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The After Party
Wynter Daniels
Victoria meets a handsome stranger at a relative’s wedding. When he asks her out for a drink after, she invites him to her place. After a steamy encounter, they discover they have more than their profession and their love of cats in common. Their paths have crossed before. But will that connection end what they’ve just begun?
Ellora’s Cave Publishing
The After Party
The After Party Copyright © 2011 Wynter Daniels
Edited by Shannon Combs
Cover art by Syneca
Electronic book publication January 2011
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The After Party
Wynter Daniels
Chapter One
The wedding was winding down by the time I noticed him. How could I have missed him? About six-one with sandy brown hair and the bluest eyes ever. He looked a few years younger than I—maybe in his late twenties. I could never tell with guys.
My cousin Karen toddled toward me carrying two champagne glasses, spilling the contents as she went. She stopped in front of me and I thought she’d hand me one of the glasses, but she only stood there swaying, her head lolling to the left, then to the right. “No more champagne,” she slurred. “Can you believe it? What kind of wedding is this?”
I glanced toward the bar and saw the bartender pouring a glass for my Uncle Howard. Apparently Karen had been cut off. I pointed to the flute in her right hand. “Mind if I take one of those?”
She stared at me as if I’d asked her the meaning of life. Then the light bulb went on and she smiled and pushed the drink toward my face. “Course you can. I mean, why would I need two?” She burped loudly and I looked around, wondering if anyone had heard. The hot guy across the room caught my attention again. He was still staring at me. Lifting his brow, he gestured toward the dance floor.
I smiled and took a step toward him, but Karen grabbed my arm and pressed her suddenly green face close enough that I could smell her breath.
“I don’t feel so good.”
I frantically scanned the area for her husband. There he sat, the louse. His arm lay across the back of the chair next to his. A large-breasted blonde sat beside him, smiling and flipping her hair over her shoulder.
“Wait here,” I told Karen, then I raced over to her husband and planted my hands on my hips. “Roger.” I didn’t bother trying to disguise the irritation in my voice.
He gave me a big, fake smile. “Well, hello there, Victoria.” His eyes swept over my body and left me feeling all clammy.
I grabbed the sleeve of his cheap suit and tugged until he got to his feet. “Your wife,” I said with emphasis, “needs you. I think she’s going to be sick.”
He giggled nervously as he glanced at the blonde. “Be right back, honey.”
At least the blonde had the brains to shake her head and turn her back to him.
Karen stood against the wall, looking as if she’d fall down if she moved. She reached out for my hand. “Don’t leave me, Victoria.”
For heaven’s sake. She had her husband to help her. But she refused to let go. “I’m right here.”
“You’re the best.” She unhanded me but her pout and her frightened eyes held me just as sure.
I followed Roger and Karen out to the parking lot as the band played Donna Summers’ Last Dance. Damn. So much for my last chance with the hot stranger. After a minute of watching Karen burp and rub her stomach, I decided Roger could handle things without me.
Back inside the hall, I found the ladies’ room and touched up my lipstick. I don’t know why—the hunky guy had probably already left, which is what I’d be doing any minute. Say my farewells to the bride and groom and head out. I wasn’t looking forward to another Saturday night alone. It had been almost nine months since I’d broken up with my ex and I was growing tired of solitary evenings on the couch with only a pint of ice cream and an old movie for company.
As I exited the restroom, I saw the sexy guy leaning against the opposite wall. Had he been waiting for me? He winked and I smiled as he closed the distance between us, although my knees were suddenly a little wobbly.
He was even better looking up close. “How’s your friend?” Nice strong, deep voice. Just as I’d imagined.
“She’s not my friend. She’s my cousin—on my father’s side. I think she has some issues with alcohol.”
He grinned, flashing a dazzling smile and adorable dimples. “Pity. What about you? Do you have issues with alcohol?”
I shook my head. “Only that I can’t remember where I put mine down.”
He braced his hand on the wall above my shoulder. “Interested in getting a drink with me? There’s a little pub a few blocks away.”
Nervous excitement made my belly flip. “I should say goodbye to the newlyweds first.” I took a step toward the ballroom.
“You’re a little late. They’ve already left.”
My eyes shot open wide. “When?”
“While you were outside with your cousin. They went out the front. Sorry.”
I shook my head. “Hopefully they didn’t notice my absence.”
“I’m sure they’ll forgive you if they did.” He looped his arm through mine and led me toward the cloakroom. “Do you have a coat?”
“Mm hmm.” His touch felt reassuring and strong. Heat bloomed in my belly then spread through the rest of my body. He smelled like pine and fresh cut grass.
I prayed I wouldn’t trip because my legs had turned to total mush. Probably the combination of two glasses of champagne and a whole lot of nervous.
One foot in front of the other. Concentrate.
“I’m Victoria, by the way.” I offered my hand and he shook it.
“Jake. Pleased to meet you, Victoria.”
We arrived at the cloakroom and I found my wrap, the only item left in the sea of hangers. Jake slid it over my shoulders, his hands lingering on my skin. Electricity shot in every direction from the points of contact. I breathed him in again. His breath gusted across my neck. God, what was it about weddings that always made me horny? Horny or not, this guy had all the right moves. He pulled me into the crook of his arm and led me toward the parking lot. I glanced into the ballroom on the way.
Tuxedoed servers raced around, filling trays with empty and not-so-empty glasses and plates, stripped off tablecloths and swept debris off the dance floor.
“The party’s over,” I sang.
He tightened his arm around me and my heart fluttered. “Maybe another is just beginning.”
Perhaps. He led me into his car, an expensive-looking sedan. I never knew car makes, but I recognized nice ones. His quick glance at my legs before he shut the door excited me. The black stilettos had been a wise investment after all. He circled around the front then slid behind the wheel. As he started the engine, he looked at me. “Where to?”
“The pub you mentioned is fine. Unless you’d like to go to my place.” What? Had I really just said that? What would he think of me?
His eyes lingered on my mouth and the edges of his lips slowly curled upward. “Sure you’re comfortable with that, Victoria?”
My heart thundered and I suddenly grew desperate for a drink to quench my dry mouth. “Um, yeah. For some reason I trust you. I live a couple of blocks away. I can walk back for my car later.”
“Absolutely not. I’ll bring you back when you want it.” He gave me a sweet smile. “Don’t look at me like that.”
I laughed. “Like what?”
“Like I’m silly, old-fashioned.” He shrugged. “I guess I am.”
Chapter Two
A wave of heat made its way through my body and I loosened my wrap as I directed him to my house. He parked in the driveway, got out and circled the car. I waited for him to open my door. If he was old-fashioned, why not?
He held out his hand for my key as we approached the door. I dropped it into his palm, brushing my fingers against his briefly. My pulse quickened from the contact.
The moment we stepped inside my house I wanted to pounce on him. He strolled around my living room, taking in the décor. My cat welcomed him with a rub against his shin.
Jake bent to scratch her chin the way only a cat lover knows. “Who’s this?”
He stood and looked at me, his brows knitted. “Like the swan? The one Zeus fell in love with?”
Impressive. “The very same. Not many people know of Leda.” I dropped my wrap over the couch and stepped closer to him, craving more of his manly scent.
“I teach a class on Greek mythology at the college.”
My breath caught in my throat. Another teacher? No—a professor. “I teach high school English. We veer into mythology with Homer. I never tire of The Odyssey.”
He nodded. “And I veer into literature, of course. How is it we’ve never met?”
I took a step closer. “At least we’ve met now.” Estrogen engulfed me. I was a blink away from tearing off his clothes. His shoulders were broad and I could just imagine the muscles under his starched, white shirt.
“And we both like cats. Mine is Pandora.”
I laughed. “Does she open any magical boxes?”
He rolled his eyes. “She gets into all sorts of trouble. But I love her.”
The tender sentiment made me smile.
He inched closer and loosened his tie. “Mind if I get comfortable?”
“Please do.” Please!
I couldn’t fight the heat blooming inside me, the need to taste his lips, to feel his touch on my skin. The two glasses of champagne I’d had at the wedding gave me enough courage to touch my finger to his lips. The air between us was charged with erotic energy.
I clasped my hands around his neck and gazed deep into those lovely, blue eyes until his lips brushed mine, ever so lightly. My eyelids slipped shut as he gently nudged his tongue into my mouth. He tasted of mint and champagne. And lust.
His tongue swirled around mine as he slid his hands up and down my back. I ran my fingers through his thick hair as desire uncoiled inside me. Somehow we made our way to the couch, shedding articles of clothing as we went—a tie, a shirt, a dress, a shoe, a slip.
What had come over me? I never did anything like this. But something about him touched me in a place that hadn’t been disturbed for way too long. A connection had been forged that I’d lay odds he felt as much as I.
Suddenly we were mostly naked—me in my bra and panties, he in nothing but silky black boxers. I swooned at his piney scent. His hands were on my skin and his touch was just as sensual as I’d imagined. I wanted to enjoy the feeling as long as I could.
He sat on the sofa and pulled me down so that I straddled him. His fingers raked through my hair, and the intimacy of it made me shudder with yearning. He trailed kisses over my shoulder, my neck and my chest.
When he bit at my nipple through my bra, I thought I might incinerate right there on my floral-patterned couch on Weeping Willow Lane. He cupped the other breast, then tugged at its taut peak. I ran my fingernails lightly over his back and delighted in his shudders.
His hard cock pushed against my thigh, beckoning to me. I reached inside his silk boxers, took it in my hand and rubbed my fingers along its stony length. He made a long, growling sound as he suckled my nipple. Electric jolts of pleasure shot through me. His hand glided over my back, moving down, down to my buttocks. He cupped my rear end then squeezed it, pulling me closer and forcing me to abandon his erection, for the moment.
He teased his fingers over my panties, along my swollen intimate lips then quickly retreated. I gasped, overwhelmed by arousal. One of his hands slid around my hip and snapped the elastic band connecting the front and back of my black lace underwear. The momentary sting only heightened my desire.
I realized I was rocking, gliding back and forth over his hard shaft. Who was this wanton woman who’d taken over my body and my mind?
“Think you can teach me anything, teacher?” His voice, husky with lust, curled around my senses.
“Doesn’t seem as if you need any lessons.” Every nerve ending in my body was on full alert. It had been way too long since a man had touched me this way.
He sneaked a finger inside my panties and grazed it over my swollen sex. I gasped as he explored, skimmed through the folds and circled my clit. I was drenched in my cream and he easily dipped that finger inside me.
Catching my bottom lip between my teeth, I sighed and my temperature spiked.
He pushed his finger in and out and I couldn’t help moving my hips, encouraging him to continue. How did he know just the right pressure, the perfect rhythm? His touch brought me closer and closer to rapture. Then he started rubbing my pussy, above my clit and I knew I was mere seconds from my climax.
I squeezed my eyes shut and moaned as wave after incredible wave of bliss racked my body in a powerful orgasm. I wrapped my hands around his tight ass, forcing him closer. I wanted his cock inside me.
“Wait.” Lifting me off his lap, he planted a kiss on my nose then set me on the sofa next to him. He stripped off his boxers and reached for his pants on the floor. Then he dug in a pocket and emerged with a silver wrapped packet. He tore it open and deftly rolled a condom on to his erect shaft.
I peeled off my panties, then climbed back onto his lap. I lowered myself onto his erection, taking the head inside. My intimate muscles stretched to accommodate the rest of him. He was big—big enough that it hurt for a moment when he thrust deeper.
I moved slowly, grinding into him as he stroked inside me, slow and sweet. His hands were gentle yet full of passion as he held my hips and buttocks, guiding my movement.
I curled my fingers into his shoulders, marveling at his huge biceps and his arms, roped with muscle. Our bodies danced together as if we’d been doing it forever. He rolled my nipples between his fingers, heightening my delight. I plunged my fingers through his hair and looked into his eyes. The contact was powerful and hot.
I rolled my head back as the crescendo reached its full force and every inch of my body exploded in ecstasy. Jake came after me. The power of his orgasm contorted his face and sent another wave of excitement though my veins.
We stayed there, connected and spent for a long while, our damp skin touching. He laced his fingers through mine, brushed his lips over my mouth.
My champagne buzz was wearing off and I started feeling a little embarrassed at how forward I’d been. “I want you to know that I’ve never done anything like this before.”
His sexy grin chased my misgivings away. “Me
either. There’s a power between us, Victoria. I felt it the moment I laid eyes on you.”
I swallowed the lump in my throat. “Me, too.”
“I’ll have to thank my cousin, Rich, for inviting me to his wedding,” Jake said.
Disquiet roiled in my belly. “The groom is your cousin?”
He nodded as he circled his arms around my waist.
“Rich is my cousin, too.” I eased myself off him and grabbed my wrap, holding it against my mostly naked body. Oh God. Had I just made love with a relative? Alarm bucked through me.
Jake quirked an eyebrow, then wiped a droplet of perspiration from his head. He got up off the couch. “Point me toward the bathroom, would you?”
I did, and he picked up his clothes as he went. I paced the living room wondering if I’d committed some familial crime. I tied my wrap at my chest. Didn’t cover much, but I wanted some answers before I took the time to go and change.
Jake returned a minute later wearing his pants and shirt. He gestured toward the easy chair looking almost as uncomfortable as I felt. “Let’s figure out if we’re related, shall we?”
Good plan. I took a seat and began mentally tracing my family tree. “Rich’s father and my mother are cousins.”
He smiled. God, would I be upset if it turned out to be true. I really liked his dimples and his hair and his hands and… I liked everything about him. But incest? That went way beyond the bounds of acceptable.
“Okay,” he finally said. “Rich’s mother and my mother are sisters.”
I blew out the breath I’d been holding. “Thank God.”
“What’s your last name?”
“Melrose. And you?”
He lifted one eyebrow and chuckled.
“What is it?”
He scrubbed a hand over his face. “Vicki Melrose? Do you remember a blond kid named Jacob Whitmeyer?”
Suddenly it came back to me. A bratty boy I babysat a couple of times when I was in junior high. After he dropped a frog down the back of my shirt, my mother said I didn’t have to watch him anymore. “You were horrid!”