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Well Kept Secrets (The Adventures of Xavier & Vic Book 4)

Page 21

by Liza O'Connor

  Catherine tensed at Vic’s chiding. “I agree with your assessment, but I would like to point out, I didn’t ask Xavier to save Margaret the first time. In fact, the first I knew about this case was when the two of you and Captain Meyers showed up at my door.”

  “True enough. I apologize if my comment sounded like an accusation.”

  Catherine rolled her eyes and then focused on Xavier. Before she could chide him, and it did look like a chide poised on her lips, Inspector Stone entered the room.

  The Inspector’s face was so taut and distressed that Xavier almost didn’t recognize him.

  Stone took in the lot, then focused in on Catherine. “Lady Meridan, I apologize for disturbing you so early in the morning, however I did need to let you know that at some reasonable hour today, I have been instructed to arrest you.”

  “For what?” she demanded.

  “For causing a riot at Bedlam.” He then glared at Xavier. “I was also ordered to fire Captain Meyers.”

  “We’ll hire him,” Vic stated and stood up.

  “Sit,” Xavier ordered.

  Vic’s hands found purchase upon her hips. “Don’t bark commands at me like I’m a dog. Meyers is no doubt at his house with his family crying over what will become of them. I intend to go there right away and let him know he can work for us.”

  God, he loved her, but right now, Xavier was tempted to strangle his pup. “I am sure he is sleeping like a babe, having faith that somehow we will get him back his job. However, the place to achieve that is here.” He refocused on Catherine. “It is time to involve your husband, because I need him to accompany me to see the First Minister. If that does not work, then we will escalate this matter to the Queen.”

  As Catherine left to retrieve her husband, Stone challenged Xavier’s plan.

  “Do you have anything other than unsupported allegations? Because have no doubt, Thurman will come after you next. The only reason you and Vic aren’t being arrested is because Lady Thurman either didn’t know or couldn’t remember who you were.”

  Xavier groaned. “Well, hopefully she won’t recall Sherlock Holmes until Vic and I have left England.”

  “What? No, you can’t leave!”

  “We’re going on a vacation. We’ll be back.”

  “When?” Stone demanded.

  Xavier frowned, too tired to do simple math. “Sometime.”

  “We won’t stay away more than four months, I imagine,” Vic added.

  “Four months! You plan to close shop for four months?”

  Xavier had never expected Stone to be so upset over his vacation. Nor did he wish to have this conversation now. He had yet to ask Jacko to run matters in his absence.

  Hell, he might as well throw it out there. He’d just save Jacko from a botched mission and given him a fine complement. “I was hoping Jacko would take care of things here.”

  Jacko glared at him. “I do have other responsibilities, you know.”

  “Meyers could do it.” Vic stated.

  “There you go, we’ll have Meyers run our office.”

  Stone slammed his fist against the wall, causing a picture to crash to the floor. He was so angry he didn’t even seem to realize what he’d done. “The hell you will! I expect you to resolve this issue and get Meyers reinstated in Scotland Yard.”

  “I’ll do it,” Jacko stated in exasperation. He leaned over, yanked up his pants leg and pulled out a folded paper from his boot. After reading it, he tossed it to Xavier. “This should help. I managed to tuck it away before Thurman turned on the light.”

  Xavier read the paper. A demand why he had failed to hand it over before now poised on Xavier’s lips, but once he read the document, he lost all interest in scolding Jacko. The document was a report of what the First Minister’s housekeeper had overheard about the tariff bill. While not very interesting in content, it would put a fire under Archie to remove his rival once and for all.

  He passed it to Stone. A sigh of relief softly sang from the Inspector.

  Xavier focused on his still standing partner. “Vic, hurry home and type up Tub’s notes he took when questioning the butler. Drop all the parts about murdering me. That will only damage the man’s credibility. Just type the spying parts.”

  She nodded and hurried out. Tubs followed her. The giant didn’t need anyone to tell him how to do his job. Xavier had made Vic’s safety his number one priority the day he agreed to hire him and Tubs took it to heart.

  Catherine returned with Lord Meridan, hastily dressed in a suit. Stone explained the order he’d been given, while Catherine fixed her husband’s tangled necktie.

  The moment Stone finished his pre-arrest warning, Meridan bellowed at the obliging Inspector. “Damn it, man! My wife was only trying to rescue a friend. You have no cause or right to arrest her for anything!”

  Speaking before Meridan wasted all his anger at the wrong person. Xavier explained. “Stone’s presence now, hours before he will officially arrive with the arrest warrant, should tell you he knows that. He had loaned us his best man, who is now fired as well. We must take this to the one person stronger than Thurman: The First Minister.”

  “And why should he give a damn?” Meridan challenged.

  Xavier passed over the document. “My man lifted this from Thurman’s library tonight. We will add it to our other evidence. I am confident his own self-interest will move him to act.”

  Meridan calmed at once upon reading the document. “I am ready when you are.” He paused and glanced at his pocket watch. “Perhaps we should wait until a more reasonable hour.”

  “No, Archie’s pulled me out of bed at ungodly hours in the past, it’s only right I return the favor. Otherwise, dear Catherine might actually be arrested.”

  The woman softly snorted. “Inspector, at what time do you intend to call.”

  “At eleven.”

  “And if I’ve gone out?”

  “Then I will have to post a policeman to wait and arrest you when you return.”

  “In this cold? Do you have one that’s done something wrong?”

  “In fact, I have.”

  “And if I’m visiting a friend?”

  “If you’ve told your butler, I will have to go and arrest you there. Otherwise, I’ll have no idea where to look.”

  “Thank you, for the information.”

  “I should return home now. Good night…or morning to all.” Stone turned and hurried from the room.

  Meridan watched him leave. “I’d like that man better if he didn’t cow down to the whims of Parliament.”

  “Like when he was told to fire two very fine officers for not solving their cases quick enough,” Xavier snapped.

  Meridan’s brow furrowed. “I regret that. And I am now reminded of my regret every day I meet their smiling faces at my door.”

  “I trust once we take care of this problem, you will see to their reinstatement.

  “I would take care of it now, if they were not needed to watch Johnson.”

  “Oh…that ploy is dead in the water. There is no way Thurman will go near Schnell or Conrad after what Jacko told him. In fact, I’ll be surprised if either man remains alive. There’s no good reason to keep Johnson now.”

  “Will he not be needed to testify that he spied for Thurman?” Meridan asked.

  Catherine answered for Xavier. “He didn’t know who he spied for. His testimony would be worthless.” She rose and smiled at her husband. “Allow me the pleasure of firing the man. I fear you will be too gentle.”

  “As you wish, my dear.” He kissed both her cheeks and followed Xavier out.

  Xavier stopped in the hall. “We’re going to have to take your carriage. You might want to ask Johnson to see to the matter before Catherine talks to him.”

  “Good idea.” He turned and spoke in the direction of the kitchen. “Johnson, I need my carriage at once!”

  Chapter 19

  The First Minister stormed into his library. “This had better be a life and deat
h situation, Xavier!”

  Xavier remained seated by the freshly started fire. He was still most angry with Archie for nearly getting Tubs killed. Quite an odd way to thank the big fellow for saving the man’s life four months ago, but then Archie was always short of memory and gratitude.

  Meridan rose and approached the First Minister. “My apologies for the hour, but time is of the essence. I recently discovered my butler was spying for Thurman and so I engaged Xavier to obtain proof.”

  Archie’s anger faded and in its place, interest took hold. His focus went to Xavier. “Did you get it?”

  Xavier stared at the fire while he considered his response. If he answered ‘no’ Archie would storm from the room before he could explain what he did have. Thus, he began this story the way he wished to tell it. “Lady Thurman came upon papers which proved Minister Thurman is black mailing people.”

  “Let me see them.”

  Xavier ignored him and continued his story. “Being a dutiful wife, she confessed her discovery to her husband and awaited his explanation so she could continue worshipping him as the god he is not.”

  “Yes, I am well acquainted with Lady Thurman,” Archie snapped.

  “So Thurman had her committed to Bedlam.”

  “I suppose you wish my intervention to recover her. It’s a bloody waste of time. She would never testify against her husband. If you find evidence of a credible sort, let me know during regular hours!” The last three words he bellowed as he stormed to the door.

  “I have evidence,” Xavier stated before the pompous ass could leave the room.

  Archie turned around and sighed heavily. After a long moment, he focused upon Meridan. “Perhaps you can move this along a little faster. I have hopes of getting a few more hours sleep.”

  Meriden lost his composure. “I apologize for the timing. However, given Thurman has ordered my wife to be arrested, this cannot wait.”

  “Your wife? He wouldn’t dare.”

  Xavier snorted. “I have it from Stone directly. The Inspector has been ordered to arrest Catherine Meridan this very morning.”

  “For God’s sakes why?”

  “For causing a riot at Bedlam.”

  He focused on Meridan. “That is ludicrous! I cannot believe your wife would step foot in the place.”

  “Normally, no. But Xavier took it upon himself to pull her into his scheme to rescue Lady Thurman.”

  “And you allowed it?”

  “I was not at home,” Meridan replied, his clenched fists betraying how close he was to breaking.

  Xavier spoke up before both men stormed from the room. “I had never met Lady Thurman. I needed Catherine to point her out. That was her only part in the events that occurred.

  “For God’s sake, Xavier!” Archie bellowed. “You do not go conscripting ladies into your schemes, especially a plan so fruitless.”

  “It wasn’t fruitless. Lady Thurman told us about the blackmail papers and where she found them. Until then I had no idea, that in addition to his propensity to spy on his fellow ministers, and to encourage them to commit crimes, he also blackmailed them afterwards.”

  Archie sobered. “Those are most serious accusations. Do you have any proof?”

  “Not for all his deeds. I cannot prove he is involved in the removal of wives and placing them in Bedlam, but I am convinced that he does and blackmails the husbands after the fact.”

  “Then you bring me nothing!” Archie paced back and forth in agitation.

  “That is but one of his crimes. His spying on his fellow ministers, I can prove. I have the written testimony of Meridan’s butler that he has been relaying information to a policeman named Robert Conrad, who gives it to a Mr. Schnell who provides it to Thurman.”

  “I’ve never heard of a Mr. Schnell. Is he a credible witness?”

  “Not now. Thurman is no fool. Both Conrad and Schnell have been silenced forever.”

  Archie ceased pacing and sat behind his desk. “Then you have nothing.”

  “We have Johnson’s testimony.”

  “A butler who is not in any way connected to Thurman. It’s useless!” Archie snapped.

  Xavier nodded at Meridan to speak. The minister moved closer to Archie. “Upon review of the information my butler has disclosed over the last three years, I knew precisely who received it. In every case, Thurman has been two steps ahead of me.”

  Archie threw up his hands. “That is not evidence!”

  Meridan stared at Xavier.

  Xavier sighed heavily and pushed himself from the chair. “I sent my man to find the blackmail documents. He was working in the dark and evidently searched the wrong cabinet, which happened to hold other items.”

  “So you have nothing,” Archie restated.

  “Thurman was waiting for him. He had to hand over the roll he had found in a secret compartment.”

  “Then you are wasting my time.” Archie pushed himself up. His stare went to Meridan. “And why you agreed to come here…”

  “My wife is to be arrested!” Meridan yelled.

  “Yes, I forgot that point. I will call Inspector Stone and tell him to ignore that order.”

  “Perhaps you could do it now, before she is arrested,” Meridan stated.

  Xavier added, “You forgot once already. Can’t blame the man for wanting to ensure his wife is safe. You would feel the same if Thurman went after your wife.”

  “He wouldn’t dare,” growled Archie.

  “Not today perhaps, but he plans to be the next First Minister, and honestly, I don’t think he intends to wait long to get the job.”

  Archie stormed to the phone sitting on a corner cabinet. “I need to speak to Inspector Stone. Give me his home number… Is he? Then patch me through.” He glanced at Meridan. “He’s at work.”

  “Hope he knows ladies aren’t awake at this hour,” Xavier quipped.

  Archie refocused on the phone. “Stone, I understand you have received orders to arrest Lady Meridan this morning…Well, I countermand those orders. …Good.” He then hung up and glared at Meridan. “There! Your wife is safe. Perhaps you will remember this good deed when the tariff bill comes up.”

  “Funny you should mention that bill. I gather it’s important to you,” Xavier said.

  “Brilliant deduction, Mr. Holmes.”

  Xavier smiled, so Archie would see his jab missed its mark. He tossed a document on the desk. Archie grabbed it up at once.

  Xavier continued to talk as the First Minister read the paper. “My man was able to get out with this document. The writing is Schnell’s. I had it confirmed before we came here. It was the only document that Jacko was able to hide before Thurman discovered his presence. I imagine if Scotland Yard were allowed to rehire their best captain, whom Thurman had fired this morning, they would be able to find the evidence you require on his criminal activities…if a search warrant were granted.”

  Xavier waited for a response, but Archie seemed frozen in place.

  “Or you could sit and watch Thurman run you out of office. The choice is yours, Archie. And the time is now. I’m going on a long vacation. I do hope to see you here when I get back.”

  That at least got a response. The man’s head snapped up. “What? You can’t! You have to stay and see this matter through.”

  “Captain Meyers is an excellent investigator, no doubt why Thurman had him fired. All you need to do is call Stone and demand Meyer’s return then get him a search warrant for Thurman’s office and he will do the rest. However, you need to act quickly. I’ve given my replacement the order to hire Meyers for my staff if he isn’t working for Scotland Yard again by the end of the day.”

  Xavier breathed in, rather glad this task was not going to fall on his shoulders. Politics made the solving of crimes messy and unpleasant. “I wish you well, Archie. You are a far better First Minister than Thurman would ever be.” It really wasn’t much of a compliment, but then Archie wasn’t much of a First Minister.

  Before Archie could r
egain his senses, and try to demand Xavier remain and solve this matter, which now would be declared a national crisis, ‘Holmes’ briskly left the room. When Meridan didn’t follow at once, Xavier decided to set out on foot rather than wait for a ride home.

  A shrill whistle stopped him as he turned south. Spotting Davy with his carriage, he crossed the empty street. “Timely arrival. Well done!”

  He climbed into his carriage and sat beside Vic still dressed in her actress getup. Tubs sat in the middle of the other seat, taking up the entire space, but at least the carriage wasn’t leaning to one side.

  “Well?” Vic asked.

  “Catherine is safe. I bullied Archie into calling before I delivered the crucial blow. I believe, unless the man is a complete idiot, Captain Meyers will be reinstated by the end of the day and put in charge of the investigation.”

  “Excellent! I like working with Meyers.”

  “You forget, we are going on vacation.”

  “Not until we finish the case!”

  “A case with no paying client. This began as Pete’s case, but you solved that early on.” In truth, Xavier intended to have Jacko bill the Meridans, but Vic didn’t have to know that.

  “But neither Schnell nor Conrad has been charged yet.”

  “Which means Pete will have to learn that sometimes fate acts faster than justice.”

  Tubs nodded. “He’s right. Given what Jacko told Thurman last night, both men are surely dead by now.”

  She crossed her arms over her breasts, and glared at the beautiful mounds before replying, “Can we get proof of that before we leave?”

  “Yes. If you like, we’ll take Pete to the mortuaries tomorrow. I’m sure they’ll be resting in one of them.”

  “We need to do that. Pete needs to see them dead. It helps to see the murderer dead. I only wish Maggie’s burial could occur before we leave.”


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