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Club Dishabille (Apprivoisé)

Page 12

by Aoide, Arden

  Alex considered it. He really did. But he needed her now. Needed to see her and try to comfort her. Make her believe him. He shook his head. “Keep your phone close just in case she doesn't believe me. She'll need someone.”

  Nick grabbed his arm as he was leaving. “Even if she doesn't believe you right away, she will. You've got your sister and me to vouch for you.”

  Alex nodded. “Thanks. I'll let you know something soon, okay?”

  Nick nodded. “Good luck.”

  Alex drove toward Dishabille, looking in each small parking lot he came across. He didn't see her and traffic was really slowing him down. He knew that she was close, so he parked his car at home and ran up the block. It was July, so it was still hot, even in the late evening.

  He found her car two blocks away and he took off. He was out of breath when he got there, dripping sweat, and a little bit frantic. He saw her head resting against the steering wheel, but saw that her windows were rolled up and the car wasn't on. He panicked. He tried to open the door, but it was locked. He knocked loudly on the window, calling her name.

  He nearly sagged in relief when she opened her eyes. “Dahlia! Unlock the door!”

  Dahlia raised her head and it took her a second to realize that she had nearly killed herself in this heat. Her pain had numbed any rational sense. She was very dizzy, but she had the sense to start the car and turn the air on. She was angry at herself for allowing this man to have so much control over her. Since he was here, she thought she'd let him make his excuses, then she could be on her way.

  She looked at him. His face was red and dripping sweat. He looked like she felt. She thought it might be rude to smile.

  “I'm going to get you water!” Alex shouted at her. “Don't leave!” He walked in the store. Dahlia unlocked the door and waited.

  When Alex walked out with her water, he tried the passenger door and was a little surprised that it opened. He pressed the water into her hands. He sat and he wanted so badly to touch her; he felt like he needed to touch her, but didn't dare. So, he talked. He barely stopped.

  “I'd never betray you, Dahlia. I'm not capable. I know what it looked like. When I opened the door and saw her, I had to call Miranda because she wouldn't leave, and she told me that you saw her and I had to leave because I was going to do something awful.” He reached in his pocket for his phone, so he could call Miranda. “A friend from work wanted to borrow my room so he and his girlfriend could change because Dishabille doesn't have any free rooms tonight. He said they'd be out by six. I don't know the whole story, but he's apparently dating a woman I went out with briefly last year. I'll call Miranda, so you can see.”

  With shaking fingers, he pressed 'speaker' and called Miranda. She answered right away. “Did you find her?” Miranda asked in way of greeting.

  “Yes. I'm with her now.” He looked over at her and she was looking at him with no expression. She was half done with her water. That was a relief to Alex.

  “Oh good,” Miranda said with relief. “We had to call the cops because someone went insane when Mike and Seth went to escort her out. I'm changing the codes tonight, just in case she saw. I'll text them to you.”

  “Really? Did Jeff come back?” Alex asked.

  “He did. I feel bad for the guy. She embarrassed him horribly, screaming and ranting, half naked. He left pretty quickly. He said to apologize to you,” Miranda relayed. “I still don't quite understand how she knew you and Jeff were friends. She'd have had to be stalking you.”

  “I didn't know she was that crazy.” He was still surprised by her behavior. “She'd texted me a few times and called, but it's been a few months. I never answered either one.”

  “Is Dahlia okay?” Miranda asked tentatively. “Is she coming back with you?”

  Alex took a deep breath and looked at Dahlia. She was looking expressionlessly at the phone. “I don't know. I don't know what she wants. I don't know if this was too much for her.”

  “I'm sorry, Alex. I won't meddle again.” Miranda sounded regretful.

  “Don't apologize. Even if she never wants to see me again, it was the best week of my life,” Alex said, seriously. He felt close to tears. “I'm going to try to talk to her a bit more.”

  “Text me when you're back home. Love you.”

  “Love you.” Alex ended the call and remembered he needed to let Nick know what was happening, but didn't have his number. He looked at Dahlia who was looking at him again. “I'm going to use your phone to text Nick, okay?” He was relieved when he saw her nod.

  He grabbed her phone from the console, turned it on, and looked for Nick in her messages. He tried not to read the texts that Nick had just sent her, but it was impossible. Nick said that Alex would never hurt her and to hear him out. Alex knew at that moment that he had a friend in Nick Jones.

  Found her a few blocks away. She's dehydrated, but I got her water. She's drinking, but not talking. I'm not sure if she believes me. If I can't get her to come home with me, I'll call you to come get her. I don't want her to be alone. If she comes home with me, I promise I'll take care of her.

  Good. I'll keep my phone close.

  Alex put her phone down and couldn't stop himself from covering her hand with his. “I know you probably have questions. Will you come home with me? We need to get you somewhere you can rest. I'll sleep on the sofa. Please?” Alex was going to beg if he needed to.

  Dahlia took another long drink of water and looked at Alex and nodded. What a mess. It was hard for her to go from one extreme to the other, especially with a sun-addled brain. Twenty minutes ago her heart was torn into a million pieces and while she felt some relief, she also felt shame for not answering his calls. She couldn't deal with it. She was so tired. They could sort it out tomorrow. “I'm tired,” she said softly to Alex.

  He nearly cried. She was coming with him. She still wanted him. She had to. “Can you drive, or do you need me to?” He asked her while he chanced touching her tear-stained cheek.

  She let out a soft laugh and shook her head. Alex smiled. “I'll come get you.” He opened the door and walked over to her side. He opened the door and he offered her his hand and she took it readily. He couldn't prevent the relieved smile when he'd pulled her to him, but he didn't want to overwhelm her. She was a little unsteady on her feet at first and he wondered if he should take her to the hospital and he said as much. She shook her head. “If I'm still like this after a shower and food, then you can take me in.”

  Alex thought a shower and food were promising. Then he'd let her sleep. This day that started so beautifully, he was determined to end it that way. He helped her into the car and had to prevent himself from skipping back to the driver's side. It took him less than a minute to get them back to Dishabille.

  He grabbed her bag, purse, and phone, and Dahlia was already getting out of the car when he got to her side. “Take it easy, baby,” he instructed. She gave him a small smile that he relished and he checked his phone for the new code, so that they could get in. As soon as they were in his room, he saw her eyes stray to the chair. “I'm going to burn the chair.” That earned him another smile.

  He put her stuff down and texted Miranda quickly. When he put his phone down, he looked over at Dahlia and followed her gaze and smiled. It was a large poster-sized black and white framed picture above Alex's king-sized bed. “I told them to give me the largest they could with the megapixels of your camera, and you guys have a pretty good camera.” He watched her as she stared. “It came in earlier today and I came to hang it when I had lunch. I wanted it to be ready for when you got here,” he said softly to her, trying very hard to keep his hands to himself.

  Seeing the photo of them together in such a prominent place was like a switch being turned on. She moved into his arms and pressed her face against his chest. He moved his hands to cradle her head and held her. He knew she was crying and he let her. She was here. She wanted to be here. And she understood. He would tell her anyway.

  He kissed her for
ehead and moved his hands to cradle her face. He kissed the tears from her eyes, and smoothed them off her wet face with his fingers. He kissed her pliant mouth, but only just a brief taste. “Do you see?” He asked seriously, but with affection. She opened her eyes. “I love you.” He watched her eyes fill with tears again. “You're it for me. I'm done. I can't be without you. I pretty much knew it already, but the panic I felt today when I'd realized that you must be so hurt and after I told you that I wouldn't break your heart–”

  “Shhh.” Dahlia silenced him. She was right. She was a fool, but for different reasons now. She laughed quietly, but with delight. “Shower with me and feed me.”

  Alex laughed as well. “Aren't you high maintenance? You're going to make me wash your hair, aren't you?” He was trying to tease her, but for the lump in his throat.

  She looked down shyly. “If you don't mind.”

  Alex sighed, completely besotted. He pulled her toward the bathroom, glancing at her as she looked at their portrait.

  Alex had a separate stall for his shower. He eyed it dubiously, wondering if they both could fit, but Dahlia was already reaching to turn it on. She didn't seem concerned. He pulled the shirt off over his head and realized at that point how badly he needed a shower, but was momentarily distracted when he heard her gasp. “You've got all my stuff in here.” The bench was lined with products from her bathroom. “How did you–?”

  Alex was surprised at his surge of bashfulness. “I memorized the brands and asked Miranda where to get them.”

  She looked at him. “You did this today?”

  He nodded.

  She shook her head. “Make sure you let me know if I'm not caring for you back. Promise?” She looked a little anxious.

  He walked over to her and he pulled off her clothes slowly and reverently. “I promise.” He unclipped her bra and tried his best to keep her unmolested at this point. “But this weekend, please let me care for you.” His voice was low and urgent as he knelt down to remove her panties. The wave of lust nearly knocked him down. He would try to ignore it for now.

  He helped her into the shower and he cleaned her in silence. There was just enough space. Had conditions been better, it was actually the perfect amount of space, but he was sure he could explore that before the weekend was up.

  He quickly washed himself as she leaned against the bench. He had turned down her offer of help, only because he couldn't handle the stimulation and because his ministrations had relaxed her so completely. He needed to get her fed before she fell over.

  He wrapped her in a large robe while he threw a towel around his waist and went to fetch her bag. As soon as he was confident that she wouldn't fall over, he went and threw on some jeans and loitered uselessly at the bathroom door until she emerged. She was wearing a pale pink chemise and she apologized quickly. “I'm sorry. I didn't bring anything else. And I would murder any shirt that you have–”

  Alex went to reassure her. “I'm curious to see you in one of my shirts now,” he teased and she pushed him away with a blush and a smile. “I'm going to fetch dinner. There's a Chinese across the street. How does that sound?”

  “Sounds fine,” Dahlia said.

  He picked up his phone to call it in. “Anything in particular you want?”

  “Garlic chicken. Do you know if their wonton soup is good?”

  “Dunno. Miranda gets this rice soup. She gets it several times a week.”

  “I'll take that, then.” She heard Alex on the phone and let her eyes wander around the room. It was one large room with an adjoining bath. The room was as big as her apartment. There was a small kitchen tucked in the corner. There wasn't a dishwasher or an oven, but there was a full-sized stainless steel refrigerator. She saw a toaster oven and microwave and what she thought was probably an electric griddle. She saw fruit and a loaf of bread on the counter.

  “Help yourself to whatever you want to drink.” Alex walked over and bent down to kiss her. That took a little longer than he'd planned. He broke away, breathless, and laughed weakly. He shook his head to clear it. “I'm just going across the street. Call me if you need anything. I'll be back in ten.” He picked up his wallet and walked to the door. “Oh! Talk to Nick.” He knew he'd want to hear from Dahlia.

  Dahlia smiled and nodded. When he left, she stood and looked around some more, eyes straying to their portrait. God, if she would have just walked two feet into the room instead of running like a coward, she would have known.

  She went to Alex's desk, which helped serve as a room divider, that and the sofa, and picked up her phone. She read the conversation between Alex and Nick and hated what she'd put him through. She'd never run again.

  I'm here. Showered and about to eat. Alex and I are more than fine. Hope I didn't worry you too much.

  Silly girl. You're lucky I remembered to track your phone.

  I hadn't even thought to ask how he'd found me. I was a little out of it.

  I know. He won't hurt you. You should have seen him.

  I feel bad about scaring him.

  You thought he'd been unfaithful.

  But if I had just walked two feet into the room. Nick, he has the picture you took blown up above his bed. It's huge. I would have reacted differently if I'd seen it.

  Wow. Well, there you go. He loves you.

  I know. He told me. And then some.

  Did you tell him?

  Not yet. I will tonight.

  You'd better.

  Yes, dad. I'll talk to you tomorrow.

  Sounds good.

  Dahlia put her phone down and walked to the fridge to make their drinks. She found several gallons of tea, some bottled water, a case of Coke, and beer. She pulled out the tea, guessing by the quantity, that he preferred that. She poured them two glasses and found the plates easily as he only had a few cabinets.

  She debated on whether to use the table that she found tucked behind the sofa, but opted to use the coffee table because the table had quite a few electrical components strewn about and she didn't want to mess with something important.

  She took the drinks and set them down on the coffee table, then went back for the plates and to get the utensils. As she walked back to the sofa, Alex walked in with their food.

  “Is eating here fine?” Dahlia asked.

  “Yeah. It's where I normally eat.” Alex was glad that she was feeling better. He was still going to be on his best behavior tonight. He would make love to her should she want it, but he was going to make sure that she wasn't doing it for him. He knew she was tired and weak and he just wanted to care for her in any way he could.

  He sat next to her and tried his best for a quick kiss and mostly succeeded, but she had put her hand on his cheek as he moved toward her. God, he loved her. He wondered if he'd ever get enough of her. It didn't bother him that she hadn't said she loved him back because he knew she did. He knew that she'd tell him when it was right for her.

  They made quick work of dishing out the food and Dahlia sighed in absolute bliss when she'd tried the soup. Alex had gotten her garlic chicken and him some beef and broccoli and got them half noodles and half fried rice. He also got them eggrolls and dumplings. He knew she wouldn't have much of an appetite, but one of his favorite meals was leftover Chinese for breakfast.

  After their meal, Alex instructed Dahlia to go get in bed while he cleaned up. He refused any help. He was pleased that she'd eaten half the soup and a little bit of everything else. She also drank her tea.

  “You'd better hurry, then. I can barely keep my eyes open.” She crawled into his bed and put herself right in the middle. She smiled at him. He didn't bother to wash the dishes. He shucked his shirt and pants and Dahlia let out a bark of laughter to see that he hadn't put on underwear. He got into bed and pulled her onto his chest. He rubbed her back as innocently as he knew how.

  “I told you I could sleep on the sofa.” He'd only mentioned it just to hear her refuse.

  “Want you here,” she mumbled sleepily into his chest.

  “Good,” he said, kissing the top of her head. They were silent for a moment and Alex was almost positive that she'd fallen asleep, but she'd moved her hand over his chest and under her chin. She turned her face to look at him. She wouldn't be able to sleep if she didn't tell him. She wasn't sure why she didn't say anything earlier after his admission, but she thinks it might be because she had felt so tired and overwhelmed that she wanted it to be when she was more cognizant. Not that she wasn't tired now, but he'd finally settled down and she felt maybe he was relaxed enough to hear it.

  The lamp on his desk was still on. He'd forgotten to turn it off, but he was glad of it now. She looked at his face for long moments and took a deep staggering breath. “I'm in love with you.” She averted her eyes just briefly before she looked at his face again. He was looking calmly back at her. “I was in love with you then.” She eyed the portrait. “And I was half in love with you the very first night.” She brought her lips up to his and kissed him softly, but thoroughly.

  Alex had accepted that he was just going to hold her that night. He found himself with a profound sense of relief that he was in bed with her. That she wanted him there. He thought maybe the adrenaline might be wearing down. He felt a bone deep lethargy that his mind hadn't let him fully achieve. He was going to sleep well.

  And now he wasn't. Or at least not yet. “You are so cruel,” he said against her mouth. He pulled her up on top of him and her legs bracketed his hips automatically. When had she taken her panties off? Had she worn any at all? “So cruel,” he moaned.

  “Why am I cruel?” she asked as she grabbed his cock and helped him inside her. Once she was seated, deeply, she pulled her chemise over her head.

  He rose up to meet her. “Christ.” His hands automatically went to her breasts and palmed them, loving how they felt in his hands. “Baby, this is too much for you. Let me.” He flipped her around before she could protest. “I'm going to want you on top of me plenty this weekend. Let me do all the work. I'll love you. I'll make you come.” He wasn't sure what he was saying anymore, as he thrust in her. God, he needed this. Needed to be with her like this. He already felt his orgasm embarrassingly quick, but he thought that this didn't need to be drawn out. This was a reconnection and an affirmation. He brought his mouth back to hers and kissed her ardently as he moved his hand down her body, and steadily worked his thumb against her clitoris. She was gasping inside his mouth countless seconds later and when she gripped him, he rocked inside her, letting her finish completely. When her legs fell to the side and her dazed unseeing eyes opened, he pressed his forehead to her collarbone and pushed inside her as gently and as lovingly as he could.


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