Twelve by Twelve

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Twelve by Twelve Page 27

by Micahel Powers

visitors to, 53–56, 65–68, 102

  Tyson, 42


  Ueland, Brenda, 157

  Uffizi gallery (Florence, Italy), 238

  UK Jedis, 212

  UNC Medical Center, 9–10

  Unilever, 12

  United States

  bicentennial celebration of (1976), 82

  car demand in, 179

  car ownership in, 58

  corporate colonization of, 75–77

  divorce rates in, 184

  drug abuse in, 163

  early settlement of, 167

  ecocide denial in, 169–70

  eight-hour workday in, 150–51

  factory education model in, 161

  foreign military bases of, 222

  hyper-individuality in, 216–17

  mental illness in, 166

  myths concerning, 83

  nuclear capability plan of, 222–23

  resource consumption in, 153, 188

  self-worth and “doing” in, 145

  television viewership in, 76

  See also monoculture

  United States Army, 220

  unworthiness, tracing of, 129, 130

  Upper Guinea Rainforest, 11

  urban decay, 74–76

  urban slums, 154

  urban sprawl, 77

  Uru-Chipaya people, 176


  Van Gogh, Vincent, 132

  vegetarianism, 39

  vernacular culture, 154

  video games, 40, 168, 170, 186

  violence, 119, 122, 124, 193–94

  Virginia Tech massacre (2007), 166

  visitors, 53–56

  Vitale, Louie, 221

  vitamin A, 43

  vitamin D, 43

  Voting Rights Act (1965), 123


  Walden (Thoreau), 53, 85

  Waldorf schools, 161

  walking, 30, 41–42, 68–69, 106–7, 109–10, 119–22, 127–29, 131, 143–44, 157–58, 257

  Wal-Mart, 40, 74, 108

  war, 219–23

  warrior presence

  defined, 50

  humility and, 212

  maintaining, 51, 74, 247–54, 257–58

  resources for, 262–63

  soft economy and, 205

  at 12 × 12 house, 50–51

  in urban environments, 257–58

  as varying state, 74

  water supply, 27, 109, 131

  Weenhayek people, 176

  Weimar (Germany), 168–70

  Whispering in the Giant’s Ear (Powers), 175

  white privilege, 106, 109

  white supremacy, 122

  Whitman, Walt, 132

  wildcrafting, 93–97, 154, 158, 204–5, 261–62

  wildness, 41–42, 43–44

  Willie of the Western Shoshone, 220

  wisdomkeepers, xiv, 5, 180

  Wise Ones, xiv

  wolves, half-breed, 129–30

  workaholism, 157 work ethic, 150 world

  improving, 125–27

  as rhythm, 137–38

  shape of, 4, 7–9, 137

  World Bank, 209

  World Conservation Union, 209, 247

  World Is Flat, The (Friedman), 6

  wu wei (alert inactivity), 26


  yoga, 257

  Your Money or Your Life (Robin and Dominguez), 209

  Yugoslavia, 220

  Yvonne (neighbor), 229–31, 244


  Zapatistas, 192–95

  Zawada, Jerry, 221

  Zimbabwe, 123


  WILLIAM POWERS is the author of two critically acclaimed books. His Liberia memoir, Blue Clay People: Seasons on Africa’s Fragile Edge (2005) received a Publishers Weekly starred review, and Whis pering in the Giant’s Ear: A Frontline Chronicle from Bolivia’s War on Globalization (2006) has been featured on NPR’s Fresh Air with Terry Gross and in Newsweek. For over a decade Powers has led development aid and conservation initiatives in Latin America, Africa, and Washington, DC. From 2002 to 2004 he managed the socioeconomic components of a project in the Bolivian Amazon that won a prize from Harvard’s JFK School of Government. His essays on global issues have appeared in the New York Times, the Washington Post, Slate, the Sun, and the International Herald Tribune and have been syndicated to three hundred newspapers around the world. He has appeared on NPR’s Living on Earth, The Leonard Lopate Show, West Coast Live, Left Jab, and World Vision Report as well as on local public television stations and Book TV. Powers is an increasingly active speaker at think tanks, policy gatherings, and writers’ conferences. He has worked at the World Bank and Conservation International and holds degrees from Brown and Georgetown. He lives part-time in New York City.

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