in her room.

  I followed Mia as she led us to my room. I wondered where her room was, or if she’d been staying with Flynn, which caused a stab of jealousy to spike in my chest. I went in first, and she followed. Then I closed the door and stayed by it while I waited for her to say her peace.

  She wiped at her nose. “Flynn tells me the two of you are together.”

  I nodded because I didn’t want to get into an argument with her about Flynn.

  “Do you think that’s wise?” She stared at me waiting for me to answer.

  I glanced at my feet because I had my doubts about it all. It seemed no matter what I did, I was hurting someone. And now, that extended to this girl.

  “Whether it’s wise or not, it’s really none of your business.”

  “My business? David brought me here to break the bond forming between you two. He said Flynn would die otherwise.”

  For a second, I thought about what she said.

  “That was if our bond didn’t fully cement.” I purposefully didn’t use the word mate. It still seemed weird.

  “No,” she began. “David heard something.” She corrected herself. “A prophesy, that said if Flynn stays with you, he will die.”

  I completely disregarded her words. “You’re mistaken. David would have told me or my mom would have.”

  “Think again. David said he didn’t tell your mom. He didn’t want her to know any of it. I wasn’t even supposed to tell you.”

  My eyes narrowed. “Then why are you?”

  “So you can do the right thing. I tried telling Flynn, but he refuses to hear any of it.”

  They had been arguing. I covered my eyes with a hand. “It’s too late,” I said more to myself. I thought of my dream with Flynn encased in ice. Had it really just been a dream or a premonition?

  Her eyes grew, and I wondered why Flynn hadn’t told her. “So he’s your mate?”

  “Look, like I said this isn’t your business. You need to pack your things to go. We’re headed back to Maryland.”

  Her eyes changed from accusing to pleading. “You don’t understand. This isn’t just about you two. I'm pledged to Flynn. If he won’t have me, no one will. I’ll look like a failure and end up alone, forever.”

  I had no idea what she was talking about. Mom hadn’t told me much about our culture.

  “I’m really sorry you are caught up in this mess. But, there is nothing I can do here and now. We need to get back and sort this all out. David needs to explain himself.”

  And so did my mom, but I kept that to myself.

  “You can’t tell him I told you. I’ll be further disgraced.”

  I sighed heavily. “I don’t know what to tell you Mia other than, I can’t do anything here. I need to get back home.”

  I held the door open. Reluctantly, she stepped through it.

  “Please,” she said in such a small voice, I had no choice to believe her.

  But, how could I save everyone. It was an impossible task. First, I needed to get home.

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  With our stuff, we gathered in the empty space in the middle of Tom’s room to go back to David’s. We were a mix of anxiousness and unease. I was both. I felt like I was drowning in problems to solve, none greater than finding out if Mom had truly placed herself in danger of death. I needed a face to face talk with her.

  Tristrom held up a hand and not just with anticipation. I think we were all ready to get back home. After a few moments with his palm suspended in the air, his brows pinched together.

  “The wards around this place are strong. I guess I don’t have the power to break through,” he finally said, dropping his hand.

  “Use the scepter,” I suggested and reached for it in my bag for it.

  Some of the concern on his face smoothed. He hadn’t been able to use his Elven magic since our return from Fairy based on what I knew. He had to be worried he’d somehow lost his abilities. I handed the scepter to him and watched, as he seemed to transform in front of my eyes. He looked more and more King-like holding it. Could the scepter be changing him? I shoved that question away as it was just another to add to the mix.

  Tristrom glanced at each of us. “Is everyone ready?”

  We nodded our heads before a burst of light blasted out of the center orb and projected an oval opening in front of us. Through it, I could see David’s front lawn. One by one, my friends filed out with Tom leading the charge. I let everyone pass first and waited with Tristrom in case something went wrong. I had been the only other person who had wielded the thing. Although, I assumed Flynn could, too.

  When it was just Tristrom and me, I took his hand, and we stepped through together. Flynn was there when I stumbled on the other side. Realm leaping was always disorienting. He caught me in his arms and gave me a cheeky, suggestive smile. I slapped his hands away from my bottom and laughed as he helped me to my feet.

  “Everyone okay?” I asked, trying to maintain a straight face.

  Everyone looked fine. Brent stood behind Maggie with his hands on her shoulders saying nothing. He hadn’t spoken the whole time since I’d first seen him in human form again. Maggie’s smile was forced. I needed to find out what was going on there, but I couldn’t focus on that. They weren’t my main concern at the moment as neither’s life was in danger.

  When I was reasonably assured everyone was fine, I bolted towards the door needing to speak to my mom.

  Tom said, “My car and Flynn’s are at the airport.”

  That stopped me in my tracks.

  Maggie spoke up. “I can give you a ride to pick it up.”

  He thought about it. “I should leave it there. If I take it, that will be another clue I’m back. Can you give me a ride home? I’ll use my dad’s car for now.”

  “Can you drop me off too?” Doug asked Maggie.

  She began to nod and stopped when we all heard a growl.

  “Easy,” Tom said to Brent holding up his hands. He stepped between Brent and Doug.
“He’s not trying to take Maggie from you.”

  It couldn’t be good that Brent still hadn’t said a word.

  Tristrom caught my eye. “I need to check on CeCe.” I nodded. “I’m going to use the portal.”

  “Do you think that’s a good idea?” I knew being in Fairy could change someone. But could using Fairy magic a lot do the same?

  “I don’t have much of a choice.”

  I turned to Mia. I didn’t know much about her or how old she was. “Can you drive?” She nodded. “Can you please take my car and give him a lift to the hospital?”

  She glanced over to Flynn and then to Doug. Interesting. “Sure.”

  “I’ll get you the keys.” I started off. “Mags, call me later,” I said over my shoulder.

  The door was unfortunately locked. I turned back, but Flynn was there. He reached behind and under a super heavy planter causing his biceps to bunch. I was momentarily transfixed as he came up with a key.

  Slack-jawed, I watched as Flynn shook his head and unlocked the door, finally breaking my trance. In vain, I called out for Mom even though I knew she probably wasn’t home. I hadn’t seen her car. Feeling Tristrom’s worry, I didn’t wait for a response. I headed to the kitchen to get my car keys and handed them over to Mia.

  “Can you use your phone for directions?” I assumed she had a cell phone.

  She nodded. I patted her shoulder like we were friends and shooed her out the house with Tristrom. I headed upstairs, taking them two at a time. Maggie was already gone with Tom, Brent, and Doug. That left Flynn and me alone, but I went straight to my room to call Mom.

  Tossing my stuff on my bed, I dug around in my bag to find my phone. Unfortunately, it was still dead. I hadn’t exactly needed it in Ireland and forgot to charge it. I sat near my nightstand, plugged it in, and waited. It was almost two long minutes before it powered on enough for me to be able to make a call. When I got Mom’s voicemail, I nearly threw the thing out of frustration. I took a cleansing breath and left her an urgent message to call me back as soon as possible.

  “Are you hungry?”

  I glanced up and found Flynn standing with an arm braced on the doorframe.


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