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Chasing Imperfection (Chasing Series 2)

Page 12

by Pamela Ann

  Blake’s the supreme Adonis, a total godlike reincarnation, an absolute sexy perfection concoction….and my beautiful addiction.

  Kyle’s ruggedly handsome with a bad boy persona, has the magic fingers and has the angst-filled emo (raspy) voice and fabulously plays the guitar.

  Troy’s an epitome of a scruffy uber sexy badass with long hair (ties it on at the back of his nape like how Becks did back in the day), has solid six-pack abs, and is one of the good guys.

  Difficult is it not? But it’s obvious where my heart belongs to. Sigh.

  “Hey! So—so sorry, Mom took forever! Thank you for getting my coffee.” She took a look sip and made an “ahhhh” afterwards.

  “Don’t thank me babe—thank the man who’s walking back inside.”

  Aloy looked confused and grinned like schoolgirl when Troy sat across her. “This is Troy—an old friend and the one you should thank for the coffee,” I explained. “Troy, this is Aloy my friend from school.”

  She totally blushed and fumbled with her words.

  Gah, I totally get how she feels. I remembered the first time I met him with Chad.

  “So, did your agent call you for another gig?” I addressed the amused man next to me.

  “Actually, yes I have work tomorrow and need to fly out to Malaga and come back Monday.” Spain, he’ll be in Spain…and only forty to forty-five minutes away give or take from Marbella—awesomeness.

  “That’s great Troy. Chad and I are actually going to be in Marbella too. Well, Chad will be staying for a month or two I believe.” Depending on how he is and how he’s coping after his suicide attempt. My gut churned remembering him lying in the hospital bad after I got that call.

  “Brilliant! If I get the chance maybe I could see you both and we can go have dinner.” Chad would love that. He adores Troy and his gorgeous body.

  “Chad would absolutely love that. Call us—we’d love to meet with you. Anyhow, we have to get back to class.” Aloy and I stood up. Troy gave me a quick hug and kissed both of my cheeks. He did the same to Aloy and she looked like she was about to faint.

  Once we were out on the side street and walking towards our building, she squealed. “OH MY GOD, what the fuck. What the fuck!!! I squirted a little in my pants when he kissed my cheeks! Holy shit of shits—that man was beautiful.”

  I guffawed at her reaction. “He is hot—you should see his body. The man has an amazing six-pack.” She had the “are you fucking kidding me?” look.

  “I kid you not—he does. He’s a model. You should look him up. Google Troy Scott and his abs will pop up.” We giggled.

  “Uhhhh I’m in love! I’m in love with Troy Scott!” she sighed dreamily.

  I smiled and wrapped an arm around her shoulder. “Come on lovey dovey, we have a class to get to. You can fantasize about him once you’re nicely seated.”

  I have another hour until I Blake picks me up. God, what am I doing? I could’ve stopped myself from sleeping with Kyle but I didn’t. It’s a bit awful to have sex with someone knowing your heart belongs to someone else. It comes down to technicality and it becomes just plain old shagging as the Brits would put it.

  I want to text Kyle but I didn’t know what to say. Maybe I should see him in person and check if he’s okay. I could drop by and say hi later tonight or tomorrow before Chad gets discharged.



  Sienna was silent the whole drive to the hospital. She kept biting her bottom lip and picking at her nails.

  I took her hand and placed it on my thigh. I needed to feel her even if it was just her hand. She didn’t resist when I pulled her hand away and held it. It seemed to calm her I think, she stopped fidgeting. Her hand was soft and warm. I love everything about this woman even her fickle heart.

  I asked my assistant, Luke to join us to travel with us to Marbella. I think he could be good for Chad. Luke openly swings in the other side of the court and possibly could help Chad sort his thoughts out.

  The only thing that I’m afraid of is if Chad tries to pull another stunt and succeeds the next time. He requires a good amount of help and I’m going to make sure he gets it and then some. He needs a resilient support system around him. We mean for him to see and feel that all of us are with him through this difficult time. We cannot fail him, not this time around.

  My schedule is hectic and I will be travelling a lot but I will make sure that he has Luce, Toby and Sienna with him as much as possible.

  Parking the car swiftly on the side of the road, I got out and opened the door for Sienna.

  We immediately crossed the road and went inside the hospital. Upon opening the door to Chad’s room he exclaimed with annoyance, “Glad for you people to show up, especially you Brazilian.”

  Sienna jumped on the bed and gave him a peck on the lips and squeezed both of his cheeks. “I’ve missed you too booger.”

  “I was here yesterday. Your annoyance applies to her not me,” I said, beaming at them both.

  Chad pouted. “I’m so ready to get out of this white-walled hiding place. I want the sun and fresh breeze on my face—and the hot Spanish inquisition in bright colored nut-hugging Speedos.” He beamed vibrantly. “So, what’s up chica? What’s the latest four-one-one, babylove?”

  Sienna’s smile wavered, “I’ll tell you all about it tomorrow. We’re here to speak to Dr. Hill and arrange your discharge tomorrow morning. Let’s focus on that.” She looked off. So, I interjected before Chad raised more questions.

  “I will have Robert pick up Sienna and drive her here to pick you up. Then you two will go back to your studio in Camden so you can pack. When that’s done, Robert will drive both of you lovely creatures to the airport where I’ll be waiting.”

  Sienna looked at me, “I thought you’d be here tomorrow when I pick up Chad?”

  I shook my head, “Sorry, I will be detained. I have a video conference at eight in the morning and another one around nine-thirty. I promise I’ll be there to meet you two in the airport along with Toby and Luke, my assistant.”

  “Blake, did I tell you you’re my hero?” the almost vibrant looking Chad said. He still looks a little pale and a tad fragile but he’s regaining his strength. “You can thank me by getting better Chad. That’s all I ask.”

  “I will—I’m really sorry to put everyone out on a limb.” Chad returned to his somber state.

  “Rubbish! Since we’re discussing you getting better, a therapist will make a house visit once or twice a week, depending on how you’re handling things. This is part of the bargain mate—so not a chance in Hades for you to back out.”

  “That’s wonderful, Blake,” my beautiful beloved exclaimed.

  If only….I’m simply being fanciful but right now is not the time nor place to be doing so.

  “Indeed,” I murmured to both of them. They were both distracted catching up with one another.

  We’re back on the road driving her back to her apartment. Her spirits have been replenished by seeing Chad. Apart from his apparent weight loss and weakened state, his personality is back to being happy and vivacious.

  “Do you want to eat somewhere? It’s almost five thirty, I’m sure you’re famished.”

  “Thanks but I have other plans for tonight.” She was staring at the window.

  Plans with whom…Kyle? I wanted to inquire but held my tongue in check. She wouldn’t appreciate being interrogated like that.

  I gripped the steering wheel harder. Bloody hell, compose yourself Knightly.

  “I see, as you wish.” I can’t see. All I hear and see is my darkened jealousy and my blood pulsating like a manic boor.

  I took hold of my phone and dialed Toby before I combust in wrath and ire. “Are you available for a few lagers?”

  He laughed, “Sure mate. Lucy’s driving my head in and I’m going bonkers.”

  “See you in thirty minutes then at the usual spot.” I ended the call and was about to put it away when it rang again.

I bit out.

  “Have I caught you in a terrible moment?” William Knightly II graciously spoke. Give it to granddad to mock me at the most uncertain times. If I didn’t love the stubborn man, I would’ve retaliated.

  I scoffed, “Apologies grandfather, it’s been quite frantic for the past few days.”

  “That comes with the territory lad. I must say that frantic is rather endearing, you will stumble upon greater quandaries much later on in the business. Hence the nature of my call, I want to congratulate you with the rather smooth acquisition of the Australian mining company. I’ve tried countless of times to close the gargantuan deal for the past two years but miserably failed. But you—my dear child—did it in two weeks. That’s quite astonishing. I suppose the old man trained you superbly well, eh?” he chuckled.

  “You did and quite excellently sire, I am eternally in your gratitude.”

  He chuckled throatily at my response, “Don’t be silly child, you are my blood and my heir. Your brilliance runs profoundly through our veins as did your departed father’s. Do see me when you get back from Dubai, we have much to discuss.” William sounded rather tired. I do hope he’s been taking care of himself. I need to see his assistant and make sure things are running smoothly in his household. I’m sure they are but I want to ease my mind and conscience. I will not forgive myself if he’s been neglecting himself and I didn’t do much to abate it.

  “I certainly will, Grandfather. I’ll come straight to England after Dubai. I will see you Saturday.”

  William cleared his throat—it was evident that he’s smoking his favorite Cuban cigars from his labored breathing. “Splendid! I will buoyantly await your arrival.” After another minute of bidding safe travels, we ended the call. My granddad is a brilliant wise man and I pay heed to his knowledgeable opinions and guidance.

  My cell rang again. “Such a busy man you are Blake.”

  I glanced at the lovely woman beside me. “Indeed, my sweet.” I kissed her hand and kept it with me.

  “Knightly,” I barked, picking up the blasted call that kept me from being with her.

  “Alas, if it isn’t the notorious Romeo of the twenty-first century, bloody fucking Knightly finally picking up my call.” Clive Barrington greeted me with derision.

  Bugger, calling him back escaped my mind, yet again.

  “I assure you, it was purely unmitigated bypass of consciousness, dear cousin. Are you about town? Watson and I are meeting at The Stag.” Clive is three years our senior. So he took the liberty of becoming our teenage mentor, a mentor for all our mischievous devilry and atrocities.

  “By all means, I could do with a pint or a dozen. I’ll be on my merry way then my dearest baby cousin.”

  “You arse, a baby I’m certainly not. My memory can’t expunge the absurdity of you getting caught exposed and undressed in a nudist party which disgracefully landed you on the front page of scandal rags,” I laughed at his silliness. His scandal along with other socialites hit the National Enquirer with mad uproar and quite the backlash.

  “Need we rehash my nefarious string of follies? My noble parents certainly are in dire need of new rubbish to ostracize and castigate. It’s strenuous and I’m going barmy,” Clive grumbled.

  “You do sound unbalanced but alas I’m driving, I’ll see you in a bit. We can carry on at The Stag and hear your rather boring life.” Ending the call with a rather more jovial mood than the state I was in before taking both calls. And both came from family mind you.

  The aristocratic Barrington’s are similar to the Watson’s but rather a tad bit more rational. Henry and Blanche Barrington most likely shared a coronary attack after the story was exposed.

  My second cousin, Clive Barrington, heir to a massive shipping fortune, is known for his notorious fixation to having and living the fast life. The media adores him and he basks in the adoration. But most of all, Clive was famous for sporting two girlfriends at all times. Next to him, I’m a bloody fucking saint.

  “Was that your infamous blonde cousin?” my ever silent beloved asked.

  We were a minute or two away from her place. “Si cara mia. I’m meeting him for drinks after I drop you off.”

  Sienna snorted, “I’m sure both of you go rampant when you’re together. It’s rather uncanny how both of you are playboys and have a thing for threesomes with insipid beauties.” Her derisive sarcasm grated me. My lightened mood vanished instantly from her obvious disdain.

  “Right darling, darting daggers at my impropriety…when you—my love—were the one who indulged in an all-nighter shag fest two nights after you had begged for my cock to fuck you until your were vapidly mindless from orgasms, milady.” I retorted.

  She gasped, wide-eyed and appalled by my counter-quip. “Fuck you, Blake! Seriously, you and I have nothing to discuss. Apart from being civilized around our friends and our common goal with Chad, do not ever fucking talk to me. Save your stupid, crappy declaration of love. I don’t need this shit.” She screamed like a banshee, angrily opened the door and stepped out of the car and haughtily marched towards her building.

  Bloody fucking Jesus, Mary and Joseph! Sienna is without a doubt the most infuriating, exasperating, unreasonable, and incongruous and the most unpredictable woman this entire planet has ever beheld!

  Fine, be it. Blast my incorrigible affections towards her. How many times do I have to be scornfully dismissed and rejected before my thick-headed skull accepts the bare truth—that Sienna will never, ever be mine?

  At times, a man has to learn and admit defeat.



  Opening the building door, I quickly turned left and leaned against the cool marble wall. Truth hurts but when spoken out loud, it obliterates you in half.

  I should’ve kept my opinions to myself but my ever colorful imagination got the best of me. I was getting used to being friendly with him and my irrational self had to go put a damper on it.

  I wanted to meet Kyle before I leave for Marbella but decided against it. Instead, I shot him a text message.

  Me: Hi. I’m leaving tomorrow with everyone except for Luce. I’m sorry but I don’t think I can continue being stuck in this odd position I am now. I need to be alone and deal with my feelings with Blake first. I’m sorry Kyle. I didn’t want it to be like this but I don’t have a choice. Take care.

  It is better this way, I tried to convince myself.

  Since I will head straight to the airport after picking up Chad, I immediately started packing. The plan was for me to stay there for five days to a week, depending on how Chad is doing and how accommodating my teachers are. I promised them that I would at least show up for a class once or twice every two weeks. On top of that, I have to turn in my assignments on time.

  I decided to hit the sack at nine p.m. I pressed play on my music player and the sound of Pavane by Pablo Segovia Gardel eased my tension. I fell into a deep, peaceful sleep thinking how surreal; I haven’t listened to baroque guitar music in awhile….and how odd that it was the first thing that popped up….

  Robert, Blake’s chauffer, rang exactly at nine in the morning. I was half-dressed and decided to down my lukewarm coffee. I woke up at eight-ish and lounged around in my half awakened state. By the time I hit the shower, it was twenty before nine. I was in panic mode and I didn’t get the chance to put any make-up on. I was dressed in all white with nude Louboutin pumps on. I donned a bright lavender pashmina scarf on to give a splash of color. I left my wet hair down because I didn’t get the chance to properly dry it.

  With my aviator shades on, I dragged my luggage out the door. Luce quickly shooed me away and promised she will visit in a couple of days. She looked downright haggard. Love has its ups and downs and she’s obviously in the down department. How I wish she can just forget about what Toby’s parents want and follow her heart.

  By the time I reached Chad, he was impatiently tapping his foot on the floor. “Babe—I’m so happy that you’re finally out! You look like my Chad with
your painted jeans on and sweater. Good riddance hospital garb.”

  “I thought you changed your mind about picking me up or you were still passed out. But seeing how wet your hair is, I’m assuming that you simply lagged and processed everything this morning like you had a virus or something.”

  “Whoa, why in the world would I change my mind about picking you up? We’re all in this together. Don’t forget that okay? Drill it in your beautiful head that we are not going away because the going gets tough. So, just stop it with the pity party because you’re stuck with me for the next few days.”

  Looking radiant, he grabbed my arm and we exited the building. Robert awaited us and graciously opened the door. “Good day sire, I’m Robert. Mr. Knightly instructed me to take you back to your flat and drive you both to Gatwick.”

  “Hello Robert, I’m Chad. It’s great to meet you,” he acknowledged as we both slid into the awaiting Bentley and into the cool confines of soft black leather seats.

  “Isn’t Blake the best babygirl? I mean hell look at what he’s doing for me? He’s been so, so good. I feel like I’m going to cry every time I think about what he’s done so far. Who would’ve thought the man has a heart of pure gold? You’d think with all that wealth and aristocratic handsomeness that he would be a twit deep down but lo and behold, the man surpasses everything beyond belief.”

  I sighed. He was right, but I didn’t feel like agreeing and gushing about the great Blake Knightly.

  “Silence is golden they say….but aren’t you a wee bit regretful turning him down? I mean—come on—Blake proposed and you don’t look bothered at all.” My friend kept ranting on.

  Great, why don’t we swap sex stories right where dear old Robert can hear you loud and clear Chad? I wanted to yell but held my tongue.

  I don’t look bothered, seriously? What the hell was I supposed to do when you find out the man you fell for lied and never once uttered a word about being betrothed? I couldn’t just put that aside because I was deeply hurt. We needed time apart and see if being together was something I—we—wanted.


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