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Chasing Imperfection (Chasing Series 2)

Page 19

by Pamela Ann

  My name does show up in the media—mostly on the business section. I keep my private life away from tabloid magazines and I want to keep it that way. Unlike Clive, I don’t appreciate being hounded by a bunch of paparazzi trying to make your life utter living hell.

  Last night, I didn’t even join them during dinner. I stayed in my study and waited until I knew she was fast asleep before I let myself out. I left for work before she even woke up. Not once did I desire to touch her last night. I wanted to, but I simply couldn’t. Not when I see her and Kyle intertwined in my mind each time I look at her.

  I heard the door shut and saw Camilla stride towards my desk. Her hair was in a loose chignon and she wore a matching pale blue Chanel skirt suit and her nude Hermes purse. “Blake—my father let on some of his cronies and I suppose the word stretched to the media. I confided in Father after we spoke last. I was overjoyed; you see and couldn’t wait a moment longer to announce it to my family.”

  Albert Clayworth would’ve been euphoric and in rapture about this news. The only matter that I was rather apprehensive about was telling the lovely Camilla how things had shifted since I last spoke with her. “Do you want any refreshments?”

  “Gin and tonic should suffice, thank you.” She sauntered towards the couch and carefully placed her purse on the coffee table. I went to the bar and prepared her favored drink. Once done, I handed it to her. She purposely lingered on my fingers a tad too long.

  I strode towards the front of my desk and casually leaned on it. The best way to deliver bad news was to carry it out with thorough precision without fault. The last thing I wanted was to inflict pain on Camilla, but it was either that or not have Sienna in my life, and I chose the latter. Even if my relationship with Sienna at the moment was twisted and perplexed.

  “Sienna and I are trying to work things out.”

  Camilla’s eyes buggered out and she hastily placed her glass on the table with utter care before she responded. “Meaning what precisely?” She lifted an open hand and shrugged. “Fancy shagging her once or twice, or working it out to be with her like before? If it’s all sex then I wouldn’t mind that, not at all. I do accept that you’re a virile man. But what I expect is that you keep your affairs discreet and hidden though.”

  How considerate, I thought dourly.

  My jaws grinded. “To be quite honest, I want all of that with Sienna. But our long separation inclined us both to indulge—rather with zealous affections towards other people. But I am in love with her, Cam. I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have made that call to you.”

  “Oh don’t be ridiculous! We can still get on with the wedding and you can still have her at the same time. You win either way. She doesn’t deserve you, Blake. She’s just an opportunist who wants you for your money. She’s nothing but a parasite who claimed to love you but conveniently let another man screw her mindless.” Camilla’s composure seemed to have slackened a tad bit. In normal circumstances, she wouldn’t have uttered a word, but would politely nod and smile—but not today. She came with her claws out, ready to fight.

  “A Mr. Andrei Alexandrov is on line one, sir.” The intercom blared out with Sandra’s curt voice.

  Hell, the Russian tycoon I have been dealing with. For him to personally call means the deal was imminent and needed to be dealt with quickly. “Cam, I have to take this important business call. Make yourself comfortable. I will be with you as soon as I am done.” I strode towards my desk and took the call. I barely glanced and waited for Camilla to respond. She knew the how these things work. She was brought up primed to marry the rich and powerful.

  The call with Alexandrov took a good thirty minutes. When I looked for Camilla, she wasn’t around—but her purse was still on the table. I finally found her in the annex apartment.

  “How did you manage to find this place? I never once showed it to you.” I wondered out loud when I found her staring at Sienna’s portraits. She had a looked of wonderment about her eyes when she stared back at Sienna.

  What rather came next was an unexpected icy revelation. “I know everything about you Blake. Every single woman you slept with. All your ins and outs but most of all, I know what has been going on with her.” She pointed a finger towards Sienna’s picture.

  What did she mean by all of my ins and outs? That’s rather creepy and a tad stalker-ish. “Are you having me followed? That’s absurd! Why on earth would you bloody do such a foolish thing?” My loud shrill made her flinch.

  “If I was going to be your future wife, I had to know what you’d been up to. The mere truth that I am in love with you—it eased my mind to know that you were doing okay. Well up until things changed between you and Sienna. I liked her best when you two were friends.”

  Camilla has been following my life for quite awhile then. Has she met Sienna? I cannot believe I didn’t see this one coming. Bloody fuck!

  “What do you know about Sienna?” I asked through gritted teeth.

  “Everything Blake.” She whispered and looked back on Sienna’s pictures again. “Why do you want her so much? Is it sex? If it is, I can be better. Just teach me and show me what to do. I could please you the way she does. I’ll do anything for you, just marry me like how we planned before she came and ruined everything.” She snarled at Sienna’s face. She loathed Sienna—her voice and face gave her away.

  “I am not going to marry you, Camilla—not now, not ever. There’s nothing I can do for you, so please leave my office.”

  “I will stop pursuing this issue if you do two things, and then I’ll be out of your life.” Who would’ve thought the ever sweet Camilla had a conniving side to her?

  She’s after money? What else? “Take me as your date to your company’s next week’s Friday night gala. The second one, you will sleep with me again, goodbye sex nothing more.” My back stiffened and tensed. She expected me to do what?

  “What the bloody fuck do you fancy playing at Camilla? I will not be coerced into doing something I won’t do. If you want to shag, I can arrange that for you. Gladly.”

  She stood up and stood before me. “I do not want another man. I want you. It’s either you concede to my demands or there will be severe consequences.”

  My mood thundered with her threats. “I don’t work well with threats. I cannot oblige your ultimatums. You will stop this maddening obsession and move on.”

  She exhaled and looked conflicted. She knew I would rather keel over than oblige her blasted threats.

  “You are going to regret this Blake!” She haughtily marched out of the apartment and slammed the door shut on her way out of the office.

  Camilla was deranged. A raving bat-shit, loony bin-bound crazy!


  Another measure of absurdity was just added to my chaotic life.

  I pulled out my phone and called my grandfather’s head of security. It’s high time I pay heed to my grandfather’s request and have one for myself. I can’t have another incident of being followed without knowing. I have Sienna to protect and I can’t have her exposed or be in any danger.

  Before I ended the call, I also requested Camilla’s apartment to be swiped clean of any connection to me. I needed her laptop and all other devices to be swiped clean.

  I didn’t want to take any more risks. She knew too much about me and about Sienna. That alone was enough to send alarm bells ringing.



  Chad and I decided to meet up for lunch in Locanda Locatelli on Seymour Street. I’ve been in school and spoke to one of my teachers. Classes were soon over and winter break was on the horizon. That entailed Christmas. Where do I spend it this year? I wondered in dejectedly.

  Last year, I spent it with Blake, Luce and Toby. Toby’s birthday is on the twenty fourth, the day before Christmas. Toby took us to his distant Aunt’s chalet in Courchevel in Tarentaise Valley or part of the famed The Three Valleys (Les Trois Vallées) in the French Alps.

  The holiday season’s a very sensitive
and delicate subject, especially to an orphan like me. I used to spend it with Kyle and his family. I know his family would welcome me with open arms but I couldn’t simply do that to Kyle. I would rather be miserable on Christmas than hurt Kyle again.

  Last Christmas, Blake and I stargazed as we tucked ourselves in a heated blanket. We were warmed by an outdoor fireplace as we studied the stars. I remembered a moment where he looked at me weird, well I thought it weird back then. But now when I recalled his face, I think he wanted to kiss me but held back. I’d give anything to have that man back in my life.

  For two nights in a row, he slept on his side of the bed. He thought I was asleep but I wasn’t. I’ve been waiting up for him and made sure he was fast asleep before I turned over and studied his sleeping face. I am in his life—but only a part of it. How long could I possibly endure him treating me like this? Did he find me repugnant and disgusting?

  I knew Chad was already inside the restaurant, so I strolled in and looked for my friend. To my surprise, Luke was with him. “Hello, hello!” I greeted both gentlemen with a delighted smile.

  “Hello, Sienna! Sorry to intrude but I won’t be long. I needed to see my boyfriend for a second then I head back to work.” Luke took another sip of his wine and stood up.

  “Oh, of course. No need for apologies. We should get together soon.”

  He kissed Chad and gave me a chaste peck on the cheek. The dashing blonde smiled, “Certainly. I’ll call you guys soon.”

  Luke and Chad make the hottest gay couple. I wasn’t being biased or anything, but they absolutely do.

  “The poor Luke couldn’t keep his hands off you, babe.” I teased the ever beaming Chad.

  “I know, right? I truly think he’s my soul mate, baby love. I’ve never felt this kind of connection with any of my boytoys before. I feel like I’ve known him all my life—but I’ve just met him. It’s weird, but you know what I mean?”

  I took a copious sip of my wine. The soul mate crap was total crock of shit. But for Chad, I’d summon my happy face. “I know what you mean babe. I’m so happy for you!” I reached over and pinched his cheek. I have this odd habit with him and only him. I suppose I love him to bits and he’s just so adorable when he’s irresistibly happy.

  “Blake will be joining us by the way. He should be here soon.” My body tensed when he mentioned his name. Boy, I got it so bad for him.

  “Right,” I uttered under my breath as the waiter came by and refilled my glass of wine, which was down in half in a quick second.

  “Oh here comes—the mighty Knightly,” Chad announced. Dressed in his signature all black designer suit, he sauntered in with confidence. He looked powerfully hot and dominated the room with clear authority. Women did a double take and gave him covetous stares. Sigh, the daily life of being Blake.

  Must I endure an entire meal with him being indifferent to me? Maybe I could excuse myself and leave….

  “Chad, Sienna.” He greeted us and softly grazed my cheek. His personal delicious scent enveloped my already hot and screaming senses. He sat across me, next to Chad.

  “Blake,” I muttered, a little breathy.

  Oh yeah, I had to clench my thighs just looking at him. My body has its own stupid mind and I had no clue how to stop it. He once told me my body knew its master….could he be right? Because my body started to melt and simmer before his eyes.

  “Have you guys ordered?” He casually inquired as he browsed through the menu with total coolness.

  “We did—I mean I took the liberty in ordering for Sienna,” Chad said. “She always orders the same thing anyway.” True, I do order the same salmon dish. But I’d rather delve into the dessert section and skip the meal this time.

  When the waiter took Blake’s order, I hastily added my tiramisu and Amedei cioccolato—to be served along with my entrée.

  “Jesus, Sienna. Are you pregnant or something?” Chad found it funny, but I was mortified. Blake totally looked aghast and shocked. Great, this is stupid and so messed up! I’m going to strangle Chad with my bare hands.

  “Right, hell the fuck no! My uterus is not bothering you, or is it Chad?—if not, mind your own business!” I snapped back. My sarcastic retort made him realize his joke wasn’t at all funny.

  “I’m sorry,” Chad apologized. “That was a little rude, forgive me.”

  You bet you’re sorry ass. I nodded in annoyance.

  Blake cleared his throat. I looked at anywhere, but at him. “I actually wanted to speak to you about work, Chad. The Marbella casino design needs a little revision. The design team and I couldn’t agree on anything feasible. I was hoping your artful eye can look into it? If things go according to plan, I want you to head the team. Your work is impressive. Each portrait evoked an emotion and I want the same kind of beauty to surround my clients when they enter the Casino. If this project succeeds under you, I might just indulge you in doing the hotel as well.”

  “Holy shit, that’s like mammoth work! Imagine the publicity that could give me! WOW! I am so qualified for this! Art and design is what I live for! Of course, I would so do it for you! Are you on crack?!!!” Chad shrieked with sheer astonishment.

  This kind gesture would revive Chad’s confidence and would undeniably cement his name as an artist. Blake no doubt needed help with his hired design team and I’m positive that he could hire anyone he desired. But he chose an amateur, Chad, to do it. His confidence in Chad spoke volumes. And the plain fact that he’d take extra measures to ensure Chad is on his way to proper recovery—and what a recovery it’ll be! He looked out for people he cared about. That much was obvious.

  “What’s your going rate?” Blake lightly enquired to the gaping Chad.

  “Nah uh, you won’t pay me dude! This is the least I could do for you after what you’ve done for me. Consider this labor of love and redemption.”

  “If you’re quite sure, I don’t want to take advantage of a recovering friend.”

  The food arrived and my eyes landed squarely on my dolce indulgence. “Yes, quite totally sure!” Chad smirked at my blissful face. I barely touched my entrée and satiated my gnawing appetite for sweets.

  I finished it with record speed and took the opportunity to excuse myself and leave them both. Being this near with Blake—and wide awake, not asleep—made me anxious. Our relationship is at a standstill. But neither he nor I had the nerve to bring up the daunting subject. I suppose we’re both cowards in that respect.

  I was done with school for the day and had nowhere to go, really. So, I decided to be frivolous and treated myself (I needed the works) to the Sanctuary Spa in Covent Garden, a short walk from my flat. I have yet to come back to my own apartment. Since Blake decided that I had to sleep with him (more like next to him at this rate), I seem to have forgotten my own life.

  My beauty jaunt finally finished at six and I darted to Blake’s in Mayfair. It took four and a half hours of blissful massages, scrubbing, waxing, facials (loved the pure oxygen blast), and mani/pedi.

  I checked my phone and smiled when I found a text from Kyle. Yo! A few peeps from motherland passing through Friday. Let me know if you can join us!

  Who’s all coming to visit? I replied. The idea of seeing familiar faces sounded like a good idea right now.

  It’s Mickey and the gang. Are you coming through or what? I would love to but I didn’t want to promise and end up not showing up. I will try. I will get back to you Friday.

  My phone beeped almost immediately. Come on. You gotta try! Yeah, I will.

  That’s the tricky part….Going without having Blake throw a boiling showdown. I will try Kyle. You know I will, k?

  I shoved my phone back to my purse as the cab stopped in front of Blake’s building. I paid and thanked the cabbie.

  When the elevator opened its doors, I knew Luke and Chad were pattering about in the kitchen. Their loud teasing and constant bickering made it evident as they laughed and teased each other. The smell of dinner cooking permeated the air. Both gents
sounded ecstatic. I grinned silly as I passed by the kitchen and entered Blake’s bedroom. My grin instantly vanished when I saw Blake come out of the bathroom, freshly showered with only a white towel wrapped around his hips. It hung loosely and the apparent V on his hips that pointed downwards to his groin—made me drool on the spot. Not to mention his defined chest and chiseled abs made me downright breathless. Hard, defined, bronze masculine beauty at its rawest and finest! What a hot piece of….

  Move bitch and don’t look back, I mentally screamed at myself.

  “How was your afternoon, Sienna?” His placid, formal tone made me snap into reality.

  Yeah, ice man is back.

  “It was fabulous.” I delivered with great fake enthusiasm and sprinted towards the walk-in closet. I’d rather eat dirt than let him know that his indifference affected me a great deal.

  My butt barely reached the large rectangular closet chair when Blake strode in the closet and stood before me. Oh my God! Can’t he put some clothes on before he decides to talk to me? I’m about to faint just by having him this close to me, staring me down with those infinite pools of gold-flecked midnight silver eyes.

  “I wanted to tell you that there’s a company gala on New Year’s Eve. I already informed Chad and everyone. The company made an announcement but this time, William will formally announce his retirement and appoint me as his successor.”

  Right, cheery-o mate! Congratulations? Is that what he expected me to say? His annoying icy formal demeanor makes me want to pull all of his hair out just to see if I can get a reaction. His impartial take on my feelings and obvious disdain, made the dagger in my heart twist a little bit more.

  “Is that all?” my alienated, hollowed voice rasped out. He cocked his face as if to say something then decided against it and left the room hastily.

  I exhaled a heavy sigh and composed myself. I dragged myself to change and joined the merry couple outside to help prepare for dinner. Playing pretend was a more palatable option than facing the icy fact of my present problem.


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