Twelve by Twelve

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by Micahel Powers

  financial planning, 209–10

  Flat World

  Adams County resistance to, 18–19, 21, 40–41, 245

  advantages/disadvantages of, 6–7

  cultural diversity lost through, 175–80

  Global South pillaged by, 47–48, 198

  inner, 196–97

  laptops and, 99

  psychological effects of, 45–46

  rural-to-urban movement and, 153–54

  strength to resist, 180–81

  suburbia and, 84

  See also globalization; monoculture

  Foer, Jonathan Safran, 185

  Forbes, 249

  forgiveness, 105, 119, 124

  Fort Bragg (NC), 219, 220

  Four-Hour Workweek, The (Ferris), 208

  Fourth of July, 82–83

  Frankl, Viktor, 233

  Franz, Tom, 37

  Frazier, Charles, 13

  Freetown (Sierra Leone), 62

  Fresh Air (NPR program), 70

  Friedman, Thomas, 6

  Fromm, Eric, 223

  fruition, abandoning hope of, 231–35


  Gaia (animate earth), 143, 145

  Gambia, 150–51

  Gandhi, Mohandas, 74, 89, 93–94, 215, 235

  garbage, 208

  Garlic Testament, A (Crawford), 86, 88

  Gates, Bill, 249

  Gauguin, Paul, 132

  Germany, 96

  gift-giving, and soft economy, 207–8

  Glendinning, Chellis, 72, 198


  cheap labor in, 108

  as colonialism, 203

  effects of, 6–7, 194

  mindfulness in, 258

  noncooperation with, 89–92, 204–5

  suburbia and, 84

  See also Flat World; monoculture

  Global South, 44

  author’s humanitarian work in, 56

  car ownership in, 62

  corporate colonization of, 76

  environmental refugees in, 198

  Flat World pillaging of, 47–48, 198

  learning from, 57

  leisure ethic in, 150–51

  rural-to-urban movement in, 153–54

  subsistence cultures in, 88

  “vernacular aid” from, 154

  See also Bolivia; Liberia; specific country

  global warming, 7, 84–85, 169, 234

  God, 48, 156, 214

  Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von, 203

  Gold Kist Poultry Center

  animal cruelty at, 42–43

  health effects of chicken from, 44

  Latino workers at, 40, 101, 107–9

  smell from, 36, 42, 46, 73, 93, 162, 170, 230, 245

  grace, 48

  Graciela (neighbor), 101–2, 112, 163, 187–88, 259

  Green Party, 90, 96

  Greensboro (NC), 118–19, 122

  Greensboro Police Department, 122

  Greensboro Truth and Reconciliation Commission, 122

  Gross, Terry, 70

  growth, 145

  Guarasug’wé: Chronicles of Their Last Days (Riester), 176–77

  Guarasug’wé people, 176–80, 191–92, 198

  Guatemala, 142–43, 153

  Guerrero (Mexico), 115–16

  Guevara, Che, 21, 188–89

  gusanos (worms), 21, 96


  Habitat for Humanity, 39, 40, 102, 115, 167

  habituation, 60


  in developed vs. underdeveloped countries, 151–52

  as general well-being, 151

  the least thing as sufficient for, 16, 19–20

  suchness and, 183

  Happy Planet Index, 151

  hawks, 41–42, 43–44, 110, 142

  healing, 188–89

  Helms, Jesse, 96

  Hitler, Adolf, 169–70

  holistic teaching, 160–61

  Holman, James, 121

  Holocaust, 127, 169–70

  Homebody/Kabul (Kushner), 213

  homeschooling, 159–60, 161

  Hudson & Manhattan Railroad, 83

  Humanure Handbook, The, 28


  of Benton, 212–13, 214–15

  challenges to, 212, 216–17

  gratefulness and, 217–18

  simplicity and, 214–16

  hunting, 128–29


  identity niches, 212

  Idle Majority, 150, 157, 158, 205, 210, 256


  living well and, 150–52

  open-ended chats resulting from, 155–57

  poverty and, 152–53

  as “underdeveloped,” 149–50, 153

  wildcrafting and right to, 155

  illegal immigration, 115–18

  Inca culture, 256

  individualism, 153–54, 216–17, 224, 234

  Indonesia, 176

  industrial agriculture, 7, 35, 43, 44, 202, 230

  See also Gold Kist Poultry Center

  industrial parks, 6, 7, 24–25

  intentional communities, 21, 66

  interconnectedness, 132

  internet, 6, 161

  intuition, 48

  Iraq War, 71, 170, 219–20, 230

  Ireland, 83

  Iténez River, 176–77

  Ivirehi Ahae (Amazon’s Seven Skies), 177, 178, 179


  Jedis, 212

  Jefferson, Thomas, 33, 35

  Jesus, 90, 124, 252

  jobs, outsourcing of, 6

  Johnson, Chalmers, 222

  Johnson, Lyndon B., 123

  Journal of Happiness Studies, 151

  Jung, Carl Gustav, 49, 50


  Kenya, 176

  Kerouac, Jack, 87–88

  King, Martin Luther, Jr., 74, 105, 235

  Kingsolver, Barbara, 86, 206

  Kinnell, Galway, 213, 214

  kinship networks, 151

  knowledge, traded for bewilderment, 30–31

  Koch, Ilse, 169

  Krahn Bassa wilderness, 249

  Ku Klux Klan, 118, 122

  Kusasu (last Guarasug’wé speaker), 176–80, 191–92, 198

  Kusasu and the Tree of Life (Powers), 180

  Kushner, Tony, 213


  Lamott, Anne, 111

  language extinctions, 175–80

  Lao-tzu, 125–27, 234

  La Paz (Bolivia), 62


  community among, 108–9

  housing projects of, 107–9

  as illegal immigrants, 115–18

  as poultry processors, 40, 107–9

  racism against, 101–3, 112–13, 118, 129, 230

  Lee, Spike, 106

  Leela (divine play), 245

  leisure ethic, 150

  See also Idle Majority; idleness

  Leopold, Aldo, 85

  Liberia, 10, 56, 220, 247–54

  libertarianism, 202

  life energy, and soft economy, 208–10

  litter, 68–69

  Little Rock (AR), 239–40

  living well, 57–63

  leisure ethic and, 150–52

  living better vs., 150–51

  as underdevelopment, 149–50

  wildcrafting and, 158

  local economy, 205

  logging, 198, 249–50

  loneliness, 50, 195

  Long Island (NY), 83, 84

  love, 185, 186

  loving-kindness, 238


  Madidi National Park (Bolivia), 175

  malaria, 251

  Mali, 70

  Mandela, Nelson, 123, 235

  materialism, 152–53

  material possession, 60

  maya (illusion), 127, 130

  Mayans, 142–43, 153, 194

  Mayordomo (Crawford), 86

  McCarthy, Cormac, 12

  McDonald’s, 206

  McKibben, Bill, 86, 206

  meaning, 60
r />   meaninglessness, 155–56

  media literacy, 90–91, 96

  meditation, 81, 191, 257–58

  Mennonite homeschooling curriculum, 160

  mental illness, 166, 170

  Merton, Thomas, 215

  meth labs, 161–62

  mindfulness, 131–32, 203, 258, 259–60

  “Mindfulness” (poem; Oliver), 20, 259

  “mini-retirements,” 208

  Misael (Bolivian park ranger), 176, 177

  Mittal, Lakshmi, 249

  Mittal, Vanisha, 248–49

  Mollison, Bill, 140


  corporate colonization and, 75–77

  deadness of, 24–25

  and disconnect from nature, 44, 72

  escape from, 41, 206, 245

  slow food movement and, 206

  suburbia and, 84

  Monrovia (Liberia), 248, 249, 253–54

  Monte Verde cloud forest, 11

  “moodling,” 157, 208

  motherhood, 185–86

  Motley Fool (website), 210

  Muir, John, 85

  multitasking, 30

  Murosuyo (Native American deity), 90

  My Name is Chellis and I’m in Recovery from Western Civilization (Glendin ning), 72, 198

  mystical experience, 132


  Naipaul, V. S., 84, 174

  National Alliance, 117

  national Buy Nothing Day, 205

  National Socialism, 169–70, 196

  natural foods, 205


  earth mentors and, 85

  fears regarding, 17

  living in harmony with, xiii, 85, 151

  manufacturing processes in, 73–74

  monoculture and disconnect from, 44, 72, 82

  permaculture and, 87

  Nature (magazine), 139

  negativity, 74, 124, 231, 233, 252

  neo-Nazis, 117, 118

  Nevada Atomic Test Site, 217, 220–21, 238

  New American Dream, 18–19

  New Economy Foundation, 151

  New Mexico

  carbon-neutral communities in, 95–96

  media literacy programs in, 90–91, 96

  New Yorker, 188

  Nhat Hanh, Thich, 120, 213, 238

  Nichols, John, 86

  Nietzsche, Friedrich, 16, 156

  Noel Kempff National Park, 176–80

  noise, 219, 224–27, 230

  No Name Creek, 14

  author’s meditations next to, 49–51, 197–200, 215–16

  during early spring, 29, 36

  end of, 197

  as ordinary, 214

  surface noise vs. deeper stillness, 127, 130

  translucent images in, 121–22

  noncooperation, 89–92

  nonduality, 127, 232, 234–35

  nonjudgment, 128–30, 233–34

  Norris, Kathleen, 239

  North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), 194

  North Carolina

  birdlife in, 33–34 drugs in, 162–63

  homeschooling in, 160

  Iraq War casualties from, 219

  military bases in, 219

  residence laws in, 223–24

  taxes in, 5, 219

  wildcrafters in, 96, 204–5

  North Carolina wave, 58–59, 69, 98

  Northern New Mexico Organic Farmers Association, 86

  nuclear weapons, 222–23, 230, 238, 245


  Obama, Barack, 106

  O’Donahue, John, 217

  Ogiek people, 176

  Oliver, Mary, 20, 259

  Onion, The, 59, 188

  On the Road (Kerouac), 87–88

  organic farming, 21, 34–35

  organic food, 10

  organizer cells, 97

  Oriental Timber Company, 249–50

  Orion nebula, 138–39

  outsourcing, 6


  Pacahuara people, 176

  Paraguay, 176

  peak oil, 21


  author’s mentorship in, 86–90

  Benton’s farm, 15–16, 26, 36–38, 211–12

  as challenge to globalization, 21

  defined, 15

  edges in, 140

  El Bosque Garlic Farm, 86, 88–89, 91

  natural curves of, 87

  resources on, 261–62

  sustainability through, 77

  Permaculture: A Designer’s Manual (Mollison), 140

  pesticides, 230

  Petroleum Man (Crawford), 86

  pilgrimage, 217–18

  Pilgrim’s Pride, 42

  plantation economy, 198

  political organizing, 10

  Pope Air Force Base (NC), 219

  positive emotion,

  positive psychology, 59–61

  post-capitalism, 209

  Pound, Ezra, 21

  poverty, 152–53, 251

  praise, enemy confused by, 254

  prayer, 30, 192

  “Prayer” (Kinnell), 214

  predictability, avoiding, 157–58

  presence, maintaining, 48–51

  See also warrior presence

  present moment, focus on, 60, 120–22, 133–34, 151, 157–58, 203

  problems, convergent vs. divergent, 240–41

  progressives, holier-than-thou, 212

  “prone yoga,” 111

  purpose, 60


  Quechua people, 108


  racism, 100–103, 112–13

  anti-black, 100–101, 106

  anti-Latino, 101–3, 112–13, 118, 129, 230

  denial in dealing with, 106

  forgiveness for, 105

  structural, 106

  as teacher, 234

  Raging Grannies, The (activist group), 203

  rain barrels, 27, 109

  rainforest destruction, 7, 10–12, 175, 230, 234

  Raphael, 238

  Raul (Mayan schoolteacher), 143

  reading, 198–99, 213

  renewable energy, 205

  Research Triangle (NC), 35, 78–79, 160, 206

  rhythm, world as, 137–38

  Riester, Jurgen, 176–77

  Road, The (McCarthy), 12

  Robin, Vicki, 209

  Ronark (AL), 37

  Royal Hotel (Monrovia, Liberia), 249, 250–51

  rubber tappers, 179–80, 198

  Rufus’ Restaurant, 98–100

  Rule Number Six, 217

  Rumi (poet), 144

  ruthhu, hiku (Bolivian hair-cutting ceremony), 180


  sabbaticals, 208

  Sacred Peace Walk, 220–21

  sacrifice, 131

  Sahtouris, Elisabet, 97

  Samaipata (Bolivia), 255–57

  Sam’s Barbeque (Monrovia, Liberia), 253–54

  San Andres Peace Accords, 193

  San Cristobal de Las Casas (Mexico), 194

  Santa Cruz (Bolivia), 180

  Santa Fe Indian School (Santa Fe, NM), 86, 89–91

  Sartre, Jean-Paul, 188

  School of the Americas, 49

  Schultz, Howard, 145

  selflessness, 252–53

  Seligman, Martin, 59–60, 151

  Selma-Montgomery march, 49, 123

  Selma to Montgomery National Historic Trail, 123–24

  Shakori Hills summer music festival, 232–33

  sharecropping, 127–28

  showers, 27, 55, 69

  Sierra Club, 210

  Sierra Leone, 10, 56, 220

  Siler City (NC)

  cooperative housing opposed in, 228

  eco-community projects in, 78

  immigration issues in, 117, 230

  impact of monoculture on, 74–76

  Latino immigrants in, 101–2

  racism in, 117, 118

  Silk Hope Catholic Worker, 21

  simplicity, 57–63, 147, 209–10, 214–16r />
  sin, 196

  Sinoe wilderness, 249

  slavery, 106–7, 127–28

  Slim, Carlos, 249

  Slow Food movement, 204–5

  snakes, 66–68

  social class, 101

  Socratic thoughts, xiv

  soft economy

  farmers markets and, 201–3

  gift-giving and, 207–8

  life energy expenditure and, 208–10

  personal shopping choices and, 205–6

  as rebellion, 204–5, 208

  resources, 262

  Solace of Open Spaces, The (Ehrlich), 213


  benefits of, 50–51, 195–97

  as human shield, 192–95

  as last speaker of a language, 191–92

  loneliness vs., 50, 195

  in prayer, 192

  stillness in, 133

  at 12 × 12 house, 191, 197–200

  Sontag, Susan, 196

  South Africa, 122–23

  Southern Season, A (Chapel Hill, NC), 207

  Southern Village (Chapel Hill, NC), 78–79

  species extinction, 84–85, 181

  spiders, 40, 73, 189

  spirit, and clay, 237–41

  Starbucks, 145

  Star Wars, 212

  stick season, 24

  stretch-shouts, 158

  subdivisions, 233–34

  subsistence cultures, 75, 88, 153, 210

  suburbia, 84, 233–34

  suchness, 183, 185, 188–90

  suicide rates, 152

  Sulston, Elizabeth, 139

  sustainability, 77, 243–44

  sustainability movement, 93

  sustainable timber, 10

  synesthesia, 139


  tadpoles, 120–21

  Taoism, 125–27, 213, 234, 245

  Tao Te Ching (Lao-tzu), 125–27

  tax resistance, 3–5, 94

  Taylor, Charles, 249

  tea, heirloom, 55

  Teachings of Don Juan, The (Castaneda), 155–56

  Teilhard de Chardin, Pierre, 144

  telephones, living without, 28, 53, 257

  television, 76, 176

  Teresa, Mother, 74

  Thoreau, Henry David, 38, 53, 85, 132, 146, 223

  Tibetan Buddhism, 195–96

  Tijuana (Mexico), 154

  toilet, 27–28, 56

  Tolle, Eckhart, 196

  Toupee (Liberian friend), 251–52, 253–54

  transformation, 217–18

  Truman, Harry S., 149–50, 151

  turtles, 119

  12 × 12 house, 3, 4

  author’s first days spent in, 23–31

  author’s first time in, 16–19

  author’s last day at, 241–45

  author’s return to, 138, 258–60

  author’s transformation after time at, 247–54, 256

  forest bulldozing near, 226–29

  inside roominess, 17–18, 65

  land surrounding, 18–19

  laws concerning, 5, 223–24, 258–59

  as living inside, 133–34

  noise near, 219, 224–27, 230

  outside appearance of, 16–17, 212

  permaculture farm near, 15–16, 26, 36–38, 211–12

  as rebellion, 208

  sacrifices vs. seductions at, 131–32

  simplicity and humility at, 214–16

  solitude in, 191


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